So Does Barrett Just Get A Pass?


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What I mean by this question is this: The Undertaker has never, ever forgotten when somebody has done him wrong and has always gotten his revenge. A year and a half ago, Wade and Nexus helped Kane bury the Undertaker. Since the Deadman came back on Raw and apparently challenged Triple H for yet another WM match, does this mean that Barrett has been forgotten and has been given a pass by the Deadman? It certainly appears so. What does everybody else think? It appears to me that this is yet another thing that has been forgotten by creative.
I guess hes not popular enough for taker to care, kinda how like Cena cant get mad at guys like Rock or Punk, but he can sure get mad at Del Rio
I guess hes not popular enough for taker to care, kinda how like Cena cant get mad at guys like Rock or Punk, but he can sure get mad at Del Rio

I'll be mad when Del Rio returns to television. I can't believe how much one guy can drag a show down for me. As for Barrett, I guess the best revenge Taker could have got on him was to ignore him and get him stuck in a crappy 8 man tag last year. That will show him not to mess with the dead man!
Do you really think that the WWE needed to subject Wade Barrett to the Undertaker, when he was already being punished by being apart of the Corre? Amirite errybody?

Seriously though, it took them three years to mention back story with Punk and Orton, so I wouldnt bet that they forgot about Barrett and Taker either. It might come into play in time.
Wade gets a pass because he wasn't (isn't?) a big enough star to take on the streak, he lost so much momentum when he lost the Nexus he couldn't have taken on the streak and been a serious threat, whilst this year, he is neck deep in a massive feud with the #1 guy on Smackdown. Maybe next year he will take on Taker, who knows maybe 'Taker will go 20-1 against him?
Since Undertaker has no time for any petty feuds all because he only appears at road to wrestlemania, he can only accommodate one. Barrett got his hands full on Randy Orton and it seems like Undertaker will once again take on Triple H so there is no room for Undertaker-Barrett feud.
I'll be mad when Del Rio returns to television. I can't believe how much one guy can drag a show down for me. As for Barrett, I guess the best revenge Taker could have got on him was to ignore him and get him stuck in a crappy 8 man tag last year. That will show him not to mess with the dead man!

haha that kinda reminds me of that episode of the simpsons when Homer confronts mr burns to try and take back bart cause bart was starting to become Mr Burns son, and Homers like so what are you gonna do, release the bees or the dogs, or dogs that when they bark they shoot bees, doo your worse and mr burns just turns around and shuts the door on homer haha thats pretty much what taker did to Barrett
Wade Barrett, much like many other guys who get pushed like ADR and DZ aren't truly good workers. Sadly there is a lack of good young talent willing to learn from the likes of guys like Undertaker. There are too many Cena's who think they should come straight into gold. Wrestling, in the old days anyway, was about respect. You earned respect and you were rewarded. Nowadays, too many guys don't realize their talent is midcard at best it's just the anemic lack of big named talent due to the legends aging has them on Raw when back before the MNW ended they would've barely been candidates for Smackdown or WCW Thunder.
Wade Barrett, much like many other guys who get pushed like ADR and DZ aren't truly good workers. Sadly there is a lack of good young talent willing to learn from the likes of guys like Undertaker. There are too many Cena's who think they should come straight into gold. Wrestling, in the old days anyway, was about respect. You earned respect and you were rewarded. Nowadays, too many guys don't realize their talent is midcard at best it's just the anemic lack of big named talent due to the legends aging has them on Raw when back before the MNW ended they would've barely been candidates for Smackdown or WCW Thunder.

What the hell are you talking about? Not good workers?
Alberto Del Rio: A wrestling legend in Mexico for close to a decade. Worked very hard to get where he is. He's done MMA, Lucha Libre, and American wrestling, and he's made the transition well. He impressed those in America so much, he won the Royal Rumble!

Dolph Ziggler: Was in developmental from 2004. In 2005, he was brought up as Chavo's cabbie, Nick Nameth. The gimmick didn't work out for him, so he went back to developmental. 6 months later, he re-debuted, as Nicky of the Spirit Squad. The gimmick was annoying but he proved he could work a good match when he held the World Tag Team Titles for months. The gimmick got stale, and he went back to developmental. Another year in developmental, he came back as Dolph Ziggler. His gimmick wasn't that great, he was an average wrestler, and had okay mic skills. 6 years later, he made his gimmick amazing, he has great mic skills, and he's one of the best in-ring wrestlers in the WWE. Not a hard worker, right?

Wade Barrett: He was in developmental since 2005. He wasn't even called up to the main roster until 2009. He's not spectacular in the ring, but he has great mic skills. He carried the Nexus for months. Then after the Nexus and a slump, came back better than ever

This is just generic complaining from an older fan who can't handle the change in the WWE. This isn't the gimmick-crazy 80's-90's. A lot of wrestlers these days are just as talented, if not more talented than those back then.

Anywho, the only reason Nexus attacked him was to build up Taker/Barrett at WM27. That was dropped, and so was his beef with Barrett I guess.
It's ironic; I've presumed all along that Undertaker's career is virtually over. Having not appeared in a WWE ring since last year's WM, I figured his last match ever would be at this year's event.....and if it's going to be his last, it would have to be contested against someone bigger than Wade Barrett. His last opponent would have to be at the level of a Triple H, HBK, Sting, or even Hogan. Not Wade Barrett.

It's doubly ironic that the push Wade is receiving and the reputation he's building might qualify him in a year or two as someone suitable for a big-time match with 'Taker, but I'm presuming the Dead Man won't be an active wrestler by then. If he is, so much the better.

But, if Undertaker has only a match or two left in him, Wade Barrett isn't the guy who's going to get one of them. Yes, he gets a pass.

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