So I Debated With This Guy On MSN About Religion


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[email protected] says:
so where did all the poo go from all the animals while they were on teh arc for 150 days?
Daniel says:
I imagine u ate it
Daniel says:
because all the arguments u have against christianity seem to be 'shit'

I thought that was pretty funny.

[email protected] says:
nah man i'm only 17
[email protected] says:
ok well . . dont you think it is wrong the bible supports incest?
Daniel says:
well yea, that's a tad weird - cept the bible isn't meant to be taken literally
[email protected] says:
yes it is
Daniel says:
and u've decided this by ur self?
[email protected] says:
so isnt the law enforcement wrong for arresting people for incest. you know it is 25 years imprisonment in Queensland
[email protected] says:
no religious ppl do when tehy preach from it
[email protected] says:
science fiction bud
[email protected] says:
i think noah should be arrsested dont you?
[email protected] says:
ok how did they fit dinosaurs on teh arc?
Daniel says:
you kinda dodged my point there, the bible isn't to be taken literally
[email protected] says:
well why do tehy preach it then
Daniel says:
who is they exactly?
[email protected] says:
where did dinosaurs come from?
[email protected] says:
try to fit a T-Rex on a boat ay
[email protected] says:
school chaplains, preast
Daniel says:
ur arguments are coming off the one thing ur ignoring - the bible is not to be taken literally
Daniel says:
said people are wrong
[email protected] says:
but there in more of a postin to say it is tehn you
Daniel says:
are there are people in more of a position then both of us, to say that the bible sohuldn't be taken literally - which ua re doing
Daniel says:
and that seems to be ur only argument, which is wrong
[email protected] says:
Daniel says:
so unless you have another point that makes sense, stop trying
[email protected] says:
when you can explain where dinosaurs came from you can argue
Daniel says:
silly coming from the person who started this debate
[email protected] says:
so if were not spouse to take parts of the bible litterly that makes it science fiction
Daniel says:
can u explain where we can from? I think not, no one can, hence why ur being hypocritical
Daniel says:
not science fiction silly, science is different, u just mean fiction, and it's not entirely that either
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
Daniel says:
ur gonna have to elaborate, just saying one word isn't particular much of an argument
Daniel says:
thought as much
[email protected] says:
dude brb, phone
Daniel says:
ok then

I don't think he was actually on the phone as he needed to think about his arguments. He also didn't seem to get that the bible isn't meant to be taken literally.

[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
so you know waht evolution is?
Daniel says:
indeed I do
[email protected] says:
yep tell me waht it is
[email protected] says:
without googling it
Daniel says:
the process (or the general idea) that humans came from monkeys - that's the part atheists usually grasp for straws at when debating
[email protected] says:
hmm yeah but thats not what i meant..
Daniel says:
what did u mean then?
Daniel says:
usually it's good for the person actually trying to make the point explain what they are on about
[email protected] says:
ok evolution is when inherited traits change dramticially, from the organism over generation. (like thousadns of years) so you ask how these changes occur? there is three main parts
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
reproduction and selction
[email protected] says:
follwin me
Daniel says:
[email protected] says:
okay genes are passed on to a organism offspring who produce the inherited traits this is evolution.. ok or the evolution throuh mutation or different breeds in teh populatiion
[email protected] says:
ok, so this is otehr wise know as agibegeniss
Daniel says:
ok then
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:
so through thousdands of years there was a mutation on the genes of monkeys
[email protected] says:
and now
[email protected] says:
we have
[email protected] says:
Daniel says:
that's a nice bed time story there
[email protected] says:
the best way i like to look at evolutioin is the eastern snail and teh western snail
[email protected] says:
heard of it?

I wasn't entirely sure what his point was. I quite enjoyed reading it though.

[email protected] says:
so refresh my memory, when was the bible written?
Daniel says:
written by different people at different times
[email protected] says:
so how come it doesnt mentin teh huge metorite that hit 5 million years ago that hit teh world moving it from perpendicular to a 13 degree angle
[email protected] says:
giving us 4 seasons
[email protected] says:
b4 we had 6 months of dark
Daniel says:
cause it wasnt written that far back silly
[email protected] says:
6 months of light
[email protected] says:
and that fact is proven too
[email protected] says:
well how come it doesnt mention dinosaurs
Daniel says:
dinos were extinct before it was written
Daniel says:
is there any other flawful arguments u'd like to put forward?
[email protected] says:
no it wasnt
Daniel says:
yea, it kinda was
[email protected] says:
bible was writen 1445 BC
Daniel says:
I see
Daniel says:
and when were dinos extinct?
jake© says:
like 2 millioin
jake© says:
i dont know
jake© says:
Daniel says:
well... doesnt taht just disprove ur point as to why it doesnt mention dinos in the bible?
jake© says:
my bad lol
Daniel says:
jake© says:
oh yeah. my bad on that one.
Daniel says:
that's ok
jake© says:
hm lol. tryin to think of more
Daniel says:
that's nice, it's fun debating

My personal favourite part. He actually totally stuffed himself there.

It was still fun though.
It was MSN. We can't be bothered thinking about spelling when I had to type rather quickly before he said something else.
Coming from Sparky, that was a bit rich.

But this guy seems like another person who has no idea what they're arguing against, but they think that they do.

I really wish people would just say 'I believe/don't believe in religion' and be done with it. There's no point in saying one thing is right and one thing isn't. The only thing worth discussing is the idiocy of some people when it comes to this.
Thank you. Thats what i meant, not the spelling, did i really spell it the same way as on there? fuck i must be tired.

If you spell that way when you are tired, you must be tired alot.

Don't deny it Rusty senior, I'm onto you.
If you spell that way when you are tired, you must be tired alot.

Don't deny it Rusty senior, I'm onto you.

I dont deny i am a horrible speller. but yeah i am tonight, after getting up at 4.30 every morning, working eight hours I think you would be as well.
tigers aren't in the bible, doesn't mean they aren't real.
Do you think I have nothing else better to do than to read a boring msn convo that will take me an hour to read?
This woman invited me into a 3 way msn convo. It's hilarious, but it's too good to be posted on here.
tigers aren't in the bible, doesn't mean they aren't real.

... I'm really sorry to say this, but I have to ask, seeing as I've been missing for a long time. Who are you?

Again, no disrespect meant, this is a serious question. Stuff like this happens when you've been off WZ for a few months.
... I'm really sorry to say this, but I have to ask, seeing as I've been missing for a long time. Who are you?

Again, no disrespect meant, this is a serious question. Stuff like this happens when you've been off WZ for a few months.

At least you did it politely this time.
.. That's Lee? Oh, cool. I thought it might be because of the RTC avatar, but I figured he was still banned.

Hi, Lee.

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