So the Westboro Baptist "Church" is protesting a funeral near where I live...

The Doctor

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Church to picket Fairborn soldier's funeral
Updated: Sunday, 28 Nov 2010, 11:37 AM EST
Published : Saturday, 27 Nov 2010, 9:31 PM EST

Holly Samuels
FAIRBORN, Ohio (WDTN) - According to a press release from the Westboro Baptist Church, its members will picket the funeral of Fairborn soldier Jesse Snow.

The Topeka, Kansas, based church is known for its controversial messages, which it often preaches at funerals and memorials.

Army Specialist Jesse Snow was killed in Afghanistan November 14, 2010.

In a previous interview, Snow's family showed its resolve despite its tragedy.

"The enemy probably thinks they're breaking our resolve, but I tell you this family is stronger than ever," said one family member.

Snow's funeral is scheduled for November 30, 2010 at 10 a.m. It will be held at the Mary Help of Christian's Church, 954 N. Maple Avenue, Fairborn.

I'm considering joining a counter-protest with some friends who are going. Then again, I don't think interrupting a funeral even more would be the right thing to do, even if I'm silent and just holding a sign, an intrusion is an intrusion. But I really hate the Westboro Baptist Church and everything they stand for.

I feel really sorry for the family...

What should I do?
I'd say protest silently. It doesn't cause disruption to the service. I agree with SSC, I'd be happy to see a counter-protest if I was the grieving.

I remember a Louis Theroux documentary about these guys. Some very fucked up theories floating around that church.

I love Louis Theroux. So awesome.

Edit: If my memory serves me well, I think there is a law which says that they have to be a certain distance from the funeral. So their protest might be futile anyway.
There was a group who actually prevented the Wesborough pieces of shit from doing a protest. I hope that group shows up. That church is a waste of oxygen.

Doc join the counter protest. It would probably make the family happy.
If its a public/open funeral, attend the funeral and show your respects, dont counter protest. Show your support that way rather than causing more disruption and drawing attention to these narrow minded bigots. I reckon the family would appreciate people showing respect for their Son rather than causing more disruption.

Thats my view anyway.
OK, I've decided I'm going to protest the protestors tomorrow. I'll dress up in my best clothes and protest silently, out of respect to the soldier and family.

Now I need to think of a name and story if the news interviews me. I don't want my dad getting involved with this through me saying something stupid, since he's an important figure in the military.
They already protested a funeral in my town. Word got out on Facebook and on the day of the funeral a whole bunch of people made this huge circle with American flags around the cemetery and wouldn't let the protesters near the funeral. I think I can find a picture of it.
There's a group of motorcyclists here that has formed to protect soldiers' funerals from any disruption of that kind. The group is called the Patriot Guard and from the sound of it my parents will be joining that group very soon.
The more attention people pay to them, the more they accomplish what they want.

Correct. If you protest, they'll get on the news. If nobody gave a fuck when they came along, then they wouldn't get their message across. Put simply, the best thing the family could say is "no cameras", ignore the *****, and then they've made a pointless journey.
Sadly....that horrendous cult is from my city, and I'm so disgusted by those people. They picketed at my friend's funeral, and it was a nightmare. :( Her hubby died in the middle east, and she was pregnant with their baby. She had to put up with those nasty signs. I even went to school with lots of those kids. I feel bad for those little toddlers being forced to hold those gross signs that they don't know what those even mean yet....

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