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So Let's Talk About That Thing That Happened


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
So earlier today there was an RP posted by someone new to our fed that got a pretty strong negative reaction. The general feeling was that the RP was highly offensive and derogatory toward women, and that this was not okay. When so much of the fed reacts so strongly to an RP, it's something that we should discuss and figure out. For the benefit of discussion, I'm going to post the RP here. If you haven't read it, read it at your own risk.

The scene opens up inside Stratton Private Gym in Old Town Brentwood TN. The Gym itself, is an Olde English Style boxing gym with rustic hardwoods. Various trophies and banners line the walls of the gym. The first floor of the gym has a wrestling mat, various punching bags (speed, heavy, dynamic, and muay thai), a boxing ring, and free weights. The upstairs portion of the gym actually a wet bar, with various whiskies, bourbons, and scotches lining the bar in addition to a lounge and pool table area.

Several guys are working out in the gym. Two men are wearing Vanderbilt wrestling shorts and shirt, and Greco Roman style wrestling on the matt. One is performing Olympic lifts, while another one, Barrett Stratton, is working “ground and pound” strikes on a dummy in the boxing ring. Barrett works different strikes from full mount, side control, and north and south. The ring thuds and shakes with each malicious strike on the dummy.

Ding, Ding, Ding

The bell goes off ending the round of workout. Barrett pears up seeing the camera man, and takes a deep breath.

Barrett-There you are. Head on up stairs, we got a show for you.

Barrett exits the ring and heads back to the locker room.

The camera goes dark, and then reopens with Barrett and his training partners walking up the stairs in Vanderbilt Wrestling Warmup suits.

Barrett-She should be here any minute now…

Barrett goes and pours a mixed drink of Maker’s Mark and Sprite and sits down in the lounge. His friends pour some drinks as well, sit down, and spark of a few Cuban cigars. Barrett pulls out his Iphone to webpage.

Barrett-You seen this gents? Foxnews.com…The Marine Corps is going back to the flexed arm hang after 46% of female Marines could not perform 3 pullups for their annual Physical Fitness Test…3 pullup…Well that’s about par for the course. They can do anything a man can except that they can’t.

Barrett’s friends snicker at his comment.

Barrett-So the WZCW administration wants to make some kind of martyr out of me. Make me some kind of joke, and bury me in my first match. Very well…I will wrestle this Wookieand I’ll beat her ass like I would any man in the WZCW. You see boys, that’s all that’s in the WZCW. A bunch of hairy, big, ugly, Wookies calling themselves women. Isabel Stone, she’s no different from the rest, just another **** with daddy issues.

Knock, Knock

Barrett-Speaking of daddy issues…

Barrett’s friends look over and smile at each other. Barrett goes down stairs and opens the door. His voice can be heard in the distance.

Barrett-Bout time you got here Princess.

Barrett heads back up stairs and with a woman following. She is a very attractive, tall, slender blonde girl wearing a trench coat and heels.

Woman-Mmm, hey boys! You all ready for a show?

She says smiling

Barrett-Oh yeah, we are…but first, I got a little gift for you, go back and this put this on.

Barrett hands the girl a bag and points to the locker room as the camera closes.

When the scene reopens we see the woman wearing a long brown wig, and a red school girl outfit; almost identical, to the outfit worn by Isabel Stone backstage.

Barrett-There we go, that’s a good look for ya. Now get over here ****e.
The lady appears visibly irritated by this remark.

Stripper-Sir could you please not call me…

Barrett-Look ****e, I will call you whatever I want. Here’s 100 dollars, don’t ask any more questions for the rest of the night.

The woman reluctantly takes the money from Barrett. She stands in front of Barrett’s friends and begins giving them lap dances, grinding enticing his friends. Barrett smirks from the corner and begins recording the dance with his iphone.

Barrett-Just like that. Just curious, did people ever like you before you were a ****?

The woman glares over at him, clearly irritated. Barrett goes over and grabs his bottle of Maker’s drinking straight out of the bottle, getting visibly more intoxicated in speech and in demeanor. The woman makes way over to Barrett and sits on his lap peering back at him seductively.

Stripper-You ready for this daddy?

Barrett-HAHA! Daddy…

The woman grinds more on Barrett. As Barrett places more money in her skirt line she becomes more and more sensual eventually nuzzling her head on his crotch.

Barrett-This bitch’ll do anything for some cash gents!

Barrett’s friends laugh

Barrett-I tell you what. I’ll give you something to suck on.

