So... has the MEM worked?

Has the MEM vs Originals story made you tune in to TNA?

  • Yes, the MEM vs Originals story has kept me tuning in

  • No, the MEM story hasn't done anything for me.

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Hacksaw Highway

Getting Noticed By Management
Now, when the MEM first formed, everybody and their dog was bitching that it was uninspired, an nWo clone with less prestigous members, blah, blah, blah. Now here we are, 8 months or so later, and I'm starting to hear people talk ab out how the MEM storyline really got them hooked on TNA and/or increased their interest in it. So, did it do it's job, in making more people become fans of the product? I'd say yes. I was quick to say it was crap at first, but it has been entertaining to see a dominant heel group again. I think it's being stretched too thin at this point with members that don't fit as well like Brookes, Joe, Taz, and the World Elite, but it has been an entertaining angle that has kept me tuning in much more than I did a year ago. I also like the idea that the TNA originals can't get their shit together and keep rising up only to fall again, as it will make it seem bigger when they finally do win the war. Anyway, what are your thoughts?
I love the Main Event Mafia. They are the greatest collection of World Champions in wrestling history. Adding the World Elite only makes them stronger. Tazz and Joe are great additions. When Joe helped Angle win the title I felt swerved I won't lie. The Mafia equals ratings so yes I'd say its been a success.
I'm going to say it has worked- for the simple reason that while WWE has some small factions like Legacy etc... to see a big supergroup again takes you back to the days of the NWO which is never a bad thing, as long as they don't copy it COMPLETLY (E.g., making MEM Red and Black and MEM 2010) or something like that.

Though with the poll question, its not been MEM vs Originals keeping me tuned in but MEM vs faces. Because the originals? The frontline didn't last long at all! The originals should refer to original stars but it doesn't always. And the current crop fighting the heels feature people signed fairly recently.

Though all in all, the MEM angle has me tuned in. And I always proclaimed I was a WWE fan, but this is totally winning me over.
While I don't really find the Main Event Mafia to be super interesting or compelling, the ratings have done well since the group formed, so I think the storyline is working.

I mean theres always going to be people who don't like certain things, and haters will always hate, but I think aslong as the viewers are increasing or remaining steady, the Mafia's doing a great job. The NWO comparison, I get, but who cares. If your not going to like something because there was something "similar" 10 years ago, that's your problem.

Last night's "riot" angle with the Mafia & The World Elite seemed to get mostly positive reviews so I think the Mafia's going to be around for a few more months. So in general, while it's not a huge, company "making" storyline, I think the Mafia angle has went well, so far.
I'm going to say it has worked- for the simple reason that while WWE has some small factions like Legacy etc... to see a big supergroup again takes you back to the days of the NWO which is never a bad thing, as long as they don't copy it COMPLETLY (E.g., making MEM Red and Black and MEM 2010) or something like that.

Exactly. There has never been anything like this, with so many wrestlers kicking the babyfaces all around the damn arena, since the nWo. With the exception of Legacy recently, WWE's stables seem to have just been mish-mashes of random people, and they don't keep them around long enough.

The MeM has been around for nearly a year already, and has never been as dominant and widespread as they are now. I, for one, hope they keep the ass-kicking at the same level. That backstage brawl was intense and had me glued to the TV, much like I was during the nWo days. What worked for it was the total spontaneity of it just didn't seem planned or rehearsed.

So hopefully the MeM storyline keeps chugging along for a while. TNA is at the point where they seemed to have reached total chaos. But, as we all know, out of chaos comes.........order.
One other aspect I think helps, which is not TNA's doing but WWE's is that the last few times they've tried to have one faction control everything it has failed. The InVasion, as well all know, suffered from not enough credible WCW stars and the fact that they turned it into another McMahon story, the 2002 incarnation of nWo was a little less than stellar and Nash's injury killed it, and the New Breed vs Originals story was cool but the New Breed never looked very dominant, seeing as how they lost at Mania and then the 3 guys booked strongly on the New Breed all quit/were released. So there has been a void for this kind of storyline basically since the nWo's heyday, and I the fans loved that angle and were sort of hoping for a similar one. Having a bunch of marginal ones take place since then has only built up anticipation for a good one, which we finally have.
I think it is doing it's job. It has pulled some viewers, they have become the dominant force in TNA, now they should start putting over the younger stars. I think it is working and it should go until the end of the year.
In my personal opinion, the MEM has worked, but I'd like to put an emphasis on the word has. After they turned on Sting who was (it would seem) the only one of the band that actually believed in their stated ethos, I took it as an indicator that this was the beginning of the end for the MEM, which I think is as it should be.

