So I was watching my Essential Starrcade DVD...

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Mid-Card Championship Winner
...and I couldn't help think that some of those lame introductions to the matches need some sprucing up. Sure, the ones with JR or Mean Gene were below average. But the ones with Ric Flair or Tully Blanchard were truly God awful. Really cringe-worthy stuff. The WWE really needs to take some initiative in finding a way to improve these things. A few more home releases like that and Vince McMahon might as well close up shop because he's throwing my and the adult male viewing audience's money away.

Go and watch Tully's intro to his I Quit match with Magnum. Corny, right?

But I think I've got the solution.

WWE in 3D.

Now, now. Give me a chance here. While that promo is lame when you watch it in 2D, if you felt as though Tully were in the same room as you then you'd be pretty darn intimidated. Me thinks that would really enhance the experience. Some things in wrestling just don't feel real enough these days. But what could feel more real than an over-the-hill Tullt Blanchard getting in your face and telling you about shoving a microphone in another grown man's mouth? And don't get me started on what 3D would do for Triple H's nose or Ric Flair's breasts.

Would you like to see wrestling in 3D?
It's a shame the recession didn't hit them harder. Bubba could have used a few months without the means to keep himself fed.

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