So the streak ended....


Mid-Card Championship Winner
The undefeated streak of Bo Dallas came to the the hands of R-Truth. When this happened, I couldn't stop laughing my ass off. The wonder boy with the push gets his first major loss at the hands of a jobber who hasn't been relevant since...2013? So the question is

- Does this mean R-Truth is going to be pushed again?
- Was this a right way to end the streak?

As for my speculations, I doubt R-Truth is going to get a push because it was presented as a fluke...Kofi scored victories against Randy Orton when he was champion, but that was also treated like a fluke and Kofi didn't go anywhere...and they had a real match. What we saw between R-Truth and Bo wasn't even a squash. It's a shame too, because I do think R-Truth is charismatic and kind of wasted in such a low card role.

But I do think it was a good way to end the streak, because it's fitting that a 'winner' like Bo loses to what he (and many) would perceive as a loser. I almost wish it was Heath Slater for that reason, but R-Truth works well enough. Plus, in theory, it does a bit more for his character. Now he's more open to be a truer heel, maybe even getting angry at the crowd for 'not bolieving' or something of the sorts. Unlike Rusev, Bo Dallas doesn't really need a streak either. I think Bo has a more enduring character, presuming he does develop. If he does the same shit every week, he will get stale. Plus, it was a nice twist and gave R-Truth a little bit of relevance. I just wish it was an actual match. R-Truth did more in his losing effort against Bray...
I don't know why some people are trying to make it as though Bo Dallas being undefeated was something of a big deal. WWE didn't, so I don't see why various internet fans have taken it upon themselves to insinuate that it's some sort of semi important happening.

Bo Dallas losing to R-Truth last night was nothing more than a means to an end. They've been slowly progressing Dallas along as a heel and, the past few weeks, they've kicked it up a notch by showing that he's ultimately a two faced, hypocritical dirtbag. It's something that we all sensed was where his character was ultimately headed, for we could all sense the false sincerity within Dallas' character. He suffered his first loss and rather than accepting it gracefully, as he's encouraged others to do, he behaved the way you'd expect most heels to upon having his ego bruised.

This means nothing for R-Truth in the long run. He'll probably have a brief feud with Dallas that possibly culminates in a match at SummerSlam that results in Dallas gaining a decisive win, he moves on and Truth goes back to ultimately being used as talent enhancement.
The segment was presented to move Bo's persona along. He had been drifting as a 'tweener whom we knew was going to be a bad guy (since he was matched only against good guys)......and it was time to have him show his true colors.

Whom the opponent was didn't really matter and, in fact, I was glad to see a mid-carder turn the trick since the Bo Dallas character isn't really important enough to need a John Cena to end his streak. Congrats, R-Truth. :)

Personally, I think Creative will alter Bo's character a bit and have him resume winning.....for a while. But I doubt we're ever going to see this guy competing for world titles, at least not under his present goofball image.
Though I feel like what WWE actually went with to end Bo's streak may have been better because it led to the post-match beatdown that wouldn't be possible in my scenario...

I would have loved to see Bo get his streak to 21-BO. Then he could do the whole thing that I've seen posted elsewhere when he would begin comparing himself to the Undertaker and just generally doing Bo Dallas things. He's celebrating surpassing the Undertaker's streak until his opponent is revealed and Lesnar's music hits. He brutally ends Bo's streak, toying with him while Bo gets no offense in.

The downsides here would be the aformentioned lack of beatdown for Bo's little heel flash. It would also make Lesnar look a little too babyface. Still, fun to think about.
His streak was basically a joke, this wasn't Goldberg for god's sake. Nobody thought he was "unbeatable" because he was beating glorified jobbers for the past couple of months.

His streak wasn't supposed to be something to help get someone ELSE over by ending it. Him losing to a "lesser" opponent, and then flipping out over it, is much better for his character than to have him continually beat enhancement guys.

And, no, this doesn't mean R-Truth is getting pushed again. This was done to just continue the progression of Bo's character.
WWE makes no sense when they cut all that talent a month or two ago these two guys Truth and Dallas should been at the top of the list. Truth is worthless, he's not that great in the ring and his promos are terrible, just atrocious. As for Dallas he wouldn't have last a month on the main roster if he wasn't Brays brother. Now that his "streak" is over I hope they are both in the next round of cuts
Bo Dallas win streak was a running gag; a commentary about the importance and validity of winning streaks in the world of professional wrestling. Really, most newcomers get some sort of push to establish themselves, and that's all Bo Dallas received. It served its purpose: I like the wormy little shit's character, and am curious to see what happens next.
WWE makes no sense when they cut all that talent a month or two ago these two guys Truth and Dallas should been at the top of the list. Truth is worthless, he's not that great in the ring and his promos are terrible, just atrocious. As for Dallas he wouldn't have last a month on the main roster if he wasn't Brays brother. Now that his "streak" is over I hope they are both in the next round of cuts

This doesn't make any sense. What does him being Bray's brother have to do with him being in the company?

