[Slammiversary X] World Tag Team Championships: Kaz/Daniels vs. AJ/Angle

Who wins?

  • AJ Styles & Kurt Angle

  • Kazarian & Daniels

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SORRY! About you damn luck!


It's now official! Kurt Angle and AJ Styles will team up to face Kazarian and Daniels, the current TNA World Tag Team Champions.

We knew it was coming, since the beggining of the feud between Kurt Angle and AJ Styles it seemed that Kurt Angle didn't have any problem with AJ Styles and it was just a matter of time until he realized that AJ was on his side too.

So, we have for the tenth edition of Slammiversary, probably one of the best matches in TNA history: AJ Styles and Kurt Angle face the duo of Kazarian and Daniels and all we can hope for is a great match, a huge match, no doubt about it.

What are your toughts on the match and the storyline?
This match looks great, four of the best wrestlers in TNA in one match. It will be interesting to see how AJ Styles and Kurt Angle work together, strangely enough, I do see Styles and Angle winning here. It will make for a good story, they can make Angle and Styles completely dominate the tag division.
oh shit this is official? i hope that kaz and daniels win but if aj and angle winning ends the fued forever im all for it. should be a pretty good match though im expecting big things out of these 4
I am very happy for this match. I will be attending the event since it's in my neck of the woods (well 4 hours away) and with tickets being 10 bucks, I couldn't pass on one of TNA's biggest PPV's every year. Anyways, I fully expect this to be a great overall wrestling match and I look forward to this stealing the show already, even with it being the only official match so far
Looking forward to this one, four of the best wrestlers on the roster.
This should be a very high-flying, exciting match.

Slammiversary 2012
AJ Styles & Kurt Angle v.
Kazarian & Daniels (C)

TNA World Tag Team Championships






All discussion here.​
I have to go with AJ and Angle here. They are like the 2 man power trip of TNA. A tag title reign from the two certainly wouldn't hurt. Plus, Kaz and Daniels are not really doing much for the division as champs.

IHW's Prediction-
AJ and Angle.

Grandma Says-
"Doesn't AJ have something going on with the boss? That will get in the way and the crooks will steal a win."
I'll say Angle and AJ get the win, and hopefully this storyline with AJ and Dixie gets some kind of closure. Just not feeling it.
I am going Daniels/Kazarian in this one.I fear an AJ heel turn in order to keep 'the secret'.
This will end up being great. All four guys are great at what they do in the ring and now they are having a match together. Daniels and Kaz have been causing quite a bit of chaos lately, Styles and Angle will hopefully be able to work together to defeat them. I'm leaning toward Angle & Styles taking the belts here because with the way this has been built up, they (kayfabe) need the victory more. I'll be happy no matter which side wins though, the champs are great choices for Tag Team Champions although Styles and Angle together as Tag Team Champions would be awesome. This is my pick for match of the night, whether it delivers or not is up to TNA.

AJ Styles & Kurt Angle will win the Tag Team Championships.
It seems like Kaz and Daniels might have their reign cut short here, does it not? The Angle/AJ alliance/story just seems to naturally be progressing by picking up a victory tonight, then again, they could just as easily stretch this out (if they want to keep having AJ and Angle go against Kaz and Daniels) for another PPV, so tonight's finish might be dusty, with Kaz and Daniels sneaking out with the win. As a result, I'm just not 100% confident in picking either team -- although, I do feel AJ/Angle will win.

As tag team champs, Angle and AJ have quite a bit of room/a good stage to keep telling the story they've been going with for some time now. You know, an uneasy alliance could be one way to go, or they could try to build on Angle and AJ really starting to mesh, and wrecking havoc on TNA -- winning singles belts, even, a la the Two-Man Power Trip. There are a lot of possible roads they can take this down, hinging on tonight's outcome.

Though I'm unsure of what'll happen tonight, I'm expecting a great match. All these guys have great ability and can put on some really exciting matches. Sure, we've seen them working together in different combinations before, but that doesn't change the fact that they're some of TNA's most consistently impressive performers. Should be a hell of a match, telling a hell of a story.

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