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Smark Championship Wrestling


Is hanging up the boots
Smark Championship Wrestling

I've decided to create a show of my own involving current WWE superstars. It is meant to be a "payout" or a "shot" at the smarks. But I plan on writing good shows, involving storylines and matches obviously, but my shows will include comedy elements, hence the name of the company.

The background story is that the WWE went out of business because they weren't getting enough viewers as most people were watching the shows online. The WWE lost a considerable amount of money and Vince decided to call it quits. Shane McMahon however, decided he knew how to run a wrestling promotion. So he decides to create SCW (Smark Championship Wrestling) to appeal to the IWC. All shows are shown and aired through WWE.com, but obviously SCW still makes money off the IWC through merchandise sales and ticket sales.

Shane decides to bring back Monday Night Raw and most of the pay per views, but Smackdown and ECW are officially dead. Shane is also the General Manager of Monday Night Raw.

The titles in the company are all vacant and they are as follows:

WWE Championship -
Intercontinental Championship -
WWE Tag Team Championships -
Cruiserweight Championship -
Womens Championship -

The roster consists of the following:


Batista - Heel
Chris Jericho - Face
CM Punk - Heel
Cody Rhodes - Face
Jamie Noble - Heel
JBL - Face
John Cena - Heel
JTG - Heel
Kane - Face
Kofi Kingston - Face
Randy Orton - Face
Rey Mysterio - Heel
Santino Marella - Face
Shad - Heel
Shawn Michaels - Heel
Ted Dibiase Jr - Face
William Regal - Face
Big Show - Heel
Carlito - Heel
Curt Hawkins - Face
Edge - Face
Ezekiel Jackson - Face
Festus - Heel
Hurricane Helms - Heel
Jeff Hardy - Heel
Jesse - Heel
Jimmy Wang Yang - Heel
MVP - Face
Mr Kennedy - Heel
Primo - Heel
Shelton Benjamin - Face
The Brian Kendrick - Face
Triple H - Heel
Umaga - Face
Undertaker - Heel
Vladimir Kozlov - Face
Zach Ryder - Face
Evan Bourne - Face
Finlay - Face
Jack Swagger - Face
John Morrison - Face
Matt Hardy - Heel
Paul Burchill - Face
The Miz - Face
Tommy Dreamer - Heel


Beth Phoenix - Face
Candice Michelle - Heel
Jillian - Face
Layla - Heel
Kelly Kelly - Heel
Mickie James - Heel
Melina - Face
Maryse - Face
Michelle McCool - Heel
Maria - Heel
Natalya - Face
Katie Lea Burchill - Face

Please note the babyfaces are set as the above superstars because I think smarks like them. The heels are the superstars in which the IWC dislikes, in my opinion basically.

Due to the huge roster, obviously all talent won't be used at the same time. So don't be surprised if many main eventers aren't used for a couple of shows.

Hopefully this is a success.
November 1st 2008

After the Raw entro video plays, we cut to the Raw commentators for this evening.

Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Jim Ross here with Jerry "the King" Lawler at ringside. Tonight, a new era in professional wrestling has begun. All the titles are vacant, the roster is loaded with talent and for the first time ever, all shows are now shown live on WWE.com! Join us for this exciting ride that is, Smark Championship Wrestling.

Shane McMahon's music plays as the General Manager of Raw makes his way to the ring to speak on the microphone:

Welcome everyone to a new era of wrestling. The WWE died in the ass due to my father being a lame company owner, but I'm not going to follow in his footsteps, because I am better than he will ever be.

*Crowd cheers*

As you see the gentlemen walking down the ramp are holding the 5 titles in this company known as SCW. The Cruiserweight Title has returned. My father drilled it to the ground by giving it to a fricken midget, but not me, instead I am going to award this title to somebody who I think is well deserving of the belt. So everyone, get off your feet and welcome the new Cruiserweight Champion... The Brian Kendrick!

The crowd goes nuts as Kendrick walks down the aisle with Ezekiel Jackson by his side. Shane rewards Kendrick the title as Brian is smiling like he's never seen gold before. Shane immediately tells Kendrick and Jackson to leave the ring as he's nowhere near finished yet.

The Womens Title as you see here, wasn't valuable towards the end of Vince's reign of hell. He even went as far as creating a Divas Championship to shit on all the Divas who earned their spot here in the company. Tonight, we will witness a 6 diva over the top battle royal to determine the new Womens Champion!

The WWE Tag Team Championships are kinda cool looking, but tonight they won't be up for grabs. But next week they will be, in which Carlito & Primo (crowd boos) will be facing The Miz and John Morrison (crowd cheers loudly).

I have determined that we will see an 8 man tournament over the upcoming weeks for the Intercontinetal Championship. Tonight, the first match takes place where the crowd favourite William Regal will face Mr Kennedy!

And finally, the WWE Championship will be determined, when I think a superstar deserves it. So, by winning your matches in the next couple of weeks, make an impression on me so that I notice you and so that I can consider you for the WWE Championship match at Survivor Series.

Shane leaves the ring to his entrance music as we go to commerical after this rather long promo.

As we come back from the break, we will witness the first wrestling match in SCW!

Match #1 - Chris Jericho vs Hurricane Helms
The crowd is ecstatic when Jericho walks down the ramp. But boos when Helms walks out.

Both men lock up as Jericho drags Helms down to the mat. Jericho with a few right hands at Helms' ugly face. Jericho drags Helms by the hair and jumps up on the top rope to deliever a never before seen moonsault! Y2J goes for the cover.. 1..2.. NO Gregory kicked out. Jericho is still smiling as he locks in the Walls of Jericho though. The crowd is begging for Helms to tap out. After a long few minutes, Helms finally reaches the ropes and he doesn't look like he's giving up anytime soon. Jericho argues with the referee, before turning around right into a Shining Wizard from Helms! Hurricane with the cover.. 1... 2.... and a kickout by Chris Jericho. Helms can't believe it and brings Y2J to hit feet, but Jericho lifts his knees up for the Codebreaker! And this one is over. 1... 2... 3!

Jericho celebrates as we see Shane in the back looking rather impressed with the match he just witnessed.

We cut to the locker room of none other than JBL. JBL looks furious as Matt Hardy enters the room without knocking.

Matt, you should always knock before you enter my room again. The next time you do that again, don't expect me to be as nice.

Hello my good friend Bradshaw. I hear that you want to make an impression on Shane as you somehow think you are going to win the WWE Title at Survivor Series. I'll tell you what, how about we face each other in a match. Since I won't really benefit from beating you, I'm going to make it very difficult for you to gain a victory. Therefore our match will have a special referee, of MY choosing.

You're on pretty boy. A 3 minute squash it shall be.

We then cut to commerical.

Back from the break and we see crowd favourites Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins getting ready for a tag team match against none other than Jesse and Festus!

Match #2 - Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins vs Jesse and Festus
Festus dominantes most of the match but makes a tag to Jesse. Where it all goes downhill as Ryder and Hawkins work over his ribs using frequent tags to each other. Festus intervenes and knocks Hawkins off the apron for no damn reason! This allows Jesse to get the rollup on Ryder for the 3 count and the win!

The crowd boos rapidly as the team of Jesse and Festus cheated to pick up their victory.

We then cut to an interview segment involving none other than... Edge!

You know what Todd, I'm glad Shane is making others earn their spot in the WWE Title match at the PPV. I want a decent opponent. I don't want to win in a 5 minute squash in the main event of a damn pay per view. Tonight, Randy Orton and I have a challenge to any 2 superstars who feel the need to face us in the main event of Raw tonight. Rated RKO is back for one night only baby.

After commercial we are ready for the first match of the Intercontinental Title tournament!

Match #3 - William Regal vs Mr Kennedy (1st round for the Intercontinental Title Tournament)

Kennedy is being booed out of the building during this match. The crowd despises him. After what was a very good 8 minute bout involving multiple counters and good techniques by both men. Regal goes for his finisher kick of Kennedy get Mr Kennedy quickly moves out the way and hits the mic check for the pinfall and has earnt his spot in the next round of the IC Title tournament!

He walks off the ramp to loud boos and looks very cocky.

After the break we cut to a promo involving Batista. Batista is talking to Triple H about a possible Evolution renunion. HHH says he's got other plans for tonight, as Batista looks confused by this, Hunter walks away.

Match #4 - JBL vs Matt Hardy with John Cena as the special guest referee
Both men enter the ring rather quickly as JBL feels the need to prove something to Shane McMahon. Back and forth action here for the first 5 minutes. Matt then slams JBL to the mat and uses a variety of submission moves on Bradshaw. JBL won't give up without a fight and instantly reaches the ropes. Matt ducks the Clothesline from hell but rebounds of the ropes and hits the side effect on JBL. He delievers a suplex to JBL and decides to go for a pin. He gets a two count and decides to go to the top rope for a moonsault. He misses as JBL moves out the way and goes outside the ring for a rest.

Matt follows JBL and chases Bradshaw around the ring. JBL turns around though as the ref counts to 5 and delivers a Clothesline to Hardy! Hardy is almost out cold, so JBL decides to give him a powerbomb onto the concrete! The referee is up to the 9 count as JBL punches Hardy in the face making him bleed in the process. The match ends in a double countout. JBL grabs a chair and slams it onto Matt's face much to the crowds delightment. He can be heard saying "Knock on my door next time you son of a bitch!"

But Jeff Hardy quickly runs to his brother's aid after 1 chairshot as JBL makes his way up the ramp smirking.

After commercial we are shown a replay of what just happened to Matt Hardy.

Mickie James is seen backstage chatting up Umaga as both share a kiss, and decide to enter Mickie's locker room. All we can see is the door but we can hear Umaga screaming "Ohhhh maaaa gawwwdddd".

It is now time to determine the new Womens Champion!

Match #5 - Womens Championship Battle Royal - Natalya vs Katie Lea vs Beth Phoenix vs Michelle McCool vs Victoria vs Maryse

Straight away after the bell rings, Maryse decides her tan isn't the right colour and decides to jump over the top rope and run to her dressing room. She is now eliminated. Katie Lea brawls with McCool. Meanwhile Natalya is wrestling Victoria. Beth Phoenix is just standing in a corner untouched. After a few minutes of good womens wrestling, McCool shockingly eliminated Katie Lea. McCool now teams with Victoria to take out Natalya, but Beth makes the save and eliminates both Michelle and Victoria leaving 2 left. Beth grabs Natalya for a fishermans suplex but is reversed right into a DDT. From behind, Maria attacks Natalya allowing Beth to deliver her finisher to Natalya right before eliminated her for her win!

She grabs her newly won title and hits Maria with it. The crowd cheers as Beth Phoenix is the new Womens Champion!

After the break, we are now ready for our main event of the evening.

Edge and Randy Orton are cheered drastically when they come out to their Rated RKO theme music. They look ready for action. Their opponents are... first comes out.... Triple H! His tag team partner is none other than the Undertaker!

Main Event - Rated RKO (Edge and Randy Orton) vs Triple H & The Undertaker

Triple H starts the match off with Orton. Triple H gets a headlock in and whips Orton into the corner where he chops him across the chest multiple times. The crowd despises Triple H though, but the Game is laying into Orton with huge left and right hands. Orton is down and HHH goes for the cover only to get a 1 count. Triple H tags in the Deadman as Taker gives Randy a big boot to the face. Orton is desperate for a tag, but can't seem to get up without being knocked down once again.

After the commercial break we see Taker having Orton in the triangle choke, but Orton lifts Taker up with great strength and crawls to the corner where Edge is waiting for him to tag him in. Only a fingertip away but HHH tags himself in and knocks Edge off the apron and delivers a knee lift to Randy. He then delivers a spinebuster to Orton as Edge quickly runs in and spears the Game! Edge drags Orton to his corner so he can tag himself in, and he does so with ease. HHH tags in the Undertaker though, and Taker quickly delievers a chokeslam to Edge! Orton is laying on the concrete and seems to be almost unconcious. Taker goes for the pinfall.... 1... 2.... NO. Edge gets a shoulder up. After a reversal, Edge hits the Edgecution on Taker! 1...2...NO! because HHH breaks up the count. Orton out of nowhere runs in the ring and hits the RKO on Triple H! Undertaker grabs Orton in the Tombstone position but Edge takes down Taker by his feet as Taker turns right into a spear by Edge!

1...2...3! Edge's music plays as he lifts Orton up to his feet and both men celebrate their victory. Shane is seen watching the monitor in the back and looks very pleased with Edge and Orton for tonights performance.

Don't miss next week folks where the Intercontinental Title tournament is continued and the WWE Tag Team Titles will be decided! Who will make an impression on Shane next week? All this can be found out by watching Raw next week on WWE.com.

Quick Results:
Match #1 - Chris Jericho defeated Hurricane Helms
Match #2 - Jesse and Festus beat Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins.
Match #3 - Mr Kennedy defeated William Regal
Match #4 - Matt Hardy vs JBL (Double Countout)
Match #5 - Beth Phoenix wins the Womens Title in Six Diva Battle Royal
Match #6 - Randy Orton and Edge defeated Triple H and The Undertaker

Current Champions -
WWE Championship - Vacant
Intercontinental Championship - Vacant
WWE Tag Team Championships - Vacant
Cruiserweight Championship - The Brian Kendrick (new)
Womens Championship - Beth Phoenix (new)
Well done man. Your show started off really impressive. I liked how you turned WWE's current faces into heels & vice versa. Keep doing great shows like these.
Monday Night Raw – November 8th 2008

No entro this time, instead we are straight into the show, we cut to the entrance ramp where Jeff Hardy makes his way down to the ring to a sound of boos.

Last week, JBL attacked my brother Matt, for no apparent reason other than to make an impression on Shane McMahon so he can be considered for the WWE Title match at the pay per view. My brother has sustained injuries to his ribs and will therefore not be able to appear on the show tonight.

The crowd cheers upon hearing this.

JBL, this isn’t over. You mess with one Hardy, you mess with the other.

JBL’s music plays as he immediately comes down to the ring with a rather happy look on his face. He is certainly a crowd favourite.

Jeff, I did what was right and what was going to benefit me personally. I don’t give a damn who’s in my way, because I want that WWE Championship around this sexy waist.

I don’t care about your title hopes, I want a match against you Bradshaw. I want to kick your ass around this very ring, tonight!

Shane McMahon comes down to the ramp with a microphone and speaks:

Wait a minute, Jeff, I know you’re upset with JBL and I know you want revenge because he took out your brother. Jeff Hardy vs JBL sounds like a match that would draw, but I personally think it’s too good for Raw. It should take place in 3 weeks time at Survivor Series. How does that sound?

Thank you, Shane. And JBL, just to let you know, I don’t go easy on assholes like you.

Jeff then kicks JBL in the gut and hits the Twist of Fate on Bradshaw! Hardy walks up the ramp to a chorus of boos from this always smarky crowd.

Well King, what a way to start off Monday Night Raw! Shane announced JBL vs Jeff Hardy at Survivor Series. But tonight folks, we have a hell of a show. The WWE Tag Team Championships will no longer be vacated as John Morrison and the Miz will face Carlito and Primo for the belts. CM Punk will face MVP in the first round of the Intercontinental Title tournament. And our main event will feature 6 superstars in a 6 man tag team match. The contestants are: John Cena, Batista and Rey Mysterio vs Umaga, Kane and the Big Show!

