So who will turn face, Jericho or Owens?


Championship Contender
Lets's face it....the fans love them both, they're both hilarious, and both would be extremely over if they turned.

I think we all assumed Jericho would go face as he was really getting the cheers and he kept getting screwed over and left behind to take beatings by Owens. But Jericho has been extra dickish lately, and he hit us with the swerve. Eventually it seems these two will "break up", and feud.

Who should turn? Jericho because he's the vet who is so respected that fans want to cheer him? Or Owens, as he's got a lomg, great career ahead of him and could potentially be the top face if they don't turn him into a cornball when/if he turns?
Kevin Owens plays a ******** type heel with perfection. I've never seen him as a face and I'm not sure I'd buy into it really. Y2J can do both easily, so if one of them turned, the safe bet would have to be Y2J as a face.
Kevin Owens plays a ******** type heel with perfection. I've never seen him as a face and I'm not sure I'd buy into it really. Y2J can do both easily, so if one of them turned, the safe bet would have to be Y2J as a face.

That's my line of thought as well. I'd like to see Owens revert more back to that dangerous, scheming thinking man's sociopath. Owens and Jericho have great chemistry and what they're doing has been fun, but it can't last forever; Jericho is so versatile that I think turning him face would be the safer move.
I would like it to be Jericho as well.

I don't know how Owens is as a face and I would surely like to see him turn face but not at this moment. I will prefer Jericho going face instead of Owens as I know that he can be good as a face too. Plus, logically Jericho has been screwed multiple times which just makes him more vulnerable for a face turn and also It makes the most sense too. Owens has had nothing to justify a face turn but Jericho has multiple reasons.
I think Owens is going to make a fantastic face whenever they decide to turn him, but in this scenario, it only makes sense for Jericho to play the face. He's the one who's been getting the short end of the stick, basically playing Owens' lackey while KO uses him to keep the Universal title around his ample waist, and he's the one who the fans have been treating as their favorite, not Kevin Owens.

Besides, there are still legs behind Kevin Owens as a heel champion as we haven't even begun to delve into his relationship with HHH. I don't know how exactly they'd go about turning Jericho though... Owens turning on Y2J seems unlikely. Maybe they start to go the Charlotte/Dana route? I think that could work. It would definitely get the fans even more on Jericho's side while finally giving KO the heel heat that his title reign has been lacking.
I think Owens is going to make a fantastic face whenever they decide to turn him, but in this scenario, it only makes sense for Jericho to play the face. He's the one who's been getting the short end of the stick, basically playing Owens' lackey while KO uses him to keep the Universal title around his ample waist, and he's the one who the fans have been treating as their favorite, not Kevin Owens.

Besides, there are still legs behind Kevin Owens as a heel champion as we haven't even begun to delve into his relationship with HHH. I don't know how exactly they'd go about turning Jericho though... Owens turning on Y2J seems unlikely. Maybe they start to go the Charlotte/Dana route? I think that could work. It would definitely get the fans even more on Jericho's side while finally giving KO the heel heat that his title reign has been lacking.

That's a good point on HHH, they've gone so long without addressing that, that I wasn't even thinking about it.
Logically, Chris Jericho should be the one to turn Face, but this is the WWE we’re discussing. I don’t really care who turns Face and who stays Heel, as long as Chris Jericho wins the WWE Universal Championship Title Belt. Actually, it might make more sense for Jericho to turn Heel and steal the Championship victory over Kevin Owens.
Logically, Chris Jericho should be the one to turn Face, but this is the WWE we’re discussing. I don’t really care who turns Face and who stays Heel, as long as Chris Jericho wins the WWE Universal Championship Title Belt. Actually, it might make more sense for Jericho to turn Heel and steal the Championship victory over Kevin Owens.