They've established themselves as an extremely dominant heel elite and have held most of the championship gold recently. is the time for the Originals to make their comeback and break up the Mafia. With Sting now against the Mafia, I think it's high time for it to happen. I can see the Originals fighting back, pulling some impressive wins, maybe stripping the MEM of their gold. I could also see them collapsing under Angle's rulership, having to deal with his temper and his self-obsession, which may lead him into making some very bad decisions and taking the rest of his mob down with him.

Perhaps Traci Brooks will play a role in that. Only time will tell, but this is definately the time for the Originals to come in, the younger wrestlers to show what they're made of, and sort of "take TNA back" from the MEM.
I loved the angle when it started, but it has become the reason why I stop watching TNA. The group as great as it was, didn't have a solid feud or storyline except for the in-fighting of Angle & Sting which got real old & fast. Plus the TNA Orignnials/frontline just bomb big time.

Now the MEM is going the route of the now & that is adding too many members not counting the world elite. It was better with the original five & now it's watered-down & hurting the TNA product as this storyline hasn't gotten not one single wrestler in TNA over, it has changed one wrestler into a new gimmick that got over.

Give the now all the hate in the world for not putting over talent, but it did. It made stars out of Giant, Goldberg, DDP & re-energize stars like Luger & Sting. While the Mafia has yet to do so, so overall I say the angle was good for the guys in the group, but bad for TNA product as the ratings haven't jump to big point in the 8 months of the angle which should mean signs for a change.

Great angle first, but now it's old. Like I said before,it's the reason I no longer watch TNA anymore as it just takes away from the product. I watch TNA to not see WWE wrestlers & storylines & TNA refuses to give me that. So I'll give it a grade of "F."
I loved the angle when it started, but it has become the reason why I stop watching TNA. The group as great as it was, didn't have a solid feud or storyline except for the in-fighting of Angle & Sting which got real old & fast. Plus the TNA Orignnials/frontline just bomb big time.

Now the MEM is going the route of the now & that is adding too many members not counting the world elite. It was better with the original five & now it's watered-down & hurting the TNA product as this storyline hasn't gotten not one single wrestler in TNA over, it has changed one wrestler into a new gimmick that got over.

Give the now all the hate in the world for not putting over talent, but it did. It made stars out of Giant, Goldberg, DDP & re-energize stars like Luger & Sting. While the Mafia has yet to do so, so overall I say the angle was good for the guys in the group, but bad for TNA product as the ratings haven't jump to big point in the 8 months of the angle which should mean signs for a change.

Great angle first, but now it's old. Like I said before,it's the reason I no longer watch TNA anymore as it just takes away from the product. I watch TNA to not see WWE wrestlers & storylines & TNA refuses to give me that. So I'll give it a grade of "F."

I completely disagree - I think in the beginning the group seemed like a cool idea but wasn't very effective in practice. Sting never fit in the group, at all. I get it, he's a living legend in the ring and he definitely had some of the highest prestige of the group but Sting IS NOT A HEEL. Sting, RVD, Rey Mysterio, etc... these wrestlers are difficult to make heel because they are TOO over and/or their gimmicks don't allow for it (I feel). Also the Frontline was a joke - they always seemed disorganized and never felt like any sort of cohesive group even when compared to the MEM and THEY are the ones that are supposed to look like huge egotistical guys...but THEY work as a group, but you throw all these lower ranks guys together and they can't do a damn thing to make you feel like they are working together.

