so with JBL as the IC Champ...


I got to thinking, and thinking pretty hard about this but couldn't come up with anything. I might be thinking too hard or just not hard enough but here is my question... can it really work for an IC Champ to hold the title AFTER they've already held the WHC or the WWE title? I mean... it just seems to have no meaning to the current holder if they've already won the big one. Could the situation work though? Like maybe not JBL specifically, but could we have a really good effective IC Champion that has already held the big one?

Also, have there been any past title holders that won the big one, but then later won the IC title and made a successful and meaningful run with it? This discussion is limited to the IC Title and not the US Title because the US Title has had at least one (like it or not... Benoit had a pretty decent one) situation like it.

Can anyone shed some light on this if it could work or if it's happened before? I'm going just by memory and not going on to the site to look up title histories and such.
Triple H held the I.C. belt in 2001 and his run was alright. Probably more meaningful since he held it with Austin as the world champ and they had the tag belts. But it worked. Another good one was Kane. Hell Shawn Michaels won the world title and later won the European belt. Yes it can be done, just not by all and I don't see anyone on the roster right now who could do it. I almost forgot Jericho.
That statement is flawed severely because there have been a bunch of wrestlers who have won a second tier(IC, Euro, US) title after a world title.
- Cm Punk -Triple H -Ric Flair
-Jericho -Shawn Michaels
-Benoit - Big Show
If anything i think it strengthens the IC or US belt that a former world champ wins it
True dat and it takes a special talent to do it...I don't think Cena can run as a mid-card champ cause its not believable to the fans. I still wish Kane would get his justice and hold the World title longer than 1 day after a pay-per-view.
the i.c. belt use to be a steping stone for guys who are almost ready for the main event. now its like nothin anybody holds onto it. like a-train, lance storm , nd santino. to answer the question. its does not work for someone who has been wh champion to challege or become i.c. campion. its like geting demoted who would want to do that
i think in the case with jbl it was prob to boost his resume and make him a grand slam champ. i guess hes earned it with his years of service despite the fact hes completely rubbish.
I have always viewed the IC Title, as a Title reserved for Junior Heavyweights, who have potential of moving into the Main Event. Therefore, I can't say I am particularly fond of JBL holding the title. I am not in favor of Heavyweights holding that title, especially after they have already held a Heavyweight title, like JBL.

There are two exceptions I would be willing to make ... and that is Rey Mysterio and CM Punk, since I don't think they should have ever been made a Heavyweight Champion to begin with. Punk because he wasn't ready, and Rey because (sadly) he just isn't big enough for the Heavyweight Division. But Rey would make a great IC Champ. And I felt Punk made a good Champ, as well.

I can only hope JBL drops the title to Mysterio at Mania, which I have a feeling he will ... given rumors of his Mania announcement.
Jericho was a good one for this situation, he was the whole undisputed champion and came back to the IC title a few times and back up. I used to think that too, that back to IC champ was a demotion and that people that went back to it was a pretty good sign that they wouldn't be back to World Champ. I guess in the case of Jericho I got that wrong. I dont see JBL or Mysterio being world champ again though
If Vince and/or creative wanted the IC title or the US title to mean something they would. Think about it like this .... if CM Punk was IC champ for a 3 or 4 month period I think he would have a bigger crowd base than say a WWE champ or Heavyweight Champ if they were Edge or Big Show. I don't think Vince wants the IC or US champ to steal thunder from the big belts. If he wanted to make those belts into something big again he could do it quite easily. Edge, Orton, Triple H, Undertaker, Cena, Jericho, Big Show, Batista when he gets back, maybe CM Punk all are in the mix for the two big belts. Wouldn't the IC belt be given a boost up in status if it was held by say Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Rey Misterio, Kane or a Legacy member for a 5 or 6 month reign.
Don't count on JBL keeping it anyways. Look for him to retire at Mania after defending it (hense his surprise). Look for it to end up in an IC tourney thus beginning the launching pad of the next HBK...John Morrision.
JBL will beat Rey but lose to the MITB winner, probably Christian... who will "one up" his historical announcement by cashing in MITB for the IC title.

That alone would build the belt back up... and Christian is former TNA World Champion too... but for him not a demotion... but a chance to prove to Vince he can run with the ball...
THTRobtaylor, that would basically negate what the MITB winner is though. It would ruin what it represents by winning MITB and then not going after the World or WWE title, please. Whoever wins MITB will not go after the I.C. belt because 1) its not good for the MITB and 2) it wouldnt do anything for the superstar who wins.
Even though its not the IC title but Sting was a several time WCW Champion and then went on to win the US Title (which is the same as the IC Title). Same with Bret Hart he was WWF champ and when he went to WCW he went on to win the US Title before he went on to win the WCW Title. Also Shawn Michaels was a 2 time WWF champ before he won the European Title which meant less then the IC title and probably the dumbest title ever.
Having a former world champ hold the title i belive is good for the belt as long as they can run with it eg Y2J, CM Punk and Jiggly Boobed Loser have or will have good runs, provided JBL dosent retire post WMXXV
I have a feeling that will happen . . . but with JBL don't you think his ego ( in and out of the ring) would prohibit him from retiring so . . . non- significantly. I mean WOW he is retiring with IC belt . . . big deal. Im not buying he's retiring just yet - but then again. . . it does seem fitting.

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