So can we all agree that WWE-fans are hypocrites?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Saying "boooo" when Batista won Royal Rumble 2014. Wanted Roman Reigns.

Saying "booo" when Roman Reigns wins. He isn't ready.

Saying "boooo" when The Rock had a match against CM Punk 2013.

Saying "yeee" when The Rock returns 2014.

Saying "booo" when Shawn Michaels doing politics"

And then being "neutral" when someone does much much worse things in real life. Businness is business, and real life something else, like Warrior hating on homosexuals, Austin beating his girlfriends bloody. That's more worse than Shawn Michaels doing politics.

The WWE fans are sheeps. Not all of them, but a majority does'nt know what they want.

The fans today are hypocrites, over and over again.
It is the smarks that are the worst. They do not favour those grown organically in WWE and instead prefer those who have 'earned their stripes' on the Indie scene. Like Triple H said - nobody works harder than John Cena and Roman Reigns is a hard worker too.

Oh and these same imbeciles cry when WWE rehash storylines but wanted Daniel Bryan in the Main Event AGAIN.

The internet has completely ruined Sports Entertainment.
It wasn't that people wanted Reigns.. It's that they DIDN'T want Batista. Reigns was cheered mainly because he was the only one left to cheer.

It is the smarks that are the worst. They do not favour those grown organically in WWE and instead prefer those who have 'earned their stripes' on the Indie scene. Like Triple H said - nobody works harder than John Cena and Roman Reigns is a hard worker too.

Daniel Bryan has always worked his ass off, always put on good matches and to my knowledge has never slacked in his profession. I'm not saying Cena and Reigns are different, but insinuating that Daniel Bryan isn't as equally hard a worker is silly.

As for organically, Daniel Bryan's rise has been as organic as it can get. Over the years he has been developed as this underdog, winning the fans over with whatever he is given, naturally progressing to where he is now.

Reigns on the other hand has been in the WWE main picture for nowhere near the time and despite the clear need to work on aspects of his game, has been pushed to main event Wrestlemania despite the very distinct possibility that many fans clearly don't want to see that right now. That is not organic my friend.
Royal Rumble 2014 : fans wanted anybody but Batista. Even the bunny would have gotten cheered if he was left in there instead of Roman.

Royal Rumble 2015 : fans wanted anybody but Reigns. As an added bonus, crowd favorites like Ziggler and Ambrose were treated like garbage.

Wrestlemania 2014 would have been Orton Vs Batista...yawn.
Wrestlemania 2015 could be Lesnar Vs Reigns...yawn again, but at least people will get Lesnar, although he's not the type to carry a match.

Both of these main events had a good chance to be as entertaining as Diesel vs King Mabel was.

If you think bad of WWE fans right now...just imagine the reaction if Brian has to job at Fast Lane.

And the hard worker wouldn't be Roman Reigns...Cena yes, but Roman ? According to Austin there is no indication that he's training in order to improve. And if his latest interview was sincere, he's too full of himself to even consider that option.
There's no way anyone can agree all fans are hypocrites. Also, is this yet another indirect "I wanted Bryan to win vs What's wrong with Reigns winning thread?" ??

The fact of the matter is, there's nothing wrong with Reigns winning, but there's nothing wrong with Bryan winning either. Both of them deserved to win, but the booking of the road to Royal Rumble was the major problem.

On one hand, you have a guy who never lost the WWE WHC title, coming back and playing the role of one of the 2 favourites to win the match. On the other, you have a guy reeking of silent bad-ass through his looks, yet he has poor PPV exposure in terms of a singles match, and horribly scripted promos, up until the Rumble.

Then there's the day of the Rumble, where the booking goes haywire. Nothing wrong with Bryan coming out at number 10, but it's stupid having him being eliminated like a Justin Gabriel (wondering why he quit?) or Heath Slater. Have him eliminated in a manner similar to Shawn Micheals at 2010's Royal Rumble match, make him a favorite, only to be eliminated when in the final four. Also, a guy like Bray Wyatt, who dominated the middle of the Rumble, being dumped out like an old worn out queen sized mattress was stupid. Throw in the one unforgivable flaw of ringing the bell when Show and Kane were eliminated while Rusev was still in the match, and you have a recipe for disaster, especially when you host an event in a wrestling smart city like Philly.

