So what to do with Lesnar now?


With the safety off!!
UFC 200 is in the books, and Brock Lesnar after a 5 year hiatus, went into the Octagon and beat a top ranked UFC heavyweight. He left UFC because of his disease but there was no signs of it on Saturday night. He's in phenomenal shape and looked much better than I thought he would.

So how will the WWE book Lesnar from here on in? I have to assume that he will fulfill his contract, he just doesn't seem to be the type not to. But the WWE has a severe shortage of men that are able to stand up to him. He has been booked as the unstoppable Beast Incarnate and rightly so. So what do you think will be Vince's next move with Lesnar?

Personally I can't see them changing his booking one bit. If he is going to continue a UFC career, losing to a WWE superstar won't look very good on his record. On the other hand, with the win this weekend and the way he's been booked since he came back, it would be one hell of a rub for the guy who does end up overcoming him. Issue becomes who on the roster right now who is capable to doing it, and they only have one shot to get this right.

I see this almost being raised to the same stock that the Undertaker's streak was. Now I'm not saying that they are the same, so before Aquaman get's his panties in a bunch, just want to get that in there. What I mean is, here you have Lesnar, basically hasn't been beat since he returned over 2 years ago. He's a former UFC and WWE champion, and just beat Mark Hunt this weekend in the Octagon. So whoever the WWE picks to eventually take Lesnar down will only have that one chance.

So what are your thought's on this? Who deserves if anyone to get that accolade, and what do you see happening with Lesnar after Summerslam?
As aquaman once said, "The WWE were doomed the moment they decided to have Brock Lesnar end the streak" etc.

That was a point of no return. On top of that, he squashed John Cena to win the WWE WHC.

That led to the stupid "Suplex City" thing where the only thing Lesnar did in all his subsequent matches to his opponents was German Suplex them unremittingly, as if a child were playing Smackdown vs Raw on PS3 in 2005.

His matches with Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose were a joke, or rather, made them look like a joke- emphatically too- especially Ambrose.

There's not really ANYBODY that stands a chance in a one on one match with Lesnar today (since clearly, he demolished Cena, Taker, HHH, Big Show, Roman Reigns who could all be called Super Heavyweights to an extent).

If there could be a perfect opponent- it's Randy Orton. I can see Randy beat Lesnar convincingly. The only thing is- Randy Orton is a legend and a veteran in the business already, and him beating Brock at this stage in his career doesn't really mean that much, since you've asked "Who deserves if anyone to get that accolade," .

Other than that, I see and want Roman Reigns to beat him some time in the future, to establish himself as the next and only Super Heavyweight in the WWE today- a replacement for the roster once profuse with Batistas, Cenas, Takers, HHHs in the bygone era.

I wouldn't mind Cesaro getting the honour of beating Lesnar as well.

To give a verdict on "So what are your thought's on this?" as a whole, there's almost NOTHING left for Lesnar to do or destroy in the WWE (even considering kayfabe). The only three big match-ups remaining for him are with the likes of Randy Orton, Roman Reigns (rematch) and Cesaro. Perhaps he can face NXT stars like Joe, and Finn Balor (but frankly, they're not even as physically conditioned as Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose, so I don't see either of them stand a chance against Lesnar), and Shinsuke Nakamura.

The rest of the roster is a joke in comparison. Though as a huge Seth Rollins fan, I'd love him to beat Lesnar some day in a hard fought 30 minute battle in a Shawn Michaels overcomes the odds-esque fashion.
First, I don't believe Lesnar's UFC accomplishments should drastically affect the way he's booked in the WWE. Just because he won a UFC fight doesn't mean they should double-up on the dominant aspect of his booking. They're two different worlds and while I do believe Lesnar should continue to win until the right guy comes along, they should actually start booking him less dominantly than they have in the past. Meaning instead of having him basically squash his opponents, let him actually go out there and have good, relatively back and forth matches with people, let it seem like WWE competitors can actually hang with a UFC guy in kayfabe. It's kind of... dumb to book your own guys as if they're ridiculously inferior to UFC fighters. These guys are supposed to be warriors even if it is in a kayfabe world so ffs, treat them as such. Also, I miss seeing Lesnar putting on great matches.

I really hope that he doesn't just go out there and squash Orton. If they're going to capitalize on the new eyes that are likely to tune into Summerslam, they need to show people that somebody like Randy Orton can go out there and relatively hang with Brock Lesnar. We're at that point now where the wrestlers they put in the ring with Lesnar can still come off as ridiculously strong even if they were to lose. So booking wise, you can build the rest of your roster while still keeping Lesnar on a win-streak. I doubt WWE goes that route though.

