So, TNA made the Daily Mail in the UK... kind of

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop

A mother has condemned her son's school's 'over the top' rules on hairstyles after her 12-year-old was put in isolation because he had a wrestling logo shaved into his head.

Aidan Fradley was barred from conventional lessons after he had the letters 'TNA' shaved into his hair ahead of a trip to London to watch Total Nonstop Action Wrestling at Wembley Arena.

His mother Sophie Turkentine, 33, had initially vowed to keep Aidan out of Ramsey Academy, in Halstead, Essex, until after half term.

I was like, "man, where the fuck is this kid from to do that?"

Then I continued reading, saw he was from Essex and then it all made sense. If anything this is tame to what half his fellow students are probably doing with their hair. The Brits and fellow Irishman will get it, yano, that shite TV show that was on a couple years ago people called about. We're From Essex And Mentally Challenged. I think that was the name of it anyway, not sure.

I was like, "man, where the fuck is this kid from to do that?"

Then I continued reading, saw he was from Essex and then it all made sense. If anything this is tame to what half his fellow students are probably doing with their hair. The Brits and fellow Irishman will get it, yano, that shite TV show that was on a couple years ago people called about. We're From Essex And Mentally Challenged. I think that was the name of it anyway, not sure.
I reckon the news here isn't that schools' dress codes stop you having TNA shaved in your head: it's that a mod made a duplicate thread. Should he infract himself?

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