So appearently some ******** stole my Windwaker game


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
So I'm sitting here bored out of my mine, and figure I'd throw Zelda: The Windwaker in since I haven't played it in years, I open the case and the disc is missing, so now I'm sitting here bored and pissed off beyond belief because one of my fucking roommates junkie friends most likely stole my fucking game, this has happened several times before, and is why I decided to shove every fucking thing I own into our room, where nobody else is allowed, I pretty sure I know exactly who took it too, unfortunately he moved to fucking Iowa a couple months ago, so unless the dumb son of a bitch decides to make the mistake of a lifetime and come back, I'm likely never to get my hands on him or get all the games, DVD and other crap he likely stole from me back

It should be noted that my roomates stopped hanging out with this cockstain after he stole weed from them & got ones car smashed all to fuck by talking shit to some street racer dipshit, and tried lacing some of their weed with meth. From what I hear he left after he tried stealing from some drug dealer he was trying to go into business with

This asshole ever comes near me or my house, I swear to god it'll be the biggest mistake of his fucking life
Now jewelry and safes full of irreplaceable mementos is one thing, but stealing a Zelda game? That man hath gone to far!

Dont you have the 64 ones? Play those, theyre much better. I should know, I just played through every Zelda game a couple months ago.
I have The Legend Of Zelda Collector's Edition, I may just through that in instead, I just in the mood to play Windwaker cause I never got around to finishing it or even coming close to finishing it really
I have The Legend Of Zelda Collector's Edition, I may just through that in instead, I just in the mood to play Windwaker cause I never got around to finishing it or even coming close to finishing it really

Wow, really? Its a good game when everything finally comes to a head, however the finall parts are a pain in the ass and take forever as you have to search around in the ocean for the Triforce pieces and get maps deciphered. But its still fun and worth finishing. Ive done it a bunch of times, my sister and I love playing through them and then playing through them again. I mustve done it to every Pokemon game at least 50 times.

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