Some dude dropped his gun at Disney World


Unregistered User
From AP

LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP) — A Walt Disney World patron on a ride with her grandson found a loaded gun on her seat, officials said Wednesday.

Officials said that the woman found the pistol on the Dinosaur ride at Animal Kingdom. The woman turned over the loaded weapon to a park attendant, who then contacted her manager and authorities.

The gun's owner, Angelo Lista, told authorities he discovered his gun was missing several minutes after leaving the ride. He has a concealed weapons permit.

Lista told authorities he didn't know Disney World patrons weren't allowed to bring guns. He said he thought the security checkpoint at the entrance to the Florida theme park was only so that guards could check bags for bombs or explosives. Patrons do not walk through metal detectors nor are they subject to patdowns.

Disney World prohibits patrons from bringing weapons of any kind on its property.

It's a good thing SOMEBODY is packing heat at Disney World. You never know when some filthy terrorist is going to highjack a teacup on the Teacup Ride and crash it into Cinderella's castle.
This is what happens when you make a black Disney princess.

Maybe he was getting ready to fire back during the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

He was going to see if he could exchange it for one of those sweet laser guns outside of Space Mountain.

Keep 'em coming guys.
Can't blame Lista, really. His family drove to Orlando all the way from Chicago, had a family member and her dog die on the trip, got his car stripped while asking for directions, and had a car wreck in the middle of nowhere. The guy was clearly at his wit's end.
If the movies I saw as a little kiddo taught me anything, it's to take an assault rifle with you when you whenever your head to the African plains (Scar), the ocean (that octopus-witch), the woods (Bambi's hunters) or a palace (Jafarr).

Just THINK how much easier it would be if Red Riding Hood's granny saw the big, bad wolf, took out her shotgun and SHOT the motherfucker!

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