So, once again, all fans are not hypocrites, the fault is with the booking. Not with Bryan, nor Reigns or any of their fans.
Agree with the responses so far, it's not simply a case of going against the grain, the issue (as I've said on numerous threads) lies within the booking - of the match, rather than the result.

Last year, Daniel Bryan SHOULD have won the Rumble. Yet they basically set up Batista and del Rio as the main challengers - and Batista eliminated del Rio straight away; then there is one spot left, and the fans want Bryan - not just because he is the most popular on the roster, but also because it adds drama to the Rumble. #30 comes out, and it's... Rey Mysterio, to a cacophony of boos. Again, not because the fans didn't want him as such - he would have been cheered had he 'drawn' any other number - but because it was then obvious that Batista would win.

This year was the same, but different. I firmly believe the fans wouldn't have had a problem with it being Reigns had Bryan been there at the end. But for the WWE - for the second year in a row - to only push two potential winners, and then have one of them eliminated a little over half way through the match AND before the other had even entered, meant that everyone watching knew the result with half hour and 12 entrants still to go.

Where is the drama? Ultimately it denigrates the concept of the Rumble, and if they continue down this route, people will lose interest in the Rumble match.

The most annoying thing is that this year, more than any other since 2001 (when they presented 5 realistic winners, all of whom were around towards the end, making a compelling match), WWE had the chance to promote several realistic threats. In the previous three ppvs, the main events featured Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, Eric Rowan, Ryback, Rusev, Kane, Luke Harper, Mark Henry and Bray Wyatt; add in the returning Reigns and Bryan and you've got a third of the Rumble who had all been significantly pushed. Realistically no one will expect Show, Kane, Henry, Harper and Rowan to main event Wrestlemania at this stage but you can still present them as threats, but that STILL allows 7 potential winners. Instead we got two potential winners and one of them got dumped early.

THAT is why fans shat on the Rumble match. Not Reigns winning, but the attrocious booking that basically ignored the previous three months of ppv and tv.
I don't think it's that the fans are hypocrites as much as there are so many of us with different opinions about the same subjects.....which is a healthy thing.

Reading through posts on this forum, you see so many absolute statements, such as:

"Everybody wants to see Daniel Bryan win the Royal Rumble."

"We all agree that Roman Reigns is a failure."

"No one wants to see the New Age Outlaws beat The Ascension."

These statements are true to the person writing them, but the mistake is presuming that just because you want something means everyone wants it, which seems to be the presumption a lot of folks make. Look, even the title of this topic reads: "So we can all agree that....". The operative word is "all".....and I submit that some feel the fans are hypocrites, while others don't.

Since everyone has a right to their opinion.....but opinions vary seems to some that we fans are hypocrites. Really, it's just that we all have our own feelings about the goings-on in WWE and this forum gives us a great vehicle to express them.

One more thing: As to fans complaining that WWE doesn't listen to them, take the example of fans telling them about wanting Daniel Bryan to be the world champion: if the powers-that-be are reading forums such as ours, they see plenty of messages stating: (1) They do want to see him as champion (2) They don't want to see him as champion (3) They want to see someone else as champion.

WWE can't do all three, can they?.....and when they don't, you read complaints that the company isn't listening to us.

Whether one regards the fans as hypocrites or not, this problem will always exist, given the wide number of opinions and wishes on the subject at hand. Really, it's all good.
What I think we can agree on is that WWE fans have their favourite's and not afraid to let other's and the WWE know who they are. The people who pay money to go to the shows don't go to see everyone they go to see the wrestler's they like. I do anyway. When someone comes out i'm not that interested in, I go get a drink, washroom, have a smoke, whatever. I don't sit there and boo or chant someone else's name.

A lot of fans are like that, but you do get your assholes in every crowd. It's not right though to come down on others because they support a wrestler you don't, who is anyone to tell them to support.

As for the Rumble, yea the fans boo'd Reigns, because they didn't want him to win. So what, now he knows where he stands and he has to work to get them on his side. Last year they didn't want Batista, and if it had been a bucket of slop and Batista as the last two in the ring, the bucket of slop would have gotten cheered. it is what it is.

