So where the hell is THE ROCK???


Pre-Show Stalwart
6 months back we all were told that Rock is about to come back in wrestling world. He definately was not coming back to wrestle but to guest host the show or may be just to a small storyline where he doen not really have to wrestle (like being a ring enforcer or something). Inspite him not wrestling still the whole wwe universe was excited about this. Even The Rock assured it in some interviews in the past that he is planning to return to WWE for a small stint where he is not going to wrestle but going to do something special. The Rock confirmed in the past that he will return sometime in summer. Now summer has come and about to pass after a month. We still dont have any idea where the hell The Rock is. What angle he was talking about in his interviews that was going to be cool?? Everyone seems to forget about this. He was rumored to apppear at Raw that held in Miami last month but he was not even at backstage. Now guest Host concept almost being finished where is The most anticipated guest host? Whare is The Rock??


I still wish he will show up in wwe ring before the end of the summer. The only thing that would be cool is to reveal him The Rock as Nexus leader and him guiding them for a month oor something before leaving WWE after Barret losing loser leaves Raw match(on Rock's behalf) from Cena. Now there are 2 questions that raise from this thread.

1. Where is Rock?? Is he really come back or will he come back this summer as he said ??

2. If he come back , will he be revealed as Nexus leader(Nexus mainly attacked Cena and we all know they have a real life fued). Or what was the cool angle that Rock talked about in his interviews. Was it Nexus angle??
I heard of The Rock coming to WWE this summer because he has a break in movies and he wanted to do a last run because he doesn't feel like he had a offical parting from the fans. I didn't really believe it at first. But now with the mystery G.M. deal i started to wonder if it is him. But now after noticing the past 2 Raws the GM been using WWE Ledgend quotes I'm starting to the the The Rock might be possibly the Raw GM.
Honestly I've lost interest wheather he returns or not wwe has gotten along just fine without the great 1 this long haven't they?I must admit I'm a lil bit curious 2 know who da gm is whoever it is and if its him great and if it aint that's great 2
Never doubt the Great One my friend.. when the time is right, and things have settled down a bit, THAT is when you will see him. did you notice the TV spot tonight for his new movie "the other guys"? and how the WWE has a mini promotion going on for it's release? that is around the time you will see him. Will he be "Leading Nexus"? probably not. would be really cool though, as the rock has actually mocked others catchphrases in the past (video on Youtube of it.. funny as hell! especially when he does the Bret hart one, Shawn Michaels looks like he's about to piss himself) but the Rock will show this summer. you have to remember summer doesn't start in the WWE untill Summerslam.
John Cena and Rock do not have a feud in real life. If you are referring to the crack at Cena's movies during a HOF induction, it was planned for comical effect.

Anyway, I agree with you. Seriously, SD's 10th anniversary is barely remembered nowadays (or brought up in discussion) so where the hell is The Rock?
I swear, it's been so long, and he sold out for movies, I wouldn't hesitate or regret chanting "You sold out! You sold out! You sold out!" infact I'd be hoping for the older fans to catch on. Make Rocky know where his place is now that he's gone for kids movies.

Although they (Cena/Rock) say they're not alike, they refuse to self percieve the "flaws" that many see.

1) They both do movies
2) They both appeal to kids
3) They are/were both billed as the face of WWE
4) Cena's apperance meant to create an aura of an electrifying presence, much like The Rock
5) They both had high grossing first (action) movies

Now despite the "far stretches" some may see, it's still there.

Will Rock lead nexus? No, I highly doubt it.
Will he come back? Expect him to come back when his movie career is even more down the toilet. I would actually dislike his current personality, only in it for money. I would boo him, chant "You sold out" and I would have no need to parlay why I would chant "ROCKY SUCKS! ROCKY SUCKS!".

If he came back, to earn my respect he would have to have a large role. Even Bret Hart, a technically handicapped star, at the age of 52 with family affairs and personal rivalries, returned. For about 5 months. If I didn't already respect him, I would have.
The Rock would have to be involved in at least 2 months of solid, entertaining storyline(s) for me to have the full respect he used to have.
Found the video i was talking about with mocking others catchphrases

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If you look, even the always serious Big Boss Man is laughing. this is why im saying dont count the rock out, im also NOT saying he is the GM. but the same thing people were saying about it cant be stone cold because the WWE would keep it secret till it happened, but anyway, thought i'd share that with you, hope you get a bit of a Rocky fix to keep you going for now.

