Smackdown Rankings.

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!

According to the above link, these are where the current Smackdown superstars rank compared to the rest of the talents. I will list the superstars, and you be the judge of whether or not the superstars should be in the rank they are in.

Main Eventers: These are the Smackdown stars who can, at any time, be elevated to the World Title scene...
Batista, Chris Jericho, C.M. Punk, Edge, and The Undertaker.

Upper Midcard: These are those who are in the mid card. However, they're being pushed up the ladder, maybe towards the main event level soon...
Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, John Morrison, and Rey Mysterio.

Lower Midcard: Also mid carders. However, they are not being pushed up the ladder. Having rare pay-per-view appearances...
Finlay, David Hart Smith, JTG, Kane, Matt Hardy, Mike Knox, R-Truth, Shad, The Great Khali, and Tyson Kidd.

Lower Level: These are superstars below the mid card. Mostly wrestling at house shows... if they're lucky...
Charlie Haas, Curt Hawkins (whom we haven't seen in, what, 10 months or so), Kung Fu Naki, Jimmy Wang Yang, and Slam Master J.

Now, these are not meant to remain the same for long. But, I just thought I'd create this thread to see your opinions. I think it's quite early to put Drew McIntyre into the upper midcard, I'd say. Finlay, Matt Hardy, and R-Truth should really be in the upper mid card, in my opinion. It's a shame they aren't. What are your thoughts?
It is insulting to have Drew Mcintyre on the same level as Rey Mysterio. ReyRey definitely belongs in the top section. Only an idiot would think otherwise.

Mcintyre is not on the same level as Ziggler or Morrison either. He is at the very start of his hard work, Morrison and Ziggler are mid way through theirs.

I don't understand how a man who has competed in one match is on level pegging with a former World Champion, a man who has been the IC champion all year and with a man who has beaten Mysterio and Punk this year and currently holds the IC title.

Matt would be on the same level as Morrison if it wasn't for Jeff's case. As soon as Jeff is cleared, then Matt's push will surely continue.

Finlay and R-Truth are rated correctly. I love Truth, but he is nothing more than a filler in the midcard, a very popular filler, mind. Finlay is there to put over talent, plain and simple.

The rankings are pretty much spot on except for the abominations that are Rey Mysterio on the same level as Drew McIntyre.
WTF!!!!!!!! That's bullshit. How are Matt Hardy and Kane in lower-midcard, while Drew McIntyre is in upper-midcard. What the hell. Matt Hardy is not a lower-midcarder. Hell no. He's a former ECW champion. He's definitely with Morrison on the upper-midcard level, and so is Kane for that matter.
Who made this list up? Rey Mysterio should definitely be on the main event list . Drew in the upper midcard? The dude debuted a few weeks ago.. Jesus...
Here's your real hierarchy from what I see:

MAIN EVENT: Batista, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Edge, Undertaker
UPPER MIDCARD: Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, Kane, Khali
MIDCARD: Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Finlay, Matt Hardy, Mike Knox, R-Truth
LOWER MIDCARD: Shad, JTG, Tyson Kidd, David Hart Smith
JOBBER: Charlie Haas, Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki, Slam Master J
N/A: Eric Escobar, Curt Hawkins

Escobar hasn't had a match yet and Hawkins hasn't shown up in like a year (but for some reason, isn't released?) so you can't tell where they'll place them if/when they become active members of the roster, whereas with the jobbers on that list, it never changes that they're always jobbers when they return.
I Hate it, I hate it so much. Matt Hardy in lower mid card. I hate it, but I know its true, the guys practically gettin raped right now. I remember the first raw after WM 24 where Matt attacked the WWE Champ randy orton, that was awesum, the guys had victories over Jeff a 3 time world champ, and more recently got a DQ victory over Punk while he was the WHChamp. But now..... It just sux, he tapped out to punk, got his ass handed to him by Kane (although still won the match), and pinned by that douchebag Drew Mcintire in his second match ever. Its just heart breaking
The reason why Kane and Matt Hardy are in the lower midcard section is because they are much less likely to receive a push into the main event than they guys in the upper section, despite people like McIntyre not being around for long.

Their past achievements are irrelevant, it's about 'whats likely to happen'. Ziggler and McIntyre are much closer to the main event because with Kane and Hardy we know what to expect. Ziggler and McIntyre are halfway through a push - they could make or they could not...

Might be inclined to put Mysterio into the main event section because of his popularity with the fans, but his recent code violation probably means he's right in the upper midcard section - can't imagine WWE pushing him again anytime soon.

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