Actually I think the better thing to do was to just sit there in silence when Reigns won. Sometimes the loudest noise is the one you don't hear. That would have sent a message loud and clear to the WWE. And maybe those that don't support him should be doing that in future. Don't boo don't do anything.
I think the OP is correct, to a certain extent (thought the examples are a bit off). People change their minds so the Rock being booed in 2013 (which is more in deference to their feelings toward Punk) then cheered in 2014 isn't that shocking.

I think last night was a good example. Everyone (sorry Sally, I know it isn't everyone, but the vast majority) loses their shit when Reigns wins the Rumble. Reactions range from the significant minority being happy to the mid-range of those that don't dislike Reigns but feel he isn't "ready" to those that seemingly hate Reigns and think he is useless. The boos reign down, #cancelwwenetwork goes "viral" (despite WWE hitting 1mm subscribers the next day), and Wrestlemania is ruined.

Flash forward to last night and the next live Raw and Reigns comes out a to pop that is clearly more cheering than booing. The best reaction he has had in a while. What the hell changed in 2 weeks, other than the venue?

Maybe hypocritical isn't the best term to use. Maybe schizophrenic would be better. Or the oft-used ADD label. It seems that the most vocal fans don't really know what they want, just that it isn't whatever they are being shown, even if what they are being shown is what they have been clamoring for.

Look at Ziggler. He gets huge pops and then when he gets the title his reaction is noticeably less impressive. Same with Ambrose. Still gets good pops, but not like when he first split from Rollins. Is he somehow stale after 6 months? Even the "YES!" chant isn't what it was this time last year. I know a part of it is people always like to pull for the underdog. The WWE is always best with a heel as champ and the plucky face doing all he can to knock him down. But it is also that the most vocal fans seem to flip-flop back and forth on what they want.

No wonder WWE creative looks as lost as it often does. How do you write with any continuity when over the course of two weeks someone can go from being booed out of the building to being cheered for by the vast majority of the people in the arena, when there has been literally no change at all.
Saying "boooo" when Batista won Royal Rumble 2014. Wanted Roman Reigns.
Wanted anyone else then partimer who was just there to merchandise his new movie and gone in 2 months.

Saying "booo" when Roman Reigns wins. He isn't ready.
More like saying "booo" on lame booking of that. Dont think too much fans mind that Reigns won entire thing.

Saying "boooo" when The Rock had a match against CM Punk 2013.
Honestly dont think Rock had "booes" when he feuded against Punk.

Saying "yeee" when The Rock returns 2014.
One was wrestlemania apearence along with Hogan and Austin, other is clearing of Rusev. What did you expect from fans?

Saying "booo" when Shawn Michaels doing politics"
If fans think that wrestler does politics himself into matches fans react. Nothing strange about it.

And then being "neutral" when someone does much much worse things in real life. Businness is business, and real life something else, like Warrior hating on homosexuals, Austin beating his girlfriends bloody. That's more worse than Shawn Michaels doing politics.
So just because you didnt boo Warrior or Austin on scripted show for doing something in real life but you booed Michaels for acctually doing something that affected scripted show you are hypocrite? Did you booed Orton or any other wrestler for steroids or weed or something like that?
It's still real to a lot of wrestling fans!!!

Seeing people whine, moan, threaten to stop watching (they never do lol) is absolutely pathetic! Everyone on here is a booker but some of the ideas are absolutely appalling. Russo esq!!!! WWE would be out of business if th net nerds and dweebs took over.
They were booing because they didn't get what they want. They can do so if they want, but they are harming Pro wrestling when they do so. If you saw the SCSA and HHH interview last night, the first question he asked HHH was 'is kayfabe dead'? And it mostly is. The fans of this century have the internet and dozens of fan sites that leak info and provide a platform for us to discuss the off screen workings of WWE. Back in the day, you didn't boo if your guy didn't win. You cheered for any face that won. They didn't boo Savage or Warrior when they had the title and not Hogan.
The current fan base is almost too wrestling savvy for our own good. Smarks are definitely the most committed fan base, but are also hurting the booking we are so critical of.
But yet there is still so much we don't know, like did the announcement last night really change after The Rumble or was it planned all along? Why would Rusev have hid under the ring and pooped out right when Rock left the ring if they were not planning this controversy already? Maybe smarks are really just marks after all.
It's not hypocritical, it's all dependent on the context. Roman was cheered in 2014 because people didn't want Batista, and boo'd in 2015 because they didn't want Roman. If Rock didn't wrestle Punk, a fan made favorite, in 2013, he would have been cheered. Everything is dependent on context. It's hard to give a blanket statement, but each instance can be broken down if looked at individually as to why the crowd reacted a certain way.