After commercial, we our ready for our first match of the evening:

Match #1 – WWE Tag Team Championship Match – John Morrison and The Miz vs Carlito and Primo
After both teams make their way down to the ring, the Miz starts out the match with Carlito. Carlito hits a few right hands at Miz and manages to trap him into a turnbuckle, where he further punches the Miz and tries to poke his eyeballs! The Miz slaps Carlito though, and delivers a bulldog to the Afro Dude. He hits a suplex on Carlito and lays into Carlito with vicious shots to the stomach. He then tags in Morrison as they deliever their patterned tag team move. Morrison has Carlito in a headlock and seems to be applying great pressure to Carlito, who desperately needs to tag in Primo already.

John Morrison irish whips Carlito to the ropes who rebounds into a running neckbreaker by Morrison! John tags in the Miz who quickly hits a running knee lift onto Carlito. The Miz goes for the cover… 1…2…NO Carlito kicks out. Primo is trying to get Carlito to tag him, but Miz knocks Primo off the apron. John Morrison then distracts the referee as Miz grabs a WWE Tag Team Belt and hits Primo over the head with it! The ref didn’t see it as Morrison is easily distracting him. Miz then low blows Carlito much to the crowds delightment and goes for the cover… 1…2… NO! Carlito manages to get a foot on the bottom rope to save this match-up.

The Miz isn’t impressed and tags in John Morrison. Carlito is crawling to his corner and wants to tag but Primo isn’t there. Carlito sees Primo laid on the concrete and is then hit by a springboard by Morrison. Morrison attempts to give Carlito a suplex from the top rope to the mat but Carlito reverses with a hurricanerana! Primo is now up and standing on the apron waiting for a tag. Carlito jumps from one side of the ring to the other and finally tags in Primo! The crowd is booing though as Primo delivers a drop kick to Morrison and hits an enziguri. He goes for a DDT, but Morrison reverses and hits the Moonlight Drive on Primo! The Miz then blindly takes out Carlito as Morrison pins Primo for the 1…2…3!

The Miz and John Morrison celebrate in victory with their newly won WWE Tag Team Titles. The crowd is standing up and applauds both men for their performance in this helacious tag team match.

After the break we cut to Batista for an interview promo.

Batista, what are your thoughts on tonights 6 man tag team main event? And do you think you can impress Shane McMahon?

Todd Grisham, what kind of question is that? The 6 man tag team match is perfect in allowing me to prove my dominance over 5 other superstars. I will get the pinfall for my team, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. The Animal is gunning for the WWE Title.

We then cut to Santino Marella who walks up to Beth Phoenix.

My lovely Beth, congratulations on your Womens Title victory last week, do you mind if we share the title, since we are a couple, you know.

Umm, sorry Santino, I’ve already got my two men, I don’t need you anymore.

Cryme Time walk up to Santino and smile at him before winking at Beth.

Santino looks like he is about to cry as we cut to another commercial.

Back from the break and we are ready for some Diva action!

Match #2 – Maria vs Natalya
Before the match we are shown a replay of the Womens Battle Royal last week where Maria seemingly attacked Natalya for no real reason and cost her the Womens Championship.

After Natalya enters the ring we are under way here. Natalya grabs Maria and tosses her across the ring. Natalya is furious as she looks in the sharpshooter already! Maria is fading away very quickly as she tries to crawl to the ropes. After a long struggle, she finally reaches the middle rope. Natalya lets the hold go after a 4 count. Natalya gives Maria a snap suplex and goes for the cover… 1…2… and Maria kicks out at 2. Natalya then delivers a bulldog to Maria and gets another 2 count. She is angry as she pulls Maria up by the hair and hits a powerbomb on the red head! 1…2…NO and Maria kicks out once again. Natalya is furious and locks in the Sharpshooter again. Maria tries to crawl to the ropes desperately. Natalya drags her to the middle of the ring though and Maria has no choice but to tap out!

The crowd is glad Natalya picked up the victory here tonight. Natalya motions that she wants a title shot at Beth Phoenix as we cut to a backstage promo.

We see Edge and Randy Orton walk into Shane McMahon’s office as the camera cuts to Shane immediately.

Hey Shane, did you see Orton and I kick ass last week in our match? How great was Rated RKO. In fact, how about we book an Edge vs Orton match for the WWE Title at Survivor Series?

Edge, you and Orton were great in your match last week, but I still have many top superstars who have yet to wrestle on SCW. I mean, a guy like Batista or Umaga could make their presence felt here tonight.

Shane, please… Batista and Umaga don’t even compare to Edge and myself, the Legend Killer. Book the match now man, trust me you won’t regret it.

No, and please leave my office immediately. I make my decisions based on what I want, not based on your needs.

After commercial we are ready for another first round match in the Intercontinental Tournament!

CM Punk makes his way to the ring to a loud chorus of boos. “Punk Sucks” chants can already be heard. Mr 305 then makes his way down to the ring as he is ready show that he isn’t a jobber.

Match #3 – CM Punk vs MVP (1st round for the Intercontinental Title Tournament)
Both men lock up and seem to struggle pushing against each other. Punk quickly trips MVP and gets a quick 1 count. MVP is up to hit feet and slaps Punk twice. CM Punk then kicks MVP in the face and goes for yet another cover. 1..2.. and MVP kicks out. Punk locks in the anaconda vice and has MVP caught right in the middle of the ring with seemingly nowhere to go. After a long minute for MVP, Punk lets go of the hold and kicks MVP while he’s down as we go to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we see MVP in charge this time. MVP whips Punk to the turnbuckle and goes for his running kick and hits it with success. The crowd is heard chanting “MVP, MVP”. Montel goes for a cover this time and gets a 2 count. Porter lifts up CM Punk to his feet and punches him in the ribs. Punk seems helpless as he makes his way to the ropes and manages to escape the ring. The referee is counting and Punk seems to be resting much to MVP’s dismay. The referee is up to a 6 count just before Punk rolls back in the ring only to be kicked in the back. MVP now has Punk in the Playmaker position, but Punk reverses and lifts MVP up in the GTS! He hits his finisher with success and seems ready to go for the pin.

However, crowd favourite William Regal is seen running down to the ring and gets on the apron. Punk walks up to Regal and tells him to leave right now. The referee also tells Regal to leave as William decides to walk back up the ramp. Out of nowhere, Punk is pulled back into a rollup in which MVP is holding his tights…1…2….3! MVP quickly backs out of the ring as Punk looks shocked. The crowd cheers as MVP has progressed to the 2nd round of the Intercontinental Title Tournament.

Triple H is seen in the back looking rather depressed. He walks up to none other than HBK!

Shawn, I know last week The Undertaker wasn’t the right man for the job, so how about next week we team up to impress McMahon?

Before HBK can answer, Batista walks up to Triple H.

See, I told you Hunter. Last week, if you had chosen me, we would have beaten Rated RKO easily. Instead you choose the Undertaker and you lost the match. And now... you’re talking to Shawn Michaels?? Screw DX man, Evolution was the greatest stable of all time, mainly due to yourself, Ric Flair and me, the Animal.

Triple H just walks away on Batista for the second week in a row and Shawn shrugs as we go to commercial.

After the break we are ready for our fourth match of the night.

Match #4 – Jamie Noble vs Vladimir Kozlov
Kozlov immediately chases Noble who runs out of the ring, around the ring and then up the ramp. Vladimir isn’t giving up and decides to follow him. Jamie then kicks Kozlov in the knee so he can run back to the ring, making himself look like an idiot and the crowd agrees. As Noble is now in the ring, the referee is up to a 7 count. Kozlov slowly gets up and it looks like his knee is in fairly bad shape after Noble kicked him. He starts walking to the ring, but it’s too late and Jamie Noble wins via countout!

The crowd boos but not for long, as The Cruiserweight Champion The Brian Kendrick blindly hits the sliced bread on Jamie Noble. Kendrick gets on the mic and looks proud with himself.

Jamie, Jamie, you think you are smart by winning via countout! You have got to be kidding me. How about prove how good you really are against somebody of your own size. You’ll never be a true main eventer or even a midcarder! The Cruiserweight Division is where you belong, and you will never, EVER surpass that division.

After commercial we see Shane McMahon come down to the ring. He enters the ring slowly and gets on the mic:

Apparently SCW was a huge hit last week on the web. Our website has over 20 million hits during Raw last week, and I hope that improves this week. On a different note, Survivor Series is coming up in 3 weeks time and I decided that we need to continue the tradition and have a 5 on 5 traditional elimination style match at the event. The participants are simply of my choosing. To be fair, each of the teams must consist of a tag team each, a mid-carder (you smarks should know what that is), and possibly two main eventers. I will decide who will compete in this match clearly based on who I think deserves a spot on pay per view. Thank you.

We cut then backstage for a promo with the team of John Cena and Rey Mysterio!

So Rey, what do you think of Batista saying he wants to get the win tonight? I thought it was meant to be a 6 man tag match, not a free for all match.

Yeah man, Batista is way over his head right now. He hasn’t been in a good mood since last week. I think Triple H is getting to him.

But The Game didn’t do anything to Batista. If I could choose the team with the Deadman or the Animal, I would have done the same thing as Triple H.

Yeah well tonight, let’s just get the win so Shane can consider us 3 for the WWE Title match at Survivor Series.

Batista then walks up to Cena to Mysterio.

There is no “us 3”. It’s just me picking up the win and picking up the WWE Championship. We must win tonight, but I will make sure that nobody else gets a pinfall in the match apart from myself.

Mysterio and Cena look uncertain of Batista as we cut to commercial.

It’s main event time, as Umaga makes his way to the ring before The Big Show and Kane enter the ring. All 3 look ready for tonights action and the fans are definitely behind them.

John Cena and Rey Mysterio had their long entrances right before the crowd explodes with boos when Batista comes out.

John Cena and Mysterio look unsure of Batista, so they let him start the match against the big red machine, Kane.

Main Event – John Cena, Batista & Rey Mysterio vs Umaga, Kane & The Big Show
Batista stalks Kane as manages to lock in a bear hug. Kane makes sure Batista doesn’t get a strong grip on though, and gets out of the hold. Batista then slaps Kane in the face, and the Big Red Machine responds by giving Batista a dangerous uppercut! Batista is surprised and manages to get his ass off the mat. Kane then whips Batista into a turnbuckle and begins laying into Batista with vicious left and right hands to the ribs. Batista is down on the mat once again and looks hurt, as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Kane has Batista in an arm lock. Batista screams in agony as he really wants to prove a point here tonight and doesn’t want to lose. Kane realizes that Batista doesn’t look like giving up, so he releases the hold and tags in Umaga. The Samoan Bulldozer drags Batista to the corner and takes a run up and slams his butt into Batista’s face, almost snapping his neck in the process. He goes for a count on the Animal and only gets a two count. John Cena wants to tag in, but Batista is far away from the corner where Cena stands. Umaga then repeatedly slams his thumb into Batista’s shoulder. Umaga then hits Batista with a vicious leg drop! He goes for the cover….1…2… and a shoulder up by Batista. The crowd loves this dominance by Umaga though, as they are chanting his name loudly.

Batista manages to get to one knee, but is put down by a boot to the face by Umaga. Umaga is getting ready to tag in the Big Show and he does so with ease. Big Show is now smiling as the crowd is erupting. He turns around to stalk Batista but walks right into a shoulder block by John Cena! The referee tells Cena to leave the ring since he isn’t the legal man. Batista then gets to hit feet and manages to tag in… Rey Mysterio! Cena is obviously not too happy about this since he was the one who wanted to be tagged in. Mysterio straight away lands a head scissors on Show and hits a moonsault of the top rope! He goes for the cover…1…2… and Kane breaks up the pinfall. Kane then leaves the ring as the Big Show now hits a body slam on the much smaller Rey Mysterio. Rey gets up though, and begins delivering dropkicks to the Big Show, but it hardly affects the bigger man as he just laughs it off and throws Rey across the other side of the ring!

Little did he know, is that he threw Mysterio into a tag by John Cena! The crowd is booing Cena a fair bit as Cena hits multiple shoulder blocks and clotheslines on Show. Cena is now getting ready for the 5 knuckle shuffle to a loud sound of moans and boos. He hits it with success and is now getting ready to end this match with an FU. He waits for Show to reach his feet, and when he finally does, Cena amazingly lifts Big Show up on his shoulders! Mysterio then takes out Umaga off the apron much to the dismay of the crowd and Cena still has Show on his shoulders and is about to hit his finisher, but before he can, his own teammate Batista blind tagged himself in and then pulls the Big Show down from the FU position. Cena is arguing with Batista as Kane blindly clotheslines Cena over the top rope! Batista then delivers a spear to the Big Red Machine! He then quickly grabs the Big Show and delivers a thundering Spinebuster! He goes for a cover….1….2….3!

Batista’s music plays as everyone looks upset at the result of this match. Cena and Mysterio look on from outside the ring as both look furious with Batista for stealing this win. Batista is the only one smiling as he knows that he made a great impression on Shane tonight, as we go off the air to the sounds of angry fans.

Don't miss next week's show folks. We continue with the Intercontinental Championship tournament, and we may find out some of the partcipants for the 5 on 5 elimination match that will take place at Survivor Series! And will Shane McMahon announce the partcipants for the WWE Title match at the pay per view? Tune in next week, only on WWE.com

Quick Results:
Match #1 - John Morrison and The Miz defeated Carlito and Primo (WWE Tag Team Championships)
Match #2 - Natalya beat Maria (submission victory)
Match #3 - MVP defeated CM Punk (1st round IC Title Tournament)
Match #4 - Jamie Noble defeated Vladimir Kozlov via countout
Match #5 - John Cena, Batista and Rey Mysterio defeated Kane, Umaga and The Big Show

Current Champions:
WWE Championship - Vacant
Intercontinental Championship - Vacant
WWE Tag Team Championships - John Morrison and The Miz (new)
Cruiserweight Championship - The Brian Kendrick
Womens Championship - Beth Phoenix

Survivor Series Card:
Jeff Hardy vs JBL
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Well done Rust. Props on another terrific smark. It's funny all the opposite shit, makes me laugh and the shows are solid.
Monday Night Raw – November 15th 2008​

First, we are shown a video package of Batista and how he managed to steal a win for his team last week in the six man tag team match. This video also shows Batista’s problems with Triple H over the past two weeks.

After the entro plays, we are ready to get into another edition on Monday Night Raw in SCW!

Raw General Manager Shane McMahon makes his way down to the ring for a big announcement concerning Survivor Series! After he gets into the ring, he speaks on the microphone:

First off, SCW was a huge hit last week. 22 million people from around the world watched Raw online last week. As a result, I’m feeling in a very good mood tonight. So I’ve narrowed my choices down to 6 for a spot in the WWE Championship match at Survivor Series. My 6 choices are: Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Batista, Randy Orton, John Cena and Edge. But as we know, only 2 superstars can compete in the match for the WWE Title at the pay per view. So tonight, two huge matches will take place. Both of these are triple threat matches and the winner of each match, will compete against each other at the pay per view at Survivor Series for the title! As for the 4 losers tonight, you’ll still get a spot on the card, in the traditional 5 on 5 Survivor Series elimination match!

