So Daniel Bryan is a heel now?


Staff member
I never expected them to go out and turn him heel. The guy was one of their top baby face on smackdown, fans where being him 100% even with the bad booking they gave him since his return and now they turn him heel.

I'm curious to see if this experiment will work or if this will blow up in theirs face like the Becky lynch turn did.
I didn't expect Bryan to turn heel tonight but when you get right down to it, the label of heels and faces don't really matter to fans who aren't hardcore smarks, and even then it's hardly universal, or old school wrestlers/managers still in the business who won't change with the times. A lot of the time, the ones I hear complaining about it the most who're dirt sheet writers who go on and on about how WWE has killed kayfabe even though their god of the printed word, Dave Meltzer, was using his Wrestling Observer Newsletter to destroy kayfabe a good 15 years before the internet became a force. When you get right down to it, a lot of fans will cheer or boo whoever they want regardless of what direction the company tries to take them; I mean, Daniel Bryan kicked AJ Styles in the balls tonight, yet some fans are still going to cheer for him so as long as Bryan gets a strong reaction either way, as much as it might kill us to admit it, Vince will ultimately be proven right. As long as he makes money for WWE, that's ultimately all that matters in the end because it means that people are just flat out interested in whatever it is that he's doing. We can wring our hands, gnash our teeth, nitpick, gripe, whinney, bleat and moo about all the various things here and there, the reason they zigged instead of zagged and all that but it doesn't really matter as we'll keep right on watching while trying to seem more upset than we really are.
if it means the book him properly i dont care if his heel face super hero super vilian or dressed as a fucking pixie just book people well and im glad this was done well if i was to comaplin i would have wanted this to be on a ppv but that is outright nitpicking.
Im more curioius to why the belt was pulled from AJ 5 days before SS with all the build heyman gave to the match only on Monday ????????
I hope that I'm wrong on this one but I feel like this is a Brock lesnar power play move. He didn't one to do a lot on Sunday and have too much respect for aj styles to not give him a great performance, so they switch the belt to Bryan so that they can have somebody that will give a decent match while getting squash by lesnar. Either way, this was done to give lesnar a strong win before his next match at the rumble.
So many big things with WWE are changing in the past few years. In the past nine months they seem to be playing much faster with major heel turns. Another is that cards that are subject to change are getting changed. The biggest change is that they finally seem to give a shit about SS after it being a disappointing joke for years. No wait! Maybe the biggest change is that they just put the title on someone who recently refused to work a huge match. This was a pretty big shock. If anything, I assumed they were building towards Shane being a heel after he won that stupid tournament and Bryan calling him out.

But it was great. Fans are getting a dream match. His character already has a history with problems and beyond that there are so many directions this can go:
- make Brie his manager, that is guaranteed heat
- have him criticize the fans for turning on her
- he can be accused of having jealousy toward AJ for "being a better version of himself"
- he can talk about how life had cheated him by taking away so many of his prime years and now, if he has to, he will cheat life
- maybe he will be so demented that he assumes it is still 2014 and he just beat Batista and Orton
- maybe they bring back the No! No! No! guy

But it's great. It was surprising, entertaining and well done. You guys can bitch about better booking all you want but storytelling and in-ring action are why I mainly watch wrestling and this is so far so good and has a ton of potential.

If he wants, hopefully AJ gets some time off. He deserves it.
i honestly cant rememeber the last time they did something where i was like wow didnt see that coming but what they have done is something me and a pal was talking about a while ago and i was like there is no way they are turning bryan ever its nice to be wrong
They turned him heel before having him face the most hated person in pro wrestling, who is at least six times his size and capable of 2% of the moves Bryan does regularly. This happened following the most unconvincing, heated brawl Smackdown ever had and again Styles's nuts are Ground Zero because how else do you convince fans he's turned?

It's like WWE has been bought out by Tyler Perry with the amount of absurdity going on. Can't say I hate it honestly. Maybe I should embrace this madness. Next on the agenda - Bryan shaves the beard, goes corporate, and replaces the Yes taunt with the Maybe.
I'm a huge fanatic of Daniel Bryan. His capability to switch paradigms reminds me of when Arnold Schwarzenegger proved that he could act by being both the hero and the villain in Total Recall.

Daniel Bryan puts on an evil face when he's officially playing for the dark side. He furrows his brow in a sinister manner, he cracks an evil grin, he just looks different.

While some seem to be scoffing at the idea of having heel Daniel Bryan fight Brock Lesnar, I think that it's a great way to kick off this kind of dream feud. Let's face it; the crowd is going to cheer for Daniel in that match. That won't discourage Daniel from being a jerk. Heel Daniel Bryan has a much better chance of finessing Brock than goody-two-shoes Daniel Bryan.

Brock's storyline and real-life Achilles heel is his abdomen, so I expect Daniel to find an opening to exploit that weakness and to go full throttle with stiff puroresu kicks when the opportunity arises. I see heel Daniel Bryan still being able to do things that face Daniel Bryan would do, like expertly block a German suplex. Brock is going to want to go in there and flatten Daniel with as few moves as possible, which isn't to say that Brock can't go the distance, but my point is that Daniel can get an edge on Brock if he plays on Brock's tendency to lose focus due to being frustrated. This is a perfect opportunity for Brock to sell the match with some planned outbursts where after failing to suplex Daniel for the fourth or fifth time, he just goes berserk and starts throwing things.

I'm really looking forward to this match. AJ would have been great for a Rocky story, but it's not like this means that we'll never get to see that.
I hope that I'm wrong on this one but I feel like this is a Brock lesnar power play move. He didn't one to do a lot on Sunday and have too much respect for aj styles to not give him a great performance, so they switch the belt to Bryan so that they can have somebody that will give a decent match while getting squash by lesnar. Either way, this was done to give lesnar a strong win before his next match at the rumble.

The title change and heel turn by Bryan had nothing to do with Lesnar. A.J. was looking to take a little time off to spend with his family.

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