So it's OK for the Miz to make use "gay" as an insult?


Dark Match Winner
This is some twitter banter between Miz and Jericho

“@mikethemiz you’re gay”

“@IAmJericho u flat iron ur hair n im the gay one?”

“@mikethemiz hmmmm good call. Then again u use mounds of sculpting paste to assemble your purple fauxhawk as u admire yourself in the mirror”

“@IAmJericho if u looked this good u would do the same. @fhnixon i guess its a rockstar thing.”

“@mikethemiz if I looked that good I would put a bag on my head”

“@IAmJericho i cant do this back n forth my dad always taught my to respect the elderly.”

“@mikethemiz Did he teach u to say “do u want fries with that?”…might come in handy someday.”

“@IAmJericho it did come in handy back in 1996 remember those days when u actually had hair. its cool though bald is the new black.”

“@mikethemiz And the fauxhawk is the new fanny pack.”

“@IAmJericho listen clay jericho i mean chris aiken i mean y2gay ryan seacrest called n he wants his highlights back”

“@mikethemiz Adam lambert called and he wants you back…”

“@IAmJericho i ate some bad food i have to go take a chris jericho”

“@IAmJericho as i sit here in the stalls of jericho i cant get this parasite out does anyone have a code breaker?”

“@IAmJericho code broken i broke the walls down.”

“Just heard Miz’s match tonight in Adelaide was cancelled due to lack of interest…”

“I’m glad Miz thinks of me when he’s taking a dumpski. I think of him when I’m banging his mum…”

“@IAmJericho i just talked to my mom and she said not to worry it happens to alot of guys, you were nervous. Also y does she call u pinky”

“@mikethemiz I heard Miz had a barnburner of a match tonight…people ran out and burned their barns in protest.”

“@IAmJericho just heard this band who r supposed to be the new jonas brothers the singer sounds like hannah montana. theyre called fozzy”

“@mikethemiz 15000 fans in attendance tonight and not one of them will buy a Chick Magnet tshirt.”

“@IAmJericho and im sure the fans in japan r excited about seeing u in ur banana hammock”

“just got done with a signing at foxtail call center in melbourne with kelly kelly. headed to the arena.”

“@mikethemiz wow the foxtail call center huh? What’s next, a signing at piggly wigglys?”

“@IAmJericho y did u want me to pick u up some tampons for u”

“@mikethemiz that would be great and can u please pick me up some pepto as well…I just watched one of your matches.”

“@IAmJericho this tweetwar is so childish y dont u deal with ur midlife crisis with writin a new book entitled around the world in depends.”

“@mikethemiz maybe it can compete with your new novel Miz-My Life With A Frog Face”

Jericho can say what he likes he isn't under contract. But Punk got in trouble with Glaad for using "homo" as an insult. Cole had to go to classes because he used the term "******", but Miz is using the word "gay" as an insult all over his twitter? That's definitely disrespectful.

Someone tell Glaad, lets get the Miz into trouble.
The odd one liner in that are brilliant.

Honestly looking forward to a Mike vs. Jericho feud, the promos would be good, humorous banter. Jericho's Adam Lambert line is great.
Haha, those are some pretty funny insults from both, hint on a future feud between the two? Anyway so The Miz just used a gay slur, and Chris Jericho actually started the gay insults, so is The Miz gonna get seriously punished like a depush? Highly unlikely, The Miz is a top star and as Mr.McMahon likes to think of him, the future of the WWE, but you never know.. with WWE's partnership with GLAAD he might actually be in trouble with officials, even if he doesn't get punished he's gonna get heat from the undercard wrestlers, just like Orton got when he started being a dick again, me personally I don't care about GLAAD, but the way they take everytime someone famous says the word gay seriously and immediately consider it a gay slur is just pathetic.
No, maybe he should get fired for playing around with his friend :rolleyes:. Look they're not doing anything wrong, its a conversation between two people. Gay isnt really a bad word. Punk got in trouble because he called a fan homo. Micheal Cole got in trouble because of the nature of the word. ****** is a lot worse than gay and its obvious this is just some friendly banter.
Here's a better question; what are you talking about?

No I'm not denying that he used a slur of sorts and there's nothing okay with that, I suppose. But since when has anyone actually been punished over using a gay slur? Punk and Cole were publicly chastised for their actions, but neither were actually really punished. So why is everyone always making a big deal out of this shit?