The crowd cheers as we go to commercial break.

After the break we are ready for another first round match in the Intercontinental Title tournament!

Match #1 – Evan Bourne vs Shelton Benjamin (Intercontinental Title Tournament – 1st round)
After both participants make their way down to the ring, we are ready for this exciting match.

Evan Bourne is being booed out of the building as he quickly goes on the offensive and manages to land a drop kick directly to Shelton’s face! He then rebounds off the rope and lands a running head scissors on Benjamin. Shelton is down as Bourne goes for a cover…1…2… and a kickout by Benjamin. Evan doesn’t look impressed, but he quickly regains control and goes for a unique rollup on Benjamin and only gets a two count. Evan Bourne hits a standing moonsault on Benjamin and goes for the cover…1…2... and yet another kickout by Shelton. As Bourne is arguing with the referee, Shelton goes outside the ring for a breather.

The crowd is cheering as Benjamin has had plenty of time to rest now and he grabs Bourne by the legs and drags him outside the ring. He then whips Bourne right into the ring post! Bourne is screaming and is holding his arm and shoulder in great pain. Shelton goes back in the ring as the ref is counting to 4…….5……..6……7…..8…. and Bourne gets to his feet and jumps back in the ring to save this matchup. Shelton then goes back on the offensive and hits a T Bone Suplex on Bourne! 1…2… and a kickout by Bourne. Shelton looks angry as he then hits Bourne with a vicious clothesline.

Bourne is down but manages to trip Benjamin and has him locked in a roll up….1…2….NO Benjamin kicked out at the last second. Shelton then goes for a suplex but Bourne reverses it into a DDT! He then goes up to the top rope and gets ready for the Shooting Star Press! He completes the move but Shelton rolls out the way at the last second as Bourne crashes to the mat. Benjamin hits his running DDT and goes for the cover…1…2….3!

Benjamin rolls out of the ring to cheers and backs up down the ramp and he looks very impressed with himself as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and we see Jamie Noble in the back, walking up to the Cruiserweight Champion, The Brian Kendrick.

Hey, what you did last week wasn’t fair. You caught me off guard and since you want me to wrestle somebody of my own size, how about I wrestle you for the Cruiserweight Title?

Fine, your on! But the match takes place in two weeks at Survivor Series!


Ezekiel Jackson then comes out of nowhere and hits Noble with a vicious running clothesline! He hits a chokeslam on Noble as Kendrick then helps Jackson in beating down Noble who is helpless backstage.

We then cut to Shane McMahon, who then walks up backstage to John Morrison and The Miz, the new WWE Tag Team Champions.

Congratulations on your victory last week, I hope you guys do great as the champs.

Oh don’t worry Shane, we will do you proud.

Anyway, I came up to you two guys as I’m letting you know that you won’t have to defend your tag team titles at Survivor Series, instead both of you are in the 5 on 5 elimination match. And on the opposite team stand your rivals, Carlito and Primo!

Great, now we can kick ass without even putting our belts on the line, thanks Shane.

Shane nods in approval as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and we are ready for our second match of the evening.

Match #2 – Cryme Time vs Santino Marella and Paul Birchill
After JTG and Shad make their way to the ring by being booed heavily, Santino Marella and Paul Birchill come to the ring and the crowd is already behind them.

Santino is angry at Cryme Time for taking Beth Phoenix away from him, so he starts the match against JTG. Marella instantly goes and slaps JTG before kicking him in the stomach as well as kicking him in the knees. Marella then hits a back body drop and begins to land right hands at JTG’s face. JTG tries to get up but Santino has him locked in a boston crab but JTG quickly reaches the ropes. Santino finally lets go of the hold after a 4 count from the referee. Santino tags in Birchill as Paul hits a big boot to the face of JTG. Santino is finally smiling as JTG seems to be in pain from all these kicks by Birchill. Paul whips JTG to the turnbuckle and lifts him up for a suplex from the top rope and nails it! He goes for the cover…1…2… and Shad breaks up the pinfall attempt. Santino is tagged in as he goes after Shad who isn’t even the legal man, Santino hits a german suplex on Shad and then focuses his attention to JTG.

Santino is on the top rope and is ready for a diving headbutt. But Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix comes down running to the ring and Santino is yelling at her and seems distracted by her beauty. JTG then pushes against the ropes and Santino lands in a position where no man ever wants to be. His crotch is in great pain as he gets off the ropes but JTG catches him with a jumping clothesline for the 1…2…3!

Cryme Time and Beth walk away to the sound of boos as Santino looks very sad and in great pain. Birchill doesn’t even tend to Santino as he leaves the ring instantly in a bad mood.

After commercial we cut to JR and King, and JR has something to say:

Folks, during the commercial break I received a report from Shane McMahon’s office revealing the double main event tonight. In the first triple threat match of the evening, we will see Randy Orton vs Edge vs Rey Mysterio. And in the main event of the evening, we will see John Cena vs Chris Jericho vs Batista. The winners of both matches will go to Survivor Series to face each other for the WWE Championship!

After hearing this announcement, we are ready for another match.

The crowd is on their feet as their hero, The Brian Kendrick is ready for his first match in SCW and he walks down to the ring with Ezekiel Jackson. Non title matchup, of course.

His opponent is none other than… Shawn Michaels! HBK comes down to the ring to a loud chorus of boos as the crowd seems to be into this match before it’s even started!

Match #3 – Shawn Michaels vs. Cruiserweight Champion The Brian Kendrick
The referee rings the bell as HBK goes for Sweet Chin Music already! Kendrick ducks though, and rolls out of the ring as we go to commercial.

Back from the break as we see Shawn still in control of this match and has Kendrick on the ground in a headlock. Kendrick is slowly fading away as Ezekiel Jackson is trying to get Kendrick to crawl to the ropes. The Cruiserweight Champ is yelling in agony and HBK locks on the hold even tighter. The crowd is chanting “Lets go Kendrick”. Kendrick then hears the crowd chanting as he utilizes his momentum to crawl to the ropes to allow Shawn to release the hold. HBK isn’t impressed as he hits Kendrick with two clotheslines. He goes for a cover…1….2… and a kickout by the champ. Shawn is losing his patience as he locks on the crossface! Kendrick somehow manages to roll Shawn over whilst being in the hold as the referee is counting Michaels shoulder down on the mat!...1…2…. NO. Shawn kicks out. HBK gets up and walks right into an enziguri to the back of the head. Brian then goes for the sliced bread but can’t finish off the move as Shawn pushes him away.

HBK then gets up on the top rope and nails the elbow drop to Kendrick! Shawn is now getting ready for the Sweet Chin Music. He waits to Kendrick to get to hit feet. Jackson is trying to tell his partner not to get up. But the champ doesn’t listen and walks right into the superkick from Shawn Michaels! Shawn goes for the cover…1….2….but out of nowhere, Ezekiel Jackson breaks up the pinfall as the referee calls for a disqualification. Jackson is now beating down HBK with the help of Kendrick who finally gets on his feet. This resembles the beatdown that these two gave Jamie Noble earlier tonight.

But out comes Triple H! The Game punches Jackson in the nose a few times, gives Kendrick a spinebuster and clears the ring of both Big Zeke and Kendrick! HBK looks appreciative and thanks Triple H as we go to commercial.

Back from the break as we go to an interview with Rey Mysterio:

In a few moments, I will prevail in my match and will go on to compete for the WWE Title at Survivor Series. Sure, Orton and Edge may team up on me to take me out of the equation, but in triple threat rules, it’s every man for himself!

We are now ready for our first triple threat number one contenders match of the evening! There is no disqualification in this match, no countouts and there will only be one winner!

The Rated R Superstar Edge, makes his way down to the ring to massive sounds of cheers and he is ready to compete for the WWE Title, it seems.

Randy Orton then walks slowly to the ring and has a cocky smile on his face. He gets in the ring and shakes Edge’s hand. Right before wiping his hand on his crotch.

Then, the crowd boos as they await Rey Mysterio! Rey walks down to the ring very quickly and rolls in the ring and seems very motivated.

Match #4 – Edge vs Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio (#1 contenders match)
The referee finally rings the bell as we are underway. Edge and Orton stalk Mysterio as Rey seems helpless at this point. Mysterio backs away to the ropes but Edge quickly grabs him and slaps him across the face. Randy Orton is now outside the ring though, as he is being the smartest superstar of the three. Edge then irish whips Rey to the ropes but Mysterio rebounds and takes down Edge with a drop kick to his knee! Mysterio is currently in control as we go to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we cut to Orton who is still outside the ring looking relaxed. Edge suddenly goes for a cover inside the ring but gets a two count. Orton now slides in the ring and assists Edge in giving Mysterio a double suplex! Orton now gives Rey a dangerous knee to the head. He then stomps on his small body repeatedly. He then lifts up Rey and gives him an uppercut! Edge is now the one who is standing outside the ring and is now taking a breather. Orton lifts Mysterio to his feet but Rey is now punching Orton in the stomach. Rey then gives Orton a head scissors as the crowd is chanting “Rey sucks”. Rey then jumps to the top rope and looks to land a moonsault but before he can do so, Edge pushes him off the ropes and Rey is now on the outside and looks in great pain!

Edge then slides in the ring but is clotheslined by his own “friend” Randy Orton. Randy then lifts up Edge and hits a backbreaker and goes for a cover…1…2… and a kickout by Edge. Edge then gets to his feet and looks confused as to why Orton is now attacking him. Orton tells him that it’s every man for himself. Edge then suddenly low blows Randy Orton! He goes a cover…1…2… and Rey Mysterio breaks up the pinfall attempt! Edge then turns around and gives Mysterio the impaler! He goes for a cover…1…2… and the pinfall is broken up by Orton this time. All 3 men are now standing up on their feet. Rey dropkicks Orton to his head, before dropkicking Edge and they both land on the second rope next to each other, a perfect position for a 619! So Mysterio sees this chance and goes for his finisher. He hits the 619 on Edge, but Orton grabs Mysterio’s legs and throws him out the ring.

Randy goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair. He then hits Rey Mysterio over the head with it! He then gives Mysterio an RKO onto the steel chair! Mysterio is completely out of it, as Orton slides back in the ring. He sees Edge still on the mat and stalks him ready for the RKO. As Edge gets to his feet, Orton goes for the RKO but Edge pushes him away, and Orton is pushed right into a turnbuckle, landing head first! He quickly regroups though and turns around only to be speared by Edge! 1…2…3 and it’s over! Edge is going to Survivor Series to compete for the WWE Championship! The referee declares Edge the winner of the match as his music plays. Orton is still down on the mat while Rey Mysterio seems to be out cold, outside the ring. Edge seems proud of himself and the fans love this moment too! We then cut to commercial while the crowd is still cheering rapidly for their favourite superstar.

We are now back from the break as we cut to “superman”, John Cena for a promo:

So, Edge won his match huh? He seems to be a challenging opponent for me to face at the pay per view. It’s not like I have a choice now anyway. Tonight though, I’m facing both Chris Jericho and Batista in a triple threat match. Batista man, why on earth would you tag yourself in last week, stop me from hitting the FU, just to win the match yourself? You selfish asshole. It’s not like it made a difference anyway since we are both in this match tonight. But this time, my FU won’t be broken up, because Batista will be the one who is in the FU!

We then cut to Jeff Hardy backstage who just walked out of his locker room. Out of nowhere JBL comes out and clobbers Jeff on his back! He then continually beats down Hardy and grabs a baseball bat which was lying on the floor. He hits Hardy with the bat no less than 5 times as Jeff is now holding his ribs in pain. JBL then smiles and says “I missed with one Hardy, so I missed with the other”, before walking off.

We then cut to another promo, this time with Shane McMahon who has another annoucement:

Due to CM Punk and William Regal losing in their matches in the first round of the Intercontinental Title tournament in the past 2 weeks, out of sympathy, I am rewarding both men a spot in the traditional elimination 5 on 5 match at Survivor Series. CM Punk will now team with Carlito, Primo and Rey Mysterio in the match (1 more participant has yet to be named for both teams) and they will face the team of William Regal, John Morrison, The Miz and Randy Orton. Good luck.

We then cut to commercial as we see both Candice Michelle and Maryse who are ready for some Divas action!

Back from the break as we see Candice Michelle already in the ring looking as plastic as always.

Maryse then comes down to the ring followed by the support of the fans in this crowd. She is wearing a revealing top, nothing unusual of course.

Match #5 – Maryse vs. Candice Michelle
As the bell rings, Maryse instantly spears Candice as the crowd cheers greatly. Smarks have boners from all around the world, as Maryse is slowly landing right hands on that awful plastic face of Candice. Candice is screaming and manages to shove Maryse off her. Candice then gets up on the turnbuckle and misses a poor diving headbutt. The crowd is chanting “plastic face”, which distracts Candice allowing Maryse to get a roll up… 1…. 2…. and a kickout by Candice. Maryse doesn’t look impressed so she gets to her feet and delivers a suplex onto Candice! She then lands a vicious kick to the gut and hits a DDT! She goes for another cover…1…2… and another kickout by Candice Michelle. Maryse is arguing with the referee but Candice rolls up Maryse for the 1…2….NO, Maryse kicked out.

Candice can’t believe it, so she lands a kiss onto Maryse! The crowd is loving this, and so are the lovely ladies. The referee walks up to get a better view but both ladies slap him across the face at the same time! For some unknown reason, the ref didn’t disqualify either women. Candice then goes for the candy rapper but misses as Maryse hits a swinging neckbreaker for the 1…2…3!

Maryse then celebrates her meaningless win as we go to commercial.

As we come back from the break, JR is about to speak from the commentary box:

Before the main event folks, please realize that the winner of the match will face Edge for the coveted WWE Title at Survivor Series, but the two losers will be featured in the traditional 5 on 5 Elimination match. Also announced for the pay per view is Jamie Noble vs The Brian Kendrick for the Cruiserweight Title, and JBL vs. Jeff Hardy in a grudge match for the ages.

We then hear the music of none other than John Cena, who looks determined to once again reign as WWE Champion. He is followed by Batista, and finally by our almighty hero: Chris Jericho!

Main Event –John Cena vs. Batista vs. Chris Jericho (#1 contender’s match)
All 3 men stare down at each other in separate turnbuckles. John Cena seems more focused on Batista though. Batista is smiling at Cena, but is slapped in the face by Jericho! Cena then clotheslines Y2J out the ring so these two titans can face off against each other. Batista seems cocky and slaps Cena two times. Cena then lands a huge left punch onto Batista. Batista seems dazed but manages to lift up Cena for a side walk slam. Cena is down on the mat as Dave goes for a cover…1…2. and a kickout by Cena. Batista quickly regains control and clotheslines Cena to the outside, Batista seems in control as we cut to commercial break.

