So Now TNA Has It's Heel That Uses Homophobic Slurs

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
Only problem is, that heel happens to be their world champion.

Following last Thursday's Impact Wrestling taping, Bully Ray hurled several homophobic remarks towards a fan. The TNA World Heavyweight Champion referred to the spectator as a "f-ggot," and a "frickin' q-eer."

Bully Ray apologized for the incident yesterday, writing on his Twitter, "Made an inappropriate comment to a fan in Chicago. If anyone was offended by this...I do apologize. No harm was meant"

Boy, you know, I doubt this will be all that big. But God, this is kind of stupid to do, at this point in your career. To his credit, I think Bully gets that this was stupid, and it seems he's been tweeting the guy he did it to, so I guess they're cool. But man, time and place, you know?

Fast forward to 6:11

Heat of the moment. Shit happens. This is still how people talk, regardless of it being inappropriate and no longer socially acceptable.

He apologized. Move on.

Didn't someone in WWE just call someone a "homo" last year? I think it was CM Punk. I'm sure he apologized too, and we move on.
Didn't someone in WWE just call someone a "homo" last year? I think it was CM Punk. I'm sure he apologized too, and we move on.

Could have sworn that the title of my thread said "it's own heel" but I guess I must have forgotten it.

The big issue, at least to me, seems to he that he was pretty much unprovoked. Like, the film seems to show Bully just coming up to the guy, and calling him a ***.
That's just Bubba's way of getting heat. He likes to create tension with fan interaction. He just needs to realize this isn't the Bingo Hall in 1997 and has to be more careful with what he says in 2013.
Could have sworn that the title of my thread said "it's own heel" but I guess I must have forgotten it.

The big issue, at least to me, seems to he that he was pretty much unprovoked. Like, the film seems to show Bully just coming up to the guy, and calling him a ***.

Did you not see the first half of my post?

Heat of the moment. Shit happens. This is still how people talk, regardless of it being inappropriate and no longer socially acceptable.

He apologized. Move on.
It's funny that I remember back when I was a kid saying something like ****** wasn't as big an issue as it is now, but I was young and wasn't up on all sociological ills. But Bully slipped, saved face such as it is, and that's that. One thing Brain mentioned, this is a bigger stage than the Philly bingo hall. But I also think the fans in Chicago are a lot tamer than those in Philly.
Well, since you're gonna get so defensive about this...

It's really funny to consider that when this happens to WWE performers, GLAAD sics the troops on WWE (and no one is immune), when this is just as bad... And because it's TNA, it doesn't matter.

I'm just saying...
Like Swagger getting arrested at the helm of his new big push, this is just the wrong time to pick to try something like this. For all I know, Ray does it all the time and it's only noteworthy now because he's the champ and someone had a camera. But just play safe, you're the world champ Ray and you've waited your whole career for this. Save the hot stuff for TV.
The big issue, at least to me, seems to he that he was pretty much unprovoked. Like, the film seems to show Bully just coming up to the guy, and calling him a ***.

The guy is some kind of indy wrestler I believe, earlier in the show he got into Anderson's face. I assume this guy was trying to make a name for himself, so Bully put the guy in his place. He also threw a torn up sign at the guy he called a ****** on the second set of tapings.


9:07 for the part with Anderson

Also watch 10:15 Bully is HILARIOUS here and this is just before the "******" moment

12:05 for the sign ripping.

Hazing at its finest!
I dont know, I guess i'm all for the heel doing whatever he legally can to get heat. Times have changed though, I can understand that! I can see why its an issue for the champ but still, paid actor playing a bit? Dude realised he crossed a line, and apologised either way. That covers most things.

This is the same guy who constantly refered to the ring announcer as a **** though. Dont remember people piping up about that!
Since most folks are being serious about this, my two cents are as such:

We've really got to stop letting words control us. When I was a little boy, the comeback of choice for a verbal insult was, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Such a simple little rhyme that rings so very true. What did Bully Ray really do? Insinuated that the guy has sex with other men? Big fucking whoop. Grow a pair, 21st century men.
Anderson could've calles Bully a ***, seeing as he's a Harley-rider. Don't know what that has to do with being homosexual.
Well, since you're gonna get so defensive about this...

It's really funny to consider that when this happens to WWE performers, GLAAD sics the troops on WWE (and no one is immune), when this is just as bad... And because it's TNA, it doesn't matter.

I'm just saying...

"So defensive"? You're taking this way too far, man. If anything, my response could be chalked up to apathy, not any type of charged defense.

WWE is a publicly traded company, and a much larger media icon, so yes, when this happens to WWE performers, GLAAD is going to make a thing of it, because you can use their successful platform as a springboard for the cause. Same as you can with the NFL or MLB or any other major sports promotion. TNA is the second largest in the US, but they regularly draw about three times less viewers, on average, than RAW does (around 1.5 Mil for TNA to 4 Mil), so the spring isn't nearly as high in going after them v. WWE.

Besides, he just issued another, deeper apology again this morning:

Had a very positive talk with the man I got into a verbal altercation with in Chicago. I personally apologized for my careless choice of words and my ignorance with regard to certain slurs I used. I take full responsibility and once again I apologize to all.
Say what you will about the rock n' wrestling era. It may have had cartoony gimmicks but at least back then the heels were still allowed to be heels. Geez everybody wants the Attitude era back but as soon as anything remotely resembling it happens like when CM Punk and Paul Heyman mocked Jerry Lawler's heart attack everybody gets their panties in a bunch. Wrestling fans these days really need to grow some thicker skin.

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