I feel that Impact has greatly improved since the last ppv. Before the show was constantly floundering, half the show wouldn't make sense and the show just never felt exciting. The past couple of weeks (to be fair after Jarrett's hiatus started) the show has made SENSE and was actually been making me want to watch. Clear lines between the faces and heels are being made, wrestlers who have been patiently waiting for pushes are getting them (Eric Young), no more flip-flopping of Mick Foley's face status, etc are only making the product stronger and The MEM seem a lot tighter as a group now plus the addition of World Elite to battle with "TNA"... I only hope TNA can continue this streak of good shows.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this angle isn't over yet is it? I think it's working, but until the job is done, I really don't think you can deem it successful or unsuccessful. If the MEM started to put over these young guys, wouldn't it kind of be like throwing in the towel? It would be like saying, "Well it appears our numbers aren't gonna get any better, might as well give the young guys a shot and hope for the best." That would kill TNA. Besides, Booker and Angle aren't broken down by any means. They can still go.
No.Not still yet.What was the purpose of the MEM angle?Pushing new young stars over veterans but look at who is feuding with Mafia now?Foley,Lashley,Jarett,Sting.Isn't something wrong with it?I liked MEM as a group because since Evolution we haven't seen a stable that's dominating the show.For some reason TNA again forgot what they booked.I don't have a fucking idea if Frontline still exists.

If young wrestlers won't get push by this angle.Why to need Mafia?Sting,Lashley,Foley and Jarett don't need to get pushed.MEM not only does not make it's purpose it also blocks young guys pushes.Just to make Mafia more dominant all the titles are taken from them and X division seems to will be taken from Homicide.

I don't mean MEM musn't dominate to show.They must but there must be young uppermidcarder/midcarders to stand up to them.That's how they can elevate themselves to ME status.If TNA won't push their young wrestlers with this angle then fuck MEM.There is no reason to watch this angle.

Tell me who MEM put over?ME still hasn't worked for me.Because it's purpose to put young stars over but the only wrestlers they feud with and lost to are Jarett,Foley and Sting.Someone still can tell me wait young wrestler's time is about to come but the problem is their time should've come months ago.MEM has started about 7-8 months ago and we're still waiting who is gonna stand up to MEM.

So this angle hasn't worked and couldn't make it's purpose done.Even though in the end they will lose the war.The reason they will lose the war are the veterans not young wrestler.
No.Not still yet.What was the purpose of the MEM angle?Pushing new young stars over veterans but look at who is feuding with Mafia now?Foley,Lashley,Jarett,Sting.Isn't something wrong with it?I liked MEM as a group because since Evolution we haven't seen a stable that's dominating the show.For some reason TNA again forgot what they booked.I don't have a fucking idea if Frontline still exists.

If young wrestlers won't get push by this angle.Why to need Mafia?Sting,Lashley,Foley and Jarett don't need to get pushed.MEM not only does not make it's purpose it also blocks young guys pushes.Just to make Mafia more dominant all the titles are taken from them and X division seems to will be taken from Homicide.

I don't mean MEM musn't dominate to show.They must but there must be young uppermidcarder/midcarders to stand up to them.That's how they can elevate themselves to ME status.If TNA won't push their young wrestlers with this angle then fuck MEM.There is no reason to watch this angle.

Tell me who MEM put over?ME still hasn't worked for me.Because it's purpose to put young stars over but the only wrestlers they feud with and lost to are Jarett,Foley and Sting.Someone still can tell me wait young wrestler's time is about to come but the problem is their time should've come months ago.MEM has started about 7-8 months ago and we're still waiting who is gonna stand up to MEM.

So this angle hasn't worked and couldn't make it's purpose done.Even though in the end they will lose the war.The reason they will lose the war are the veterans not young wrestler.

7-8 months is not a long time. The problem with you wrestling fans is that you are too used to WWE's way of thought & presentation where things come and go quickly. This angle is working and is building very slowly so the payoff can be huge in the end. This is how you build stories. This is what you need.

The MEM hasn't been booked by TNA to lay down too many times for the upcoming stars but their are other ways to get wrestlers over besides laying down. The MEM angle has sprung into many things for TNA. MEM is giving their rub to Samoa Joe, MEM is giving a rub to Matt Morgan, MEM has pushed AJ Styles back to Main event, MEM has caused EY to turn heel and is now giving a rub to a group of young stars as the world elite, the MEM is now even getting Hernandez over.

So yes, the MEM is working by giving more young stars limelight and is working since they have increased viewership.
7-8 months is not a long time. The problem with you wrestling fans is that you are too used to WWE's way of thought & presentation where things come and go quickly. This angle is working and is building very slowly so the payoff can be huge in the end. This is how you build stories. This is what you need.
I don't say build young wrestler right now to destroy mafia but I've not even seen a tiny light for pushing young stars.Frontline is booked like shit against MEM and right now TNA seems to push Foley,Lashley and Sting against Mafia.