I agree, Jericho should get a run. Forget this "he doesn't need it".....nobody "needs" it. Give it to the most deserving person. Jericho has been on fire all year. Rollins is a boring face. Reigns....nah. There's nobody else. When Owens loses it, hopefully it's Jericho winning it.
With the fact of watching Owens under his real name of Kevin Steen as a babyface in Ring Of Honor,I would love to see him as a babyface eventually. He not only was a great face, but he was THE face of Ring Of Honor when I started watching it. Him as a face is what really got him over to begin with. However,it's not the right timing. It makes more sense for it to be Jericho to turn face.
I think Jericho turns face. There are still good matchups and stories to tell with KO as a heel. I think he'd do fine as a face, as he is well-regarded, but I'm afraid WWE would try to make him the white-meat babyface type as they have so often done with others and that does not seem to fit his personality. His current character could easily be a face if you only subtract some of the tactics that he uses. his personality wouldn't even have to change that much.

I like Jericho as a face, because he is still given some leash as a performer and can do really great things whether heel or face or in between.
The fact that jericho is leaving soon probably after wrestlemania, it would be a logical move to have jericho as a babyface before he leave, plus they really need heels on raw right now and having owens take jericho out of the company would just make him more of a main event heel that he is right now.
The way they've been booking this, Jericho should and I think he will.

What makes me believe this is that Jericho clearly is portrayed as the one who believes in the friendship and is more kind-hearted, he has his list and all that stuff, whereas Owens destroyed that list , once. And he's been champion only because of Chris Jericho. Plus he once let Jericho get pedigreed every week for 5 weeks straight by Seth Rollins.

On a non-kayfabe note, Jericho is a legend and fans will be easier to get sympathetic with him, just like what happened between Jericho and HBK in 2008. HBK clearly wasn't playing nice, but the fans chose him over Y2J.

The only thing that this misses, is why would Owens betray Jericho. Owens is the champ. It's usually the challenger that betrays the other guy.

Don't be surprised if Reigns wins, only to drop the belt quickly to Jericho, so that Owens can get back into the challenger position. I actually think that Jericho should get the belt before the feud kicks off. That will add fuel to the fire and will show that Owens really did need Jericho to succeed. That's how you get Owens to get jealous, a role Owens excels as a heel. Then Owens drops Jericho and the feud starts.
Even though it pains me to say it because I LOVE the work he's done as a heel over the past year or so, I think it has to be Jericho. They will play it safe because they know he can play babyface or heel easily and get over as either/or. But seriously, he's the most entertaining character WWE has at the moment and it's going to suck when his next scheduled time off approaches.
Jericho for a number of reasons... not least that he can sell half of a Wrestlemania main event for the title against Owens as a "big name".

How does it happen? Jericho wins the Rumble of course, and much like the old Triple H/Batista thing back in the day he refuses to take on AJ Styles... KO can use the whole "you beat him last year at Mania" thing to try and convince him and be clearly panicked/manipulating. Jericho then just has to come out with the light jacket etc one time and do a "Never...EVVVER" promo and it's on...

The twist is Jericho can still be quite heelish in his ways, especially winning the Rumble... I could see a repeat of Flair in 92... him taking out Brock and Goldberg at the end to pick up the win... It would be perfect if he then had to face Goldberg in Feb, win but KO botches... so KO feels he is owed but Jericho sees it differently... "I got you DQ's or Goldberg DQ's" or even a tainted pin". Setting up Jerichio v Owens and of course Chris can immediately drop the title he wins at Mania to Finn Balor the following night...

Another reason this is likely is as a "victory lap" for Jericho, they gave Kane and Big Show the big Rumble spots a few years back and then Show the Battle Royale... Jericho is a bigger level guy than both so a Rumble win and one last "Mania Moment" make sense for Vince to give him...on the understanding the following night in a triple threat he puts over Balor and then is gone either permanently or for long enough to make it meaningful and the RAW title picks up where it was meant to a few months back, with an added "bonus" rematch for Summerslam's main event after which it's "Thank's Chris...see you in the HOF next year"

KO going face at this point kills him dead... and I am pretty sure that prior to this run for Jericho, the 10th IC title would have been his "reward" but as in 2008 he's forced the issue... and it would be monumentally dumb of Vince to not use him one last time in a Mania main event while he is hot... Sure he doesn't put over Owens, but he does by being in the match... much as how he helped Punk...
Owens needs to be a career Heel. At this point in Jericho's career it is a testament to how good he is that he is even getting over as a heel.