As we return from commercial we see Jericho holding Batista in a headlock. Batista is sitting down on the mat while Cena is on the outside. Batista desperately tries to escape, but it’s no use. Chris has Batista trapped in the middle of the ring, while Cena slowly rises to his feet on the outside. Batista seems ready to tap, but Jericho lets go of the hold to give Cena a baseball slide! Jericho then covers Batista and gets a 1 count. He seems frustrated, so he tries to poke Batista eyes. Batista stops Jericho’s hand though, and lifts him up for a vicious slam on the mat. 1…2… and a kickout by Jericho. Batista then runs off the ropes and delivers a vicious shoulder block. He then whips Y2J into the turnbuckle and begins landing dangerous punches. After a fifth punch, Jericho grabs Batista by the legs and gives him a powerbomb! He goes for a cover…1…2… NO! John Cena broke up the pinfall attempt.

Jericho then shoves Cena but Cena responds with a trip and has Jericho locked in the STFU! Jericho is searching for the ropes, but he’s far from them. Batista is still down from the powerbomb as Cena locks in his finisher even tighter. Jericho is fading away and is ready to tap. Cena is screaming and using great force, but Y2J is slowly crawling to the ropes. After a long fifteen seconds of crawling, Jericho finally reaches the ropes. But Cena isn’t letting go of the hold much to the crowd’s dismay. Out of nowhere, Batista breaks up the hold. Batista then lifts up Cena and nails a spinebuster! He goes for a cover…1…2… NO! Jericho broke up the pinfall this time.

Batista kicks Jericho in the face with a big boot but turns around and is hit by an FU from John Cena! Cena goes for a cover…1…2…. But Jericho grabs the referee’s legs and pulls him away from the pinfall attempt! Since it’s a triple threat match, there is no disqualification. Cena gets up and hits Jericho with the prototype! He is getting ready for the 5 knuckle shuffle but misses as Jericho gets to his feet and delivers a dropkick to Cena. He goes for the Lionsault on Cena and connects! As he gets back to his feet, from behind he is rolled up by Batista.1…2…..3!!

Batista is going to Survivor Series to face Edge for the WWE Championship! Jericho is in disbelief as the crowd boos because Batista is once again victorious. As Batista music plays, he celebrates his win and has a very confident look on his face as we go off the air.

Tune in next week folks for the final Raw before the big Survivor Series pay per view. More matches will be announced next week on Raw and what will Batista and Edge have to say about their upcoming title bout for the WWE Championship in 13 days time? Only on WWE.com.

Quick Results:
Match #1 – Shelton Benjamin defeated Evan Bourne (1st round IC Title Tournament)
Match #2 – Cryme Time beat Santino Marella and Paul Birchill
Match #3 – Shawn Michaels defeated Cruiserweight Champion The Brian Kendrick (Disqualification victory)
Match #4 – Edge defeated Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton (WWE Title #1 Contenders Match)
Match #5 – Maryse defeated Candice Michelle
Match #6 – Batista defeated John Cena and Chris Jericho (WWE Title #1 Contenders Match)

Current Champions:
WWE Championship - Vacant
Intercontinental Championship - Vacant
WWE Tag Team Championships - John Morrison and The Miz
Cruiserweight Championship - The Brian Kendrick
Womens Championship - Beth Phoenix

Survivor Series Card:
WWE Championship: Edge vs. Batista
Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match: John Cena, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Carlito & Primo vs. Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, William Regal, John Morrison and The Miz
Jeff Hardy vs. JBL
Cruiserweight Title: The Brian Kendrick © vs. Jamie Noble
Well done Rusty. You could be WWE's next booker :rolleyes:

But honestly, how long does that take you?

Thanks ;)

It takes a long time which is why I don't post shows regularly. On average though, each show takes about 4 to 5 hours to write. I usually write an hour at a time because it's too much to write the whole show out in one day.

I usually plan the storylines before hand though. But half of it I just make up on the spot as I'm typing it basically. As for the matches, I make them up as I type them. This is the first show that I've ever written.
Breaking News!

Smark Championship Wrestling has come to terms with the contract of SCW Diva, Victoria.

The company decided to release her because she was simply ignorant and bitchy backstage. She always picked on Divas younger than herself, and she never competed in SCW after the very first show because she was unfit to wrestle, gaining 5 pounds. Shane McMahon and co are complete tightasses, therefore we need to retain as much money as we possibly can to run this company succesfully. Also, Victoria never offered to pose for Playboy and her ass was ever growing in size which are both huge negative issues within the company.

With that being said, we wish Victoria well in her future endeavers.
i has 2 questions
1. how do you turn morrison face?
2. you need to make it more realistic eg. mixed reactions and louder pops for better faces

If you read my roster, most of the current WWE heels are babyfaces in my company and vice versa. Hence the name "Smark Championship Wrestling".

And um, I haven't gotten around to mixed reactions yet but for somebody like the Big Show, you can tell he isn't cheered or booed at the moment. And I do give the main eventers louder pops, if you read my posts properly you'd probably realize that.

I think I'm making it realistic as I possibly can, but please note that the current WWE babyfaces are heels in SCW (eg. Batista, John Cena) and vice versa. That's why mine is different from everybody elses.
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Monday Night Raw – November 22nd 2008​

First, we are shown a video package of Edge and Batista’s triple threat victories last week to gain entry into the WWE Title match at Survivor Series.

After the awesome entro video plays, we are ready to get into the final edition of Monday Night Raw before Survivor Series!

Shane McMahon’s music plays as he is getting ready to come down to the ring for a special announcement:

Shane: Once again, SCW was huge last week. The two triple threat matches were ratings grabbers but that’s not why I am out here. Survivor Series is in 6 days time and there’s only 4 matches on card so far, so I’m about to change that. Everyone loves Divas don’t they? Well they will get to see not one, not two, not three but ten beautiful Divas in a 5 on 5 traditional elimination match! The teams are as follows: Michelle McCool, Candice Michelle, Maria, Mickie James and Kelly Kelly against Womens Champion Beth Phoenix, Maryse, Natalya, Katie Lea and Jillian. That’s 5 matches, but that’s not enough for Shane o Mac, so I am going to announce yet another 5 on 5 elimination match but this time, the big guns are out. So at Survivor Series it will be: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne against The Big Show, Umaga, Kane, Vladimir Kozlov and Jack Swagger!

And for tonight, we will have the official contract signing for the WWE Championship Match between Batista and Edge. Kofi Kingston will take on Finlay in the final match of the first round of the Intercontinental Title Tournament. And also, we will have an 8 man tag team match between superstars who are involved in the traditional Survivor Series elimination matches! This is a show you simply can’t miss.

We then go to commercial break as Shane’s music plays.

After the break and we hear the music of the returning Matt Hardy! Hardy looks angry as we walks straight down to the ring without even noticing the fans who are booing him. He begins to speak on the mic:

Matt Hardy: On the first ever episode of SCW, JBL attacked me for no damn reason and used a steel chair to attack me and giving me injuries to my ribs. He did it to get recognized, and he did so with success. But now it’s personal, and it’s clear to me that JBL has something against the Hardy’s. Because last week he also attacked my brother Jeff, who he is facing at the pay per view. So JBL, I’m not asking for a match against you tonight, I’m just asking you to get your ass down to this very ring right now!

JBL’s music hits as he steps out of his brand new limo. He slowly walks down to the ring to a loud chorus of cheers and grabs a microphone:

JBL: I’m sick of you pussy boy punks talking crap about me. You suck, plain and simple. You are a failure, just like your brother. You have no good use in this company, or in this business altogether. If you decide to show up at Survivor Series, I will make sure you don’t leave the building alive. So try me.

Matt Hardy then swings vicious punches at JBL as Bradshaw is trying to defend himself. Matt is ferocious and has a determined look on his face as he kicks JBL multiple times in the gut. He then gives JBL the side effect, but turns around into Vladimir Kozlov! Kozlov gives Matt a headbutt to the chest leaving him laying on the mat. Out comes Jeff Hardy though, who dives into the ring and jumps onto Kozlov and beings laying into him with strong right hands. Kozlov and JBL quickly leave the ring as the Hardy’s have reunited in the ring!

After the commercial break we are ready for a Divas match!

Match #1 – Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Michelle McCool
Keep in mind, these two women are the captains of their 5 on 5 Survivor Series teams. After both women make their way to the ring, we are ready to start the match.

McCool looks fairly confident, considering the crowd despises her. Both ladies lock up but Beth is too strong and pushes Michelle away. Michelle, being the stubborn bitch that she is, decides to lock up again with Phoenix. Once again though, the Women’s Champion pushes her away and lands a huge left hand to the face of Michelle McCool! She then goes for the Sharpshooter on Michelle! She has the submission move locked in, but Michelle quickly reaches the ropes. Beth looks slightly pissed off, so she clotheslines Michelle and then lifts her up for a vicious slam to the mat. She then hits a leg drop and goes for a cover…1…2... and a kickout by Michelle.

Michelle then gets to her feet and drop kicks Beth. She then drops an elbow on Beth right before stomping on the masculine woman. She then locks in a leg lock manoeuvre and Beth is slowly fading away. Right before it looks like Beth is going to tap out, Maryse, Natalya, Katie Lea and Jillian all come running down the ring to distract Michelle. McCool sees the sexy ladies, and releases her submission move. The crowd is cheering as Michelle yells at the 4 ringside divas and turns around only to walk straight into a fisherman’s suplex by Beth Phoenix! 1...2…3… and it’s over.

But before Beth can celebrate her victory, the other 4 members of Team McCool comes running down the ramp and decide to have a huge catfight with the ringside divas! Divas are screaming everywhere as Michelle gets to her feet and clotheslines Beth over the rope. The crowd is booing heavily as we go backstage where Randy Orton is standing by.

Randy Orton: Edge, I know it was a triple threat match, but dude, you completely forgot about our little friendship when you speared by ass before pinning me to gain entry into your WWE Title match. It’s not cool man, and because of you, I’m stuck in a damn 5 on 5 tag team match at the pay per view. What makes it worse, is that I’m not even the captain of my team. Screw you Edge, and I can assure you that this won’t be the last you hear from me, because I WILL get revenge.

After the commercial break we cut backstage once again to hear from Jamie Noble.

Jamie Noble: I am not a very happy man right now. The Brian Kendrick and his big fat friend decided to “injure” me before our Cruiserweight Title match? What the hell are you thinking! I am Jamie Noble dammit, and you should be worried to what I will do to you at the pay per view. Tonight though, I take on Ezekiel Jackson. After I take that punk out of the equation, Kendrick, you will have nobody left to help you retain that Title of yours, and so Jamie Noble is walking out of Survivor Series as the new Cruiserweight Champion!

Next in the locker room area, we then see Batista walking up to Triple H.

Batista: Hunter man, what is up with you lately? You choose the Undertaker over me to be your tag team partner. Then you assist Shawn Michaels in his match, but you don’t even congratulate me on my victory last week.

Triple H: Batista, you have bigger problems to worry about right now. I will confront you properly when it suits me, not when it suits you.

We then cut to another commercial break.

The show comes back on air as we get ready for another match.

Ezekiel Jackson makes his way to the ring with The Brian Kendrick as the crowd is ecstatic, still cheering for Kendrick. Then Jamie Noble makes his way to the ring but the crowd doesn’t seem to like him, and are cheering Jackson over this guy.

Match #2 Jamie Noble vs. Ezekiel Jackson
Jamie Noble runs straight into the larger Jackson, but Big Zeke just grabs him and tosses him like a rag doll. Jackson then grabs Noble and gives him 3 consecutive large chops to the chest of Jamie. Kendrick and the fans in the arena are smiling, as Brian looks rather sexy tonight with his new ponytail hairstyle. Noble is down on the mat as Jackson walks on top of Jamie almost squashing him in the process. He waits to Noble gets to his feet right before giving him a running shoulder block that can be heard from around the world. He goes for a cover to hopefully end this massacre…1…2… NO! Jamie kicks out. Kendrick is arguing with the referee on the outside as Noble gets to his feet.

Jackson seems to be distracted by his manager for the match, and doesn’t realize Jamie is standing behind him! Noble then gives Zeke an enziguri to the back of the head before dropkicking him into a turnbuckle! He then does his signature running somersault onto the face of Ezekiel Jackson! He goes for a cover as the referee turns around and counts…1…2…. NO! Jackson kicked out. Noble can’t believe it and goes up to the top rope. As he is getting ready for a cross body, Jackson slowly gets to his feet as the referee is attending to him, thinking he is somehow injured.

Kendrick takes advantage of this and pushes Noble off the turnbuckle as Jamie comes crashing down to the mat! Jackson turns around and grabs Noble, and lifts him up for a single handed chokeslam for the 1…2…3! Kendrick gets in the ring with his Cruiserweight Title and congratulates Big Zeke. Both men taunt Noble telling him he has no chance in hell of retaining his title this Sunday.

After another commercial break we are ready for our first hour main event!

First, the Undertaker makes his way down to the ring! He actually makes a rather quick entrance tonight, and hasn’t been in action on Monday Night Raw since the first night of SCW. The Game, Triple H follows him down to the ring and Batista can’t be pleased about this. Carlito and Primo join them as we quickly go to commercial.

Back from the break and we see Miz and John Morrison standing outside the ring waiting for their tag team partners to come down to the ring. Next out comes Jack Swagger and The Big Show as the officials finally start this match.

Match #3 – Triple H, Undertaker, Carlito & Primo vs. The Big Show, Jack Swagger, John Morrison & The Miz
Carlito decides to start the match with the All American American, Jack Swagger. This is Swagger’s debut match here on SCW. Swagger has the crowd behind him as he locks up with Carlito and gives him a nice suplex. Carlito quickly gets back to his feet, and slaps Swagger! Jack just laughs it off, and launches himself onto Carlito, punching him continuously. Carlito is already is pain as he gets to one knee, only to be german suplexed by Swagger. Swagger goes for the cover…1….2 and a kickout by Carlito. Swagger has had enough ring time already, so he tags in The Miz. Miz kicks Carlito in the face and irish whips him into the turnbuckle. He then lands a running clothesline as we go to commercial seeing the Miz remaining in control.

Back from the break and we see Primo in control as Carlito tagged in his brother during the commercial break. Primo has a resthold locked on the Miz but the Miz lifts up Primo and drops him onto the mat. Miz looks pissed but decides to go for a cover only to get a 1 count. Primo is slowly crawling to his corner looking for a tag, but the Miz drags him back by his legs and tags in John Morrison. Morrison quickly kicks Primo in the gut two times, before giving him a neckbreaker. Morrison then punches Primo in the face multiple times, before giving him a unique legdrop. Triple H desperately wants to tag in, but Primo is far from the corner. Morrison goes for a cover…1…2... and a kickout by Primo.

The crowd is cheering “Morrison, Morrison” as John lands a huge DDT on Primo! Out of nowhere, the Miz and Swagger take out Carlito and Triple H off the apron as Morrison goes for a cover...1…2… but Undertaker makes the save! Taker punches Morrison before giving him a big boot to the face. The referee tells him to get out of the ring, as Primo slowly makes his way over to Morrison and goes for a cover..1…2…NO! Big Show makes the save. He drags Morrison over to his corner so he can tag himself in. He does so with success, but Triple H is back on the apron and Primo dives and tags in the Game! Triple H clotheslines Show and delivers 3 punches before whipping him into the corner. He charges at the Big Show, but the Big Show moves out the way, as HHH runs straight into the turnbuckle!