also it should be noted, that all those guys he imitates were in WCW at the time of the Promo, as it was Alive and (sorta) well.
and to Midgetmania619, i do have a question, what was left for him to do? Both Him and Steve Austin both did it all, was nothing left for either one of them that had not been done, why stay around and be the next Ric Flair? or Hogan? Ric aint done nothing really big in YEARS. so why should guys like Rocky and Austin stay doing the same thing their whole lives, JUST for your enjoyment? do they not have the right to branch off, and do something new? something that they ALSO enjoy? so to say thy lost your respect due to it is not only pretty sad, but pretty selfish. they have both came back at points here and there to show their appreciation to what helped launch their career. im HAPPY for the Rock, and Stone Cold, and think they are better for what they are doing now, rather than turn out like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan.. Shells of the people they use to be, and now only doing it for the Money
PFFT suckers are born every minute. He has nothing left to do in wrestling, bout the only thing he could do is come back and either battle Cena for a People's Champ vs Mixed Reaction Champ or host RAW, and at some point in the future HOF bound, unless that's gonna impact his movie career....

He probably always sais ya never know i'd love to come back just so people would remember his face and go to watch his movies (which are a mixed bag in entertainment value)

I remember him also saying he was done with wrestling never to return, and wanted to concentrate on movies as it is a much larger audience, along with some dirogatory statements towards wrestling in general when he finally parted ways with the WWE banner.

just a side note, he's not allowed to use the name "The Rock" as thats a name trademarked to WWE and he was allowed to use it while he was still under the WWE movies contract, but a few crafty advertisers throw it in to sell tickets.

jabroni-beatin_pie-eatin hit the nail on the head, why should he? he has nothing to prove, he busted his ass to entertain the "Millions & Millions of The Rock's fans" during the most violent time in wrestling and it wouldn't serve a purpose anyway.

What have him come back and job to Cena? why? or have him beat Cena? once again why?

Not like he needs the torch passed or anything and noone else, that Rocky hasn't already battled thats on the current rosters really deserves the honor of battling one of the greatest "entertainers" in WWE history

I say Mythbusted for a regular gig. a few appearances like Bret Hart did is
the most likely scenario.

Never say never when it comes to WWE. Unlikely yes, Possible though.
If he does i'll mark out but i'm not gonna be distraught if it never happens, that shipped sailed years ago same with Austin. Just watch tapes of the attitude era and see them in top form the way they should be remembered.
as for the GM, i'm leaning towards Triple H (heel) since he's realistically the next in line to take over WWE. and has gripes with Cena and Orton, both who seem to be the faces of the anti-nexus movement and will be returning in a month or so, just in time for a rebellion going into SummerSlam

Something along the lines of since Shawn went and screwed up once again leaving Triple H to go it alone again, there's nothing left for him except to take over

The only thing about that scenario is where does Shamus fit into the equation. Nothing stopping them saying that was all a swerve
Honestly, I'm a huge rock fan but now I just don't care if he comes back or not. If he does, that's fucking awesome, but if he doesn't, whatever. I dont need him to enjoy the product. Is he the GM? I highly doubt it, since I doubt Rock will ever come back.
See, what everyone didn't realize is that when the Rock cut that promo talking about returning as guest host and closed with that cute little line about "Maybe it's time that The Rock came back and hosted Monday Night RAW!?", is that once the video ended, it was followed up with "Or, you know, maybe not? All depends on whether or not I get asked to do The Tooth Fairy II".

Huge failure to follow up on that Rock promo if you ask me. Absolutely huge. That had people revved for weeks just waiting to hear that The Rock would be hosting on X date and it never happened. Big time, big time failure.
Found the video i was talking about with mocking others catchphrases

If you look, even the always serious Big Boss Man is laughing. this is why im saying dont count the rock out, im also NOT saying he is the GM. but the same thing people were saying about it cant be stone cold because the WWE would keep it secret till it happened, but anyway, thought i'd share that with you, hope you get a bit of a Rocky fix to keep you going for now.

also it should be noted, that all those guys he imitates were in WCW at the time of the Promo, as it was Alive and (sorta) well.

