So, Uh... The Tag Team Titles?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm feeling like the decision to keep the Tag Team Title in the limbo while Evan Bourne is suspended might not have been a good one.

The tag team division lost so much steam that it feels like the title has been retired. In fact, the "division" is pretty much inexistent right now. Air Boom has no one to feud with, unless Dolph Ziggler doing double duty in PPVs becomes even more of a continuous trend.

Bourne should return soon. What do you would like to see happen? What can happen?

I, for one, really have no idea where to go now. Anything the WWE decides to do will be a surprise to me, I guess, unless they just go back to feuding with Ziggler and Swagger, a feud that completely lost it's steam. Perhaps they should get a new tag team partner to Swagger, and let Ziggler focus on his other feuds. Justin Gabriel is a name that comes to mind, but he was a face the last time we saw him, if I remember correctly.
Well the Uso's are still around, but they're also faces, wouldnt be too much of an inconvience though to turn them heel, just have them do a run-in on AirBoom once Bourne is back. We've also got the new team of Epico and Primo who I see AirBoom getting into a bit of a feud with once Bourne returns from his unexplained absence, which they could have at least addressed in commentary once, but I've heard nothing about him in the past few weeks!

IMO they should never have split up Slater and Gabriel, I haaattee Heath Slater but at least it would have been another team for the division and would have given Gabriel something to do. Same goes for Otunga and McGillicutty, even though Otunga has his mug of coffee he seems to be teaming up with at the moment (seriously, that guy should be done on the wellness policy for his addiction to caffeine!). Other than that, Johnny Curtis still has his tag team title shot (remember that? thought not!), and maybe, just maybe, we'll see the Kings of Wrestlings in WWE before the year is out.
There are quite a few tag teams running around on NXT if I'm not mistaken. Anyone of them can be brought up to feud with Air Boom. Also with the injury to Sin Cara, it seems that Epico, Hunico, and Primo have nobody to feud with. I think they would would make great tag champs. I also think if they defended under the "Freebird" rule we can get really interesting television.

WWE has a lot of tag teams, they just don't utilize them enough on television.

Titus O'neal and Percy Watson
Hawkins and Reks
The Usos
JTG and Darren Young

Also The Kings of Wrestling are in developmental, and now that Truth appears to be face, him and Curtis can possibly cash in their tag title shot.

If WWE can get these teams on TV they have potential for one hell of a division.
People's continued belief that the tag team division is going to be booked with consistency anytime in the near future amazes me. Every time they focus on it, they give up after a few weeks or a couple of months and it's right back to the way it was. Leaving the titles on Air Boom through Bourne's suspension and breaking up both Otunga and McGillicutty and Awesome Truth are huge examples of this. Even Ziggler and Swagger are doing the tag team stuff a lot less. Maybe they'll put effort into it for five minutes again when Bourne returns, but inevitably the same thing that always happens will happen. They'll give up.
The Tag Team Steam can easily be recharged when Evan returns.... Kofi was in the Survivor series team and was advertised as one half of the Tag Team Champions..... no harm no foul.
Barrett/Cody have that win over Air Boom so I'm guessing giving Barrett/Cody the belts for a month wouldn't be too much of a strech. Plus allows Air Boom to chase the belts and win them.
They have so many guys on Superstars, heck even NXT not to mention the top tier guys that they can make into temporary tag teams while Evan is out. They didn't or don't have to keep the title just... floating around for no good reason, in actuality this would be a good time for a heel Laurenitis to exercise that he is heel and make Kofi defend the title in a handicap match but I guess that would be bad idea for WWE, huh?
Yea i agree that the tag division has lost a lot of steam. You can see the WWE is still trying to get the tag division back into it still, main eventing SS with a tag match. But not dropping the belt before suspending Bourne was a bad move.
and btw, by WWE "policy" arent you required to defend your title at least once a month or be stripped of it? just saying lol

but i think when evan comes back, they probably wont give an explanation, probably just say "evan bourne is back!" and thats it. and then give it maybe a week or until the next ppv and they will drop the belts to some team on smackdown maybe.
Evan Bourne was given a 30-day suspension, and was written off TV right after.

(Kayfabe) Doesn't that mean Kofi MUST DEFEND the Tag Belts within the 30days?

I would suggest a heel manager (or itrm GM) force Kofi to defend those belts before Bourne returns. Kofi could pick a partner or try to go solo.

Kofi then calls out a lower card face that can use the quick rub and have a succesfull defense. I would think that Ted DiBiase could benefit from something like this.

And when Bourne returns, Kofi let DiBiase pick a partner to go up against them in a face v. face title match.

OR...Kingston and DiBiase loses the match forcing Air Boom to try for them when Evan returns.

All in all, it wouldn't hurt if someone called out the 30day defense clause on Kofi...
Did they even mention Bourne during the Kingston vs Barrett match last night?
I couldn't bare watching it because Kingston is so bad. Has there been any mention at all of where Bourne has been?