The Big Show then delivers a huge right hand to the face of Triple H, seemingly knocking him out cold! Once again, The Miz and Jack Swagger run across the ring to take out Primo and Carlito. Morrison then runs in the ring and dropkicks HHH. Undertaker then enters the ring and throws John Morrison to the outside. The Big Show then chokeslams the Undertaker! He then goes for a cover on Triple H who seems to be missing from the ring. Suddenly, HHH enters the ring and hits Show’s back with a steel chair, before slamming it over the Big Show’s head, as the ref calls for the bell! Triple H’s music blasts in the arena, as he walks off with his team smiling much to the crowd’s dismay.

J.R: The question on everyone’s mind is that will the Big Show be at 100% come Survivor Series when he leads his team to face Team Triple H?

We are back from commercial and we are shown a replay of what we just witnessed with Triple H hitting the Big Show with a steel chair.

Finlay then makes his way to the ring to the sound of cheers. Kofi Kingston walks down the ramp to a mixed reaction. This is the final first round match of the Intercontinental Tournament.

Match #4 – Kofi Kingston vs. Finlay (1st round match of the IC Title Tournament)
After both men enter the ring, we are under way for this match. Both men stare each other down for a few seconds. The crowd seems to be on Finlay’s side. Finlay quickly grabs the waist of Kofi, who is quick to release the hold. Finlay tries it again, but Kofi manages to get away from Finlay’s grip. Finlay tries a third time, but as he runs to Kingston, Kofi gives him a drop kick to the face! He quickly goes for a cover but only gets a 1 count. Finlay gets back to his feet, but is given two unique punches from Kingston. Finlay is down once again, as Kofi grabs the legs of Finlay. Surprisingly, Kofi has Finlay locked in a boston crab. Finlay is close to the ropes though, and forces Kofi to release the hold.

Finlay gets to his feet and clotheslines Kofi three consecutive times. He then lifts him up for a body slam. Finlay then throws Kofi out of the ring, who seems to be in a bit of pain. The referee is counting, but Finlay is yelling at the ref telling him to count even faster. 1….2.....3…..4. Kofi gets to one knee, but is far from the ring. 5….6…7… we then see Finlay exit the ring and chases Kofi around the entire ring. Kofi is running now though, and slides back into the ring. Finlay then goes back inside the ring, but is given a drop toe hold by Kofi! Kofi gets up to the top rope and delivers a perfect cross body! He goes for a cover…1…2… NO! Finlay kicked out.

Kofi then hooks the leg again only to get another two count. He is looking frustrated, so decides to give his signature leg drop to the gut of Finlay! Kofi is getting pumped, as he is preparing for the Trouble in Paradise. Finlay gets to his feet but dodges Kofi’s finisher, he then lifts up Kingston for the Celtic Cross, but Kofi has both of his hands on the top rope, and falls on the face of Finlay for the 1…2…3! Kofi quickly escapes the ring to the sound of boos from the crowd, looking happy as always.

However, Shane o Mac makes his way down to the ring once again.

Shane McMahon: This Intercontinental Tournament is taking longer than I thought it would. So, the tournament ends this Sunday. This means at Survivor Series, someone will be walking out with the belt. So I’m making a match for the pay per view. It will be Kofi Kingston vs. Mr Kennedy vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin in a fatal four way match! Oh, and did I mention it’s not a regular match. Because the first man to climb a ladder and grab the vacant title is the new champion, in a ladder match!

The crowd is ecstatic after hearing this as we cut to a commercial break.

We then cut backstage to none other than our God almighty, Chris Jericho! He is walking up to superman, John Cena. *Crowd boos for Cena*.

Chris Jericho: Hey Cena, I know we don’t like each other and our teams our facing each other at the pay per view, but tonight, Edge and Batista are going to be involved in some “contract signing”. Batista punked out both of us last week. He robbed you of a victory, and he doesn’t deserve to be in this match. So how about we get a little revenge, by taking out both Batista and Edge, and signing the contract ourselves?

John Cena: Batista and Edge won their matches, therefore we are not entitled to a title shot. Right now, I’m too busy thinking about kicking Team Jericho’s ass the pay per view. So no Chris Jericho, I will not make friends with you because I know you are just running away from the beating Team Cena will give you this Sunday!

Cena walks off as Y2J has a scared look on his face. We then cut back to the arena for another match.

Match #5 – Rey Mysterio vs. William Regal
After Mysterio’s entrance, we are under way. Rey quick goes and locks up with Regal and manages to drag him down to the mat much to everyone’s surprise. Regal gets back up though and slaps Rey in the mouth! He then continues to punch at Rey’s ribs, before repeatedly chopping him on the chest. The crowd is chanting “Regal Rules” as Regal gives a vicious right hand to the face of Rey, who is still hurting from the RKO he received onto a steel chair last week.

Regal continues to stomp on Mysterio’s head who is screaming in pain. He then goes up to the top rope to land a vicious knee directly onto the small head of Mysterio. Rey’s head seems to be bleeding a little, as Mysterio is barely conscious. Out of nowhere, Randy Orton slides into the ring and stalks Mysterio! The referee hasn’t called for the bell yet, as Orton hasn’t touched anybody. Randy is getting ready for an RKO, but is pulled out of the ring, by none other than CM Punk! Punk then whips Orton into the steel steps as Mysterio catches Regal with a headscissors, which ends with Rey hooking the legs of Regal for the…1….2.…3!

Regal and Orton can’t believe it, as Punk and Mysterio are now smiling inside the ring. These four will be in the same match this Sunday when Team Cena faces Team Jericho. Don’t miss it folks!

After the final commercial break we are shown an image of Raw GM Shane McMahon who is standing in the ring with a microphone, ready for the WWE Title contract signing.

WWE Championship Contract Signing:

Shane: Let’s get straight into it, first from Washington DC, weighing in at 320 pounds… the Animal, Batista!

Batista makes his way down to the ring being booed very heavily. He is dressed in a white suit.

Shane: And his opponent, from Toronto Canada, weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the Rated R Superstar, Edge!

Edge quickly makes his way to the ring due to time constraints. He is dressed in his usual Rated R Merchandise.

Both men quickly sign the contract before Edge decides to speak.

Edge: Batista, how do you feel being such a dirty backstabber to your “friend” John Cena last week on Raw, during your triple threat match?

Batista: I’m not a backstabber, I simply took advantage of a situation. Aren’t YOU the one known as the “Ultimate Opportunist”?

Edge: Me and Randy Orton agreed to battle against each other in the match. In fact, he took the first shot me, but as always, I got revenge.

Anyway Batista, how are things going with Triple H lately? Did you JUST get the hint that nobody likes you at all? The fans hate you, I hate you, the superstars hate you, and your own family probably even hates you.

Batista: Oh you’re going to hate me alright, when I win that WWE Championship this Sunday. And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

Edge: I'm sorry, have you been a World Champion 8 times?

Batista: No unlike you, because my title reigns actually last longer than what you last in the bedroom.

Edge: Hey, that was uncalled for! Shane, disqualify him and announce ME the WWE Champion right here right now.

Shane: He hasn’t done anything wrong though. Maybe you should sort your problems out on your own.

Edge: How dare you! Shane, you know why you weren’t running this company when your Dad was around? Because you sucked! And nothing has changed. A fan in the audience could run a company better than what you could.

Batista: Edge, you better show up this Sunday. Because there will be no Shane, no Randy Orton, and no John Cena. It’s just me and you. And I know how much you despise one on one matches, because it means you won’t win.

Edge then puts down his mic and attacks Batista! He pushes Shane out of the ring, and low blows Batista. Batista is in great pain, as Edge gets his fallen microphone and begins bashing it into the skull of Batista multiple times. He then waits for Batista gets to his feet, and he then viciously spears the Animal! Batista is lying helpless to close the show as Edge is cocky as ever, and the crowd is going wild. “Batista sucks, Batista sucks”.

J.R: Don’t miss the pay per view this Sunday folks as SCW presents to you a stacked Survivor Series card. Who will win the Intercontinental Title? Who will reign supreme in the traditional elimination matches, and who will walk into Monday Night Raw with the WWE Championship around his waist? Find all the answers to these questions, only on pay per view.

Quick Results:
Match #1 – Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix def. Michelle McCool (Non Title)
Match #2 – Ezekiel Jackson def. Jamie Noble
Match #3 – The Big Show, Jack Swagger, Miz and Morrison def. Triple H, Undertaker, Primo & Carlito (via disqualification).
Match #4 – Kofi Kingston def. Finlay (Intercontinental Title Tournament Match)
Match #5 – Rey Mysterio def. William Regal

Current Champions:
WWE Championship - Vacant
Intercontinental Championship - Vacant
WWE Tag Team Championships - John Morrison and The Miz
Cruiserweight Championship - The Brian Kendrick
Womens Championship - Beth Phoenix

Survivor Series Card:
WWE Championship: Edge vs. Batista

Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match: John Cena, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Carlito & Primo vs. Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, William Regal, John Morrison and The Miz.

Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne vs. The Big Show, Umaga, Kane, Vladimir Kozlov and Jack Swagger.

Divas Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match: Michelle McCool, Candice Michelle, Maria, Mickie James and Kelly Kelly vs. Womens Champion Beth Phoenix, Maryse, Natalya, Katie Lea and Jillian.

Grudge Match: Jeff Hardy vs. JBL

Fatal Four Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Title: Kofi Kingston vs. Mr Kennedy vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin

Cruiserweight Title: The Brian Kendrick © vs. Jamie Noble
I like the idea of making the people the internet smarks like faces and the people the smarks don't like heels, but where in the hell did you get the idea that anyone who owns a computer likes JBL?!
I like the idea of making the people the internet smarks like faces and the people the smarks don't like heels, but where in the hell did you get the idea that anyone who owns a computer likes JBL?!

Lol good point, but it's meant to be a payout. I tried to make it so basically anyone who is a heel in the WWE, is automatically a babyface in SCW since smarks do tend to favour most heels (not all) over babyfaces. Some are tweeners though such as the Big Show and Finlay.

Official Survivor Series Preview

This Sunday, the first ever SCW pay per view will take place. We have some big matches on the card, including three traditional 5 on 5 elimination match ups! Will Team Triple H find a way to conquer the larger Team Big Show? Also, will John Cena lead his team to victory against a man who offered to team up with him last week, Chris Jericho?

The first ever Intercontiental Title match will take place on Sunday in a fatal four way Ladder match. Who will take home the Gold and become the first man to win the title in SCW?

Jeff Hardy wants revenge on JBL for attacking his brother for no apparent reason. JBL hasn't denied that he's a big bully, but this rivalry has been made personal. And this Sunday, Jeff Hardy finally gets his hands on the crowd favourite JBL. Will Hardy get revenge or will JBL prove to be too strong and dominant over the Rainbow Haired Warrior?

Finally, in our main event Batista takes on Edge in the first ever WWE Championship match in the company. Who will take home the vacant title and who will become the new poster boy of the company? Will it be the Animal Batista, who had no problem betraying his teammates in order to gain entry into the match? Or will it be Edge who had to pin his own partner, Randy Orton to enter this match up?

Find the answer to all these questions and more this Sunday, on pay per view as SCW presents to you the first ever pay per view in the company, Survivor Series. Who will survive, and who won't make it out of the building?

Survivor Series – November 28th 2008 (Part 1)

Welcome everyone to the very first pay per view of SCW! We are shown a long video package highlighting the WWE Championship match between Edge and Batista, the grudge match between JBL and Jeff Hardy, as well as the Survivor Series traditional elimination matches.

After we see the opening logo, the fireworks go off. After a whole 30 seconds of nothing but fireworks, good fireworks. Not those crappy ones TNA use. We cut to the announce table.

J.R: Folks, welcome to Survivor Series! We are live as the crowd is electric and on their feet, as history will be made here tonight. The WWE and the Intercontinental Titles will no longer be vacated here in SCW after tonight is over. Speaking of the Intercontinental Title, our opening contest is for that very belt!

After Lilian Garcia (yes, she’s in my company dammit for err… personal reasons) announces that this fatal fourway match is a ladder match for the Title. There are no submissions, no countouts, no disqualification and no pinfalls.

First comes out Kofi Kingston, who still seems happy over his victory on Raw 6 days ago. The crowd boos for Kofi. Mr Kennedy then comes out, to massive boos. He used to be a smark darling, fuck knows why they hate him now. Then comes out MVP to very loud cheers from the live crowd. Finally, the fan favourite Shelton Benjamin comes down to the ring, as ladder matches are his speciality, many are tipping him to win the Intercontinental Title here. At last we are ready to start this exciting match which has 4 ladders surrounding the ring while the mid-card belt is hang high from the arena.

Match #1 – Fatal 4 Way Ladder match for the Intercontinental Title – Kofi Kingston vs. Mr Kennedy vs. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin
As the bell rings, all 4 competitors are in their separate corners staring at one another as well as looking at the Intercontinental Title held above the ring. Shelton Benjamin then runs up Mr Kennedy only to get punched in the mouth and knocked down by Ken Kennedy. MVP goes outside the ring now, while Kofi Kingston goes up to the fallen Shelton Benjamin and gives him a legdrop. Shelton is writhing in pain as MVP slides a ladder inside the ring. However, Kennedy grabs the ladder and hits MVP with it once he gets inside the ring! Kennedy then turns around only to get the ladder dropkicked in his face by Kofi. Kennedy is knocked down and rolls outside the ring, while Kofi sets up the ladder and begins climbing up it.

He is almost at the top of ladder but Shelton gets to his feet and grabs Kofi’s feet on the ladder and gives him a huge electric chair! Kofi is in great pain as he slides out of the ring and onto the floor. MVP who is now up to his feet gives Benjamin a German suplex right before whipping him into a turnbuckle. He then places Shelton onto the turnbuckle and looks ready to deliver a suplex from the top rope! However, Shelton sees MVP climbing up and begins punching him in the ribs. From out of nowhere, Kennedy hops onto the apron and pushes both superstars off the turnbuckle and onto the concrete! MVP and Shelton are in dreamland as Kennedy climbs up the already placed ladder and looks to grab the IC Title. Kofi Kingston who is now onto his feet then grabs another ladder and hits Kennedy sharp in the face who falls off the ladder and onto the mat, face first.

Kofi then sets up his ladder and begins climbing up it. He does not notice that outside the ring, Shelton Benjamin is setting up a ladder and quickly climbs the ladder which is placed outside of the ring, in a rather unusual feat. Kofi is standing on the second to top step of the ladder and turns around to face Shelton, but Benjamin is already in mid-air and delivers a huge Painter to Kofi from ladder to ladder! Kofi Kingston is down and out, while Shelton is struggling to get to his feet. MVP sees everybody is down so he slides into the ring and quickly climbs up the ladder already set up inside the ring. He has possession of the IC Title and just needs to unhook it but what he does not see is that on the ladder next to him stands none other than Mr Kennedy! The ladders are side by side as both superstars stand on separate ladders and begin laying into each other with vicious left and rights.

