Smackdown Spoilers For This Week


New Member
WWE Smackdown was filmed in Florence, South Carolina last night, and here are the results of the show:

In a dark match, Henry Godwin (with the slop bucket) and Ray Gordy defeated Rob Conway and Tatanka when Godwin hit the Slop Drop on Conway.

Smackdown began with a hearse parked near the entrance ramp. Ken Kennedy came to the ring and talked about how he had beaten the Undertaker twice and had nothing left to prove. The bells then tolled, the hearse backed up to the ring, and the Undertaker got out. Kennedy ran out of the ring and escaped through the crowd as the Undertaker posed.

William Regal and Dave Taylor defeated London and Kendrick. London was outside the ring protecting Ashley or something of the sort when Kendrick was pinned.

Once again, we got the World Heavyweight Champion wrestling in the middle of the show next as Batista beat Finlay by disqualification. Little Bastard came out from under the ring during the match and jumped off of the top turnbuckle. Batista caught him, and I believe this is when Finlay hit Batista with the shillelagh. Then, King Booker ran out and got Finlay dq'ed as they both beat Batista down. Surprisingly, Cena did not appear to help Batista.

As a side note, I saw the way that Little Bastard got under the ring. During the commercial time before this segment, the lights went out during a video on the Titantron. About a dozen ring crew guys then walked down the ramp, around the ring, and back up the ramp. I caught a glimpse of LB in the group right before he slid under the apron. The funniest part was during the second commercial break after this match, with the lights on, he jumped out from under the ring and ran to the back as fast as he could.

In the next match, Jimmy Wang Yang beat Jamie Noble for the number one contendership to the Cruiserweight title. I assume this will take place at Armageddon. Gregory Helms was commentating during this match.

Chris Benoit did a backstage interview talking about Chavo and Vickie when Vickie walked up in a neck brace and whined about Benoit knocking her off the apron. She then slapped Benoit and stormed off. When she got around the corner, Chavo was there waiting. They chuckled about it, and it seemed like Vickie was faking the injury.

MVP complained to Teddy Long about being put in the Inferno Match at Armageddon against Kane. Long said he would give MVP a chance to soften Kane up next week on Smackdown, as it would be MVP and Ken Kennedy against Kane...and the Undertaker. MVP flipped out.

Chris Benoit beat Sylvan in a squash.

The Miz beat Scotty 2 Hotty in a quick match. Afterwards, Boogieman came down and beat on Miz outside the ring. He then ate worms.

The main event was Ken Kennedy vs. Kane. MVP came out and helped Kennedy beat Kane down. Undertaker's music hit and the lights went out. When the lights came back on, Kane was gone. Then the lights went out again and when they came back on, Undertaker and Kane were standing in the ring behind MVP and Kennedy. I assume this is where Smackdown went off the air. The four men had a match afterwards (probably a dark match), but I left before it was over.

So, after this taping, the Armageddon card is taking shape. In addition to the 3 matches already announced, it appears that Benoit will take on Chavo, Regal and Taylor will get a tag title shot against Kendrick and London, Gregory Helms will defend the Cruiserweight title against Jimmy Wang Yang, and the Boogieman will face the Miz.

Overall a decent effort by the Smackdown brand. Cena should have been there to back up his Armaggedon partner, but Ill see him tomorrow night in North Charleston anyway. Thanks for reading!
Seems like a pretty decent show. I guess there ending the Helms/Hardy rivalry, And I'm lookin' forward to Armageddon. It's been a while since either a last ride match or an inferno match.
I think it has the potential to be an excellent card. Unless you discount the potential Miz/Boogeyman match. I hope they let Helms and Yang have a decent match. I also hope they keep the title on Helms they should'nt let him drop the title to somebody with a worthless gimmick. Yang deserves better.
Yang has the best gimmick since Doink the Clown.....

And I agree it will be a good card..although I'm not likin' the main event too much..I think it's time to start new rivalries with Batista and Booker..and I still don't think Finaly should be a main-eventer
I feel embarassed asking, but I havn't been able to watch any WWE in about 3 or 4 weeks. Has Monty Brown debuted anywhere yet??

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