So...Whats with Abyss?

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Dark Match Winner
I've just watched an Impact repeat on Bravo and I saw the segment with Abyss and Matt Morgan. And while I usually keep up with TNA Impact results but its been a very long time since I've sat down and watched it. And all I can say from the entire thing it "Seriously wut!?" WTF did they do with Abyss. He can talk now. He see's a counsellor. I'm sorry but where literally about 2 episodes of Impact off having Abyss run out with a different mask on claiming its his schizophrenic alter ego 'Chasm'.

And is it just my Wide Screen or has Abyss' physique become one of those that has surpassed even the most blubbary of animals.

Anyway, I'm not saying this to mock the overall TNA product, but just the evolution of the Abyss character seems to be well...stupid and lacklust if I'm honest.

Thoughts on where Abyss is going from this?
Abyss is the TNA Kane and he'll be booked as such. Eventually Kane started talking and becoming more humanized, and that's what TNA is doign with Abyss. He talked on Thursday and the promo was standard for his character. That's the problem with him: he's the character he was 3-4 years ago, but now he talks. He's good in the ring, but he's going back to the hardcore stuff again that we've seen so many times. Even the tacks are pointless now because we've seen them so many times and there's nothing impressive about them. Abyss needs to get into the main event scene and not ahve random hardcore feuds for 3 months at a time.
It must be your wide screen, he's about the same size he's always been.

What's this "Chasm" thing your talking about? He's never done that. Unless you are misspeaking. If that's the case, I'm sorry for misunderstanding.

Anyway, Abyss tried getting help and it seemed like it worked. Now he's reverting back to the old monster Abyss. His mic skills have greatly improved.

I'm really not sure what your asking though, if you actually watch iMPACT! you'd be able to see where his character is going. Its not that difficult.
As KB mentioned, Abyss has pretty much grown as stale as Kane has. He cannot truly be seen as anything more than a has been that isn't feared anymore. That similarity runs with Kane.

Freak characters are only freaks for so long until they are boring. You get used to them. If you are used to a freak, they are no longer a freak. We are used to seeing Abyss do all the things he has done since he came to TNA. The only logical thing was to make him talk, as they did with Kane. And once we saw that, it was more than over.
I just LOL'd so much at the last part of your post. Just because of how true it is. Like with Kane, everyone was like "SPEAK SPEAK YOU MOTHER FUCKER", then when he did we all turned around and was like "Seriously...What."

It's the same with Abyss, they had him talk, its not all that impressive. The next thing we will see is that he takes the mask off. And unless he has a third eye or something under there. Its not going to be all that impressive either.

Also whats the reasoning behind 'the mask', has that ever been explained?
In fairness though, you can't really compare Abyss to Kane...

Listening to Abyss speak is pathetic, he half cries as he talks and talks about how wonderful his friends and therapists all are....
Ummm, we don't care Abyss. We just wanna see you kick the crap out of somebody. So go do that. Stop messing up his character so badly, TNA...
He just needs to wrestle Kurt Angle some more. I thought he was nothing more than a giant stuntman with a powerhouse moveset when I first saw him. His feud with Christian over the belt was pretty good I thought, but relied quite heavily on gimmick matches. It wasn't until he got a title match against Kurt on PPV and was forced to tap and the rematch in the cage that I became a real fan of his. They also had a good match recently with Angle doing that crazy dive off the stage.

I heard that he doesn't have confidence in his abilities as a wrestler enough to stray away from the weapons and I guess this recent stint was his attempt. I personally liked the Morgan/Abyss team but they jobbed to people despite both being huge, so that had to be destroyed and now Abyss seems to have taken a step back to the weapon freak.

I enjoy a good violent match from time to time, but this guy is better than he thinks he is and should try some meaningful feuds with the big players. Like, why isn't he in the Frontline? He's an original and has feuded with half their members. He'd cancel out the size of Nash and Steiner. AJ, Joe, Abyss, Daniels... that's what the Frontline should be!
I like that they are bringing back the monster feel to him, for one. For the longest time, he's been billed as "the monster" Abyss, but hasn't really seemed all that monstrous. Punching the thumbtacks was sick, I turned my head.

But I agree with the above. They ought to bring Abyss into the main storyline of the Frontline vs. the MEM. I do wonder, though, who would he feud with in the MEM. Angle, I think is headed toward a feud with Sting, Nash is likely to feud with Joe, Stiener and Petey are likely to continue their feud.. That leaves Booker T, I guess, though. Of course there, I'm assuming he's done with Shane Sewell. Perhaps it could work, it's not like Booker T has any beef with anyone specific in the Frontline as of now.
Abyss turning face was not a good move. If you're 6ft 8 and weigh 300 pounds and have built up your character as a monster then don't turn face because you'll just end up sliding right down the card. Big Show never worked as a face, neither did Kane, neither does Khali and neither will Umaga if they decide on turning him fully face.

I say Abyss should've snapped but lost to Morgan at AAO. He then turns heel and destroys some lower card talent before he is eventually confronted by both the Frontline and the MEM and is asked to join both of them. He joins neither and beats up members of both groups untill winning the world championship. Then both groups can fight over both respect and who will face Abyss at the next PPV. But it shouldn't continue this way for a long time because the world title is a very important prop (thank you Mr Madden) to the MEM.

I can't think of where Abyss could go from there but at least this feud with both groups would establish him as a dominant force again.
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