Barrett stands up putting his crotch face level with kneeling stripper.

Barrett-Not that. We both know what you want.

Barrett pulls out a rolled up 100 dollar bill and places it in front of the woman’s mouth.

Barrett-Go ahead, start sucking…

One of Barrett’s friends is recording the endeavor on his phone while the other anxiously peer over. The woman looks over at them reluctantly and then back at the 100 dollar bill, opens her mouth, and begins sucking on the rolled bill.

Barrett-That’s right…

The woman continues for a minute or so.

Barrett-That’s enough to stand up.

The woman stands.

Stripper-What now daddy?

Barrett-Let’s talk about that…Did you know your daddy?

Stripper-I don’t really think that…

Barrett-You’re not being paid to think, if you were you’d be broke. Did you know you’re daddy or not.

Stripper-Yes I knew him!

Barrett-Was he around when you were a little girl?

Barrett says in a condescending tone. The stripper is clearly becoming embarrassed and red in the face.


Barrett-That explains it! Another little ****e that daddy never loved boys!

Barrett’s friends erupt in laughter. The woman stares at the ground embarrassed before becoming clearly agitated and charging at Barrett.

Stripper-Why, you ass hole!

Just then Barrett viciously backhands the girl as she falls to the ground clutching her reddened cheek and crying. Barrett takes another large drink of his Maker’s Mark before pouring the liquor all over fallen stripper causing her to makeup to run.

Barrett-Cancel this b*tch gents! I’ll buy a new one…

Barrett’s friends go and pick up the traumatized girl and lead her down the stairs to the exit. Barrett points the attention to of the camera man to him. Barrett is excessively intoxicated and aggressive at this point clutching the camera in lens in one hand as he talks.

Barrett-You see! That ****e, the so called women of the WZCW, and especially that b*tch Isabel Stone are all the same! Damn useless! They call come out shaking their jiblets looking like C-class porn stars hoping these fat, bumpkin, WZCW fans will get off watching them jiggle and flop around the ring. Just like Isabel, that ****e has daddy issues. Isabel is trying to be the man her daddy couldn’t be. Well I tell you what wook…maybe after I smack you around like that ****, and spank you in the middle ring…maybe…just, maybe… I will let you put your little ****e school girl outfit on and make me a sammich!

Barrett shoves the camera, as the scene ends…

The reality is that while the RP did get that response, it's hard to tell where it crossed the line precisely. After all, we've had edgy RP's received very well in the past. I had an RP win me the world title in which Drake hit a woman in the face, much as Barrett did in this RP. In another, I won the Lethal Lottery with more general violence toward a women. No one complained in these circumstances, at least not publicly, and creative chosen them to win two huge matches. But the above RP also has degrading dialog and sexual actions toward women, and I think that's where it goes wrong. So let's keep talking about these three things, and where the rules come into play.

Violence: The rules have clear discussion of violence in RP's:

6) We allow the use of swearing and violence as we realise that sometimes it is required to add aspects of a character. However, please use it on a limited basis as we have to cater to anyone of the age of 13 and above, and excessive swearing & violence is not appropriate. Swearing & violence every other word isn't just uncreative, it will actually hinder our overall view of your Role-Play. If you are unsure whether the amount of swearing & violence in your RP is too much or need to get confirmation on doing something excessive, you can PM a member of creative and we'll discuss whether or not the swearing/violence is appropriate to post within your RP.

Again, I don't think the violence is really the biggest problem in this RP, so let me first discuss the next few things and then we'll get around to how it all comes together.

Dialogue: Unfortunately the rules only discuss swearing, and not generally offensive rhetoric. This RP doesn't even have a terrible problem with swearing, but the general way that it attacks women was clearly offensive to a lot of the fed. I think we need to acknowledge that words like "****" and "****e" are in the same category of generally offensive rhetoric and were probably used excessively here. I think it's clear that using a lot of offensive rhetoric makes for a worse effect than does excessive swearing. We've objected to and voted against RP's that swore excessively before, but they didn't elicit a response like this. So we need to also acknowledge that offensive dialog is as bad or worse than swearing in some cases, and I think perhaps the rules should reflect that better. Let me discuss one other point first before getting to that:

Sexual Content: This is also not explicitly reflected in the rules, which I'm going to address, but I think this is perhaps where the RP goes the most wrong. The vulgar actions both taken and suggested are what, to me, makes the RP particularly uncomfortable, for a lot of the same reasons the offensive rhetoric does.