As far as your Shawn Michaels reference, that stuff is all completely irrelevant. What percentage of the audience actually knows about Shawn's politicking (before WWE highly publicized it with all the documentaries)? How many fans actually know about all of Warrior's outlandish remarks or Austin's legal troubles? A very small amount. So they're completely irrelevant points.

Also, "more worse" is not grammatically correct. It's either "worse", or "much worse". Just had to put that out there.
I can't say all fans are hypocrites, because that's simply not true. Contrary to popular belief around here, wrestling fans dont have a hive mind mentality. Wrestlers can get a wildly different reaction from city to city and venue to venue. If "all" wrestling fans believed the same thing, that wouldn't happen.

I do find that the loudest smarky folks have a tendency to be hypocritical, but even that is a generalization that probably isn't too rooted in actual fact.
Some fans booed Reigns because they didn't get what they want, some booed Reigns because they don't dislike him but don't believe he's ready to be in the spot, some booed Reigns because he happens to be a good looking, big muscular stud and there are some fans who are prejudiced against wrestlers like that.

Circumstances change, hence the tastes of some of the fans change. Fans booed Batista last year because they knew he was back for a brief time, being given a big paycheck, was being handed a prime WrestleMania spot, etc. A lot of people were never fans of the guy in the first place and given a choice between Batista, a part timer that many have disliked from day one, and a fresh face like Roman Reigns that's on the roster and works his ass off year round, it's not at all surprising fans would support him over Batista.

This year, a lot of fans saw a young guy, a fresh guy, but one that's still quite green, hasn't displayed a whole lot of greatness beyond his look, being essentially handpicked to be the guy. Reportedly, the heir apparent to John Cena if the various reports are right. I don't believe the boos were geared toward Reigns so much as the fact that Vince seems determined to force another John Cena-esque wrestler onto them as the "face" of the company. What's worse is that, all told, Roman Reigns isn't remotely as good as John Cena is, at least not right now, so it's not surprising that some fans prefer other wrestlers.

I like John Cena, I'm not a huge fan but I like the guy and think he garners more unjustified hate from internet fans than any other wrestler out there. Time & time again, he's proven that he's a very damn good pro wrestler against a vast variety of opponents. However, the fact remains that, in my opinion and in the opinion of lots of fans who also don't hate Cena, the guy's persona & character is stale. He's been a nigh invincible, all American guy next door superhero type that fans are bored with. Another reason some fans have turned on Reigns is that they've seen Vince steering Reigns in that exact same direction and it's just not what they want. Their condemnation is aimed more at Vince's creative decisions than Reigns, Reigns is someone who just happened to be caught in the middle.
Saying "boooo" when Batista won Royal Rumble 2014. Wanted Roman Reigns.

Saying "booo" when Roman Reigns wins. He isn't ready.

Saying "boooo" when The Rock had a match against CM Punk 2013.

Saying "yeee" when The Rock returns 2014.

Saying "booo" when Shawn Michaels doing politics"

And then being "neutral" when someone does much much worse things in real life. Businness is business, and real life something else, like Warrior hating on homosexuals, Austin beating his girlfriends bloody. That's more worse than Shawn Michaels doing politics.

The WWE fans are sheeps. Not all of them, but a majority does'nt know what they want.

The fans today are hypocrites, over and over again.

Too fat, but i will give u the exact reasons why these reactions happened:
Nearly everybody was agree on anyone but Batista, if it was Khali in that ring, the fans will probably cheer for him.
Why? Because Batista was so out of shape and so forced down fans' throats and looked like a total jerk. And fans already had their chosen one to win - Bryan or Punk (depends on a fan) in their minds.
That's why.