As for who I'd like to see defeat Lesnar eventually, I'd go with Kevin Owens if only to see people lose their shit over the fact that a physique like Owens beat a beast like Lesnar. Seriously though, he'd be my pick. We've heard and been hyped about an Owens/Lesnar match for a while now so it's definitely something the fans want to see. I'd hold off until Owens has cemented himself as a top tier guy before putting him in the ring with Brock and I'd pull the trigger when he eventually turns face, because we know that's coming eventually. In a perfect world, Owens would go into Mania 34 as a red-hot face riding a wave of momentum and a heel Brock would still be on his conquering streak. But it will be Reigns, and I'm just "okay" with that.
With him winning his UFC bout I expect him to have another in the future. I'm not sure if I see him staying with WWE past his contract. What I would do is out polls on every few months and ask the fans to see who they'd like him to face and then he can have exhibition matches that people want to see until he moves on.
I completely forgot about Kevin Owens.

I used to think Kevin Owens is tall or big but it only occured to me lately that he's not all that tall- 5'11 - 5'11 1/2 if I'm not mistaken. At any rate, he's sort of a paradox in that he's huge and yet not Bam Bam Bigelow or Vader huge, nor is he defined and chiseled like guys his stature- Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart or Seth Rollins.

But if there's anyone on the WWE roster today that conveys a vibe of being "badass" in a sort of Stone Cold Steve Austin or Kurt Angle-esque fashion (The sort of badass which doesn't need you to have the physique of a Hulk Hogan or the brute power of a Batista), it's Kevin Owens. Call it arrogance or conviction- but KO beating Brock Lesnar is the most believable it can get for a Fake wrestler on the WWE roster today to do so.

The guy is believable in every little thing he does, besides being a genius when it comes to the performance/acting aspect of wrestling. And pretty good in the ring as well.

So yeah. I'd totally like KO to get the rub by a victory over Brock Lesnar in the future.

Roman Reigns and/or KO are my picks. Wouldn't mind Shinsuke Nakamura or Cesaro beating Lesnar either.
Pretty much the same thing they have been doing for past 2 years. Book him like a beast till he's ready to put over the next big thing. I really wish it's Cesaro, the guy has paid his dues.
Or they can book Owens/Zayn like the ultimate underdog in a David vs Goliath match and use this name for the match.
As for Roman, i don't think he's going over Lesner.
I think the time and the place would be Wrestle Mania 33.
The who of it all can be any young promising star. Right now I think it needs to be Kevin Owens, but we have almost 9 months till mania. Then it can even be Apollo Crews, Baron Corbin, Finn Balor or Samoa Joe - it all depends on their pushes.
First of all, change the stupid Suplex-Suplex-Suplex-F5 thing. His match with Cena and Punk in 2012 and 2013 were great matches, also his matches with The Undertaker. He shouldn't be squashing his opponents. Lesnar can still get wins like that and his opponents can also come out looking strong, without actually needing to pin him.

Then, keep him undefeated until his contract expires, or at least, decide when he's gonna lose and who's gonna beat him.

Another thing they should do, is to save his appearences for a future world title run. Don't waste them. In 2015, Lesnar's contract were to expire at WM 31. After that, from WM 31 to WM 32, Lesnar wrestled at Battleground, Summerslam, Hell In A Cell, Royal Rumble, Fast Lane and Wrestlemania. This leads me to believe that Lesnar can wrestle 6 times per year at a PPV.

Which means that WWE can make Lesnar a world champion and have him defend the belt every couple of months.

What do you do with house shows?
Two things:
a) make the brand Lesnar would be in a little bit more star packed.
b) elevate the IC Championship and put it on that brand and have it be the top prize of the house shows and during Lesnar's absence on TV.

How to book this
Lesnar beats Orton at Summerslam, but please, don't make this a squash. Push Orton as the best Randy Orton the world has ever seen and then have Lesnar grab a big decisive win against him at Summerslam.
Then I'd bet my money that between September and December, Lesnar will have a second fight. But this time, Vince has to go hard on UFC and actually get something in return. The result of Lesnar's fight won't affect things in the WWE, it was the first fight, his return after 5 years, that really matters and holds the significant impact.
Then, I'd have Lesnar win the Royal Rumble and face World Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles at Wrestlemania. The Club vs The Beast is money. WWE needs to do everything they can, in order to bring nuclear heat upon The Club. Lesnar beats Styles and becomes WH Champion.
From then, WWE can use Lesnar's appereances smartly and have him appear every couple months and defend the belt. Lesnar could lose the belt at Summerslam, but the right move for me, would be to hold the belt for a year and drop it at Wrestlemania, which would also be Lesnar's final appearence in his current contract (Wrestlemania 34).