I think ultimately where the RP goes wrong is that it's simply in poor taste. Something like this is extremely difficult to define but it is kind of a "know it when you see it" sort of thing. When enough of creative and the fed at large has this kind of a reaction to something, it's obviously not in very good taste. The dialog and the sexual content, combined with the probably excessive violence, ultimately made this an uncomfortable RP to read and one we had to delete. But this isn't the first time we've run up against this kind of issue in RP's before. We had a discussion around similar issues when Vega killed a guy in an RP, and when there was a rape joke in an RP. It's happened before, which is why I think a larger discussion and a new rule are in order. So, let me propose an addition to the rules:

The Good Taste Clause:

Swearing and violence aren't the only things that can cross the line into making an RP offensive. In general, avoid doing anything in poor taste in your RP's. Read over what you've written before posting it and ask yourself - is anything in here going to make the majority of the fed feel uncomfortable from reading it? Am I going to touch off widespread negative reaction with what I'm doing in this RP? If the answer to those question is yes, don't post it. If you're unsure, check with a creative member first.

I don't want this to be a mandate coming down from me, and I'd like to just have everyone discuss it openly. Feel free to propose changes to the wording of the statement of the rule. This is a discussion for the entire fed to have, not just creative, so let's try to have some level headed discourse about it and come to a better way of reflecting this in our rules.
To be honest I'm mostly indifferent about the RP now.

Reading it I was initially reacting like "really, you posted this crap" and stopped reading because it was just so bad due to how far it was trying to be like Howard Stern pushing the limits of what could be done. And blatantly at that.

As I said in General Discussion, the character (and the player) thanks to the RP really (in the end) just came off as nothing more than a little kid that had just learned a swear they weren't supposed to know and now where just saying it over and over and over.

I've no trouble with a character having little to no respect for the female competitors as part of their gimmick, but at least write it well and don't try to break the glass ceiling on post one.
I'm not a member of the fed (well I did write an all stars rp but that hardly counts) but I do read most of the rps posted on the boards as a bit of bedtime reading or to kill time on the way to work, and that rp is the first time I've ever just stopped and gone "what the fuck..."

I don't think you guys really need a rule explaining that this sort of stuff is wrong though, most people who apply at least have some common sense, so if you must put in an annotation a simple "don't be stupid" would cover it. Actually even posting that rp and leaving a note under it saying "don't do that" may suffice.
I think what's insulting about this as opposed to what Harthan did with Drake is that when Drake hit a woman, it felt like a super dramatic moment that Drake had been building towards. With this RP it feels like the writer was just being offensive for the sake of being offensive in order to get a reaction.

Now saying things to get a reaction isn't in and of itself crossing a line: that's pretty much what wrestlers do for a living. The problem is that he said some very offensive things in a very offensive way, and he did it so casually that it sends the message that casual sexism is okay. And that's not okay.

I'd say that this type of rhetoric has no place in the fed, but I don't think this character needs to be trashed immediately. He just needs to be handled a little better.
I think what's insulting about this as opposed to what Harthan did with Drake is that when Drake hit a woman, it felt like a super dramatic moment that Drake had been building towards. With this RP it feels like the writer was just being offensive for the sake of being offensive in order to get a reaction.

Now saying things to get a reaction isn't in and of itself crossing a line: that's pretty much what wrestlers do for a living. The problem is that he said some very offensive things in a very offensive way, and he did it so casually that it sends the message that casual sexism is okay. And that's not okay.

I'd say that this type of rhetoric has no place in the fed, but I don't think this character needs to be trashed immediately. He just needs to be handled a little better.


Maybe some offense was also taken by the fact that Jessie Lynn is actually a female IRL and creating an RP that's degrading to women could be seen as a shot towards the writer behind Isabel Stone. If this kind of RP was done against someone like Echelon (Celeste Crimson), I don't believe there would've been a separate thread to discuss this RP and would've been simply counted as a no-show with a quiet PM to Barrett explaining what happened.
Allow the rhyming Doctor who just faced a woman at Kingdom Come and her half brother to pontificate on the subject of misogyny.

I'm fairly new around here, so at the end of the day, I'm not the best person to articulate this. The men on women violence is what it is; we're in a fed where it's kind of mandated. If anything, it would be insulting to have different rules of violence, between men and women. The RP could have done without the violence, but while it's misogynist, it isn't my biggest concern.