hasn't it been over 30 days since they defended the titles last?
shouldn't they have to vacate the titles?
or is this logical thinking, which clearly isn't allowed in the story writing process in the WWE?
In terms of Bourne's suspension it seems like WWE were just going to carry on with Kofi holding the title until Bourne returns and hope no one notices that Bourne has been missing over the last month. I don't know if WWE are going to carry on resurrecting the tag division or if they will just let the titles fade into obscurity again. There are a number of teams on NXT and Superstars ATM and I'm sure one them can step up to bat and have a feud with Air Boom over the coming months. I would personally like to see a tag team turmoil match perhaps at TLC as you would be able to fit in a good 4/5 teams into one 10-15 minute match. This would be a quick and fun way to bring back Bourne and the Tag Team Division with it
I'm both surprised and glad that WWE hasn't just put the giant pennies on another tag team yet. Back in the day they would have randomly had some other team win the belts and Kofi would have been stripped of his half. I'm happy they did not go that route this time. Then again, there aren't many options. The Usos are awful and the Epico/Primo team aren't much better. Kofi and Bourne are the focal point of the tag team division and in my opinion they should not have the belts taken off of them because what's left of the tag team division needs for the giant pennies to be held by the top team. Right now that is Air Boom. Kofi is still representing the team by bringing his half of the titles with him when he makes appearances. Bourne made a mistake, he is being punished for it. Once Bourne comes back I'm sure he will get yelled at about not making the same mistake again, then Air Boom continue their tag team dominance. As soon as his suspension ends things will turn around.
Weren't there rumors of a Billy Gunn return?

Oh you didn't know reunion to revive the tag team division?
I enjoyed the Epico and Primo Vs The Uso's match on Superstars the other day. I feel there are a few young teams out there with potential but believe we are in for a long wait for the WWE to produce enough new teams to make a new exciting Tag Team scene. In the mean time I really can't see how bringing in some old established Tag Teams to hold the fort and then put up and coming teams over would be a bad thing. It's not like the division can be hurt any more right now. The Headbangers are seeking attention right now...they are far from everybodies cup of tea but they are an already established team who could keep a Tag Team scene ticking over (along with other past teams, Gangrel and Christian? X-Pac and Road Dogg?) until the WWE produce enough new teams to run things by themselves. If the WWE can capture a few exciting teams out there right now from other companies (there are quite a few) things could improve.
Why not have a battle royal on raw or smackdown with the remaining man left and his partner being crowned the New WWE Tag Team Champions?
There needs to be a return of Shelton and Haas and other tag teams that could compete in this paltry division. The belts are basically a joke at this point. Adding serious tag teams that have been tag teams for some time would be great. A guy like Chris "Wildcat" Harris while he floudered in WWE would be great to bring back in a new guise with another wrestler in the tag division.
I think the WWE really messed up by not taking the titles off Kofi and Bourne. The tag division was finally getting some momentum and now it is being completely stopped for 30 days. I realize there aren't many teams worthy of holding the belts but that's part of building the division up.

After Bourne's suspension I would have had Awesome Truth take the titles off Kofi/Bourne. That puts the belts on a main event level tag team thus bringing the prestige up more. Have the build to Survivor Series and the main event match go exactly the same, just make it non title. Then upon hearing of Truth's suspension, instead of just having Miz attack Truth randomly, have them lose the belts on RAW to an up and coming tag team like the Uso's and then have Miz attack Truth after the match.

In this scenario the belts stay relevant, gain prestige by being with Miz/Truth, and then build up a young tag team as a legitimate threat in the division by having them defeat two main event guys for the titles.
I don't understand why they had kofi hold on to his half of the title. The announcers don't even aknowledge that bourne is gone. Also, i think that as soon as bourne comes back, they should drop the titles. I think they should have a tag team of justin gabriel and trent barretta. These two still need time to get over with the crowd, and this would be the perfect way to do it.
It seems every few months the WWE allows a couple of people to build up some steam, and re-ignite my excitement for the tag team division. More often than not that that steam is squandered and we're left with barely a single team to hold the belts. Now we have less than that, with one half of the champions suspended, and the only credible heel team in the Awesome Truth breaking up. But let's be real...they were never really going to have tag team success. They were singles stars thrown together to put over the Rock, and now that Survivor Series is past they can go their separate ways.

The Usos...? I love them, but apparently Vince doesn't "get them" and refuses to push them no matter what, heel or face. Ziggler and Swagger...? A future main eventer and World Champion is being weighed down by the barely passible All-American American. Even if they do go after the tag titles, they're not going to be an entertaining team to watch, and we'll just be awaiting the moment they split, so Ziggler can go back to being awesome.

What happened to that random backstage segment on Raw months ago, where Tyler Rekks and...was it Curt Hawkins were supposed to go on a rampage and "change everything?" I've given up hope for the division... Just like cruiserweight action, they've managed to kill tag team wrestling.
The problem is, all the tag teams are on NXT... which I cannot bring myself to watch. The fact that the tag division is apparently being rebuilt on that god awful show just sends daggers into my heart. I mean seriously.
In my opinion, the tag team titles died on July 13th, 1998 in East Rutherford, NJ. A Monday Night Raw where Mankind and Kane won the tag titles from the New Age Outlaws. It was here when the tag team titles were no longer used for tag teams, but instead were used to further storylines. "Tag Teams" were phasing out, and singles stars would team with each other to face other teams that weren't in a traditional sense considered "tag teams."

Once again, in my opinion the New Age Outlaws were the last great tag team to hold these titles. The division has been a joke ever since, if you even think the division still exists...which I do not.
I'm pretty sure that Epico & Primo are going to take the titles off AirBoom once Evan Bourne returns. With Primo's most recent win over Kofi, it looks as if The Colons are being set up for a title reign.
Currently though, the WWE has a few teams hanging around...

Air Boom (champions)
Epico & Primo
Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger (American Perfection)
The Usos
Johnny Curtis & Derrick Bateman
Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks

Hopefully, they bring Michael McGuillicuty back as Joe Henning and as a face to team with Ted Dibiase. They can form "The Fortunate Sons" or "Legacy 2.0".

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