Slammiversary XI Chavo/Hernandez v. Bad Influence v. Aries/Roode v. Storm & Gunner

Who wins?

  • Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez

  • Bad Influence

  • Austin Aries & Bobby Roode

  • James Storm & Mystery Partner

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &


Slammiversary XI
Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez (C) v. Bad Influence
v. Austin Aries & Bobby Roode v. James Storm & Mystery Partner

Four-Way Elimination Match for the TNA World Tag Team Championships






Who will James Storm's partner be?

All discussion here.​
With the way James Storm is being booked, it would be a waste if they didn't put the straps on him & his partner. As for who that partner could be, if it is someone outside of TNA I would not be surprised if Chris Harris made a return to reform AMW, as for someone within TNA I'm not sure, we could see a swerve and someone turns on their partner to join Storm (Roode? A way to separate him from Aries because of the Christy Hemme situaton if he is getting suspended), a returning RVD? or even a wild card like Rob Terry, Sabin, etc.

But I am 75% sure we will see the return of AMW at Slammiversary
With the way James Storm is being booked, it would be a waste if they didn't put the straps on him & his partner. As for who that partner could be, if it is someone outside of TNA I would not be surprised if Chris Harris made a return to reform AMW, as for someone within TNA I'm not sure, we could see a swerve and someone turns on their partner to join Storm (Roode? A way to separate him from Aries because of the Christy Hemme situaton if he is getting suspended), a returning RVD? or even a wild card like Rob Terry, Sabin, etc.

But I am 75% sure we will see the return of AMW at Slammiversary

Chris Harris was my initial thought, but I haven't heard of him wrestling since he had that very brief run back in 2011 with Immortal.

I also thought of Bobby Roode, have him turn on Aries like Cody Rhodes did on Bob Holly.

The other idea I had is for Storm to win the titles on his own and have to defend them in handicap matches in the future.
Hemme: "Your winners, and NEW tag team champions .. 'The Cowboy' James Storm and King Mo !!!"
I would mark out if Chris Harris showed up as Storm's partner and we get an AMW reunion. But has he even been working since 2011? RVD just seems random but I would be okay with it for the match but I wouldn't want them to win.

However, this SCREAMS Eric Young as the mystery partner. :banghead:
hard outcome to predict due to many reasons including we don't know who the partner is right now, it's hard to see what TNA is doing with the Tag Team Division and lastly, all 4 teams have potential at winning as they all either got pushed or deserve a push. I think Bad Influence is the best tag team in TNA, Aries and Roode works for me, Chavo and Hernandez are the Champs. As for Storm, depends on who his partner is. if it's someone that TNA sees as a good partnership for a bit, then they likely could win as well, but if it's someone like Young (I hope not), then I could see them lose the match. many people will predict either 1) Chris Harris or 2) Bobby Roode and those are the only two who make sense right now.
I would mark out if Chris Harris showed up as Storm's partner and we get an AMW reunion. But has he even been working since 2011? RVD just seems random but I would be okay with it for the match but I wouldn't want them to win.

However, this SCREAMS Eric Young as the mystery partner. :banghead:

I haven't heard jack about Chris Harris since his ill fated return to TNA a couple of years ago. I have no idea if he's even still wrestling. Last time I saw him, he looked terrible though and had definitely let himself go. If Chris Harris did show up to be Storm's partner, most of the audience would probably have little to no idea who he is because American's Most Wanted hasn't been around since late 2006 and his subsequent singles run in TNA resulted in less than nothing.

As for RVD, he's officially gone from TNA I think. Dave Meltzer reported a few days ago that RVD is now accepting bookings on the indy scene. He's announced for a show in Queens, New York on June 21. Meltzer further reports that there's been no contact between RVD and TNA in months. So, it's likely not going to be RVD.

Off the top of my head, possibly the only guy who could be introduced as James Storm's partner that would garner any interest from me would be Magnus. Magnus is a young guy with all the potential in the world. Dixie Carter herself put him over as "the future" in a statement earlier this week.

No matter who Storm's partner will be, it has such a random feel to it that it's hard to get behind Storm at this point. Throughout 2013, Storm's booking has been pretty chaotic and he has little to no momentum going for him right now. At the same time though, I've long since gotten bored with Bad Influence, Roode & Aries and Chavo & Hernandez that Storm & his mystery partner winning the tag titles might not be such a bad thing. But, I think that might depend on who the mystery partner is. If it does turn out to be Eric Young or someone along those lines, then it's hard to care.

