SmackDown just stalling until October?

The D

Dark Match Jobber
Unless you've been living under a cave for the past 4-5 months or so, you would know that this October, SD will be leaving MyNetworkTV and moving to SyFy, regardless of whether this is a good or bad descision, I've noticed a change the quality of SD, beginning from the Draft, less big-name talents, less intriguing storylines, (mostly) mediocore wrestling matches etc......Could WWE just be stalling until October, when SD is on a "Better" network. Meaning, could they be saving major storylines and talents such as Undertaker and the Nexus for October or is there another reason why we're getting sub-par episodes of SD while it's on it's last weeks on MyNetworkTV?
i've noticed a change the quality of SD, beginning from the Draft, less big-name talents,

That how the draft works people get moved
less intriguing storylines

I find all the storylines just as good
(mostly) mediocore wrestling matches
I don't find it mediocre in any way, if you want medoicre and comedy matches go to the raw section.

.Could WWE
just be stalling until October, when SD is on a "Better" network

No they wouldn't do that they would lose ratings.
could they be saving major storylines and talents such as Undertaker
and the Nexus for October or is there another reason why we're getting sub-par episodes
of SD while it's on it's last weeks on MyNetworkTV?

Undertaker is injured so IDK and how in the name of blue hell would Nexus end up on Smackdown. To me and probrably everyone else Smackdown has not been sub-par at all. But that's just my opinion.
Less big name talent is due to the fact that RAW was being powered up for the Monday Night football season to start. Or due to TNA. Either one of them is most likely the answer, not the fact that Smackdown is moving away.

The same goes with the storylines. They're just fine. Some of them are entertaining enough. Just like they have always been. To say that Smackdown is tuning them down, and especially due to a network move is ridiculous. Because that is not the case.

Mediocre matches? Ha! They're putting on just fine matches. Might even call them great, I mean what rock have you been living under when you haven't seen the matches Kofi and Christian has been having the past few months?

Undertaker is out with an injury. To say that he's out due to the network is also ridiculous. Because Undertaker was appearing after Wrestlemania. Rey Mysterio injured him to the point where he'd be out for a few months. So I seriously doubt that WWE is keeping him out just for the network as well. The same goes with The Nexus, they were scheduled to appear on Smackdown but did not supposedly due to Triple H complaining. I don't know why they haven't. But it's definitely not due to the network. I think The Nexus needs to stay on RAW as well.

I don't believe they have been putting on worse episodes due to the network. I don't even believe they have been putting on worse episodes at all. They've been just fine all the time. Look at some of the reviews the people on here gives in the review thread. They're not exactly getting worse by the week.
I'm not sure what show the OP has been watching but it doesn't sound like Smackdown. Maybe he's somehow managed to confuse TNA iMPACT! on Thursday with WWE Smackdown on Friday because I'm definitely not seeing what the OP is.

The storylines for Smackdown have been just fine in my view. I believe some people honestly do expect far too much out of something and really complain when they don't get it. You can't have "epic" all the time. If you did, then nothing would be epic.

Kane's storyline in which he's looking for the person or persons that left the Undertaker in a "vegetative state" has made Kane more interesting than he's been in years. He's been gold on the mic and has arguably never been better. Drew McIntyre has managed to become one of the most over young heels in the WWE. It's taken a while to happen but that's alright because I don't mind long and lengthy build ups. The WWE has gone back to the approach of taking building storylines and angles over a longer period of time and that's just fine with me. Jack Swagger has become a star once again since he came to Smackdown. I think his overall title run was as success because he became more interesting as champion and afterward than he was prior to being champ. He's been good on the mic and he's had an interesting feud with Mysterio that's led to some very good matches between the two.

Almost every week you tune in to Smackdown, you'll find a very interesting two hour wrestling show. When it comes to corny comedy skits and matches, I wish Raw would follow their example and just scrap them altogether. I'm glad that Raw has steered away from that kind of stuff very well over the course of most of this year, but they occassionally put some of that stuff back onto the show and it can sometimes just bring down the energy for the entire broadcast.
Smackdown is Fine , it got the main events such as The Undertaker , Kane and Big Show plus rising stars like Jack Swagger , Drew and Kofi Kingston and established mid card talent like Matt Hardy and Christan
I agree with the majority that SMACKDOWN is far from sub-par.
I think the story lines on SMACKDOWN are just fine right now. Kane has been on fire lately with this Undertaker angle and that alone has got me tuning in every Friday. Then we got LaCool, the best thing the WWE has going, as far as Divas go. I have not marked out for Divas since Trish and Lita. I am even getting pulled into the whole Dolph/Vickie story, I'm interested in seeing where that goes.

"Dashing" Cody Rhodes is great, CM Punk is the best heel in the WWE, Big Show has been on a good run, Swagger is improving a lot, and I bet Alberto Del Rio will be a good addition to the roster, if his YouTube videos do him justice. The talent on SMACKDOWN is just fine.

All I see on RAW is Nexus,The GM and The Santino Bunch. I honestly plan on being let down by the GM angle, I already don't care who it is, probably HBK or HHH. Nexus is the only thing that keeps me watching and with the whole "Super-Cena" team of rejects, I have lost a bit of interest. I do not need to comment on Santino. I heard that the guest host is coming back also, that sucks.

I think SMACKDOWN is doing just fine, after the move to SyFy more viewers will get the chance to tune in, maybe then it will get the respect it deserves.
I"ll join the chorus of disagreement. IMO Raw has always been the storyline driven theatrical show. Smackdown has always focused more on the in-ring wrestling aspect of the business, with the barest whiff of storyline driven feuds. Lately I haven't seen any changes in the formula.
Perhaps if the OP is finding it stale it might be time to take a sabbatical from watching it. I know sometimes when I find myself feeling this way that works for me. There are numerous ways to keep up with whats going on without actually watching.
That's exactly what there doing,
That's why all the big names are on RAW,
Because they didn't want them rotting on Smackdown,
I think SmackDown will be better than ever once they move to SYFY,
Bigger Names = Better Stroylines = A better Friday Night.

