Skip Sheffield injured to finish off nexus??


Sir Darth Maul
Nexus without Skip Sheffield, in my opinion not looking strong. I mean this guy according to me looked the strongest. Yes even stronger than barrett in matches as he does the most damage Slater is not good enough to do it nor Otunga or Tarver but Gabriel seems to be getting pushed aswell.
Sheffield out = Nexus angle all but over by Hell in a cell.
Id like to hear opionions on what this means for nexus and Sheffield.
Where will he come in when he does returns 5/6 months from now.
Im guessing that if there is a Nexus he will return as a face and feud with them but I cant see Nexus around much longer, espeically with season 2 finished.
WWE should bring in the NXT2 guys to form one big group. Without Sheffield that would make it 11 members if all of them combined. This way they could be a more dominant group and make them more intimidating. But I doubt when sheffield returns he will be face because Tarver even said on RAW that Skip broke his ankle so it's not like they kicked him out or anything. Hopefully Nexus is still around when he comes back. I just really hope they could put in some of the NXT2 guys cause Harris could take Sheffields spot as the big man powerhouse.
i think nexus is better with only 5. i wish it wasnt skip who got hurt but in reality a groupe of 6 or more guys is stupid. how can you make an individual impact?

a group of 11?!?!?! it would be impossible for a wrestler to have his own identity. thats just tooo many in one group. i could see a different stable being made of the nxt2 guys and going to smackdown. but it would have to be different than nexus in some way.

no skip's injury wont be the end of nexus. except for tarver i was very impressed by all the current members in raws mainevent this past monday, including slater.

i have never liked otunga or tarver. i always thought barrett, garbiel, and skip would make it. and i had my doubts about slater but with skip injured i could see him getting a shot.
After seeing the Season 2 finale. I see Nexus getting 7 new members real soon. Hell, I see them on both shows. Make them stronger, then finally reveal it's leader.

Does it sound crazy. Maybe, but the WWE is on a youth Kick, and what great way to get them over then have a super stable then to get both brands bring in their best to take them out. I see a reboot of the Nexus in the next month. Especially at Night of Champions.

Skip Sheffield will be back, and Nexus will not be gone. They should last another 3 months.
Nexus is certainly looking weak without Sheffield there. He was the brute of the group, the physical leader. I think he made everyone else look stonger just by being there, even Barrett.

I don't see Nexus being around much longer, so I don't see him being able to join in again when he's healed. The only people I saw sticking around post Nexus are Barrett, Justin Gabriel, and Sheffield. Everyone else still needs work. I don't feel that they can continue with only 2 talents out of 5 standing out. This is unless there happens to be an influx of new Nexus members for NXT2, though I can't see Riley or Henn... I mean McGillicuty, joining. Though, Riley and McGillicuty joining together, then running a program where they try to take over as nexus leaders, might be really fun to watch.
I think it could go two ways. Either they use this as a angle were they weed out members one by one to end Nexus. Or they replace him with a member of NXT2 maybe all of them. Personally I think 5 is fine. I just wish they would have replaced Slater.
dont ever say wwe is going to have a stable with more that 6. 11? ******. nexus will end soon but not anytime soon. get real. they guy broke his anke wasnt planned to break up nexus. wade. sheffield. gabriel. will make it. i dont doubt thats who the stable has as its final 3 members when the break up happens. but theyre all succeeding so break up in a mutual way.
I dont see NXT season 2 guys joining. What we saw last night was a one time thing. There is no way WWE is dumb enough to do another Nexus group parallel to the one going on. Besides Barrett is knocking off members of the group one by one, meaning WWE is slowly building to the end of it. Why bring in more guys if he is trying to weed out the strong? Sheffield will come back after his ankle is 100% and be repackaged, but he was never "kicked out" so he could always come back and be on TV with the group until he is ready to compete. Maybe he creates a downfall and gets Otunga kicked out by saying that Otunga wasn't there to help him.
If Skip is liegit out for close to half a year there probably won't be a Nexus to return to. Without speculating too much on the WWE landscape of Feb 2011, I'll assume Skip will return in a heel role on the Raw brand. Just how he returns will probably be severely dependent on how well the Nexus angles ends and who (if anyone at all) from the initial stable is still going strong at the time of Skip's return. I could easily see WWE making a small reference in passing about the Nexus stable upon Sheffield's return if indeed the angle implodes like some are speculating. They would want to distance him from the Nexus as much as possible.
If he makes a good recovery he can return to SmackDown, in late 2010/11.

Like others said, his returning state is mattered on where the Nexus will be, I think he'll return as heel though, morely because they actually said he was injured, not kicked for being too nice or anything.

Maybe he can even be a next Batista, they do look pretty similar :]
dont ever say wwe is going to have a stable with more that 6. 11? ******. nexus will end soon but not anytime soon. get real. they guy broke his anke wasnt planned to break up nexus. wade. sheffield. gabriel. will make it. i dont doubt thats who the stable has as its final 3 members when the break up happens. but theyre all succeeding so break up in a mutual way.

Looks like Papa Porter and his GED forgot about the Corporate Ministry. The McMahon/Hemsley faction. Hell the Nation once had 6 guys in the group. But, hell here is some sweet food for thought. I can't find not one capital letter. And, your calling someone a ******... Hmm. Don't worry, Obama will be here for ya soon.

I know that last sentence didn't make any sense. But hey, neither does not having capital letters.

Anyways why is Nexus attacking and destroying people. Because they don't like WWE management. Now you have the season 2 guys, who, seemed pretty upset at... WWE management. So, yes, I see a super Stable. I see a stable branching off on two shows.

