So is Jeff Hardy like Michael Jackson


King Of The Wasteland
Bear with me, Michael Jackson is regarded one of the if not the best musician ever however people still think of him differently because of the child molestion accusations. When people say Michael Jackson people either think of the phenomenal musician or 'kiddie fiddler'

Jeff Hardy is one of the best highflyers of the last decade and has done phenomenal things in the ring but has had his drug related issues outside of it.

My question is when people say Jeff Hardy what will you think of first, the enigmatic highflyer or the troubled drug addict

I personally think of Jeff Hardy the wrestler first, his personal issues are a shame (and I hope he gets them sorted out) but he's done so many memorable things and had so many memorable matches that I just think of the wrestler first

your viewz
i get what your saying. i will always think of all the crazy shit hardy has done in some amazing matches when i hear his name. some1 had a thread about if hardy will make it into the HoF. i see it the same as how michael jackson was able to clear his name (people may think he did molested those kids but since it was never proven then legaly he didnt do it). if hardy can clear his name then he will be in the HoF.

i will always see hardy in a good light. i always thought it was funny that he was a pot head cuz so am i :lmao:
No offense, but this is an absolutely awful comparison. Jeff Hardy isn't anywhere near as good or popular of a wrestler as Michael Jackson was as a musician, and being arrested for drugs is nowhere near as severe as child molestation accusations. Really poor analogy here I'm afraid.

I don't see how anyone could think of Jeff as the drug user first and foremost. Jeff is hardly the first wrestler busted with drugs (name your favorite wrestler, odds are he's been busted with drugs at some point in his life), so I'll always think of him as the crazy son of a bitch that pulled that Swanton in Madison Square Garden during the first ever table match back at Royal Rumble 2000 (which was either my first or second PPV that I ever ordered).
No offense, but this is an absolutely awful comparison. Jeff Hardy isn't anywhere near as good or popular of a wrestler as Michael Jackson was as a musician, and being arrested for drugs is nowhere near as severe as child molestation accusations. Really poor analogy here I'm afraid.

I don't see how anyone could think of Jeff as the drug user first and foremost. Jeff is hardly the first wrestler busted with drugs (name your favorite wrestler, odds are he's been busted with drugs at some point in his life), so I'll always think of him as the crazy son of a bitch that pulled that Swanton in Madison Square Garden during the first ever table match back at Royal Rumble 2000 (which was either my first or second PPV that I ever ordered).

I disagree with you, I can see what he's saying. I get that Jeff isn't nearly as known as MJ, but I get the idea. I definitely have mixed feelings about Michael Jackson, I like the guy's music, but the whole molesting thing just shot most of it to hell for me.

And Jeff, it's pretty much the same. I like the guy and I respect him, but his whole drug abuse thing does make me lose SOME respect for him, to a certain degree. But, he really cares about the fans and is a nice guy, so I don't completely disrespect him.
Yeah i can see were alex is comming from.
As im a Hardy mark i think of the wrestling first but the drug thing is always in the back of my mind.

So a wrestler first druggy second.

BTW hardy will still be in the HOF regardless of him being a drug addict or not because of the success of The Hardy Boyz.

I disagree with you, I can see what he's saying. I get that Jeff isn't nearly as known as MJ, but I get the idea. I definitely have mixed feelings about Michael Jackson, I like the guy's music, but the whole molesting thing just shot most of it to hell for me.

I don't think anyone will ever know the truth behind those accusations, but that's a topic for another thread.

And Jeff, it's pretty much the same. I like the guy and I respect him, but his whole drug abuse thing does make me lose SOME respect for him, to a certain degree. But, he really cares about the fans and is a nice guy, so I don't completely disrespect him.

I don't see why you'd lose respect for someone for using drugs, especially with someone who's job it is to beat the shit out of themselves. He was reckless though and got caught, I for one don't really think it's a big deal. I wish he would have just smoked some pot instead of eating down the Vicodin though, that shit will ruin your liver.
u know when i think of jeff hardy i always think hi flyer first and most people do but the drug thing whether its true or not it will always eventually pop up

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