Besides, they were just talking to one another and they were clearly just fucking with each other as friends. Maybe they shouldn't have done it publicly though.
I was shocked that I might have to give Miz the win but Jericho stole it with the last (and best) line. As far as gay comments go this seemed to clearly be in jest so I doubt it matters much. Slightly juvenille but nothing anyone should lose sleep over. It might be half interesting to see Jericho come back and try and pull some talent out Mr Averagesome.
i don't understand how they could be mad at him for saying "gay". he didn't say "homo", "***", or any of the other 1000 horrible ways to call someone homosexual. he used a politically correct term, maybe the way he used it could be seen as offensive to those who are homosexual but just b/c he said gay, i don't think that's as bad as what certain wrestler's, or nba player's have gotten in troublem for saying.
Agreed...i'm not offended by it. If anything, this is some very humorous bantor between the two. Nothing offensive and all for just laughs. If you're the sensitive type who would be offended by using the word gay, then you should shut yourself out from society BECAUSE IT IS USED EVERYWHERE!!! HAVE A FUCKING SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!
Question did anyone read these tweets in they're monotone voices.

And yes this was from a while ago but still funny. Miz v Jericho would have been better than Miz v Cena just the build up alone would have been gold.
Didn't they do this like a really long time ago before Jericho left? I think this also precedes their partnership with glaad. Anyway, Twitter is gay.
Punk barely got in trouble for that Homo thing. I mean the WWE sure didn't punish him. And yes the use of teh word gay here is an insult and something GLAAD would talke offense too. Do we not remember that campaign last year about not using the word "gay" to describe that something is bad or unpleasant? Though this was a funny Tweetwar. A lot of good one liners from both guys.
and so.. the *****fication of America continues

F*ck GLAAD and other "organizations" who get insulted by use of words. Is being called gay supposed to be a good thing then? It's meant as an insult because the masses think so. This whole thing about "accepting gays in society" is also moronic. I for one am a person who is disgusted to no end of homosexuals. Here's the thing that groups like GLAAD need to understand... TOO BAD

It's just the way it is and it's why New York just barely passed their new law wherein the majority of the states still don't have it legalized. Cali was a perfect example in the way they voted yes on prop 8 denying gay marriage.

Eff gay people and their whining. It's also time to stop being so damn sensitive you vaginas
Honestly who the hell cares? I mean the bigger issue would have been if he would have used it in an offensive manner. The guys are clearly just going back and forth as friends get over it.
Agreed...i'm not offended by it. If anything, this is some very humorous bantor between the two. Nothing offensive and all for just laughs. If you're the sensitive type who would be offended by using the word gay, then you should shut yourself out from society BECAUSE IT IS USED EVERYWHERE!!! HAVE A FUCKING SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!

People like you are the worst. "Homophobia is everywhere, why do people complain and not just deal with it?"

Miz should get a slap on the wrist and be made to apologise. People make mistakes with their language but it is whether we learn from those mistakes that matters. Using sexuality, gender, race, class or religion as a way to insult people is to say that it is worse than any other type. People born homosexual are not worse people than people born straight- they just happen to be attracted to a different type of person.

Not only is it discriminatory, it is also a sign of stupidity. If you cannot think of a way to get at someone without having drag down part of our culture with baseless insults then you lack wit, you lack intelligence and you lack humour. The way I've seen Punk and Miz perform, I'd like to think they can do much better.
cchriswake31 - Fascists like you don't deserve to breathe the same air as everyone else. Instead I'd personally recommend cyanide.

If you are going to pretend like you are better than any other part of society, you could at least learn basic language abilities to make your inane and destructive points.
People like you are the worst. "Homophobia is everywhere, why do people complain and not just deal with it?"

Miz should get a slap on the wrist and be made to apologise. People make mistakes with their language but it is whether we learn from those mistakes that matters. Using sexuality, gender, race, class or religion as a way to insult people is to say that it is worse than any other type. People born homosexual are not worse people than people born straight- they just happen to be attracted to a different type of person.

Not only is it discriminatory, it is also a sign of stupidity. If you cannot think of a way to get at someone without having drag down part of our culture with baseless insults then you lack wit, you lack intelligence and you lack humour. The way I've seen Punk and Miz perform, I'd like to think they can do much better.

But nobody is insulting anyone here, they're just playing around. Who are you to say what words people can use in their personal lives or what they should think?
Should we not just be discussing how funny the back and forth banter was? Maybe live on WWE T.V. this wouldn't work so well, but as a conversation with one another off-air it shouldn't be viewed as anything more than that.

I try not to be homophobic, but why does every little thing have to be so politically correct? Also, think about it, if straight people had a "Straight Pride" parade, it would be considered a bad thing, but the Gay and Lesbian people can flaunt their sexuality like it's some kind of trophy. I just don't understand that way of thinking.
Hilarious insight into Jericho & Miz's friendship. Pure lads.

The 'gay' thing doesn't bother me, you can clearly tell they're bantering. I know, Cole and Punk weren't being serious when they used it, but I didn't ask GLAAD to reprimand them either.

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