So About That Wisconsin Senate Deal


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The thing with the 14 Democratic senators not physically being in the capital to vote on taking away collective bargaining rights has taken a few new turns.

The GOP has come up with the following ways to make the Dem senators come back. They include:

- Revoking their parking spaces
- Restricting access to the copy machines

Yes, this is the GOP's big comeback.
Now those left wing jokers won't be able to waste their time xeroxing their asses. Take that liberal nut jobs.

The GOP is all sorts of sickening. I just saw an advertisement on youtube from the GOP praising the Governor's work in Wisconsin. Union busting didn't work in the past, I sincerely hope it doesn't work now.
Apparently their newest idea might be sending private security to drag the Dems back to the capital to force this vote through.

Every day the Dems hold out and the GOP gets more desperate, the GOP loses more power in 2012.
That sounds like, oh, I don't know, kidnapping, abduction, false imprisonment. Those would all be new things for the GOP to add to its resume.
And not to mention more that the state will have to pay for. And remember, they're so broke they they want state employees to pay more money to their pensions but they can clearly afford a ton of corporate tax breaks right?
to tell you all first hand from the center of it all, the people are slowly but surely winning here. Every day we bring the ruckus to the capital the closer the middle class gets to being saved. Its nuts here and to be honest its restored my faith in humanity.

Every day Scott Walkers hair thins a little more, this is wonderful because if this passes the rest of the country is next. Wisconsin has stayed so strong against this tryant. Wish myself and the rest of the state luck because we are making history here.
So are you one of the slobs up there having a big party?

- Republican State Senator Glenn Grothman
Keep the good fight going Freedom. What the people are doing in Wisconsin reminds me why America is a great nation. We can take the streets and make our voices heard without having to fear the wrath of police and military reaction. The government can't ignore your voices forever, the best of luck to you all.
Keep the good fight going Freedom. What the people are doing in Wisconsin reminds me why America is a great nation. We can take the streets and make our voices heard without having to fear the wrath of police and military reaction. The government can't ignore your voices forever, the best of luck to you all.

thank you, we will need more luck. Its been amazing its the first time in my life Ive felt American pride. We show up every day, we beat our drums, we yell, we chant. For the longest time it felt like nothing was getting through. But when the police who were supposed to escort us out of the capital said "Hell no!" and joined us, it felt like the tide turned. The longer we make this happen and the longer our senators stay away the closer we get to victory because this looks worse on the governer every single day.
Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Congressman, is one of the very few Republicans in this country still worth a damn. I hope his name doesn't circulate in having anything to do with this. I would be very disappointed in him.
No he's just the one that in the national response to the State of the Union he more or less said WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
No he's just the one that in the national response to the State of the Union he more or less said WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!

Wow.. way to twist his words around, KB.

You sure you're not going to become a politician yourself within the next few years? :icon_razz:
After all the stories of Republicans shooting down even the most obviously beneficial ideas, I fucking love it that it's now being turned on them. Keep it up.
Honestly, I haven't been following the situation, and I skimmed the replies. So the Dems aren't going to the capitol to vote, eh? Well wouldn't that hurt them? Look at it. That means the Republicans can make whatever law they want. It will be steering away from bipartisanship, but that's politics. Also, how does that look to the voters? Seeing as how the people they voted in office aren't doing their jobs?

Once again I don't know the whole story. What I got was the Democrats weren't showing up to the capitol and the GOP was pissed or something like that. Somebody, please enlighten me.
The Republicans can't vote if the Democrats aren't there. I'm not sure what the exact reason is, but I think it's because they don't have quorum. By not going into work they're preventing the vote from happening, thus saving jobs.
You have to have X amount of Senators present for a vote. It keeps things like one Senator from passing a bunch of laws while no one else is there from happening.
Aye they do. Basically it's a waiting game: either Walker compromises like everyone on the planet says to do or a Dem comes back. The interesting part is one of the Republicans changed his vote. If two more of them do that and all 14 dems come back, the dems win.
Huh, maybe that Republican remembered that this is a democracy, and his vote is supposed to represent the will of the people.

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