I am sure way down the line Owens will have a run as a face, they all do at one time or another. Mr. Perfect, Miz, Del Rio, Orton, all natural heels that were faces at one time or another. Just hope it is WAY down the line.
Owens needs to be a career Heel. At this point in Jericho's career it is a testament to how good he is that he is even getting over as a heel.

I am sure way down the line Owens will have a run as a face, they all do at one time or another. Mr. Perfect, Miz, Del Rio, Orton, all natural heels that were faces at one time or another. Just hope it is WAY down the line.

I disagree. I think he's the kind of guy who can be a GREAT face for stretches as long as he's basically the same guy character wise but just wrestles heels and wrestles his matches more face style(which he can do...he's got the move set).

I can see him being more like HHH and Ric Flair, where they are mainly heels but had some pretty great (if not real long) face runs in their primes too.
Jericho easily. Owens turning on Jericho gives him more heel heat. Something Owens have been missing for a while.
The one to turn face should be Chris Jericho. It would make more sense. Jericho has his lengthy list of catchphrases that will easily generate tremendous reactions from the fans, whether it be the old stuff or newer lines like "YOU JUST MADE THE LIST!". Why would you turn someone with that much face material heel? Jericho is gifted at portraying both alignments so he could still make it work if he had to go heel. Owens, on the other hand, is a little better at being a heel. He can be funny so I'm sure he could do fine as a face if/when the time comes. His remarks are perfect for a heel though. His work in NXT is proof, Owens is a great heel. When the "best friends" split for good, Chris Jericho should be the face and Kevin Owens should be the heel. I hope they save it for Wrestlemania. If they do go the route of Owens as a face against Jericho as a heel I am fine with that too, but it wouldn't have as much potential.
The fact that jericho is leaving soon probably after wrestlemania, it would be a logical move to have jericho as a babyface before he leave, plus they really need heels on raw right now and having owens take jericho out of the company would just make him more of a main event heel that he is right now.

Is it a fact that he's leaving after Mania, or just speculation? Due to all of Jericho's runs from his 2012 return on being short, I think everyone assumed this one would be too. But he's been around for an entire year now. I see there are a few Fozzy shows booked for the spring, but it doesn't seem that extensive at this point. He could just be off TV for a few weeks, unless I'm missing where he actually said he's leaving?
Owens is verbally abusing kids and old people at live events, serious kayfabe-era heel behavior. Face turn anytime soon is not plausible.
Owens is verbally abusing kids and old people at live events, serious kayfabe-era heel behavior. Face turn anytime soon is not plausible.

I'm curious to know how closely Jericho works with Owens behind the scenes. Jericho was well known for living his heel gimmick 100% of the time back in 2008-10, ignoring little kids when they asked for his autograph, insulting people at house shows, etc. Plus he refused to let WWE make any merchandise for him. He did everything he could to be hated. I'd have to think he's passed on a lot of advice to Owens.
the safe bet would be Jericho. Fans want to cheer him and he has proven he can get a fan reaction no matter what he's doing.

Owens is going Old School with getting heat so him turning in anyway I don't see happening any time soon
I'm curious to know how closely Jericho works with Owens behind the scenes. Jericho was well known for living his heel gimmick 100% of the time back in 2008-10, ignoring little kids when they asked for his autograph, insulting people at house shows, etc. Plus he refused to let WWE make any merchandise for him. He did everything he could to be hated. I'd have to think he's passed on a lot of advice to Owens.

Have you never watched Owens outside of the WWE, the guy is a total villain. I have never seen anything more ruthless and vile than seeing him spit on Jay Lethal's mom during a match. Owens has been a vile son of a bitch for over a decade.
I would like to see Jericho take another face turn. He is good on the mic and funny when he wants to be. I would however, get rid of that list. No one seems to care about it anyway. When he was face, all his promos were great. Now he just seems to serious of a character and too attached to that list of his. I think that he can beat Owens should they end up facing each other. This would make for a great feud for Raw.
Jericho, just because he can make it work in a drop of a dime. Without mention he is already over with most of the audience.

One of the greatest performers of all time, give him a piece of shit and he will turn it into gold.

And even when Kevin has been great, pairing him with Jericho elevated Owens to a whole new level. He needs to be THE heel on RAW.

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