The MEM hasn't been booked by TNA to lay down too many times for the upcoming stars but their are other ways to get wrestlers over besides laying down.
What you couldn't understand is I've never talked about MEM laying down.I actually want MEM to be dominant but my problem is TNA don't book their young stars against MEM instead they are still in the positions they were and istead Jarett,Foley and Sting are booked to stand up to them.So what is the point of this angle?Why do veterans defend young's rights instead of them.

The MEM angle has sprung into many things for TNA. MEM is giving their rub to Samoa Joe,
Before MEM he was in ME and even though a shitty one he had a long title reign in which he has beaten likes of Angle,Booker T,Steiner

MEM is giving a rub to Matt Morgan,
MEM still has nothing to do with Morgan push.It started when he turned heel and keeps on slowly since then.Maybe in the future but certainly not right now.

MEM has pushed AJ Styles back to Main event,
How?Aj is still in the same position he was in a year ago uppermidcarder/main eventer.He always participated in ME matches even before MEM.Even His feud with Angle before MEM about Karen Angle has pushed him more.

MEM has caused EY to turn heel and is now giving a rub to a group of young stars as the world elite,
Have to agree with this one.

the MEM is now even getting Hernandez over.
How just because he got an upset win over Joe?Ok that was a great thing for Hernandez but we still have to wait what will happen to Hernandez next.

So yes, the MEM is working by giving more young stars limelight and is working since they have increased viewership.
I actually like MEM as a stable but right now it's not working.I can't say much about future but if Frontline is consisted of Jarett,Foley,Sting,Lashley.What's the point of this angle?As long as TNA don't book their young wrestlers against MEM my opinion will be same.
Yes it is working. One thing it is doing quite effectively is keeping the group entertaining and fresh without dividing the group or adding a large number of members. Aside from Joe, Taz, and Traci, it has been the same group since day one and I feel that the new members do fit well into the storyline, Sharmell or Jenna were never going to be knockout champion. They needed someone who would be a believable champion and out of all the knockout, Traci fits the group mold the best. Joe was needed not only to elevate himself but also to fit in the x-title plans which in turn will also elevate LAX. MEM has had some minor dissention in the group but nothing major. I also think not having MEM completely dominate the tag title scene helped the longevity of the faction. Also like someone else said, sting needed to go, he wasn't believable in the faction and was hurting the MEM get over as true heels. In the words of Kevin Nash, Sting's plan wasn't working. Kurt's plan is. Now with Sting gone and Kurt at the helm I feel we are just at the beginning of the MEM.
The MEM has done absolutely nothing for me. I personally do think it an uninspired, overall weaker version of the nWo. I've never been overly wild about TNA's product, though I admit that I've enjoyed the last couple of episodes. However, my enjoyment of these last few Impact episodes haven't really had much, if anything, to do with the MEM.

The MEM storyline, for me, hasn't improved with time but has only declined. I think the overall concept was better with just 5 members but, now, there are "associates" like Matt Morgan and Traci Brooks, useless hanger-ons like Jenna and Sharmell and now the World Elite are, all but in name, part of the group and the Taz/Samoa Joe addition just doesn't bring anything to the group. Joe has been essentially made to look like a cross between low level lackey and a wet behind the ears rookie, while Taz just doesn't have that old spark he used to. He's spent a decade as a commentator and, since he can't wrestle anymore, he just seems like a soft has been that I just can't warm up to.

Even then, my problem with the MEM overall is that it's made up of guys that I either have never been fans of and/or guys that are well past their physical prime and put on shitty matches. Of the original MEM guys, Angle is really the only one I like. He can still go at a level comparable to what he was doing 10 years ago, as can Booker T but I've just never gotten into Booker. I'll crack a smile or laugh a little at the guy every so often, but generally not a huge fan of him. Sting, while I respect the guy, seems to show his age and limits a little more each time I see him. Nash and Steiner are just shit, just pure shit to watch in the ring now. Nash is still pretty good on the mic, but the guy is definitely too far gone to be an effective in-ring competitor.

As to the ratings, I really don't see how the MEM has delivered. When the MEM began, wasn't TNA averaging a 1.2, making it to a 1.3 now and again, and isn't that what it's averaging now? Granted, they haven't driven people away from the show, so that can be counted as something of a success.
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