Reigns is not ready, that's right. Fans says it, Stone Cold said it, even HHH admited last night. Also the booking of this match only did everything much worse, i don't know who's call it was to make things this way, but it sure was the wrong one. If they want Roman to become main eventer, they should show us what so special he can do, right now i don't see a single reason why he get this kind of push - he weak on the mic, he weak in matches, he acts like a jerk in interviews (so social media is his another weak point), where all the strongs?

CM Punk was still fans favorite despite beeing a bad guy and all the feuds he was going through, and LONGEST WWE champion in the last 25 years.
Now you have The Rock who just walk in, get the title shot and take the belt from Punk to return it to status quo Cena (who half of the fans can't stand). The Rock is great talent and a star, but in no way he deserved to beat Longest WWE champ in 25 years, he wasn't there to deserve that privilege, he didn't "blood and tears" for this opportunity the whole year, his days as active wrestler are long over, so WHY exactly he was the one to beat Punk? In fans' eyes there were couple candidates who busted their asses for many years and deserved it way more than Dwayne.

Returning and cutting a promo against Rusev at the whole another (much lower) level than take a belt from Punk for nothing.

The thing is, when WWE try to force fans' throats and fans don't like the taste of it, they strike back with their reactions and reject the guy - this happened to Sheamus and his 18 seconds, this happened to The Great One 2 years ago, this happened to Batista last year, this happens now to Reigns, and most of them were in Bryan's way LOL.

WWE can't learn 2 things: you don't force the guy out of the blue, rocketpush him, give him titleshot and hope nobody will see he is not good enough/deserve to be in this position (too bad HHH killed kayfabe years ago) and you sure not try to push him on Daniel Bryan's expense.
Saying "boooo" when Batista won Royal Rumble 2014. Wanted Roman Reigns.

Saying "booo" when Roman Reigns wins. He isn't ready.

Saying "boooo" when The Rock had a match against CM Punk 2013.

Saying "yeee" when The Rock returns 2014.

Saying "booo" when Shawn Michaels doing politics"

And then being "neutral" when someone does much much worse things in real life. Businness is business, and real life something else, like Warrior hating on homosexuals, Austin beating his girlfriends bloody. That's more worse than Shawn Michaels doing politics.

The WWE fans are sheeps. Not all of them, but a majority does'nt know what they want.

The fans today are hypocrites, over and over again.

While I do believe there are many hypocrites in our community, nothing in your argument indicates hypocrisy. It seems more like you're just hating on people who don't agree with you. Every incident you named had detractors and defenders. So I'll just straight up ask you. What is your point?
Too fat, but i will give u the exact reasons why these reactions happened:
Nearly everybody was agree on anyone but Batista, if it was Khali in that ring, the fans will probably cheer for him.

Thank you for finally saying it! I am so sick and tired of people saying that anyone wanted Roman Reigns to win the Royal Rumble last year. That is NOT what happened. When it became apparent that Batista was going to win the match, the fans cheered for ANYONE other than Batista. It just so happened that Reigns was the last person standing between Batista and a WrestleMania main event spot. So the crowd cheered for Reigns as a secondary method of voicing their disapproval for Batista.

Think this is wrong? Go back and watch the Royal Rumble this year. You'll probably notice the "We Want Rusev" chant that was going on moments before he re-entered the match. Do you think the fans wanted Rusev to win the Rumble? No. It was the same thing... Rusev was a pawn for the audience to further voice their displeasure with the match.

Additionally, this post hits it pretty well on the head by all but stating that the OPs examples of the crowd booing all fit under the same category of the WWE handing spots to undeserved wrestlers. That isn't to say that The Rock wasn't deserving of his spot in 2002, that Batista wasn't deserving his spot in 2008 or that Reigns won't be deserving of his spot in 2018... it's just to say that none of the three deserved those spots in 2013, 2014 or 2015 respectively (though, a case can be made for the decision with The Rock since he at least draws fans - but if you think the actual year-round fans are in favor of pandering to the casual fans, then you're crazy.)
Fans didn't want Reigns to win, they wanted Batista to lose. If anything they wanted Bryan to win last year and they booed because he wasn't even placed, thus confirming Batista was winning. Fans did the same thing with Rusev this year; didn't necessarily want him to win but when they saw Reigns was the obvious winner any alternative would've sufficed.
It's true that a lot of people want specific things to happen, then get annoyed when they do. On the surface that might seem like hypocrisy but as a lot of posters have pointed out, it often isn't.