TNA could also pull a major swerve and have Storm come down there without a partner only for Bobby Roode to turn on Aries in the middle of the match and join Storm. It wouldn't make a single, solitary lick of sense but I could see TNA possibly going down that road just for the sake of delivering a surprise.
James Storm partner will be either Bob Holly(who stated in a recent interview he may be doing some more work for TNA), Chris Harris or possibly MVP (who recently stated that he may be interested in going to TNA). these are my 3 choices.
The problem with "mystery man" announcements/teasers is that you almost always need fresh blood (or a returning face) to make it work. When your "mystery partner" is someone who isn't actually mysterious (as in any one from the locker room who we've actually seen even semi-frequently the last few months), the "surprise" tends to fall flat. Crowd response is usually really low, which kinda defeats the purpose of hyping a mystery in the first place.

I have no idea if Harris is that guy (though I doubt it based on how poorly his reception was the last time, and how out of shape he was), but someone like Bob Holly could certainly work. I had no idea he was even a free agent. Always pictured him as something of a WWE-lifer. I've always thought he was a really great worker, so my ball is in his court.
Hemme: "Your winners, and NEW tag team champions .. 'The Cowboy' James Storm and King Mo !!!"

I think you've nailed it. Has to be him. He hasn't been seen since BFG and it makes sense that he would be chosen since Storm was friends with him in the storyline and he hates Roode. I can picture Roode's reaction in my head.

I assume Mo has been training since BFG to be a wrestler so it seems he'd be about ready by now!
I don't know if TNA are having a Hall Of Fame this year, but if they are then maybe the mystery partner is whoever is the newest inductee into the Hall Of Fame, and I'd like to think that person will be J-E 'haha' double F J-A 'haha' double R-E-double T, Jeff Jarrett. Even if there is no Hall Of Fame this year, I'd still love to see Jeff Jarrett revealed as Storm's mystery partner. But after the latest reports I've read about Jarrett & TNA management, it seems unlikely.

Another person that comes to mind is Crimson. At last year's Slammiversary, James Storm returned as his mystery opponent and ended his undefeated streak, and we haven't seen Crimson since. At this year's Slammiversary, Crimson could return as Storm's mystery partner, forming a new tag team with him. It can be a like a 'James Storm taking Crimson under his wing' kind of thing, where Storm helps him correct his mistakes from last year and makes him a better person/wrestler, which could then lead into Crimson turning on Storm down the road, setting up a "teacher vs. student" match between the two for Bound For Glory. But his return depends on how well he's done with OVW this past year.

Whoever the mystery partner turns out to be, I just hope it isn't Chris Harris. Like some have said, he was in terrible shape and was poorly received the last time.

I think you've nailed it. Has to be him. He hasn't been seen since BFG and it makes sense that he would be chosen since Storm was friends with him in the storyline and he hates Roode. I can picture Roode's reaction in my head.

I assume Mo has been training since BFG to be a wrestler so it seems he'd be about ready by now!

His next fight is coming up on June 19th, so I doubt he will have time for TNA since he'll be busy training for his fight.
Not sure who will team with Storm, like others my first guess was Chris Harris. He could have gotten into better shape since he was last seen and I honestly think an AMW reunion would get a nice pop from the fans. Even if part of it would be just the pop of a surprise return.

King Mo is another possible partner but I really hope it's not him. I'd be okay with Magnus but I'm not sure how they'd work as a team. Bob Holly is another one I wouldn't mind seeing but again not sure how well of a team him and Storm could make.

Anyway for now i'll guess Storm and the partner win the belts in a amazing match.
I would love to see The Cowboy and Bobby Roode Reform beer money but the more I think about it the mystery partner is Chris Harris I mean Amw needs one more run with the straps and Chris Harris probably has been on speaking term with TNA since hie brief return in 2011 and the way Storm has been booked since the spilt of beer money has been bad to say the least and if AMW reforms they could give James Storm the right push into stardom that hes deserved since he lost the World Title to Bobby Roode
It's quite safe to assume that Storm and wrestler X will win, mostly for Storm's sake. Since obviously TNA doesn't have a clue what to frickin' do with Storm as a singles wrestler, they seem to just have decided to throw him back unto the tag team scene. I would mark out for a return of the old AMW, assuming that Harris has pulled his head out his ass and has worked the hell out since his latest flop. Otherwise, screw it.

Even though I very much doubt it, Roode screwing Aries in favor of Storm to reform Beer Money might come as a sort of surprise since there has been no hint of that lately. But then again, what would be the point of bringing Beer Money back in a poor tag team division that basically consists of three and a half teams?

King Mo would be nonsensical. That man will likely never wrestle for TNA. He was a cutesy publicity stunt a while ago and TNA hasn't even bothered giving us updates or even mentioning him in a manner relevant to TNA (aside from falsely calling him a two-sport star).

In all, if Storm is indeed to win the belts, I'm afraid his partner will be just someone that would barely make any sense as a partner for Storm. And I need another random TNA tag team as much as I need a toothache. I think Storm is there just because they have nothing better for him to do and they will just throw an irrelevant somebody in to accomodate him.
Really, it could be anyone. It could be Bob Holly, Crimson, Rob Terry or TNA could do something completely random and put someone like Shark Boy (who I believe remains on good terms with TNA last I heard) as the mystery partner. Stranger things have happened.