Why is that. They need an entity to create some heat, and build Survivor Series. That last couple of years this event hasn't done shit. Now with a stable on the brink of taking over the company. Kids will want to buy.

VinnieSunshine said:
I dont see NXT season 2 guys joining. What we saw last night was a one time thing. There is no way WWE is dumb enough to do another Nexus group parallel to the one going on. Besides Barrett is knocking off members of the group one by one, meaning WWE is slowly building to the end of it. Why bring in more guys if he is trying to weed out the strong? Sheffield will come back after his ankle is 100% and be repackaged, but he was never "kicked out" so he could always come back and be on TV with the group until he is ready to compete. Maybe he creates a downfall and gets Otunga kicked out by saying that Otunga wasn't there to help him.

I don't know about a one time thing. You don't have 7 guys jump you on the season finale, they go... Oh, no room for you guys. Yeah! I see the two different seasons making this connection at Night of Champions, then a week or two revealing the leader. It makes a lot of sense. A hatred for WWE management, thats what connects the two groups. What are you going to do with the other 7 guys? Have them beat up Kaval for the 6 weeks till someone steps in?

Now, before I get too deep into this...

Porter. Nexus is a stable. People are in a stable. I had to dumb it down for you. Follow the capital letters. You will succeed. No child left behind is a legit deal. You will make in life pal. I hope your doing great with your new coloring book. Stay away from the markers. Crayons will keep you safe. Good luck Porter. I hope your GED brings you the best in the world.
im pretty sure nexus is gonna be around for a couple years at least...they just started this year, im thinking wwe is gonna try making nexus the next big faction
dont ever say wwe is going to have a stable with more that 6. 11? ******. nexus will end soon but not anytime soon. get real. they guy broke his anke wasnt planned to break up nexus. wade. sheffield. gabriel. will make it. i dont doubt thats who the stable has as its final 3 members when the break up happens. but theyre all succeeding so break up in a mutual way.

all I can say is LMFAO trying to make logical sense out of the gibberish you just wrote... I've seen better writing skills out of a down syndrome inflicted 5 year old.

So a WWE stable can't have more than 6? Ok well I guess tell that to :
The Brood (Gangrel, Christian, Edge)
etc etc oh that's 10 right there. Not including Chyna & Vince...

An effective stable can have as many members as creative sees fit and as long as they are written the right way can be effective. The stables don't HAVE to interfere in matches as they can be cleanly won. However with Skip's injury Nexus does look a bit weaker. Sad to say because this angle was well done until they had that HUGE let down where majority of the people were hoping for a Cena heel turn..
nxt2 will not be joining nexus for mike mcgillicutty made that clear when he mentioned a "genisus" therefore will be forming a smackdown group by the same name. short season for nxt3 could lead lead to some nexus replacements or the infamous endall leader could be reveiled to even it back out at 6 members. now kane could be that leader after raws 900, but theres still got to be a raw leader to keep them on raw. thats jus my brief take on things.
This sucks so bad. Nexus is finished soon without Skip Sheffield I can guarantee it. Whenever they assualt someone who is the main focus, That is destroying everything in it's path. Skip Sheffield. In my opinion him and Gabriel are the 2nd best members of the group and without him I don't think they will stick around long. When he does return thought it will probably be as a Heel on smackdown in early 2011.
I don't see the Nexus going out too soon. It's the best thing to hit RAW since 3:16. Yeah, I said it.
WWE finally has a truely interesting dynamic and they'd be fools to end it. During the course of NXT2 I was thinking that Nexus would enlist at least one or two of the eliminated. Harris would work well, though he's good enough to be on his own. That tall basterd would be good since he'd need to be in a stable to cover up his inexperience.
I just don't see the Nexus going away sooner than 4 months from now.
Skip Sheffield does have a very intimidating look and general presence. He definitely looks the part of the muscle for a faction. He also has great facial expressions, he looks like a rabid dingo about to tear into an Australian baby whenever he's about to hit that big clothesline on someone.

I do think it's a shame that he got injured as he did have a strong presence on the team. But, it's just one of those things that happens that can't be helped. Sometimes, real life throws a bit of a monkeywrench into a great angle. In terms of sheer physical strength and general look, I don't think any of the Rookies from NXT II can fill the same sort of muscle role as Skip. Eli Cottonwood is an obvious choice but the guy's awful, at least he's awful based on what we've seen of him from NXT II. However, to be fair, most of us said the same thing about Skip Sheffield during the first steason and I think he's done well overall thus far.

If Nexus were to have someone replace Sheffield, maybe recruiting someone from the WWE locker room could be the way to go. There's been talk of a "mastermind" behind The Nexus for a while, so maybe that "mastermind" could be the new 6th member. Triple H would be an obvious choice there and I think it'd work well as long as he was booked in a way that didn't overshadow the others. Give him a mic, let him talk but also let other members talk and have him wrestle sparingly, maybe interfere in some of The Nexus' matches, etc.
Skip's injury doesn't mean the end of Nexus necessarily. It's not hard to find another big guy to fill the enforcer role. They have some people floating around Superstars doing nothing. Chris Masters for one would be great as the muscle and he deserves to be elevated to the main event at least as much as these guys fresh out of FCW.
It's annoying that Skip is injured, he was a big part of Nexus. I don't think this is the end of Nexus though, they still have 5 members. It would be better if it wasn't him who got injured but it's just one of those things, they still look dominating.

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