So I'm showing a friend wrestling for the first time...


Little Jimmy
Basically I have a new friend who I'm about to introduce to wrestling, this person only knows about some of the mainstreak crossover starts (Rock/SCSA) but has never watched a WWE event before.

Long story short, we're having a little "wrestling get together" this weekend and I'd like to impress this lovely lady (ok, I'm legit trying to use her casual interest in wrestling and my "expertise" to get laid here)

Suggest some great matches/events for me (WWF/WWE only please)

What I'd like is a suggestion for a match, a backstage segment/promo and an in ring segment promo that would impress her.

For the match: technical oriented in ring action with no blood or weapons and preferably big name superstars use (so 'I Quit, the Cena/Orton Gay Bondage Porno' is are the TLC/MITB matches)

For the promo/segment: involves main event stars AND is good because of its intelligent content (so DX related toilet humor is out, Rapper Cena calling Lita a **** is out, Edge's live sex show is out, the Attitude Era in general is out)

Ideas people?

(especially if you're showing anything before WM 14, which was when I became a pre 1998 wrestling knowledge is fairly weak)

Thanks in advance guys
I'll recommend some things right now, and it sure as hell won't have anything to do with TNA. Also, I laughed my ass off at the bondage joke.


Christian vs. Kofi Kingston - This happened just about one year ago on SmackDown, and was one of the best technical wrestling matches of the year. It was complete with fun high-flying moves and a good showing of sportsmanship after the match.

Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk - This was the steel cage match that proved to be Jeff's last with the WWE. It was on SmackDown in 2009. This would be a nice way to introduce her to gimmick matches without getting violent or over the top.

John Morrison vs. Rey Mysterio - Yet another SmackDown match, and also from 2009. Rey dropped the belt due to a suspension here but your girl doesn't need to know that. This was great technical bout.

Undertaker vs. Big Show - You should show her heavyweights too. These guys have had countless encounters, most of which aren't too violent.

Bret Hart vs. 1-2-3 Kid - A WWE title match from 1994 and possibly the greatest match in RAW history. This also has perhaps the greatest showing of sportsmanship in wrestling history (Bret doesn't feel comfortable with winning illegally).


Shawn Michaels retirement speech - Ladies love HBK, and this would show her the emotional side of pro wrestling. You could even tug her heart strings further by digging up the "Shawn loses his smile" promo from 1997.

Batista turns on HHH - From RAW in 2005, this could introduce her to the more dramatic side of wrestling. You might want to show HHH turning on Orton, too.

Kane electricuting Shane McMahon's testicles - I'm obviously joking about this one lol.
Match-Macho Man Randy Savage vs Rickie Steamboat (Mania 3)

Backstage Promo-Rock Birthday Party scenes which show funnyside of WWE

In Ring Promo-John Cena speech after being "fired" by Nexus.
Show her RAW. No casual fan's going to give a shit about stuff that isn't current. People get hooked if they don't have to work for their entertainment.

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