Shelton Benjamin is now on his feet and pushes against the ladders which fall and crash onto the mat as MVP and Kennedy fall to the outside straight onto the concrete floor! He turns around to grab one of the ladders and walks into a vicious chair shot by Kofi! Kofi then hits his Trouble in Paradise onto Benjamin. Kofi grabs one of the fallen ladders and climbs to the top of it. He stares at the belt but he also looks back at Shelton. Shelton was the one who delivered a Painter to him from ladder to ladder. So to get revenge, Kofi jumps off the ladder and hits a huge moonsault right onto Shelton’s stomach from the tall ladder! The crowd is cheering because of this great spot, despite hating Kingston. All 4 men are down on the ground, as it takes at least 20 seconds for one of them to reach their feet first.

MVP gets to hit feet eventually and slides into the ring. He sees the IC Title held above the ring and starts climbing the ladder Kofi just jumped off. Mr Kennedy is suddenly standing on one of the turnbuckles as MVP is now at the top of the ladder with the belt in hand. He just needs to unclip it but is given a mid-air twisting neckbreaker from Mr Kennedy! Kofi is now slowly crawling to one of the ladders as Kennedy begins climbing it. Kofi struggles to get to his feet but Kennedy has already made his way to the top of the ladder and unclips the Intercontinental Title to become the new champion!

After a superb match, Kofi lays back on his stomach as Mr Kennedy’s music plays. Kennedy is being booed out of the building but smiles at MVP and Shelton who are both laying unconscious on the mat. Kennedy is proud of his huge Title win here tonight and gradually makes his way up the ramp and into the back.

We then cut backstage to Jeff Hardy who is ready to speak.

Jeff Hardy: Bradshaw, I’ve had enough. I’ve had enough of you running your mouth. I’ve had enough of you hogging the spotlight. I’ve had enough of you bullying the Hardy boys. And tonight, the Hardy’s will prove to you why you should never mess with us. You proved a point against us a few weeks ago, but now it is my turn to prove a point. And if it involves ladders or chairs, there is absolutely nobody that is going to stop me from using them on you.

We then cut back to the arena where we are ready for our second match of the evening. Instead of watching 10 different entrances, the heel team comes out first as the Divas are getting ready for our first Traditional 5 on 5 elimination match of the night. Michelle McCool leads her team into the arena as Candice Michelle, Maria, Mickie James and Kelly Kelly all follow behind her. Next, the Glamazon’s music blares throughout the arena as the WWE Women’s Champion, Beth Phoenix leads her team down the ramp. Maryse, Natalya, Katie Lea and Jillian all follow closely behind her.

Lilian Garcia announces that by order of General Manager Shane McMahon, when a pinfall or submission is taking place in this match, no Diva must break up the pinfall or submission attempt otherwise their whole team will be disqualified. After 8 Divas get on the apron, we are ready to start this match.

Match #2 - Divas Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match: Michelle McCool, Candice Michelle, Maria, Mickie James and Kelly Kelly vs. Womens Champion Beth Phoenix, Maryse, Natalya, Katie Lea and Jillian
Kelly Kelly starts this match with Jillian as Kelly is being booed heavily. The crowd is chanting “Jillian, Jillian, Jillian”. Jillian then quickly goes for Kelly’s legs and takes her down. She locks in a submission move on one of Kelly’s legs as the blonde beauty is screaming in pain, much to the crowds delight (in more ways than one). She pulls the leg right back as Kelly is getting desperate for a tag. She is far from her teammates and she is quickly fading away. With Kelly’s other leg though, she lifts it and kicks Jillian in the head with it! She kicks it into her head repeatedly as Jillian finally releases the hold. Kelly is now on her feet and she lands a dropkick onto the head of Jillian who falls down to the mat. Kelly goes for a cover..1…2. and a kickout by Jillian. Kelly then goes to her corner and tags in Maria.

The redhead is on fire, literally, as she jumps on Jillian and begins landing huge lefts and rights onto the fucked up face of Jillian. Maria then climbs to the top turnbuckle as she waits for Jillian to get to her feet. When she finally does stand, Maria lands a huge clothesline in mid-air and she then goes for a cover…1...2…3! Jillian Hall is eliminated as the now legal Katie Lea quickly goes inside the ring and kicks Maria in the back, before rolling her up for the 1..2…3! Maria is eliminated as it’s now 4 on 4. Candice Michelle climbs in the ring but is clotheslined by Katie Lea. Katie Lea slaps the huge tit..opps I mean the chest of Candice Michelle, and then whips her into the corner. She then runs and attempts to give Candice a running shoulder block but Candice moves out the way a Katie’s shoulder rams directly into the turnbuckle! Katie turns around and walks into a Candy Wrapped by Candice as she is pinned…1….2…3! Katie Lea is eliminated as Natalya quickly jumps into the ring.

Natalya grabs the hair of Candice from behind and throws her around like a rag doll! Natalya is smiling and is very cocky but she is kicked in the back of her legs from the apron by none other than Team Captain Michelle McCool who is anxiously waiting on the apron to be tagged in. Natalya turns around as Candice is now standing behind her, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Natalya yells at McCool but Candice can’t wait any longer as she grabs the hair of Natalya and hits a Candy Wrapper on her! She hooks the leg as the referee counts 1…2… NO! Candice let go of the pinfall attempt because she realizes McCool wants to be the one to pin Natalya. Candice then tags in the team captain to a chorus of boos from the fans, as McCool grabs the leg of Natalya and uses her own Sharpshooter against her! Natalya is out cold as she isn’t even searching for the ropes. She finally awakens but taps immediately! Natalya is eliminated. McCool lets go of the hold but walks right into Maryse who gives Michelle a kick to the gut before landing a huge powerbomb on her! Maryse goes for the cover and gets a 1…2…3! Michelle McCool is eliminated. It’s now 3 vs. 2 with Team McCool in the lead. Kelly Kelly then steps back into the ring but she still looks very tired from before. She manages to lock in head scissors on Maryse but it doesn’t take her down as Maryse grabs her legs and slams her down to the mat!

Maryse lifts Kelly to her feet and lands a DDT! She goes for a cover and the referee counts 1...2…3! Kelly Kelly is eliminated as it’s now 2 on 2. Beth Phoenix and Mickie James have yet to enter this match, and that’s not going to change as Candice re-enters the ring to face Maryse. Candice quickly goes for the Candy Wrapper but Maryse reverses the move and pushes Candice into the ropes. Candice rebounds off the ropes and hits a running bulldog on Maryse! The goes up to the top rope but Maryse is quick to her feet and runs up to Candice and slaps her in the face but hitting Candice in the face with her elbow. Candice sees this and hits a sunset flip onto Maryse as her shoulders are now down for the cover…1…2…3! Maryse is eliminated as Beth Phoenix quickly enters the ring but meets Mickie James who just couldn’t wait to finally get inside the ring. There was no official tag though as Mickie and Beth are landing huge kicks and punches to each other. The referee breaks up the two ladies and tells Mickie to leave the ring. Beth Phoenix turns around and walks into a dropkick by Candice that takes the big girl down! Candice goes for a cover…1…2.. and a kickout by Phoenix. Candice can’t believe it as she goes up to the top rope and looks to land a crossbody on Phoenix. Beth rolls out the way though as Candice crashes to the mat, boobs first. Beth grabs Candice and looks to land a fisherman’s suplex but Mickie once again illegally climbs into the ring and clotheslines Phoenix who is still holding Candice on her shoulders! Candice lands onto Beth’s shoulders as the referee has no choice but to count the cover...1….2….3!

Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix rolls out of the ring as the sole survivors, Mickie James and Candice Michelle celebrate in the ring. Candice had a solid showing here tonight but Mickie was never even officially tagged in! Both ladies celebrate in the ring as they give each other a warm hug. The crowd is booing, but not heavily as this cleavage is too much for any straight man to boo. Their big boobs rub against each other as we unfortunately have to cut to a backstage promo, involving Team Cena.

John Cena: Guys tonight, you are all apart of Team Cena. We will go into battle and we WILL come out victorious. Tonight, we fight to win. Chris Jericho is a punk, and he needs to be taught a lesson or two. Mysterio, Punk, Carlito and Primo… you are all superb athletes and I’m sure I’ve got myself a great team here. The fight won’t be easy though, as Team Jericho has a lot of star power, but we have something they all don’t have, and that is determination. Mysterio wants to be in contention for the WWE Title, Punk wants to win that Intercontinental Title, and the Colons want to win the Tag Team Titles. Tonight, is your first step to relieving those dreams. All I ask is that you all give it your best, work as a team, and hopefully we will win this match.

CM Punk: Cena, I couldn’t agree more. We all have a heart of gold. The fans may not like us, but screw them. Everyone is in this business to win championships, and tonight is perfect opportunity to show to Shane McMahon we all have what it takes to hold gold in the near future.

Suddenly, Chris Jericho and his team appear and Jericho wants to speak:

Chris Jericho: Blah, blah, blah. I’m sick of you all, especially Cena, talking crap and saying how you want to fight to win some Titles and all this other nonsense. You’re becoming blinded by the fact that I have the better team. Orton, Regal, Morrison and the Miz are better superstars than any of your pathetic team members. You think the road to the titles is going to be easy? You’ve got another thing coming to you. Cena, I offered to assist you like the nice man that I am last week by making a statement to the WWE Title match participants. You let me down, and later tonight, I’m going to make you pay!

Team Jericho walks off as Team Cena all have a serious but determined look on their faces.

After we get one of those crappy pay per view commercials highlighting next month’s pay per view, Armageddon, we are ready for our third match of the evening.

Team Big Show then make their way down to the ring to the Big Show’s entrance theme. This team is freaking huge. Show, Umaga, Kane, Kozlov and Jack Swagger aren’t very small men. The crowd is cheering them though, especially Jack Swagger. He should be a smark darling for many years to come. “Swagger” chants can already be heard in the arena.

Next, Matt Hardy makes his way down to the ring. Followed by Evan Bourne. Then, the crowd is booing like crazy as Shawn Michaels walks down the ramp to his sexy boy theme. The Undertaker then gets a similar reaction from the fans but he actually makes his entrance rather quickly tonight. Captain Triple H then makes his way down to the ring to his Motorhead theme. The crowd is booing HHH like crazy. “Triple H sucks” and “You banged Steph” chants can easily be heard in the arena. My reason for giving Team Triple H all separate entrances is simple: Undertaker, HBK and Triple H should never, ever, walk down to the ring at the same time. It’s wrong in every way possible.

8 men hop onto the apron and it looks like Kane is starting off against one of the captains, Triple H.

Match #3 - Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne vs. The Big Show, Umaga, Kane, Vladimir Kozlov and Jack Swagger
Remember folks, if any superstar breaks up a pinfall attempt, their team will be disqualified. Hunter then locks up with Kane as this is a test of strength. Both men are pushing hard against one another but HHH is just too strong and pushes Kane into a corner. Triple H gives Kane two right fists to the face but Kane responds with a huge uppercut that knocks HHH off his feet! He goes for a cover…1…2.. and a kickout by Hunter. Kane doesn’t look fazed by this as he grabs HHH to his feet and rebounds off the ropes to give him a big boot to the face, but Triple H reverses by giving Kane a huge spinebuster onto the mat! He quickly lifts Kane to his feet, kicks him in the gut and hits the Pedigree! 1…2…3 and the pinfall is academic. Kane is eliminated. None of the other monsters wants to enter the ring, but the Big Show makes Vladimir Kozlov enter the ring as the Big Show is still not 100 percent since HHH hit him over the head with a steel chair just 6 days ago.

Kozlov enters the ring and stares at Hunter furiously. The crowd is all for Kozlov here. A chant can be heard: “Kozlov rules, Kozlov rules”. Triple H doesn’t look frightened one bit as he spears Kozlov to the ground and begins laying into him with hard punches. Kozlov can’t protect himself enough and just takes the beating. Jack Swagger reaches over the ropes and slaps HHH at the back of the head! Hunter turns around to face Swagger and walks closer to him. Kozlov is now on one knee. Triple H gives Swagger a boot to the face as he falls off the apron. He turns around and walks into a headbutt by Kozlov!...1…2… NO! HHH kicked out. Kozlov is arguing with the referee but it turns out to be a huge mistake as Hunter from behind, taps him on the shoulder, makes him turn around, kicks him in the gut, and hits the Pedigree on Kozlov! He hooks the leg as the referee counts 1…2…3! Kozlov is eliminated.

It’s now 5 on 3 as Jack Swagger quickly runs into the ring and gives Triple H a shoulder block that knocks him down! Swagger lifts HHH up for a huge suplex! He goes for a cover and only gets a two count. Evan Bourne wants to be tagged in, but Hunter is far from his corner where his team awaits him. Shawn Michaels, who was on the apron, grabs a sledgehammer from underneath the ring and slides it into the ring. The referee sees this, grabs the hammer and throws it out of the ring again. Triple H takes advantage of this, and gives Jack Swagger a low blow before Pedigreeing his ass to the mat! The referee turns around and sees Triple H hooking the leg of Swagger and counts 1…2...3! Jack Swagger is eliminated.

It’s now 2 vs. 5 as Triple H has eliminated 3 men by himself! Umaga jumps into the ring and kicks Triple H right in the face! Triple H doesn’t fall, but he moves back in self defence and is finally tagged by Evan Bourne! Bourne jumps over the ropes and into the ring but runs right into a huge uppercut from Umaga and falls down onto the mat! Umaga stomps on the smaller Evan Bourne and drags him into the corner. He then takes a run up and slams his ass into the face of Evan Bourne, who now looks dazed. Umaga grabs the near lifeless body of Bourne and delivers a Samoan Spike to the throat for the 1…2…3! Evan Bourne is now eliminated. Matt Hardy slides into the ring and begins punching on the back of Umaga. It’s no use as Umaga just turns around and grabs the throat of Hardy and gives him a huge throw into a turnbuckle! He takes a run up and knocks into Matt, whose back then clips the turnbuckle. Hardy is in back pain and Umaga quickly lifts him up in the Samoan Drop as the referee counts…1…2…3! Matt Hardy is eliminated. It’s now Umaga and The Big Show against Triple H, HBK and the Undertaker! Triple H comes back into the ring but Umaga also tags in the Big Show. Triple H gives a stiff left hand to the face of the Big Show, but Show just laughs it off and delivers a huge right hand punch to the face of Triple H, knocking him out cold!

Triple H is no longer with us, mentally, as the Big Show just lays a foot on top of his left shoulder as the referee begins to count…1…2….3! Triple H is eliminated, as the odds are now even. Shawn Michaels steps into the ring and kicks the knee of the Big Show who falls to one knee. Shawn quickly climbs up on the top rope and attempts a flying elbow across the shoulder of the Big Show. But Show catches him and gives Shawn a chokeslam! He goes for a cover…1...2… NO! Michaels barely got his foot on the rope. The Big Show can’t believe it and spends a while arguing with the referee. This gives time for Shawn to get to his feet. The Big Show no longer wants any part with Shawn Michaels, so he tags in Umaga. Umaga is still tired from before and slowly enters the ring. He grabs Shawn by the hair, but HBK pushes him away, right before hitting him with Sweet Chin Music! The Big Show realizes that HBK hasn’t gone for a cover yet, so he illegally renters the ring and gives Shawn a big boot to the face! Shawn quickly gets back up though but walks right into a knockout punch from the Big Show! Shawn’s body hits the mat as Umaga who is laying next to him, slowly crawls over the unconscious body of HBK and covers him as the referee begins to count...1...2…3! Shawn Michaels is eliminated. The Undertaker is now alone and he quickly enters the ring.