This would be my plan for the long run, regarding Lesnar. Other money matches I can see are with Rusev, Owens, a rematch with Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Samoa Joe, a rematch with Rollins (a real match this time).

The fantasy booker in me wants to see Lesnar win the UFC Heavyweight Championship and hold it simultaneously with the World Heavyweight Championship, but that's a very very very long shot and also, you don't want Lesnar getting hammered like he was against Cain.
Summerslam - Lesnar defeats Orton in a good match
Night of Champions - Lesnar defeats Ambrose in a cage match to become Heavyweight Champion
Rumble - Lesnar defends the Title vs. Reigns
Mania - Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock (WWE Title)
I wouldn't change anything. He's already booked like a monstrous beast that's nearly impossible to defeat. Why mess with that special attraction? Have him continue to dominate until Wrestlemania and let somebody beat him for a needed rub.
Summerslam - Lesnar defeats Orton in a good match
Night of Champions - Lesnar defeats Ambrose in a cage match to become Heavyweight Champion
Rumble - Lesnar defends the Title vs. Reigns
Mania - Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock (WWE Title)

Brock vs Rock for the title? No. Just no. Two part timers and in Rocks case a guy who makes what two appearances a year? This would make zero sense to do. You're either going to have the main title off of TV for months between the two title reigns or you have the winner drop it right after WM which I think makes the WM match mean little
Probably won't happen but it would be interesting if they'd let Randy go over Lesnar as a "fuck you our guys are better then yours" to UFC. In reality though I would not be surprised if we either see another UFC bout while still under contract or Lesnar not renewing his contract with WWE. I'm sure hes got a itch now he has a taste of being in the UFC at 100% health wise, hes probably thinking I can't wait til my contract ends so I can go kick some more ass..
I don't think there'll be any sort of change in Lesnar's booking. He won his fight this past Saturday, which just leads me to believe that they'll keep on promoting him and pushing him as the Beast Incarnate in a way that makes him look damn near untouchable.

As a wrestling fan, that proposition does bore me quite a bit because we've already seen Lesnar tear through everyone put in front of him in such a way that, again, he looks pretty untouchable. While Lesnar won, I think it's also fair to point out that Mark Hunt isn't exactly a Fabricio Werdum, Stipe Miocic or Cain Velasquez in terms of ability, accomplishments, conditioning, win-loss record, age or pretty much anything else. I'm not knocking Lesnar's win but I see no reason to exaggerate the victory either.

I've little doubt he'll tear through Randy Orton similarly and where he goes after that, I don't really know because he'll have gone through all the top tier guys on the roster. A WrestleMania rematch against Roman Reigns is possible but, frankly, it just doesn't seem remotely likely and even if it was, there's now too little chance of Reigns getting the win because of his blown credibility. WWE could go down the road of bringing in someone like the Rock or Goldberg but, for me personally, I'd have zero interest in seeing a clash of the massively overpriced mercenaries and if they managed to "stop" Lesnar, which I doubt, it'd be a great way to make pretty much the entire roster look fairly impotent.

The only time I see Brock Lesnar ultimately losing is when he's on his way out of WWE in which he, hopefully, puts over some younger guy in a bout at WrestleMania or some big event. In terms of the UFC, I've little doubt that Lesnar will have at least one more fight and the outcome will probably determine if there'll be anymore after that.
What should happen is not even close what will likely happen.

What should happen: Wrestling matches. No squash matches atleast against credible opponents like Rollins, Ambrose etc. Have some interesting matches with the likes of Owens, Cesaro, Wyatt, Joe, Nakamura etc. Give them some rub off himself even if it's via a defeat for them.

What will likely happen: Squash matches. Suplex City + F5 = Game Over. Orton would be able to get least offense. In other words, more dominant wrestling god-esque booking. The same thing that has decimated my interest in him.
There has been a problem with Lesnar for a while. No one can realistically beat him. He conquered the Streak. He squashed Cena. He won an actual fight. Who could realistically beat him? Well no one, and that's why he hasn't lost since.. I honestly don't remember. Actually it was SummerSlam 2015, but that wasn't clean, and Lesnar looked a lot better than Undertaker by the end of the match. I really hope Orton puts up a fight at SummerSlam, but I'm starting to worry it will be really one-sided in favor of Lesnar. And don't forget about the 37 German suplexes. Someone will eventually beat him, but it's going to require a ton of build up.

