So What's The Difference Between a Porn Star And A Prostitute??


King Of The Wasteland
So I was watching some porn (yes people do it) and this attractive women was having sex with a guy who I should say wasn't particularly good lucky (he looked like he'd been bitten with the ugly stick) and I thought 'The money must be pretty good to fuck this guy' Then I thought Isn't this what prostitutes do, have sex with people who pay them. Now I know porn stars are paid differently (something to do with porn companies or something) but at the base level both sets of people are paid to have sex with someone else.

So what makes being a porn star acceptable (somewhat) than a prostitute when they're technically doing the same job.
The video camera.

It's really that simple. If you're filming yourself with the prostitute, it's technically legal. I've heard it on the television show Cops and I've heard it from multiple police officers around my town say this. Not only that but you gotta believe there's no pleassure involved in the porn industry. It's their job, not necessarily wanting to get their dick sucked.
What Hamler said, and one other thing:

In prostitution, only one person is getting paid. In the pornography industry, both participants are receiving compensation for their time. I'm not sure how laws vary from state to state, but in Pennsylvania, camera or no, it's prostitution if money is exchanged from one participant to the other. In the case of porn, a service is being provided by both individuals, allowing them to be compensated. If only one person is providing a service for which they're paid, it's prostitution. Simple as that.
It's a long read, but it's worth it if you're really trying to discern the difference between the two.
There's no difference at all save for the fact that the porn star additionally fucks on camera for money. Any women in the porn industry is available for a price. Anyone that tells you differently doesn't know shit about how these women operate.
Well, if you are to believe pornstars, they say that the main object of their job is to entertain or give pleasure to the guys who are watching them perform. The job of a prostitute is to let her body be used for the purpose for sexual gratification. From what I get from this arguement is that it is all about who wants to get pleasure out of you. In the case of porn stars, the people who are getting pleasure from seeing you perform are not having sex with you, unlike in the case of prostitutes. So I guess, that is what makes the job of pornstars slightly more acceptable from those of prostitutes.
They are similar jobs in that they make money off of sexual pleasures of others. The camera plays a large role in how porn stars became more acceptable than prostitutes. Yes, porn stars are available for "dates" at a price. However, the fact that they are on camera makes celebrities out of them. They are creating fantasies for you that you would want to act out in real life if you ever found yourself on a "date" with one of them. Prostitutes on the other hand are looked down on for being paid to let someone use them when no love is involved. To some, sleeping with a prostitute can be looked upon as a last resort when no one will engage in sexual activity with an individual. Porn stars, while I personally am not interested in ever sleeping with one, offer a more accepted service because their films create fantasies that many of the viewers would want to act out, likely with the porn star herself. I personally do not agree with engaging in sexual activity with either porn stars OR prostitutes, as I am very disturbed by the thought of doing those things without there being any love involved, but that's just me and I know I am in the minority with that mindset. I can understand why others would view porn stars in higher regard than prostitutes though. It's a fantasy for many.

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