I'd like to share something that may it may not be news to you all; rape is a problem in America. In fact, rape and misogyny are a big, big problem everywhere. I think that part of the RP was tasteless, and done to drum up controversy, a la Rush Limbaugh. But that's not the route to a successful heel... In fact, look at our most successful heels. They're bad guys... But could you say they're controversial?

No.... They're goofy characters. And everything about that RP was uncomfortably serious. But again, that isn't my biggest concern.

To me, the big concern is the lack of respect towards his opponent. Within the text, it appears as though the writer didn't have much respect for Isabel Stone... Or for that matter, any of the women in the fed. And that's, to me, the biggest issue I have with the RP. If I'm going to work with somebody, I have to trust that the person I'm RP'ing with is going to treat my character with some sort of dignity, and I never got that, whether intentional or not, from this RP. Which brings me to beg you all... Have some respect for the people you work with. Yes, they're your opponents, but we're all working together, to put on a good show. And that can't happen, when I can't trust my opponent to respect my character. I'd like to think I've treated Kurtesy with respect, and I don't feel any of my opponents would say I've been disrespectful. And that's what I urge you all; be respectful.

That's all, I'm heading to bed. Thank you for listening to my ramblings.
Allow the rhyming Doctor who just faced a woman at Kingdom Come and her half brother to pontificate on the subject of misogyny.

I'm fairly new around here, so at the end of the day, I'm not the best person to articulate this. The men on women violence is what it is; we're in a fed where it's kind of mandated. If anything, it would be insulting to have different rules of violence, between men and women. The RP could have done without the violence, but while it's misogynist, it isn't my biggest concern.

I'd like to share something that may it may not be news to you all; rape is a problem in America. In fact, rape and misogyny are a big, big problem everywhere. I think that part of the RP was tasteless, and done to drum up controversy, a la Rush Limbaugh. But that's not the route to a successful heel... In fact, look at our most successful heels. They're bad guys... But could you say they're controversial?

No.... They're goofy characters. And everything about that RP was uncomfortably serious. But again, that isn't my biggest concern.

To me, the big concern is the lack of respect towards his opponent. Within the text, it appears as though the writer didn't have much respect for Isabel Stone... Or for that matter, any of the women in the fed. And that's, to me, the biggest issue I have with the RP. If I'm going to work with somebody, I have to trust that the person I'm RP'ing with is going to treat my character with some sort of dignity, and I never got that, whether intentional or not, from this RP. Which brings me to beg you all... Have some respect for the people you work with. Yes, they're your opponents, but we're all working together, to put on a good show. And that can't happen, when I can't trust my opponent to respect my character. I'd like to think I've treated Kurtesy with respect, and I don't feel any of my opponents would say I've been disrespectful. And that's what I urge you all; be respectful.

That's all, I'm heading to bed. Thank you for listening to my ramblings.

That's why I feel I hit the nail on the head.

"Like a little kid who just learned a swear and is now saying it just to say it."

There wasn't any respect behind it because I don't think the person (or the character) really had any grasp of how exactly to get across what they wanted to get across in an "adult" manner.

There's ways to do a character like Stratton tactfully, respectfully, seriously and tastefully (I think) but they just went way, way, way overboard.

To me, it was like if the Million Dollar Man brought a kid in the ring and said I'll give you $100 to dribble this basketball for 1 minute. Then, not only did he kick the ball away, he shoved the kid down, pants'd him, took the kid's wallet, went out and took the parents' wallet and then pushed them over too.

It's like, why? Why did we need to see the money blow job? What was the real point of that? You had already established a "****e" who would do what you wanted for money. And there was no real reason for it. I could see if say, Stratton was a champion and Isabel was the contender doing something "akin" to that scene (obviously not giving head to a roll of singles) but doing a "what are you willing to do for this gold?" type of deal, but certainly not anything like what we saw and definitely not this early in the career.
Oversold, but loses about a million points right off the bat with two little words: muay thai.
I feel personally there is a way to toe the line of controversy without being excessive. My first RP had a prostitute in it (not the same as a stripper like the Stratton RP, which I'm not sure if the RPer knows what a stripper is willing to do, and not willing to do). I had felt at first I made a really bad decision and will be told such, but I wasn't. I'm thinking the difference between my use of a hooker and the Stratton one was the story behind it. I was trying to convey an almost inhuman character that's willing to put his butler through a humiliating position without tipping over to a sick boy's fantasy.