I'm going to stick with the Majority and say Chris Harris will be the mystery partner. The reports of him looking out of shape were probably based from a while back, and he's probably had a chance to get back into shape. An AMW reunion would actually give Storm to do instead of hanging around sheepishly in the mid-card.

Another interesting choice would be Rockstar Spud, the winner of British Boot Camp. He's done nothing for the company yet apart from beat Robbie E, and I think it would be a pretty nice idea to let the guy make his PPV debut here.
Chris Harris was in terrible shape last time and he got almost no crowd reaction so for that reason I don't think it will be him. It wouldn't make a lot of sense, but I think it would be cool if Roode turned on Aries and Beer Money reunited. Other than that I am not too sure who the partner will be. King Mo seems like a good option as someone else mentioned. Either way though I am thinking Storm and his partner will take the title here in what should be an entertaining match up.
I cannot believe no one has suggested this yet. When the announcement was made of course I joked about Chris Harris, but then I said "oh, this is how they get Jeff Hardy on the card. So my guess in Jeff Hardy, and they win the tag titles.
I think It'll be the vehicle they need to bring back Jeff Jarrett into the fold.
I hope not, as I don't liek the guy as a wrestler BUT its a way of bringing him back and then using him as one of the "TNA army" to fight aces & eights.
Though RVD could still be an option as hes listed on the website as still aprt of the roster.
RVD,Crimson or Rob Terry are my choice to be James Storm's mystery tag team parter at Slammiversary WHY?

RVD-I know some of you people will say 'rvd left tna he's probably gonna come back to wwe' but remember last year,matt morgan left tna and was teasing a return at wwe but ended up coming back to tna

Crimson-This could be good for crimson to come back to television he wasn't been seen for months on tna only at ovw

Rob Terry-Big rob has been on a roll lately since ending his alliance with robbie e he's beating his opponents with pure strengh and this could be good for big rob to win a tittle
Interestingly enough, my sarcastic Shark Boy claim wasn't that far-fetched. I got a pleasant surprise when Gunner came back and he beat up Robbie E and Shark Boy. Then Storm shook his hand, indicating that he is the mystery partner.

The only problem is, Storm has a tear in his right abdominal, putting him on the shelf for 6-8 weeks. So he's missing Slammiversary, and Gunner needs a new partner.

This is room for TNA to bring back Crimson. A Gunner and Crimson team would work great, seeing as it worked at Joker's Wild. It's also ironic, seeing as Crimson lost his undefeated streak to Storm, and it could make an awesome heel team, and Storm could feud with them once he comes back.
I've never been particularly impressed with Gunner in the past. Aside from his look, which I do think works even better now with the thick, mountain man style beard, I never saw anything remotely above average about him.

However, this MIGHT be a situation that MIGHT be able to change things with Gunner for the better. James Storm has made his greatest impact as a tag team wrestler. Like the vignette showed last night, he's an 11 time World Tag Team Champion in TNA. So, at the very least, TNA has coupled him with a partner that can carry him and that can probably get him over pretty well. That in & of itself will be an improvement. I also think that this pretty much gives away the ending of this match, although I think it was fairly obvious that Storm & his partner would emerge with the win at the ppv anyhow. TNA could still have one of the other heel teams pick up the win, it wouldn't be hard given all the men involved in the match as the action will be all over the place at times. That outcome can still work as long as Gunner & Storm are booked to look very strong during the match and as long as neither of them takes the fall. Otherwise, any degree of momentum they have and could gain between now & Slammiversary will be completely obliterated because Gunner just doesn't have any real credibility.

But I'm not jumping onto a Gunner bandwagon yet. I get that TNA tried to make Gunner come off like more of a big deal by showing the heel tag teams looking worried. However, he isn't a big deal and it's going to take more than having him come out and beat up a couple of reject comedy jobbers like Shark Boy & Robbie E. to impress me. Gunner has spent his entire career in TNA as a generic, low level thug whose "intensity" amounts to nothing more than making a couple of weird expressions and slapping himself across the face. For me, it's going to take some time, solid booking and growth as a character before my mind is changed on the guy. I will say, however, that I think TNA took a step in the right direction with him last night.
Gunner?!? I guess I get the pick but labeling him a "mystery partner" for 7 days (actually 13 days if you read the spoilers) that's a mistake to me. Mystery partners need to be someone the fans want to see. Also, TNA if someone is going to return in that way, maybe make sure he looks somewhat similar to how he looked when he left or at least play is music and video so the crowd knows who he is. I watch TNA and I didn't realize it was him for about 30 seconds, and it seemed silent in the arena. Oh well...

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