Some additional news on Kurt Angle



More notes regarding Kurt Angle's WWE release, as reported by the Wrestling Observer:

-- After losing his title at WrestleMania, Kurt Angle adamantly began pushing WWE management to get the title back. While that did not initially play out, he continued pushing hard to make sure he remained a top star.

He pushed Brian Gewirtz to be added to the Vengeance PPV, and, at one point, was actually scheduled to defeat Randy Orton. But, when news of his drug test failure came out (due to having an expired prescription for a drug he took), WWE quickly jobbed him out and suspended him for thirty days.

-- Vince McMahon gave Kurt Angle a stern warning after learning of his drug policy violation; following that, sources say things began getting messy. Kurt Angle would constantly call, email and text message WWE officials and wrestlers. Some say half the messages were senseless, while half were perfectly coherent.

-- He was brought back immediately at the end of his suspension only because ECW needed a big star to return. The ECW lockerroom quickly turned on him due to his "impossible" behavior, which included telling an agent that when he accidentally dropped RVD on his head during a match, it was actually RVD's fault. He would have another confrontation with RVD based on something he said in the ring during one of their matches.

-- Angle also petitioned very hard to be added to the Summerslam card. His campaigning worked, as the original plan was to make the ECW Championship bout a four-way. But, following his groin injury at the 8/13 house show, Vince McMahon pulled him from the Summerslam card.

-- On August 21, Angle called Johnny Ace and said he was being wheeled through the airport. He said his massage therapist claimed he had a torn abdominal muscle. Vince reportedly made a decision at this time to both set up an MRI and, if necessary, fire Angle.

-- Kurt Angle was released from his contract (and given some money) on 8/25. Terms of his release remain unclear.

-- Some of the major non-WWE wrestling names (All Japan, NOAH and TNA) expressed immediate interest in Angle upon learning of his release. While he could very well wrestle for another promotion (which would upset WWE, both as a company and as an entity looking out for Angle's health), a bigger fear on WWE's part is that he'll take a job with an MMA promotion and put his health in further danger.

Well what it seems like to me now is... Kurts obviously obsessed with being Champion... I really really hope he doesnt come back and do more damage to his body... he should just stay out for awhile... then come back to the WWE and be the performer he could be...
Agreed I hope Kurt goes away for a while, could be a long whil, gets his body right and his frame of mind right as well and comes back.

Seems some Bad Blood between Kurt and WWE... so you knows if he will come back to the WWE.. mhe may go to TNA etc

But as long as he is healthy then that is the main thing..... and if that means we never seem him again thrn so be it... will be praying we do though
I love Angle. And his health comes first, he's entertained us for a while but he's been needing this time off to get himself straight.
TNA couldn't fullfill Angle's paycheck that he made in WWE every week. Angle was bringing in about a million a year.
Angle should just stop, he's passion will kill him, i'd love to see him back in the ring, but i really think it wouldn't be worth it, he's done it all. He's set to be a future HOF in about 10-15 years. What else does he want to prove. Id only like if it came back completely healthy.
You see this is why I dont want Angle to come back... He's in his 30's and his body is already so brittle... So how do we kno if he comes back.. He'll once again retain a lot of injuries... And end up costing him his life...
angle is comming back to snackdown in a couple of month then smackdow is gonna be loaded with cena jeffhardy and benoit returning
I know Angle's body might be beat up, but it can do a hell of a lot more than the vast majority of professional wrestling's talent nowadays. He should take at least half a year to heel (preferably one year) then start getting involved in storylines again without wrestling. Eventually, he'll begin destroying people again. I understand that he's in his late 30's, but that is still a relatively young age in wrestling. If you think about it, Benoit is still dominating and I'm sure that if Bret Hart and Dean Malenko trained for a bit - they'd come back and look better than 90% of the WWE's roster. Angle is still quite young.

I'm confident that we all want him back and the fact is that he probably is destined for it. The McMahon's know that bringing Kurt back would make everyone's heart melt and this is something that Kurt knows too. If he is headed for TNA, I don't really see quality matches in store for him there. TNA is amazing, but it's not a place for wrestlers along the lines of Angle. I think that the WWE should make Smackdown! the show where the more technically proficient wrestlers go. Angle belongs with guys like Benoit, Shelton Benjamin, Sylvester Terkay, and Charlie Haas. Perhaps these guys would be better appreciated by ECW fans. Imagine Angle vs. CM Punk...

Bottom line, he's coming back. It's a matter of when.

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