SmackDown's Used Up All Its Main Event Options

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Well, it will have by The Bash anyway. The two options they have left? Punk and Mysterio, and Punk and Hardy.

Punk vs. Mysterio is next Friday and Punk vs. Hardy is at The Bash. There's no other combinations left.

Are we really at the point where JoMo and Shelton have to main event pay-per-views? I hope not, for the sake of professional wrestling.

Edit: Wait, no, Punk/Mysterio is this Friday.
Probably, but Smackdown is still fresher than Raw. Orton vs. Triple H again, after it'll be one or both against Cena.

At least Smackdown has Undertaker vs. Y2J/Rey Mysterio/Jeff Hardy or C.M. Punk for the summer.

Raw has HBK vs. Cena, Orton or Triple H, again.

I'm holding out for a Derf Ziggler revolution.
SmackDown! is fine since they can still push their mid-card superstars. Undertaker will be back soon, you still have Morrison and Ziggler which can become main eventers overnight.

Raw is in the gutter right now. All we get every week is Orton vs. Triple H, Cena/Big Show. Come on, this is what I mean by wasting talent like MVP.
I thought the same thing, but it also depends on where Punk's character development goes. If he turns completely heel, the still have a couple options. If he stays face, the well is really close to dry. Umaga is starting to look at lot more valuable huh? He is a formidable opponent at least.
Undertaker can come back at the end of the summer and shake things up, so I'm not too worried. Until then, Jericho-Rey keeps things fresh as they've had a grand total of three singles matches in the WWE. Punk-Edge has been done, but never on PPV and never with Punk as heel and Edge as face, so that could be an option down the road. Not to mention that once Punk goes heel and goes heel strong, all of his feuds will seem a little fresher. And at the moment, I wouldn't be shocked to see plenty more of Morrison vs. Edge and Jericho, so he'll be moving up the card fast.
Well, maybe now we see the problem with the way Smackdown's current format is set up. A lot of you guys wanted "more wrestling", "more wrestling", "more wrestling". Well, you got it. You got the longer matches on this program. However, what happens when the entire Main Event gets to the point where they have fought each other a dozen times? The only thing you can settle for is them wrestling a dozen or two dozen more times each week. Hey, as long as nobody gets tired of the same guys fighting each other over, and over, and over again .... more power to you.

But this has been one of my biggest criticisms of not only Smackdown, but Raw as well. The problem is a little bigger with Smackdown, though, since they have the smaller roster, and their matches are more comparable to PPV quality than Raw. Hence, nobody looks forward to the PPV's.
They are close to using all their options but when Undertaker comes back it opens up a lot of fresh feuds with Punk, Hardy, and Jericho. If they have to bump either Morrison or Shelton to the main-event I rather it be Morrison. He has had good matches with Morrison and I believe a feud with Edge could be soon on the way.
Yeah I think in the long run - that being mid-summer lol - the SmackDown main event scene will be just fine, because, as stated previously, you will have the return of The Undertaker, which would lead to fresh feuds, maybe even with Y2J or whatever, but you will also have Kane to return as well, and if WWE plays there cards right, he can be in the mainevent and create new feuds, obviously apart from with ReyRey of course.

Like a couple of years back, when Kane was put in a feud with Edge for the World Heavyweight Title, remember, when Kane dressed up as that King for the Mardi Gras celebration I think, and revealed himself and kicked Edge's ass, to literally and injuring him, which ended the feud =\. Back then, Kane did work out and knowing that he was fighting for the title, he did look in slightly better shape.

So with the return of The Brothers of Destruction, seperatly of course, and the soon-to-be elavation of Johnny John Morrison, then I think the Main Event scene will be just fine.

...and remember, SmackDown still has Mike Knox...who (yn)

(And if thats not enough for you, you can watch RAW and see Randy Orton vs Triple H for the 25354th time) =)
Well, Kane should be released, even with Umaga having got the chop, but Undertaker will obviously come back and that will freshen things up. plus, have all existing combinations really been used up? Punk and Edge have wrestled before, yes, but never on PPV and never with a stipulation. After last year's MITB cash-in Edge got his "rematch" against Triple H. With a potential Punk heel turn in the offing - and they're teasing it, at least, and as Hardy is more over it's kinda logical - that opens up a proper Punk/Rey program or an extensive Punk/Hardy program. Chuck Jericho in the mix at as far as PPV main events go, they've hardly over-extended themselves.

These matches on TV rarely count for much. They virtually never have clean finishes, particularly not when building towards PPVs. And even without Taker's return factored in, I'd still put money on an Edge/Jericho feud, with Edge turning face, for Mania 26.

And there's still John Morrison in the mix. He and Benjamin had their last (and best) match recently, and on Superstars last week he had an absolutely brilliant encounter with Y2J that Jericho had to cheat to win. The crowd is now well into his face turn by now and the pops just keep getting louder. I confidently expect him to be a fixture in the main event scene by Survivor Series (touch wood, please no injuries, God!)
No, what they need to do is make Haas and Benjamin nWo style heels. They should come in and just beat the heck out of people during a match. Example Hardy vs Punk #324234, have the WGTT run in and beat both of them up, throw em out of the ring, and cut a promo on how they don't get the shots they deserve and are gonna take over untill the GM gives it to them.
The reason I pick Haas/Benjamin is because they are the only good heels on Smackdown. CM Punk plays a better face than heel, and he is the only one they got right now.
Kane can come back as a face and challenge CM Punk. When CM Punk beats Kane, out comes the Undertaker challenging Punk to a match at Summerslam which gets you through the summer. Plus with the uprise of Ziggler, Morrison, and even Benjamin for the millionth time we can have interesting feuds. You can even do a Edge v Jericho v Punk in a heel vs heel match because Punk thinks he is the best and those 3 can feud over who is truly number 1 as soon as Jericho drops the belt to Mysterio at the bash.

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