If the Rock came back as guest host or GM that would be great. But you know else who mocked everybody. It's a guy name Eugene. So you can't count him out either:lmao:
I hope he does come back. There was another time on RAW a few years back he appeared on the titantron. He teased a return then, but spooked away. The WWE is doing so well right now with interesting story lines, having someone like The Rock come back for GM or something of that sense would be icing on the cake.
I think the Rock is the GM. Think about it, first it was Stone Cold lines wwere used. After that we all guessed the Rock lines would be next. But they threw us a curveball and a Roddy Piper line was used. If they are not gonna use Rock lines you gotta think its him, right? or am i just looking too much into this? If he is revealed as the GM there's no where else to go from there so idk
There were rumors that he was coming back, but they probably either 1. weren't true or 2. The Rock changes his mind. He has a lot of movies coming up and I bet when he has the free time he will come back to have a little fun on RAW.
Yeah... Guys, let's be objective. It's just not happening. Ever.

Look, The Rock is perfectly fine with the schedule he has. He's getting paid more, and quite frankly, he's a star in Hollywood. How can we expect for him to come back, really? The guy just does not want to come back to Monday Night Raw, Smackdown, NXT, iMPACT, GLOW, Explosion, Nitro, or any other programming you can imagine. The guy is set to star in movies for the rest of his career, and never have to work another day in his life.

I can't expect him to come back, and no one else should, really. I'm not sure why everyone always fantasizes about this, but the Rock has absolutely no interest in wrestling.
As much I would love to see The Rock come back, even for one night, I really doubt that it is going to happen.

Sure, he has done a lot for the WWE and the WWE has done a lot for him. Some people say that he owes it to the fans and the WWE to come back and do something. But that isnt true. He has other things to do. He really has no reason to come back. Vince would love to have him back to host and might feel like he should, but The Rock has nothing to benefit from making an appearance.

The Rock is one of my favorite wrestlers and I would love to see him for even a second on WWE television. But its not happening.
I am starting doubt if The Rick is coming back this summer and I am not too bothered about that, to be honest.

I mean, The Rock is a busy guy and he might not have a lot of time. Sure, he has said that he is coming back for a final run with the company but things change and the plans of Hollywood are anything but secure. If he can&#8217;t find the time to come back to the WWE, then so be it. The Rock has given us enough moments to talk about already and I don&#8217;t think that I would really mind if he ever came back. Sure, I love The Rock and I would love to see him in the WWE again but the WWE has moved on without him and The Rock was pretty much did the same thing. Both of these entities don&#8217;t need the other anymore and the only reason that this rumour exists is because of the love that we have for The Rock and the lack of a formal exit that he got.

The Rock said that he would come back this summer and although I would like to see it, I just don&#8217;t think it is going to happen. Both of the entities have a lot going on right now and I am unsure that there is a place for the Rock on WWE programming right. He is always welcomed but the WWE is doing really well at this point and I just don&#8217;t know where The Rock would fit back into that mould. Some have said that he could be leading The Nexus but I seriously doubt that. The Rock will be a face when he comes back to the wrestling business and it would be a huge mistake to think otherwise. It also wouldn&#8217;t make a lot of sense and I think it would just be reaching.

I would just have him come back and have him feud with Cena for a while. Have him put Cena over and then leave and we will all be very happy indeed. Don&#8217;t hold your breath though.
One reason why the WWE has kept the Guest Host angle going for as long as they have is because they and The Rock have been trying to work out a time in which The Rock could be Guest Host for Raw. However, I do believe it's starting to look less and less likely as the Guest Host angle looks like it's being phased out. Personally, I think it's probably past time for it to happen. They've really done all they can and they were really scraping the bottom of the barrel this week with Florence Henderson as she hasn't been relevant in well over 30 years except to long time Brady Bunch fans.

According to some stuff that's being reported on the net, The Rock has been cast to star in the next movie in The Fast & The Furious series. Well, there goes that franchise. George Clooney helped kill the Batman movie franchise for nearly a decade and I'm not so sure the F&F is going to be in any better shape with The Rock.
I'm new to wrestling and have never been able to experience attitude era ish wrestlers like stone cold and rock
so i'd love if he had one last hoorah so i could see him live, but he sold out, so i'm lenient on whether i want him back or not
At this point, I would have to believe The Rock is not coming back to WWE. It's been so long since he hinted at guest hosting Raw during the video promo on Smackdown, and I just can't believe he's coming back anymore. The Rock is happy with his movie career, and he has been trying to distance himself from the world of pro wrestling for quite some time now. Sure he might cut a video promo every now and then, and he was at the Hall Of Fame a couple of years ago, but it's just hard for me to see him coming back into a WWE ring, and hosting an entire show, because you just know Vince is going to want to use him as much as he can throughout show, because who knows when we might see him again?

We might not see The Rock in a WWE ring for a VERY long time or ever again, and that's just something we're going to have to accept.

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