Basically, Lesnar should look really strong and rarely lose. But he shouldn't untouchable and unbeatable. He has, and his matches have become formulaic and boring.
Summerslam - Lesnar defeats Orton in a good match
Night of Champions - Lesnar defeats Ambrose in a cage match to become Heavyweight Champion
Rumble - Lesnar defends the Title vs. Reigns
Mania - Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock (WWE Title)

This is very wishful thinking booking. A Rock appearance is even rarer than a Brock appearance, and I doubt WWE is going to want to pay the Rock a bunch of money only to come back and lose. His eventual loss to Cena included a world title reign and 2 years of buildup. He's not going to get that in depth of a story with Lesnar. Besides, Rock isn't any more a credible looking opponent for Brock at this point than anyone else on the roster.

As I stated in another thread, Brock should be having back and forth stiff, hard hitting wrestling matches with his opponents. He can win them all as long as his opponents get their fair share of the offense and make it seem like they have a realistic shot at victory. Roman vs Brock at Mania was a good match. I would like to see a dozen more of those.

As for Brock winning the WWE world title again, I would only want to see that if Brock were going to be an active champion. He doesn't have to wrestle every week, but at least have him show up to every RAW to make his presence known. It's hard to emotionally invest in a world champion that is constantly absent.
I don't expect Brock's booking to change much other than he'll go unbeaten for even longer now. Since Brock returned in 2012 he has yet to lose a traditional, one-on-one match. The guys who beat him either needed weapons to do so (Cena/HHH), straight up cheated (Taker) or pinned another guy in a multi-man match (Rollins/Reigns).

Brock has torn through so many big names that they're running out of guys that could conceivably beat him clean. And, eventually, he needs to be beaten clean in order to pay off this push and launch someone into the stratosphere. Orton is the only guy left with the resume, status, and ability to pose a legitimate threat to Brock but I highly doubt he's winning. So after Orton gets eaten alive, who's next?

Kevin Owens is an interesting match-up, but I don't see him winning and I'm not sure I'd buy him beating Brock either. Cesaro is my most requested opponent. With his strength and ability, I can buy him actually bringing the fight to Lesnar and possibly even beating him clean. I'd love to see that.

Another interesting option that I'm surprised no one has brought up is AJ Styles. Styles/Lesnar could be an awesome match. Most importantly, Styles could actually pull off a win thanks to The Club. Sure, it'd be yet another tainted loss for Brock, but it would help raise The Club's stock to slay the beast. Once AJ and Co. are done with Cena, I could see them turning their sights to Brock, either to avenge a Cena defeat or to ride the momentum of another Cena victory. Either scenario would work perfectly, so I'll say AJ Styles is what's next for Brock once he's finished having snake for dinner.
I expect that this Orton program will be booked similarly to the UT booking from last year. Orton may get a questionable win but ultimately Brock will be the decisive winner in the feud. From there they put someone over him like Reigns at the next Mania and then he finishes his last year putting over other young stars in some way shape or form.

After that he works an even more limited schedule only fighting other long in the tooth vets two times a year.

But I don't know.
Why would they change the booking of their already unbeatable monster (who came back to ufc after 5 years, and beat the hardest hitter of the division).

Theres no reason, Brock was, is and ever will be a special attraction. Also, he is an asset that can be use to push someone in the right moment.

The guy that beat clean Lesnar, should be the guy that will carry on the company for years, and thats not Randy. Randy its already on his way out of the spot light much like Cena.

Guys that could beat Lesnar and use that push to skyrocket to the top? Rollins, Owens, Zayn, Balor, Cesaro, Nakamura. Those are the guys i see getting more benefit.

On the other hand, my pick would be Bray Wyatt, he can become THE monster of WWE by beating Lesnar clean 1,2,3.
This is very wishful thinking booking. A Rock appearance is even rarer than a Brock appearance, and I doubt WWE is going to want to pay the Rock a bunch of money only to come back and lose. His eventual loss to Cena included a world title reign and 2 years of buildup. He's not going to get that in depth of a story with Lesnar. Besides, Rock isn't any more a credible looking opponent for Brock at this point than anyone else on the roster.

As I stated in another thread, Brock should be having back and forth stiff, hard hitting wrestling matches with his opponents. He can win them all as long as his opponents get their fair share of the offense and make it seem like they have a realistic shot at victory. Roman vs Brock at Mania was a good match. I would like to see a dozen more of those.

As for Brock winning the WWE world title again, I would only want to see that if Brock were going to be an active champion. He doesn't have to wrestle every week, but at least have him show up to every RAW to make his presence known. It's hard to emotionally invest in a world champion that is constantly absent.