I don't think I'm one to say what's complete shit here and what's not being new and all, but I felt uncomfortable reading Stratton. But then again, several were probably uncomfortable reading my first RP as well.
What bothered me was the overall attitude of negativity toward women. There's trying to earn heel heat from the get go, and then there's being downright offensive. I get it, we weren't supposed to like this guy. Perhaps he did not know that he cannot cross the line in this way? We need to be careful in what we say about our opponents in an RP. It came across as prejudiced. In character or not, it just felt rude toward Stone and I would not blame Jesse if she took offense to it being a girl out of character. If he were facing someone like Celeste, Amber, or even my NPC Kirilah/Tiffany, it would still have been offensive. Violence, if absolutely needed to make a point is not the problem. Calling a female opponent a "****" or a "****e" several times after comparing them to a stripper, let alone what he had the stripper do within the RP, is a bit too much.

I am all for that RP being kept as a reminder of "What NOT to do" in terms of what could offend a reader. I'd give him a second chance as there is that possibility that he made a mistake and does still want to RP with us, hopefully it does not happen again. If it does, get rid of him. I trust in the creative team's decisions in how they will be handling this. I'd bet a win this round along the lines of a Ryback 2012 squash match victory for Jesse is coming even if she no-show's. Harthan's suggestion about the new clause in the rules is a good idea and I support it. I think that would prevent something like this from making readers uncomfortable again.
The thing is when Celeste started most of the opponent rps were 'she's a woman, ha'. This takes that up by 100. I'm very uncomfortable reading it.

I think what's worse than Celeste is the handler for Stone is female (celeste's wasn't) and we know nothing about the rper for Barrett.
I think what's worse than Celeste is the handler for Stone is female (celeste's wasn't) and we know nothing about the rper for Barrett.

That's the part that bugged me the most. Granted, there's a good chance that wasn't known when the RP was written, but still.
Jesus Christ. Things have really dipped since I've been gone.

That RP, however, was the worst piece of drivel I've ever read and I was around for most of Johnny Scumm's run.

Don't give this person any more time around the Fed. Delete the post, tell the user why and move on. Don't give it any more attention that what it already has.
Jesus Christ. Things have really dipped since I've been gone.

That RP, however, was the worst piece of drivel I've ever read and I was around for most of Johnny Scumm's run.

Don't give this person any more time around the Fed. Delete the post, tell the user why and move on. Don't give it any more attention that what it already has.

Agreed. I know I'm not part of the fed anymore either but this type of shit doesn't belong here. That was completely disrespectful and out of line.
His new one isn't much better. If this guy can't write an RP without being completely tasteless, then he doesn't belong here.
His new one isn't much better. If this guy can't write an RP without being completely tasteless, then he doesn't belong here.

Agreed. I don't know what he was told about his original RP, but he clearly doesn't have a grasp on what was wrong with it and that's a major issue.
Somebody tell him to fucking space out the lines next time damnit. Almost unreadible.

Agreed. Reading that thing was just painful due to the formatting.... let alone how rude the first one came off. The second version is barely any better. This guy has to be on rather thin ice by now. Should there be a third strike I'd say get rid of him.
Did I miss this thread? Ah well, I wasn't too enamoured with the whole woman hitting thing in Drakes RP either, as it happens, but that was mainly because I thought it was kind of cheap, and the sudden shift from fun loving drinker to wife beater jolted far more than it should've, as opposed slowly seeing the transformation and fearing the inevitable shift. The cynic in me says it was done for shock value in order to win that match. Of course, I am not at all bitter that my abandoned Church RP, which a lot of people consider fantastic (to which I am duly grateful, of course) was one of the ones that lost out to that. But seriously, I harbour no ill-feeling about that, opinions are like arse-holes after all.

I thought much the same as the people in the podcast, there is very much space for a misogynistic prick character in the fed, and attacking Isabelle's daddy issue's did show that this wasn't done purely for the sake of offensiveness, this guy has read up on the fed, at the very least. The RP was all kinds of wrong, but I can't help but think that something similar, toned down and better written (say what I will about the Drake RP, it was very well written, at the least), from a more well known member (as in somebody of whom we can differentiate between characters thoughts and actual posters thoughts, since Barrett Stratton is a character first and foremost, and we are almost in danger of applying his thoughts to the poster in question) could work. Although, if its a route I ever took I'd PM my opponent about it first.

All I mean is, lets not go overboard on the white knighting. Heel heat, Andy Kaufman and all that. Like I always say, if it makes sense for the character in question, and is not done purely as a shock/match winning tactic, then I think some tolerance should be shown.

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