I knew this "streak" was going to come to an end, but I love how they did it. Allows them to build this character even more. As stated earlier, he will become a true heel and complain about losing and cheat to win even more. Truth was a great superstar to do it. Bo doesn't lose any steam by losing, only makes his character progress that much more.
I was pissed when he lost xD not even gonna lie. But the beat down made me feel better about it. See Bo doesn't need to win, yea his character talks about winning but he also talks about losing doesn't mean you can't win. He was a heel and while he was getting over some weeks he was getting a positive reaction :p at least that's what I heard. If they kept it going he'd get more over as a face and that's not what we need for Bo. I can picture next weeks promo now, "I might have lost but I left on my feet, I might as well have been issued the winner, I'm now 18 and Bo" or whatever he is
Good thing it ended before he reached 21-BO.

This was done in order to move his character along and show his true colours. I think his character is awesome as I really like a character that is basically an exaggerated charicature of John Cena. Plus he has the "squirmy, lying, backstabbing, fake etc" door-to-door- salesman smile. I think some really cute promos can come out of him being the heel that acts like a fake good guy just to annoy the crowd.
Streaks have ended this year where it does nothing to benefit the person who ended it.

R-Truth won't benefit from beating Bo Dallas.

Part-timer Brock Lesnar gained nothing beating Undertaker, since he left, and thus lost momentum.
I guess BO Dallas didnt BOLIEVE last night! Anyway this means next to nothing for R-Truth,a fluke win doesn't mean your going to get a run.. Bo Dallas has been teased as of late as a hypocrite,a complete dirt bag.

Im sure there will be a match at SummerSlam,with Dallas getting the win.. I venture to say it will be on the kickoff portion,as i dont think it belongs on the Main Card.. Bo May never win any titles,but being a goofball and just sneaky as can be,he will do just fine
I don't think R-Truth ending Bo's streak will benefit him in anyway, alternately I feel like it will be used to push Bo's character forward. We obviously saw a side to him last night that we hadn't seen before.
WWE makes no sense when they cut all that talent a month or two ago these two guys Truth and Dallas should been at the top of the list. Truth is worthless, he's not that great in the ring and his promos are terrible, just atrocious. As for Dallas he wouldn't have last a month on the main roster if he wasn't Brays brother. Now that his "streak" is over I hope they are both in the next round of cuts

Why would they only put him out there because of who his brother is?

They didn't do it for Del Rio's brother or Dolph's or Alicia Fox's sister. Instead they all got let go if I remember right.

Anyway about Bo.
It would be interesting to see him lose a few weeks in a row. Maybe come out next week and do a pre match promo where he "apologizes" for losing it last week or something along those lines.

Keep him aggressive for a few weeks while he's losing.

The only problem is I don't know where it would go from there.
Although I would say once he finally did win again he can overdo his celebration and then the following week talk about how he always BOlieved.

The "victory lap" on Raw was funny just because he did it even though he lost.
Even if you hate Bo, he has been getting strong reactions from the crowd, who occasionally even chant "We bolieve!". I didn't like him at first, but he grew on me.

I wasnt aware that he and Bray were brothers, but now that you mention it, the resemblance is definitely there. lol, would be funny if Bo joined the Wyatt family. Part of me wants to hear Bray say "Let's Braylieve!"
Personally, I think it was done to transform Bo into a full heel. And personally, as a fan of Bo I hope this is where he makes the transformation from "The Blue Chipper Bo Mavia" into "The Bo".

Although personally, I would have had Bo go on a Goldberg-like streak, because it's never been done with a character that wasn't a powerhouse. I would have had him go like 150 - 0 of him just barely winning with dirty tactics, and telling people that the only thing they need to do to win is to "Bolieve". Would have gotten him smoldering heat over time and when he finally lost, it would have been a huge rub for the guy that beat him.

But that's just me.

I don't know what direction they are going, but I hope my prediction is right and this is where he transforms into a major player, because the Bo Dallas character did seem like a parody of the super faces like John Cena; Rocky Mavia; etc. so maybe this is where his character transforms into The proverbial Rock. At the very least, I hope he is still a prominent feature on the program without the streak because dude's gimmick and promo skills are gold.

I also would not have had him lose to R-Truth of all people. At the very least, I would have given it to someone like Dean Ambrose, The Miz or Dolph Ziggler or someone who could benefit off of the win and making both Bo and that wrestler themselves look better.

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