Smackdown 600th Episode

The 600th episode of Smackdown is coming up soon, that being said... Do you think The Rock, the man who "built" that show will appear. This is not a "Teh Rock Returnz" thread, just a question.

I'm sure he won't be there in person, but I think he'll tape something. He really made Smackdown what it is today, and I don't think this is too out there did him to do.
I agree Crock. I certainly can foresee some amazing "This moment..." like a countdown with MANY The Rock moments. Of course we all know it will be some LONG DRAWN out process of countdown or other stupid clips, then many teases of "Who will be our #1 moment in SD history?" Then we'll get to the top and it probably will be NO ROCK, but probably McMahon or some other person with NO correlation to the night at hand. I'd say if you want a better idea of what will be on the countdown, watch that anniversary collectors 3 disc set of Smackdown, that will give you an idea, and I know there will be more since its been a few years after that dvd set release. But I'm not really holding my breath for any special Rock related stuff since he's kinda distanced himself from the whole WWE world really, shame too.
I dont understand why people write "Teh Rock Returnz" is it to make fun of something? or someone? Because honestly, who would misspell The and Returns.
Im off topic.

But why would the WWE bring Rock back for 600th episode?
every 100th episodes a big deal? I dont get it.
I never really understood that, they never made a 300th, or 400th episode special, or did they? Nevermind.

Even if he did come back for a little appearance, he wouldnt be able to adapt to this "PG" enviroment. Nothing against this PG TV, but The Rock's promos are a bit Edgy at times, actually most of the time.

If DX worked in the PG Enviroment, maybe a Rock Return for one night would work, who knows.

I honestly think WWE "would" make an on-screen promo of The Rock, but they did have it on the Smackdown X Anniversary.

Id love him to come back for a night, but I dont see WWE doing anything, they can try though.
See, I think that ever since he didn't do the whole guest host thing he's been itching to do something. Their going to do something "special" for the 600th episode, so why wouldn't this be it? Look, an taped promo might take him all of an hour to do, and the fans would eat it up for ratings and now that their on SyFy I'd like to think that they're trying to make their ratings a little bit better. So, even though I'm skeptical, I still think it's possible that he'll tape something.
I don't think so. It'd be nice, but WWE has been disappointing with their anniversaries more often than not the last few years. They'll probably just have a "BLOCKBUSTER EIGHT-MAN TAG MAIN EVENT" or something.
Hmm.... the other day they kept on bringing up about cena and how he was returning for the night, as if Cena was the greatest superstar to come out of smackdown, Could you imagine Cena and the rock showdown? It would be quite interesting and seems like the type of thing the rock would do to get people talking...

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