So, Todd Grisham's Shit, Huh?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Well, he is. I mean, he's not as bad as Michael Cole. He might not even be as bad as JR. In fact, he may be one of the top ten wrestling commentators of all time. Unfortunately, he's still pretty shit when you take the entire spectrum of sports commentators into account.

1) He doesn't call matches properly. Though I can't remember a specific case when he mistook a chair for stairs, or a powerbomb for a DDT, he totally missed what Jeff Hardy was trying to do when he jumped onto a stretcher, knocking it into Matt's face. He sold it as Jeff overshooting it for about two minutes until he corrected himself.

2) He sells CM Punk as a Muay Thai master. Now I love Punk, but he's clearly not precise enough to have travelled the world, learning to become one of the greatest Muay Thai masters on Earth. He's not fucking Batman. Completely ruins my suspension of disbelief.

3) The voice - it's just not a commentator's voice. Even Jerry Lawler could do something like "Punk wins! Punk wins!" but something like that would sound ridiculous from Grisham... for some reason. He shouldn't be able to have the closing line of the show. That should always go to JR.

In conclusion, I miss Mike Adamle. I missed him anyway; it wasn't Grisham that reminded me of him.
I can stand Grisham more than Cole, but maybe because Cole is the ultimate babyface announcer. I do love Cole's passion in his voice when he calls matches especially during that Undertaker/Angle match at No Way Out 2006. I'll be waiting when JBL replaces Grisham on Smackdown and Grisham can be a ring announcer or something.
Shit, yes. But not as shit as J.R. & Cole. At least Grisham doesn't do fake laughing. He just no sells any comedy like the unfunny shit that it is. Ross actually laughs, or at least tries to. He can't move his mouth much. Cole does the same. I also saw that Slyfox say that Cole was alright once. That's his way of saying ''I'm going to be the first person to say he's good so I can then bring it up in 10 years when he's marginally better''. Doesn't make it so. They're all on the same level of shit. Only The Grish is slightly better because he's got less experience.
There's worse than Grisham. There's.........wait. I guess there isn't. I agree they all generally blow, JR being a slight exception. Wait, Josh Matthews is worse than Grisham. He sucks too. I guess I don't have a whole lot to add to this thread. I'm sorry.
JR IS wrestling commentary. There will never be another as good. He may fuck up now and then but any match he calls seems that little bit better. Grisham is simply unfortunate being paired with JR because there really isn't much for him to add. You'll notice Grish only chips in every now and then with little bits of basic info and pastel colour commentary, because JR has got the rest covered.
Maybe I'm just a JR mark but nearly all of my favourite wrestling moments have been accentuated by his commentary, there's nothing like good ol' JR screaming his lungs out at the end of a great match. The WWE needs to hold auditions for the next overweight, bbq sauce drinking redneck with a decent scream on him to take JR's place.
I would rather listen to Mike Adamle than Todd Grisham. At least Adamle was entertaining and sounded remotely interested in calling the action. Even though he got a lot of the stuff wrong, sadly, that became a gimmick for him as an announcer, and at least he put emotion into his broadcasts.
Grisham fucks up sometimes... hoever, I personally think that Striker is a quite good announcer, but he called Dreamer's Texas Cloverleaf the Sharpshooter... and fished for some lame connection to the Hart Dynasty, until Christian came in for the save... thanks Champ. Point being, they all screw up sometimes. I don't find Grisham to be that horribly annoying, he just pales in comparison to the King, or even good ol' J.R.

This may be some kind of 'sign' though... think about it. #1 Grisham was part of the Slammy winning best announce team (thanks to Striker) of 2008 (thanks to a real national democratic voting poll, right (just kidding)). #2 He got moved up to Smackdown with J.R. in the draft...

Who knows, in the big picture, maybe this signifies that Grisham is getting a PUSH??? Future HOF'er? You never know in the WWE!

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