Taker quickly strikes the face of Umaga 5 times in a row before running off the ropes and giving him a big boot to the face which knocks him down! Undertaker grabs Umaga’s hand, climbs up to the top rope and hits old school! He goes for a cover...1…2…NO! Umaga amazingly kicked out. The Deadman can’t believe it as he then puts Umaga in the Death Valley Choke! Umaga is quickly fading away and is now far from the Big Show’s corner. He can’t hold on any longer, so he eventually taps out! Umaga is now eliminated. The final member of the team, The Big Show enters the ring and lifts the Deadman to his feet. Undertaker is still relatively fresh though as he kicks Show in the gut before punching him in the face a few times. Undertaker then manages to pick Show up and in a display of great strength, he slams him down to the mat! The referee counts the cover…1…2…..NO! The Big Show kicked out. From out of nowhere, Kane hops onto the apron and is threatening the Undertaker. Taker gets to his feet and walks up to Kane. Kane then slaps the Undertaker, who falls back into a rollup by the Big Show who’s holding onto Taker’s tights! The referee counts the Undertaker’s shoulders down for the 1…2….3! Team Big Show wins!

Kane enters the ring as the Big Show’s music plays. The crowd is on their feet and is cheering madly for these guys. Jack Swagger, Umaga and Kozlov then enter the ring and don’t even congratulate Show. Selfish pricks. But all 5 raise their hands in victory as they know this is a huge win by any means. Who would have though the team that had 3 legends in the Undertaker, Triple H and Shawn Michaels, would lose here tonight?! Team Big Show walks to the back as the Big Show has a huge grin on his face, but he still looks in great pain as he limps his way up the ramp.

We then cut backstage to none other than The Rated R Superstar – Edge! He grabs the microphone from the hands of Eve Torres.

Edge: Batista, last week you insulted me. You bullied me and make no mistake about this, I WILL get revenge. Winning that WWE Championship that you so badly desire is perfect way to prove to you and the world, that I am the best wrestler in the business today. Tonight, I will be the first WWE Champion in the history of Smark Championship Wrestling!

Back in the arena, Jamie Noble’s music hits as Noble makes his way to the ring first and is determined to win the title he so badly desires. The crowd then erupts with cheers as The Brian Kendrick comes down the ramp with Ezekiel Jackson by his side and with the Cruiserweight Championship sitting around his waist. After getting into the ring at last, we are ready to start the match.

Match #4 – Cruiserweight Championship – The Brian Kendrick © vs. Jamie Noble
The bell sounds as both men stare down at each other and stare at the belt they are competing for, but Jamie is being very cautious of Big Zeke. Both men then lock up but Jamie Noble quickly takes down Kendrick and gets a quick one count. Brian laughs it off, gets to his feet and gives Noble a right hand punch to the cheek. It doesn’t take Noble down though as Jamie responds by rebounding off the ropes and hitting a running headscissors on Kendrick. The crowd boos as Noble gets another one count. Noble lifts the champion to his feet and pushes him right into a turnbuckle. Noble then dropkicks the back of Kendrick whose stomach clips the turnbuckle and he then falls backwards, hitting the mat very hard. Jamie hits a baseball slide on Brian who rolls under the bottom rope only to be caught by Ezekiel Jackson, who is standing at ringside.

Jackson quickly places Brian Kendrick onto a turnbuckle, who then lands a flying dropkick to the chest of Noble! He then goes for a cover as the crowd is cheering madly…1…2...and a kickout by Noble. Kendrick waits for Noble to get to his feet before delivering a bulldog. The champion then pounds his knees repeatedly onto the chest of Jamie, who now seems winded. He lifts Noble to his feet and hits a quick snap suplex and goes for a cover…1…2..and Noble kicks out once again. Kendrick then quickly goes up to the top rope and lands a huge diving elbow directly onto the chest of Noble! Brian is now waiting anxiously for Jamie to get to his feet. After struggling greatly, Noble finally rises to a vertical upright position. The champion then grabs Noble’s head and goes for the sliced bread!

However, as Kendrick lifted his legs to run up the turnbuckle when performing the move, Noble pushed Brian over the top rope who lands right with his face smashing into the concrete! The referee beings to count out Kendrick …1 ......2 …..3 …. 4….. 5...... 6. At this time Noble is taking a breather to get an advantage…7…….8..Noble suddenly realises he can’t win the title by countout as Kendrick is still laying on the concrete unconscious, so he quickly climbs to the outside to roll the champion back into the ring. The referee then begins to tend to Kendrick inside the ring as Jamie Noble is clotheslined on the outside by Ezekiel Jackson! The crowd cheers as Zeke then viciously throws Noble directly into one of the steel turnbuckle posts!

Noble is screaming in pain and is rolled into the ring by Jackson. Kendrick suddenly stops playing dead and seizes the opportunity by hitting the sliced bread on Noble! The referee begins counting as Brian hooks the leg of Jamie…1…2…3!

The champion is being cheered greatly while his music plays as he is then awarded his Cruiserweight Title that he just defended. Without allowing the referee to be distracted and without Big Zeke, Kendrick knows he wouldn’t have retained here tonight. The champion walks to the back with his title and with his bodyguard as Noble finally opens his eyes and is now staring furiously at The Brian Kendrick.

Survivor Series – November 28th 2008 (Part 2)

A video package is then shown highlighting the events of the two triple threat number one contender matches on Raw a few weeks ago that lead to 4 men losing a chance to compete for the WWE Championship, all of which who are competing in this next match.

John Cena’s music then plays in the arena as the champ (though he doesn’t have a title belt) is here! The crowd is on their feet booing Cena and the four men that walk beside him. Punk, Mysterio, Carlito and Primo all walk side by side with Cena walking in the centre, leading the way to the ring. “Cena sucks” and “You can’t wrestle” chants can be heard from 100 miles away as the crowd is strongly anti-Cena here.

Break the walls down then play as the crowd is rabid with happiness as their saviour, Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring with Randy Orton standing NEXT to him. And with Morrison, Miz and Regal walking closely behind them.

J.R: Funny, I thought there was only one captain of Team Jericho, King.

Lawler: It should be interesting to see is Jericho and Orton can get along without their egos getting in the way.

After all men enter the ring and stand on the turnbuckle, we are ready to start the match.

Match #5 - Traditional 5 on 5 Elimination Match: John Cena, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Carlito & Primo vs. Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, William Regal, John Morrison and The Miz
CM Punk is starting off for Team Cena, but on the opposite side of the ring, Orton and Jericho are arguing about who should start the match! They yell at each other as William Regal enters the ring and commences the match as the referee rings the bell for the match to officially start. Orton and Jericho stop arguing and realize the match has already started, so they both angrily get back on the apron. Meanwhile inside the ring, Punk and Regal lock up. Punk is pushing hard against the older William Regal, but Regal pushes him and fights back. Regal manages to push Punk into a turnbuckle, and begins laying into him with chops to the chest of Punk. Punk is already in pain but he finally manages to punch Regal in the face a few times, which makes Regal move backwards from Punk. Punk grabs Regal from behind and whips him into a corner turnbuckle. He then goes his signature running knee lift, before hitting the bulldog onto Regal! Punk taunts Regal as the crowd chants “Punk sucks”. Regal finally gets to his feet and turns around, he is caught into the GTS position! Punk hits his finisher with success as the referee counts…1…2….3! William Regal is eliminated.

The Miz quickly enters the ring next and rams Punk’s shoulder into a turnbuckle! Punk falls onto his back as the Miz goes for a cover. But as the Miz went for a cover, Punk was playing possum and manages to roll up the Miz for the 1…2….3! The Miz is now eliminated. The crowd is in shock as John Morrison makes his way into the ring. He stares at Punk, but Punk quickly goes to his corner to tag in Carlito. Carlito quickly jumps on the top rope and gives Morrison a high impact clothesline. He goes for a cover but only gets a 1 count. Carlito quickly gets to his feet and lifts up Morrison and pulls him down with a slam. He waits for Morrison to get to his feet, and he goes for the backstabber! Morrison reverses it though and pushes Carlito into the ropes, who rebounds and is hit with an enziguri by Morrison. The crowd is cheering as Morrison goes for a cover…1…2… and a kickout by Carlito. Morrison doesn’t let the frustration get to him, so he lays into the fallen Carlito with a few vicious punches. He then hits a hard leg drop onto the head of Carlito. John Morrison then goes up to the top rope and is preparing for a moonsault!

He attempts a moonsault only for his body hitting the mat, but not Carlito’s! Carlito quickly dived across the ring to tag in Rey Mysterio! With Morrison down on the mat, Mysterio waits for Morrison to get to his feet. When he eventually does, Rey lands a head scissors onto Morrison, who lands in the perfect set up position for a 619! Mysterio is being booed out of the building as he hits a perfect 619 onto Morrison! The referee slides around as Mysterio hooks the leg of Jo Mo for the 1….2….3! John Morrison is eliminated. However, Mysterio is too busy celebrating and doesn’t realize Chris Jericho was already in the ring, waiting for the perfect time to strike. Mysterio turns around and gets hit with a codebreaker! Y2J goes for a cover…1….2… NO! Mysterio amazing kicked out. Jericho can’t believe it, so he locks in the Walls of Jericho onto the much smaller body of Mysterio. Rey is looking for the ropes but he’s in the centre of the ring right now. Mysterio slowly begins crawling towards the ropes. Inch by inch, Mysterio is getting closer, but he’s also fading away as Jericho is putting more pressure onto his small body. The crowd is chanting “Y2J, Y2J” as Mysterio is just a few small inches away from the ropes. He reaches out to grab the ropes but Jericho sees this and drags Mysterio’s body back into the centre of the ring. Mysterio is yelling in agony but he knows he can’t hold on any longer, so he taps out! Rey Mysterio is eliminated.

Carlito re-enters the ring and goes for a clothesline, Jericho ducks and turns Carlito around and hits a codebreaker! 1….2…3 and Carlito is also eliminated. Primo next enters the ring to face Jericho. Primo is fresh and slaps Y2J! Jericho laughs it off and walks back a few steps. Out of nowhere, Randy Orton tags himself in by tapping Jericho’s shoulder. Chris can’t believe it, and has no choice but to step outside onto the apron. It’s now Primo, Punk and Cena (who hasn’t entered the match yet) against Orton and Jericho. Randy Orton enters the ring and glares at Primo. Primo is not afraid though as he walks up to Orton and drop kicks his knee. He rebounds off the ropes and kicks Orton in the face. He goes for a cover…1…2… and a kickout by Orton. The crowd is chanting “Let’s go Orton, let’s go”. Primo quickly gets to his feet and gives Orton a stiff left hand punch to the head, who is now standing on his feet as well. Primo then kicks Orton in the stomach, twice. Orton is a little hurt as Primo goes up to the top turnbuckle and is sitting on it, waiting for the right time to strike. Orton sees this and quickly runs up to Primo and suplexes him off the turnbuckle and onto the mat! Orton waits for Primo to get to his feet and hits his reverse neck breaker. He goes for a cover and gets a 2 count. Orton is now lying on the mat, taunting Primo and anxiously waiting for him to reach his feet. Orton is looking vicious as Jericho doesn’t look impressed. Primo reaches his feet and is hit by a vicious RKO from Orton. He covers Primo’s body as the referee counts…1…2…3! Primo is eliminated.

Punk re-enters the ring but he’s still a little tired from before. Punk hits his elbow into the face of Orton, he runs off the ropes but Orton just flips Punk over his shoulder. Orton then begins to stomp all over Punk’s fallen body. He continues to stomp all over Punk who is now looking helpless. Cena is desperate for a tag. Orton smiles viciously and walks back five steps. He wants to punt CM Punk in the head! He is making all those weird noises he makes but is touched on the back by Jericho! Jericho tagged himself in and lifts Punk to his feet before giving him a codebreaker! Orton is looking super pissed off as Jericho stole his pinfall. The referee counts…1…2….3! CM Punk is eliminated. John Cena is now by himself as he finally gets a chance to enter the ring. Jericho is as cocky as ever as “You can’t wrestle chants” already begin. Orton is still inside the ring as he pushes Jericho from behind! He pushes Jericho into the arms of John Cena, who lifts up Jericho and hits an Attitude Adjuster! Orton tells Cena to wait, before he can pin him. Cena is looking confused, but Orton lifts Jericho’s body to his feet, stares at him with a weirdass and a very evil stare. Before RKO-ing his face down to the mat! The referee just watches this amazingly, and begins to count as Cena hooks the leg of Jericho for the 1…2…3! Team Captain Chris Jericho is now eliminated. It’s now Cena and Orton left as the sole survivors of their opposite teams.

Cena punches Orton in the face, Orton then responds by punching Cena, and this continues until both superstars hits 5 punches each. Cena then lifts up Orton for the prototype. Orton isn’t too fresh and continues to lay on the floor as John Cena hits his 5 knuckle shuffle. Cena only gets a 1 count as he then waits for Orton to get to his feet. Orton gets to his feet but walks right into the position for the Attitude Adjuster. Cena is trying to flip Orton over but Orton is holding onto the ropes, so Cena flips him over onto the outside! Orton is getting counted out, but Cena won’t have any of it and pushes Orton back into the ring. Cena is still on the outside though, as out of nowhere, Chris Jericho appears and hits a codebreaker onto the face of Cena! The referee is too busy tending to Orton as Jericho disappears and but only after rolling Cena back into the ring. Orton had a chance to get to his feet, so he now lifts Cena and pulls him down with the RKO! Orton falls on top of Cena as the referee counts…1…2…3! Cena is eliminated as Orton wins the match!

“Voices” plays in the arena as Randy Orton’s hand is raised in victory. Jericho’s actions were confusing, as he attacked both Orton and Cena, but in the end, Team Jericho won the match. Orton is very hurt, having went through a lot in this match. None of Orton’s teammates come out to congratulate him either. Jealous bastards. But the crowd is on their feet, cheering and clapping, as they have witnessed some great Traditional 5 on 5 elimination matches here tonight.

We then cut to a video package highlighting the rather personal events that has occurred in the build up to the Jeff Hardy vs. JBL match. Nobody does a better video package than SCW. Nobody. Back in the arena, JBL’s music hits as he rolls out of his limo. He walks down to the ring just like the fat slob that he is. The crowd is cheering this goon. Fuck knows why. The spot monkey, Jeff Hardy then makes his way down to the ring and the crowd despises this guy. “Hardy sucks dick” can already be heard in the arena. Both men quickly waste no time getting inside the ring for this grudge match. Remember, it’s just a regular singles match though. Both men are ready to start, as the referee signals for the bell to be rung.

