Smackdown VS Raw : 2003

BOSS Productions

Pre-Show Stalwart
Well I have been addicted to wrestling more than ever for some reason, buying DVDs like crazy and well been comparing some stuff in past WWE years. Starting now I will be creating Threads comparing SmackDown and RAW through out the years and if it has been done before feel free to close this topic.

So lets start with my favorite year in WWE history 2003 I love this year because it featured almost all the top stars from WWE and WCW and well the PPVs were Insanely good this year so lets start.

RAW 2003- The year of The Game he pretty much beat everyone this year and brought prestige to the World Title and made it what it is today. During this year WCW guys challenged him for the title, I enjoyed all his feuds with Booker T , Scott and Bill Goldberg (Don't care for his feud with Nash). These feuds were great but the matches were a bit boring. Overall the main feuds on RAW were worth tuning into.(Note: I am not mentioning the minor feuds because there were to many but feel to discuss them in this thread).

SmackDown 2003- The year of Brock Lensar this guy was unstoppable and anyone he feuded with was worth watching even his short feud with John Cena was good. This was also the year that the ring broke and I think this was the best year for Big Show, Kurt Angle and Vince McMahon(In terms of his evil boss character).Also I believe this was the first time the poster boy of WWE was on SmackDown. Overall I think this was SmackDowns greatest year but that's just me.

Now RAW was good to me but Triple H pretty much dominated that year and well he only lost the title due to Goldberg's clause in his contract and not only that the build ups were great but the matches were lackluster at points for example HHH VS Scott (NWO) so that was a bit disappointing. While SmackDown had the breaking ring, the return of the stretcher match, feud of the year and a lot of great matches on free TV like Kurt Angle VS Undertaker (WWE Title). So I really think SmackDown beat RAW that year.

So what show did you find better during the year of 2003?
Mr.America AKA Hulk Hogan also debuted in 2003. I know most people thought the idea of Hogan running around in a mask was dumb(because everyone knew who it was) but I thought Hogan as Mr.America was something fresh, even if it was just a variation of the red and yellow Hogan. Anyway, I'm really torn on this. I'm a huge Triple H mark, but at the same time, Brock had an amazing year. Lesnar put on some damn good matches with Big Show and Kurt Angle. Plus the match he had with Angle at Wrestlemania 19 was amazing, even when there was that scary moment where Brock botched the shooting star press. As far as Raw goes, I did enjoy HHH's time as WHC. But other than Goldberg and Booker T, the other feuds just didn't excite me that much. I really hate the match he had with Steiner at Royal Rumble 2003. It was so bad. Steiner botched a couple of moves, and did a series of never ending suplexes. The rematch at No Way Out wasn't that much better either. As far of the ppvs go, I loved Summerslam '03. The EC chamber match for the WHC was great. We probably saw Goldberg's best performance in WWE in this match. I also really didn't care for his feud with Nash. I'm not to sure, but I think he had just came back to WWE, so maybe they wanted to put him in the title picture while he was still hot. All in all, I'm going to have to go with Smackdown. I liked Mr.America,Taker was still the American Bad Ass, and I know he didn't stay long, but Brock's year was just so fun to watch.
i will disagree with you on the HHH bringing prestige to the WH title. he was given that title by Bischoff, which eliminated any prestige brought to it. he didn't earn it through any match. he was especially "big" during this year, he was a tad slow in the ring (as slow as Nash). Smackdown was at its best during this year and was loads better than RAW in my opinion. the WH title has more prestige now because the WWE title looks like something you'd buy from Toys R Us
Ive seen alot of the 2003 stuff recently and both shows had a good product at the time. Evolution had the run on Raw with HHH being WHC for 10 months taking on monsters like Nash Stiner and Goldberg. While on Smackdown Lesnar was just a beast he tore through that Roster his feud with Angle was the hilight Smackdown they put on a classic Wrestlemania match a classic iron man match. Plus Cena was on the rise. Taker was Taker and Vince did a good story on Smackdoown with Hogan and all that. For match wise Smackdown was the better product but feud wise the stuff with HHH was the best stuff to watch and plus this was the first time in a long time Rock and Austin were not competing on Raw even though they did that pointless storyline with Austin as CO-GM with Bishoff to run out the last months of his contract
Ive seen alot of the 2003 stuff recently and both shows had a good product at the time. Evolution had the run on Raw with HHH being WHC for 10 months taking on monsters like Nash Stiner and Goldberg. While on Smackdown Lesnar was just a beast he tore through that Roster his feud with Angle was the hilight Smackdown they put on a classic Wrestlemania match a classic iron man match. Plus Cena was on the rise. Taker was Taker and Vince did a good story on Smackdoown with Hogan and all that. For match wise Smackdown was the better product but feud wise the stuff with HHH was the best stuff to watch and plus this was the first time in a long time Rock and Austin were not competing on Raw even though they did that pointless storyline with Austin as CO-GM with Bishoff to run out the last months of his contract

I respect your opinion and all but based on what you said your saying SmackDown was the better show in terms of wrestling but you didn't say which show was better overall because based on what you said it seems as if you said Triple H was better then SmackDown in 2003.

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