No way in hell should Brock go over again if they did Rock/Brock II.

Roman/Brock was one of the worst matches, not just in WrestleMania history, but in wrestling history. That match was absolutely atrocious and didn't deserve to headline a house show, let alone an otherwise-excellent WrestleMania. You want to see MORE of that garbage? Good lord. Did you mark out every time The Great Khali did his head squeeze move too?

The third point is the only one you made that I agree with. An absent champion is a terrible thing, and a huge waste. I was fine with The Rock doing it, because he EARNED the right to wrestle when and where he chooses, and his appearances make an event ten times bigger. Brock never earned that right, it was handed to him by Vince because Vince loves Lesnar's look so much, and his appearances make an event less enjoyable.
No way in hell should Brock go over again if they did Rock/Brock II.

And why not? Rock isn't any more credible an opponent to defeat a guy like Lesnar than anyone else on the roster. And he has nothing to gain by beating Lesnar. The match would be nothing but a fan service move that would add nothing to either man's image.

Roman/Brock was one of the worst matches, not just in WrestleMania history, but in wrestling history. That match was absolutely atrocious and didn't deserve to headline a house show, let alone an otherwise-excellent WrestleMania. You want to see MORE of that garbage? Good lord. Did you mark out every time The Great Khali did his head squeeze move too?

Roman vs Brock was a good match. If you didn't think so then that's on you. Lot's of other people enjoyed it. That's exactly the type of hard hitting match Lesnar should be having. Not these 10 suplexes and then an F5 blowout matches that he has been having recently.

And yeah, I did mark out every time Khali used the head squeeze.
And why not? Rock isn't any more credible an opponent to defeat a guy like Lesnar than anyone else on the roster. And he has nothing to gain by beating Lesnar. The match would be nothing but a fan service move that would add nothing to either man's image.

Roman vs Brock was a good match. If you didn't think so then that's on you. Lot's of other people enjoyed it. That's exactly the type of hard hitting match Lesnar should be having. Not these 10 suplexes and then an F5 blowout matches that he has been having recently.

And yeah, I did mark out every time Khali used the head squeeze.

Anyone can beat Lesnar. Only casuals buy into WWE's fake mystique of Lesnar being invincible. Rock shouldn't be done with wrestling with never having beaten Brock. Then again, WWE hates The Undertaker enough to do that to him, so it's not surprising they'd pull the same with Rock.

Roman vs. Brock was atrocious. Absolutely abominable. The people who enjoyed that match are the ones who buy into WWE's bullcrap about Lesnar being unbeatable. Lesnar's matches in 2002-2004 were good, light-years beyond this. Lesnar/Roman was an insult of a match. A bunch of wussy punches, a billion boring suplexes like all of Lesnar's matches since his comeback, Roman's laughable moveset, and the complete lack of ring psychology shown by both men. Even Roman/HHH was a hundred times better and that match was downright boring. Only Rollins' cash-in saved that match from ruining an otherwise amazing WrestleMania.
I think the only 2 believeable options to beat Lesnar are Cesaro and Owens, but both need to be pushed hard before this match. Cesaro have a greek god like body, enough speed and streght, Owens can send people right into a hospital and he did already beat Cena.

Orton is not the guy to beat Brock, in my opinion. Yes, it can be used for a quick buzz and Orton can be booked strong. But there are years of domination between these two and 1 win will not change it, people simply will not buy into this hype. The smart way to use Lesnar is let him win match after match until Cesaro or Owens will be ready enough and his UFC win will be forgotten enough.
Lesnar has now absolutely cemented himself as the most credible and legitimate pro wrestler in the world. He just won a fight in the main event of one of the biggest UFC shows ever, now is the time to ride that momentum. This is why they should've waited on setting up his SummerSlam match until after UFC 200. Lesnar vs. Orton is fine, and it'll be a good match, but I think they need to give Lesnar the belt to make the most of this unique opportunity. He will never be more legit than he is right now in this moment. The world saw him kick ass for real, and the world is talking about him. Give him the fucking title.

Giving Lesnar the belt would also work perfectly with the upcoming brand split. Instead of creating a world title for each brand you have the IC Title on one, the US Title on the other, and Lesnar as the WWE World Heavyweigt Champion, available to make appearances on both brands and ONLY wrestling on pay-per-view.
The wwe has done nothing with any of their talents to make anyone think that Brock is beatable at this point. Make him the champ and start building someone to be a credible choice to beat him some where down the line, mania probably.

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