Contradictory reactions tend to happen moreso because of the fact that each situation has it's own unique set of circumstances and variables (things like timing, who is involved, what is involved, how much each situation affects specific things, what accommodations are made as a result, etc) as opposed to happening because of hypocrisy. Like someone said, everything has to be put in context.
It feels to me that a lot of the IWC basically act way too much like sheep with no mind of their own and just follow and go along with who or what the majority like if the IWC say its a good match then all the sheep follow as said match becomes one of their personal greatest matches of the year which is a match they probably previously found boring or a wrestler up till recently someone had no interest in but suddenly the wrestler then becomes an IWC favourite then all the rest of the IWC sheep jump on the bandwaggon and suddenly they all love him.
An example would be Roman Reigns the IWC loved him last year and thus so did the sheep now the IWC turn on him and same goes the sheep.
WWE fans have taken a turn for the worse now since they brought in a lot of the guys from the indies. At this point any aspiring wrestler might as well spend a few years in ROH or PWG before they go to WWE, and don't dare be over 6 feet with muscles or else their Wrestlemania push might get "Hijacked" next. It's pretty hard to watch the product now since it's less about seeing where storylines go and more about seeing where the vocal diehard crowd forces the storylines to go.

Between their insistence of being in control of everything that goes on, and their obsession with pulling back the curtain it's become pretty clear they are a bigger problem than anybody on that creative team.
If anything it was "WWE fans" that cheered for Reigns.

It was the indie, smarks who have been shitting on everything not Daniel Bryan in the main event for the past 18 months.

Triple H said it best "the worst thing you can do is make someone a babyface these days" and "the second the machine gets behind someone, they get turned on, cause its not cool to like them anymore".

The Indie Smarks are the ones who think they know but dont. Just like when HHH revealed that Daniel Bryan even suggested them burying him on the way to WM30 just to get the crowd riled up.

I am a WWE fan. I don't watch anything else. I prefer the WWE style and presentation. That doesn't make me a sheep. I also prefer Sportnet360 over TSN (shoutout to Canada) for the same reasons. I, however, unlike the smarky indie ROH, PWG fans, don't turn on someone based solely on the fact the machine is getting behind them. I always like Reigns, since day 1 of the Shield, so I am so happy he is getting pushed. Fact is, I like alot of guys but only 1 can be on top and as long as it's one of my guys, why would I complain about it.

Reigns was most people's guy during his Shield run and immediately afterward, his deafening crowd reactions, in even the smarkiest of markets showed that. Then people realized WWE liked him too so now its time to be a hipster and turn on him. Glad it seems to only be the Philly crowd for now, and I hope it was more to do with Daniel Bryan going out early and undramatically and not to do with Reigns cause that would make those who booed complete idiots.
A lot of these fans hijacking shows simply to get over on Twitter with a bunch of strangers or simply because they didn't get exactly what they wanted, have ruined a lot of shows for me as a viewer. I know I can't be the only one. You paid your money but cheer and boo for the right reasons, not simply just to shit on something cause Bryan isn't going over.

Funny that people boo Cena cause he seemingly "always goes over". I wonder how quick people would turn on Bryan if he got the Cena treatment. Maybe like mid-2012 when they started to turn on CM Punk.....oh yea that never happened though right guys? you dont remember doing that did you?
What is extremely hypocritical is when fans say "WWE is too predictable" yet they spend hours of their life every week reading every spoiler article that tells you exactly what is going to happen.

If you go on wikipedia and read the synopsis on a movie and read what happens in the end, obviously when you actually watch, you are going to see every twist and turn coming and by that, obviously not enjoy it nearly as much as you would if you went in without having spoiled it for yourself in advance.

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