Match #6 – Jeff Hardy vs. JBL
Straight away, Jeff dives on top of Bradshaw and begins laying into his skull with vicious punches. The referee pulls Hardy off though as JBL reaches the ropes to escape. Hardy quickly gets away from the referee and gives JBL another spear to the ground and is once again trying to bash into JBL’s cranium. JBL is defenceless but once again the referee acts as his saviour as he prevents Hardy from delivering more punches onto JBL. Jeff is getting frustrated and is now arguing with the referee. He then turns around and receives a huge kick to the jaw from JBL. JBL then begins smiling as the crowd is on his side. He grabs the fallen Hardy and whips him into a turnbuckle. Hardy is now leaning back onto a turnbuckle when JBL comes charging towards him and clobbers him with two quick arms around the neck. JBL then chops Jeff on the stomach. Before giving him another chop. And another final chop. Hardy then falls forward onto his stomach and looks to be in a great deal of pain. JBL won’t let him off that easy though, as he grabs the head of Jeff Hardy and puts him in a resthold, while Jeff is in a sitting position.

JBL locks on the hold very tight, as Jeff Hardy desperately wants to get back on the offense, but more importantly, Hardy wants to reach the ropes as soon as possible. JBL has Hardy trapped in his hold but Jeff is moving his arms wildly, trying to find the ropes. He is in no moving position, as the bigger JBL isn’t going to let him move anywhere. Hardy is slowly fading away, as JBL’s face is going red because of the amount of pressure he is putting on the rest hold. The crowd is chanting “tap out Hardy, tap out”. But Jeff hears this and catches a second breath and manages to get up to his feet, at last. He punches JBL in the ribs twice, before JBL finally releases the hold. Hardy escapes from JBL and runs to the ropes to rebound off them, but JBL quickly runs after Hardy and clothesline him over the ropes! Hardy hits the concrete and isn’t moving. JBL then climbs to the outside, and whips Jeff right into some steel steps! Hardy’s head bounces off the steps and Jeff is now lying motionless on the concrete next to the steps, just a few metres from the ring.

JBL is being cheered as he smiles greatly, before sliding back inside the ring. The referee begins counting Hardy out…1…….2…….3…….4…….5……6. At this point, Hardy is beginning to slowly crawl towards the ring. 7………8…..Hardy finally makes it to his feet though and begins to stumble to the ring as the referee counts…9….. and Hardy just makes it in time. JBL can’t believe it and he kicks the back of Hardy who is laying on the mat inside the ring. JBL then picks up Hardy and pulls him down with a pump handle slam. He goes for a cover… 1….2… NO! Hardy kicked out. JBL tries to cover him again though but he only gets a two count. JBL can’t believe it as the crowd can be heard chanting “JBL, JBL, JBL”. JBL is catching his breath as he waits for Jeff to come up to his feet. Jeff is hurting all over from the damage that JBL has inflicted on him. He finally stumbles to his feet and turns around only to be hit from a shoulder block from JBL. Hardy uncontrollably walks back quickly, into the ropes of the other side of the ring and he rebounds off them to drop kick JBL’s knee!

JBL is down on his knees as Hardy gives JBL a dropkick to the face. JBL falls back as Hardy goes for a cover…1….2… and a kickout by JBL. Hardy quickly regains control and gives JBL a vicious leg drop over the neck. JBL is now struggling to breathe and Hardy begins choking JBL with his bare hands! The referee knows this is illegal and tells Jeff to stop immediately. Jeff won’t listen but he eventually lets go when the referee counts to 4. Hardy drags JBL to a corner turnbuckle. He takes a run up, pushes himself up on a turnbuckle and does his signature flying kick to the chest JBL. JBL is coughing viciously and looks like he is struggling to find air, as Hardy punches JBL in the jaw, with a vicious stiff shot. JBL is now the one who is struggling in this match, but Jeff is still hurting from the damage he received before. JBL eventually reaches his feet as Hardy waits for him. When he stands, Hardy gives him a vicious flying neckbreaker and goes for a cover as the referee counts….1….2….NO! JBL kicked out.

The crowd is chanting “Stoner, stoner, stoner” as Jeff is ignoring them as he climbs up a turnbuckle. JBL is still down on his shoulders as Jeff hits a moonsault off the top rope onto JBL! The crowd is booing heavily as Jeff hooks the leg of JBL for the 1….2…..NO! JBL got his foot on the middle rope. Jeff is looking frustrated as he doesn’t know what more he can do to JBL. JBL slowly gets onto his side as Jeff is waiting for him to stand up, as he’s got something big in store for Bradshaw. JBL eventually climbs to his feet but isn’t looking like he’s standing very firmly at all. Hardy sees this and jumps on the turnbuckle and hits a Whisper in the Wind! JBL is hit by the move directly in the head. Hardy slowly crawls over the near lifeless body of JBL and goes for a cover….1…..2…..NO! JBL kicked out again. Jeff doesn’t look surprised, so he quickly gets to his feet, grabs JBL and gives him a Twist of Fate!

As he’s about to go for a cover, Matt Hardy comes running down the ramp. He wants to get revenge on JBL as well! Jeff is looking a little confused, but he goes up to the top rope and quickly hits a Swanton Bomb on the chest of JBL! He hits it with success and hooks the leg for the cover…. But wait, Matt Hardy is now up on the apron and is arguing with the referee. Jeff would have gotten a 3 count right now if Matt wasn’t distracting him. Jeff tells Matt to leave the referee alone. Jeff gets off JBL, stands up and tells Matt that he’s got everything under control. Matt eventually listens to his little brother and begins slowly walking back up the ramp. The referee turns around, and so does Jeff. As Jeff turns around, and JBL clobbers him with a vicious Clothesline from Hell! He hooks the leg for the cover…1…..2….3! JBL wins.

His music begins to play as Matt Hardy now looks curious. Jeff Hardy eventually sits up and stares at his older brother. Matt just shrugs and walks off, almost signalling that it wasn’t his fault. Jeff would have won this match had it not been for Matt running down the ramp and getting himself involved. JBL is smiling as the crowd cheers John Bradshaw Layfield as he walks up the ramp, and into the back. Jeff is now looking around the arena, looking majorly pissed off.

We then cut to a video package, highlighting the events leading up to the WWE Championship match, as we are now ready for our main event of the evening! In the video package, it displays the two most proven wrestlers in the WWE today, thus earning their chance to win the WWE Title on the first ever SCW Pay Per View. It also showed how Edge attacked Batista last week on Raw. Batista comes down to the ring first. He looks angry but determined at the same time. He has never won the WWE Championship before. Next, Edge’s music blasts in the arena as The Rated R Superstar makes his way down to the ring. He is looking cocky as ever as the crowd cheers for him. He has already received a standing ovation before the match has even started! After both men enter the ring, Lilian Garcia gives the ring introductions and she also mentions that by order of the Raw General Manager Shane McMahon, if anyone intervenes in this matchup, they will be suspended for 6 months, without pay!

Match #7 – Batista vs. Edge for the WWE Championship
The referee rings the bell as the crowd is cheering very loudly for the Rated R Superstar! Both men circle around the ring as they are getting ready for this huge match up. You can just feel the intensity here in the arena. The crowd is making it really obvious they want Edge to become WWE Champion, for the 9th time. Inside the ring, both men lock up but Edge quickly backs away and leaves the ring. Edge is looking scared as Batista is smiling at the coward that Edge portrays. Edge quickly re-enters the ring and locks up again with The Animal. But just like last time, as Batista is about to push Edge away, Edge escapes the confrontation and leaves the ring. The crowd is chanting “Let’s go Edge”. Batista can’t believe it but he leaves the ring to chase after Edge. Edge is running away like a little girl as Batista is chasing him around the ring. Edge finally slides into the ring, followed by Batista. Edge quickly stomps on the body of Batista, repeatedly. Edge stomps on the face of Batista a few times before Big Dave grabs one of Edge’s feet, and flips him over!

Edge hits the mat hard as Batista gets to his feet. Batista picks up Edge, but he reverses and pushes Batista away. Batista stops, before slowly walking towards Edge. Edge responds with a slap. Batista feels his cheek, before punching Edge in the mouth! Edge responds with a punch to Batista’s nose, as both men give punches to one another, back and forth. Batista gets the final punch though as he cracks Edge on the chin, which eventually knocks him back onto the mat. Edge is holding his jaw as Batista goes for a cover…1….2… and a kickout by Edge. Batista doesn’t argue with the referee, but instead he gets to his feet, grabs Edge and throws him over the top rope! Edge hits the concrete as the referee begins to count out Edge…1……2……3……4……5…….6…….7. At this point, Batista realizes that winning the title by countout simply isn’t good enough for him. So he climbs through the ropes to the outside and whips Edge back inside the ring. Batista then slides in the ring himself and lifts Edge to his feet.

He hits a slam on Edge, who is now moving in pain. Batista rams his shoulder into the chest of Edge, repeatedly. Batista then lifts Edge to his feet, and applies a massive bear hug. Edge is yelling in pain, while Batista is holding Edge very tightly, so that he is even struggling to breathe at this point. Edge is trying to look for the ropes, and they are only inches away from his fingertips. Edge basically throws body forward so that Batista walks back into the ropes while holding Edge, he then rebounds and falls on top of Edge! This turned out to be a bad move for Edge as Batista goes for a cover….1….2… and a kickout by Edge. The crowd is cheering “We love Edge”. Batista is getting rather frustrated, so he lifts Edge his feet and whips him into a corner. He then takes a run up towards Edge, who responds by kicking Batista in the face. Edge then takes out Batista’s knee. Batista falls forward while Edge delivers some hard elbows to the spine of Batista. Edge steps back to take a breather but Batista is quick to get to his feet. He stares at Edge with rage, but Edge quickly runs towards the ropes and slides underneath the bottom rope to the outside.

Batista once again just laughs, and goes outside the ring. Edge is playing mind games once again, as he runs up the ramp. Batista begins walking up the ramp, but he stops mid-way. The referee has already counted to 3, and if Edge is counted out he will not win the WWE Championship. So Batista does the intelligent thing by going back inside the ring. Edge doesn’t want to get back inside the ring, but he slowly walks towards the ring. He just makes it in the ring as the referee counted to 8. Batista immediately clobbers him with a clothesline that gets booed a fair bit. As Edge eventually gets back to his feet, Batista slams him with a spinebuster! He hooks the leg as the referee counts…1….2…NO! Edge kicked out. Batista looks disappointed but it doesn’t stop him from giving up completely. Batista sets up Edge for the Batista Bomb! But as Batista is attempting to pull Edge down, Edge doesn’t move. He is holding the ropes tightly so that Batista cannot hit his finisher. Edge then counters with a huge DDT! He crawls over to Batista and hooks the leg…1….2….NO! Batista kicked out.

Edge still looks in a lot of pain as he struggles to get to his feet. When he eventually does, he runs into the ropes, rebounds off them and goes for a clothesline on Batista who is now on his feet and who also hits Edge with a clothesline at the same time! Both men are now down on the mat as the referee begins to count…1…..2…..3…..4…..5…..6…...7…Edge grabs the ropes with one hand and pulls himself up before the ref counts to 8. Batista is now on his knees but Edge kicks Batista in the face. Batista falls on his back as delivers sharp elbows to the face of Batista. Edge is being cheered once again and he looks like he got a second wind. Edge lifts Batista to his feet, runs off the ropes but he runs right into a huge spear from Batista! Edge is feeling his ribs to see if they are still there while Batista falls on top of Edge’s chest for the …1….2….NO! Edge kicked out again. Batista looks shocked and so is the crowd in the audience. The crowd is really starting to get behind Edge now. “Let’s go Edge, let’s go” chants can be heard from a mile away. Batista gets to his feet and looks at the crowd.

Big Dave looks emotional as the crowd is cheering the guy that is more cowardish, more idiotic, and more evil than what he is. The crowd is really disrespecting him but Batista continues to battle in this war and turns around. It was a huge mistake though as Batista turned right into a spear from Edge instead! The crowd is going ecstatic as Edge eventually crawls over the body of Batista as the referee counts Batista’s shoulders down on the mat…1….2….NO! Batista amazingly kicked out. Edge can’t believe it, and he’s arguing with the referee. Edge grabs the referee but the ref tells him to lay off. Edge eventually stops complaining and walks up to Batista. Batista counters though by throwing Edge’s shoulder into the turnbuckle! Edge turns around holding his injured shoulder as Batista grabs him, and locks him in the position for a Batista Bomb! He hits his finisher with success as the crowd is booing madly. Batista lays on top of Edge for the…1….2……NO! Edge just managed to kick out at the last split second. The crowd is wild with anticipation as Batista whips Edge into a turnbuckle.

He sets up Edge on the top rope and begins climbing the turnbuckle himself. Batista then grabs Edge’s body and throws him backwards over his shoulder! Edge hits the mat hard and is barely moving. Batista then turns around whilst on the turnbuckle and looks like he is going to jump onto Edge somehow! Batista’s feet jump off the turnbuckle but Big Dave jumps right into a mid-air spear by Edge! The crowd cannot get any louder with enjoyment as Edge covers the shoulder of Batista for the 1….2….NO! Again, Batista kicked out. The crowd is booing so heavily now that the home viewers can barely hear the commentators speak. Edge can’t believe it. After arguing with the referee once again he lifts Batista to his feet and whips him into the ropes this time. Batista rebounds off the ropes but responds with a huge clothesline to Edge. Batista then quickly grabs Edge’s fallen body and hits another Batista Bomb! The crowd is booing heavily as Batista is down on the mat next to Edge. Batista is slowly crawling onto Edge, and he eventually makes it onto the body of the Rated R Superstar. The referee counts Edge’s shoulders down for the …1….2….3! Batista wins the Title!

Batista’s music plays in the arena as the crowd is booing over the match result. Their hero, Edge, lost the match. The referee hands Batista his new WWE Championship belt. This is the first time Batista has won the Title. He clutches the belt with emotion as The Animal is now the first man to win the WWE Championship in Smark Championship Wrestling. The show closes with fireworks as Batista stands tall inside the ring, raising his newly won WWE Championship.

Quick Results:
Match #1 – Mr Kennedy def. Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin & MVP (Fatal Fourway Ladder match for the Intercontinental Title)
Match #2 – Michelle McCool, Candice Michelle, Maria, Mickie James and Kelly Kelly def. Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix, Maryse, Natalya, Katie Lea and Jillian (Sole Survivors: Candice Michelle and Mickie James).
Match #3 – Team Big Show def. Team Triple H (Sole Survivor: The Big Show)
Match #4 – Cruiserweight Champion The Brian Kendrick def. Jamie Noble
Match #5 – Team Jericho def. Team Cena (Sole Survivor: Randy Orton)
Match #6 – JBL def. Jeff Hardy
Match #7 – Batista def. Edge (New WWE Champion)

Current Champions:
WWE Championship - Batista (new Champion)
Intercontinental Championship – Mr Kennedy (new Champion)
WWE Tag Team Championships - John Morrison and The Miz
Cruiserweight Championship - The Brian Kendrick
Womens Championship - Beth Phoenix

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