So Bad News Barrett.....


Lord And Master
Staff member
What the hell is the point of him? He comes out on a ridiculously high podium, talks shit and says it's "Bad News" and..... Well that's it. Nice way to get heat, but...... The fucker isn't wrestling. Like at all.

What? Did he go over to creative and they answered "well if you think you're getting a push, I have some Bad News for you..."?
Sometimes the best thing that can happen to you is not being stuck in random filler matches every week.

See: Wyatt, Bray.
The gigantic podium I thought was a nice touch.

By not wrestling he has used this gimmick to be more entertaining than over half the roster. So I would say it works. Otherwise he would just be stuck wrestling guys on Main Event or pointless matches on RAW.

Hell, for the past few years Mick Foley spent his time giving out good news & a thumbs up to the crowd after repeating the name of their city. No way are the two compared career wise, but from the standpoint of cheap pop vs cheap heat- it works.
Screw Bryan why wasn't Barrett in the rumble??

Isn't he in some sort of feud with Miz? Well then you'll get to see him wrestle eventually... Against the Miz...
Frankly, I like Barrett a little more now that he's owning this gimmick. The first couple weeks he came out and spoke his script in the most generic and least inspiring way possible. Kind of like most of his promos before BNB. Now that he's gotten into it, I kind of like this smart ass version of him. He's not wrestling right now, but when he gets the gimmick over well enough he can cut the same exact promos in the ring. It will eventually need to evolve, obviously, but it's better than anything he's done since Nexus.

And I would've laughed my ass off if he came out at #30 in the RR since it wasn't going to be DB anyways.
I think it's full of win. He's getting increasingly entertaining and he's not putting any wear and tear on his body. If I'm him, I'm riding this shit as long as I can.

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