Has anyone ever seen a SmackDown on MyNetworkTV,
I was flipping through the channels,
& Found out I had the channel,
I was uber excited,
Then i watched it,
&I was like,
The quality on Youtube is better than this crap
That's exactly what there doing,
That's why all the big names are on RAW,
Because they didn't want them rotting on Smackdown,
I think SmackDown will be better than ever once they move to SYFY,
Bigger Names = Better Stroylines = A better Friday Night.

Has anyone ever seen a SmackDown on MyNetworkTV,
I was flipping through the channels,
& Found out I had the channel,
I was uber excited,
Then i watched it,
&I was like,
The quality on Youtube is better than this crap

What in the blue hell are you talking about? Smackdown! is doing fine without alot of "big names" and Big names doesnt mean better storylines. Your telling me you didnt enjoy the match between Kofi and Christian for INC title one of the best matches i've seen in awhile. SD! is the best Pro wrestling show right now the reason i say Pro wrestling is because it has good wrestling mixed with the right amount of entertainment unlike RAW its mostly a Entertainment show. The reason RAW got alot of "Big Names" is because Monday Night Football is coming soon and thats WWE's biggest competion(NOT TNA so get that out of your mind) so WWE has to have "big names" on RAW for MNF. And what are you talking bad quality SD! has good quality i dont know who your TV provider is like DirecTV, Dish, or something else but i have DirecTV and SD! is good quality.
While i wouldn't say SD has been sub-par, other than a few anomalies they've been putting on some great shows, I have thought that they've been stalling for the move to SyFy this whole time as well.

I don't buy the reasoning that most of the big names were moved because of Football or TNA. WWE won't make such big decisions based on TNA, and football was months away from the draft. it's clear that no matter how good SD can be without the likes of Jericho and Edge, these few months have been a wash for them because of the network move. They won't lose any fans because of it, in fact, Syfy has a better reach and they will gain fans and ratings when they move in September.

And while it wouldn't be certain, I wouldn't be surprised to see a big name move from RAW to SD (through a firing storyline or something) when the move does happen. At the very least, Undertaker will return (which looks like it might happen soon anyway). If the undertaker returns on SyFy and not MyNetwork, I think it's pretty clear that stalling is exactly what they're doing.

In terms of the talent moving to RAW, I think this has two reasons behind it... 1, the move, but also because SD's creative team is vastly superior to RAW's and they're able to book 2-3 good matches a show, whereas RAW is only likely to get 1 or 2 top quality matches a month, if they're lucky. SD doesn't need stars to be a good show, but it also doesn't need stars because it's on a network that is irrelevant.
I've alway found that i watch Raw because it is the flagship etc, but i genuinely enjoy Smackdown more so the only stalling i can think of is that the WWE are keeping a proportionate number of stars on Raw.
But Smackdown is better for WWE than Raw i think because you get more stars out of Smackdown than Raw. Kane, Swagger, Rey and i'd even say Jeff Hardy would not have been champs on Raw i think. Cena, Lesnar, Hardy, Punk and Angle all became the huge stars they are on Smackdown.

I think Raw is a show that is harder to take risks on with the odd exceptions. But the beauty of Smackdown is they can do the trial and error and the errors aren't as bad in the eyes of WWE because they aren't on Raw. So i dont think it is stalling, i think it is doing what it has always done.
I've been enjoying Smackdown myself.I love to see the young guys go at it and given a chance and thats what sd is nowdays.I mean we got Kofi,cody,swagger,dolph,drew,mixed in with the vets in christian,matt,rey,kane,and taker I think its great myself.
Less big name talent is due to the fact that RAW was being powered up for the Monday Night football season to start.

I agree. When football comes on alot of people forget about wrestling, so bigger talent would definitely help keep ratings up.... Plus, I think, that if Big Show can be used right, he would make up for big name losses..
Well pretty much like everyone else has said, i cant see what the OP is watching either. Seems like no matter what happens to smackdown i enjoy watching it more then raw. of course raw has names i love to see like orton and jericho etc. but its so rediculous sometimes i roll my eyes everytime santino comes on or one of their bullshit comedy sketches. that brady bunch crap was like come on and i quote from the miz "Really...REALLY?" lol. but anyway i find nothing wrong with smackdown. The heavens have heard me and kane is the champion hellz yes! and hopefully soon it will be christian! hey we never thought kane would get another run as champ did we? so anything is possible. I love watching christian and matt hardy and its cool how they are involved with each other now. whether it will be a feud or tag team it should be good television. Only thing that would make smackdown better for me would be less rey mysterio. loved him back in the day, but now hes just fucking annoying. So i dont see anything wrong with smackdown nor can i remember it being really bad as a matter of fact
The only downside of Smackdown at the moment, if there is, would be the fact that it doesn't have many superstars as Raw has (im not talking about stars). And at one stage the period with HHH, Jeff, Taker, Edge, Jericho etc Raw was almost becoming the B Show in everyone's eyes. Thats why they kept Smackdown as how it is but transferred the big names back to Raw. The show is still great, good wrestling matches and good storylines.
smackdown matches in my opinion are way better than the ones on raw except for the nexus matches and that story. for some reason i love it. and i forgot about football season to coming up so i figure after season they will either move orton or edge back to smackdown instead of having almost every big name on raw. i know that big names dont equal rating as tna thinks but it does help a little.

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