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So i'm going to a WWE house show tonight...

Skairipa Matrix

3 Time Elite Openweight Champion
It's a late birthday gift from my family. Anybody care for the results? If so i'll try to remember them and put them up when I get home.

I know i'm looking forward to the show, I haven't gone to a live event in a little over 2 years and I always enjoy myself at them.
Most house show results are fairly predictable, but sometimes you get a few surprises.

I went to one around this time last year, and I was very pleased with it, but what blew me away the most was the reaction for Cena. The building not only exploded for him, but for the entire duration of his match there were cameras flashing from people taking pictures. You'd think he had just won the Super Bowl or something, but it was just a regular old match with Kane. It was awesome.
Most house show results are fairly predictable, but sometimes you get a few surprises.

I went to one around this time last year, and I was very pleased with it, but what blew me away the most was the reaction for Cena. The building not only exploded for him, but for the entire duration of his match there were cameras flashing from people taking pictures. You'd think he had just won the Super Bowl or something, but it was just a regular old match with Kane. It was awesome.

Well the show tonight is in Springfield, MA which is where Cena went to college. 2 years ago the place went nuts for him and I expect no different this time.

I fully expect every heel to lose unless it's Cesaro or Barrett defending their championship, Because that's generally how house shows work but maybe someone like Fandango will win a match or Shield will win (though their facing Cena so I doubt it.)
As promised here is the results from the show along with my thoughts on the matches. At the end i'll put who (at least from what I heard) who got the biggest pops and most heat.

First off let me say the whole arena was PACKED i'm not even sure if any seats were open besides a scattered few. I was surprised by this honestly but hopefully it makes WWE wanna come back to Springfield more often!

Team Hell No def. 3MB to retain the Tag Titles
Slater & Jinder wrestled for their team and honestly this was my 2nd favorite match of the night. Heath Slater is very entertaining in person I must say. Match was a little longer than it would have been on TV and Hell No got the win with a Chokeslam/NO! Lock combo. Post match they did the whole "I'M THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS" stuff until Kane took both titles and after Bryan charged him twice like a bull with Kane making him miss both times, Kane refused to give Bryan his title until he gave him a hug. HILARIOUS moment when Bryan kept yelling NO! until finally in a whiny voice he quietly says no, i hate you all! and sadly starts to leave the ring, This was right before the hug.

Wade Barrett def. R-Truth & The Miz to retain the IC Title
This match was boring and kind of slow. Barrett got the win after he tossed Miz shoulder first into the ring post after Miz had hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Truth. Crowd barley cared about Barrett but they gave Miz a decent pop and LOVED the whats up stuff with Truth who shockingly knew what city he was in.

Post match Barrett bailed from the ring and the second he was on the stage The Shield came running out and attacked the faces. Miz was beaten down then tossed out of the ring and Truth took the Triple Powerbomb. Refs helped both to the back but the second they got backstage the refs took off and they causally walked away while Shield said at Wrestlemania we will all learn to believe in justice, To believe in the Shield.

Alberto Del Rio vs Antonio Cesaro/Del Rio & Kofi def. Cesaro & Swagger

The champion vs champion match was the original match and they just kind of went through the motions until Swagger shoved Del Rio off the top turnbuckle and Kofi made the save from a double team attack. After Vickie came out to announce the tag match (I couldn't even hear her at all with how loud she was getting boo'ed!) it took FOREVER for Swagger & Cesaro to get in the ring to begin the match. The tag match was decent and the end came when Del Rio made Cesaro tap to the Cross Armbreaker. Post match Swagger tried a post match beatdown but Del Rio saw him coming and put him in the armbreaker until he slid out of the ring.

After that we went to a 15 minute intermission and for me it was time to go get some nachos and soda.

Kaitlyn def. Tamina to retain the Diva's Title
Shockingly enough the crowd LOVED Kaitlyn! Tamina got a you suck chant but I missed most of this match as lines at the concession stands were crazy long. I saw the last minute of the match which was Kaitlyn moving out of the way of a top rope splash then getting up and hitting the spear for the victory. Kaitlyn is better looking in person I must say.

Ryback def. Mark Henry in an Over The Top Rope Challenge
Mark Henry had said earlier he was going to induct Ryback into the Hall Of Pain tonight. This match was okay once it got going but at first they just stared each other down and ran into each other once or twice. The end came when Henry tossed Ryback out onto the ring apron and as Henry charged him, Ryback pulled down the top rope sending Henry flying out of the ring. Ryback chanting feed me more after the match.

John Cena, Sheamus & Big Show def. The Shield by DQ
Fans went APE SHIT for Cena the second his music hit and any time he got tagged into the match. Show's open hand chops to the chest are NASTY! I was almost in the furthest row back and even I could hear the chops up in my seats! Show ripped Dean's shirt & vest off and tore Seth's vest off before giving them chops. This was match of the night but Seth (I think) hitting Show with a chair was weak, He barley even tapped him with it.

Post match Shield set up for a Triple Powerbomb on Show but before they could get him up for it, Sheamus hit the Brouge Kick on Roman knocking him out of the ring. Cena & Show hit a Chokeslam/AA combo on Seth & Dean to end the action for the night and we were thanked for coming. Cena, Show and Sheamus talked with a bunch of fans after the show and one kid got Sheamus & Show to sign his poster which I figured must have been cool.

Biggest Pops:
1. John Cena (BY FAR!)
2. Ryback
3. Daniel Bryan (If you count pretty much everybody yelling YES! every time he said NO! as pop)
4. Sheamus
5. Kaitlyn

Most Heat:
1. Vickie Guerrero
2. The Shield
3. 3MB (I was shocked by how much heat they got personally)
4. Mark Henry
5. Tamina

Sadly they didn't tell us when they would be back again. The crowd was hot throughout the whole show which is always nice. I do think they could have used 1 more match though, Surprised that Orton, Jericho, Fandango and Ziggler all were not there. I was hoping AJ was gonna be there so that was a bummer.

Honestly the biggest negative tonight was the idiot a few seats over who kept yelling SOS! every 5 seconds during Kofi's match, That was pissing me off along with the asshole behind me who felt the need to SCREAM things right behind me so I may have damaged hearing now. Also Ricardo was walking just fine tonight he had 1 crutch but he didn't even limp until after the tag match.
I hope you were a good fan and cheered a few faces as well

I cheered for Hell No (but I cheered 3MB too), Kofi, Kaitlyn, and joined in on the FEED ME MORE! chants for Ryback. Does that count?

Me, My buddy and the 3 hilarious dudes behind us all stood up clapping and cheering for Shield just to piss off the little Cena fans at the end of my row.

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