Six Stars Who SHOULD Dominate in 2013


Pre-Show Stalwart
Before you continue to read know that this is a list that I got together of stars who I would like to see more of in 2013 or even make 2013 their break out year. I will most likely have a lot of people asking why I left out one superstar in particular, Cody Rhodes. I am a fan of Cody Rhodes and at one point he was one of my favorite stars and many people were wondering who would main event first Rhodes or Ziggler, but since losing the Intercontinental Championship he hasn't done anything of relevance since he teamed up with Damien Sandow. I would love to see Cody Rhodes get another BIG push eventually. He is a great performer and he's a good talker, but nothing as of late, has impressed me with Rhodes to make me believe he will be a big star in 2013. Now onto the rest of the list.

Damien Sandow: Since Damien Sandow has debuted he has impressed me. Everything about Sandow says, “Main Event” or “Big Star”. I can appreciate anyone who understands their character and Sandow understands his character everything from the way he moves in the ring to the way he speaks onto the microphone. Right now, Sandow is in the tag division with Cody Rhodes, but as soon as he splits from Rhodes he needs to face some upper-mid card or main event talent who are not currently associated with big storylines. His best outing was against Sheamus on RAW recently and we could see some more of those type of matches with someone like Sandow who would go above and beyond in main events and perform at the highest level possible. He brings an aggressive aspect to his offense, but at the same time everything he does is so elegant which makes his matches so entertaining. I have faith that Sandow can deliver. I know from what I have seen so far from Sandow he will be a BIG player in WWE eventually. You’re Welcome.

Dolph Ziggler: I don’t think I need to go into specifics about Dolph Ziggler because, jeez, everyone has said about everything about him. He’s a fantastic in-ring performer. He’s been compared to plenty of stars from Mr. Perfect, Shawn Michaels, and etc. He is THE BEST seller in the business. A move you thought could cripple, Ziggler, would make it look like a move that could kill. Many people say that Ziggler needs to ditch Vickie Guerrero and I agree. Dolph Ziggler is a great entertainer. He’s witty and doesn’t need much assistance on the microphone. Dolph Ziggler should dominate the World Heavyweight Championship picture and become the face of SmackDown. He has what it takes to lead a brand and lead a company. He has the backing, he has the talent, he just needs to be given the thumbs up for this star to break out. He will be a big time player in 2013.

Antonio Cesaro: Cesaro’s debut into the WWE wasn’t as smooth as it could’ve been. He debuted with Aksana, but soon he stayed off of television for a LONG time until around SummerSlam when he defeated Santino Marella for the United States Championship. Ever since then Cesaro has had a fantastic match against Zack Ryder at Night of Champions, dumped Aksana (which in ways I believe was a bad move) and already cemented a memorable moment in his career lifting up the 300+ pound Brodus Clay for a Neutralizer. Antonio Cesaro has become a big part into why I watch WWE television each week. He’s talented in the ring, no denying that, he has a very unique move set everything from the way he punches, the side walk toss slam, and his vicious uppercut, but his character needs more work. On RAW I heard a few, “USA” chants, but those chants need to be louder and his foreign character needs to be BIGGER. The foreign character is easy to sale, but you HAVE to go big with it. If you want to know how big… Check out Muhammad Hassan. Thank me later.

Daniel Bryan: Daniel Bryan since winning the World Heavyweight Championship back at TLC has been on fire. The rising of his career began the night of WrestleMania 28 when he lost the title in 18 seconds and the, “YES” chants began. Months later he’s involved in one of the hottest feuds of the summer with AJ and CM Punk, had some CLASSIC matches with Punk, and is now involved in the best tag team in a while with Kane pumping life into the tag division. He gets the loudest pops, he’s the most entertaining character on WWE television, he’s a fantastic in-ring performer. He’s the whole package. When he is out of the tag division WWE needs to put the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP on this man. 2013 needs to be the year of Bryan.

Ryback: When Ryback was Skip Sheffield back in Nexus I knew that he was going to be a big player in the WWE. Ryback is a very intense specimen. He’s a very muscular, massive man. He may not be able to handle himself on the microphone well, but he’s gotten over with only three words, “Feed Me More” and has went on to demonstrate incredible strength picking up TWO guys with his shellshock move and on one occasion, Tensai. Some things in my opinion makes it difficult for Ryback now. First, the fact he’s getting a WWE Championship shot so early in his career, second how he IS NOT able to pick up certain people for his finisher, and third he has not had a match that lasted longer than ten minutes. Ryback has one thing on his side and that’s the fact he has the backing of management and the fans are buying into him. Ryback’s time may not be now, but soon enough he will be the WWE Champion and he will be an unstoppable force in the WWE. In 2013 I want to see Ryback compete against upper mid-card to Main Event talent before going for the title at SummerSlam or hell, even a future Money in the Bank briefcase holder. I think we’re going to be hearing, “Feed Me More” for a while.

Wade Barrett: Wade Barrett has been promise since his NXT days and he won the season. Ever since he’s gone on to be the leader of the group Nexus which he did a fantastic job at and also ran the spin-off group of, Corre. Since running the two groups he’s won the Intercontinental Championship and has competed against top stars like; John Cena, Randy Orton, and most recently, Sheamus. It is destiny for Barrett to be a World Champion and Main Event. He is one of the best speakers in the WWE and his in-ring is good. He was sidelined with an injury and now he’s come back repackaged, sort of, and has made his intentions known that he wants a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. Wade Barrett should run 2013. They need to stop stalling and WWE needs to put the saddle on his back and he needs to carry the company or give him the ball and have him run with it, whatever phrase you want to use. In 2013 I would like to see Wade Barrett move to RAW and then really break out.

So what do you think? Who will have a BIG break out year in 2013? Create your own list and give specifics in why you believe they will be successful.
They're gonna turn Dolph Face and Cody or The Miz will feud with him. I'd prefer Rhodes feuding with him so that way Cody can win the title :). Then have Miz and Ryback feud over the WWE title. Yes, I know Ryback has destroyed Miz over and over but have Miz get a body guard or someone to back him up. Hell I'd like to see Mark Henry and Ryback feud as I think it would be interesting lol. Have Damien eventually feud with Kofi over the IC title. It would be cool to have DB as a tweener kinda sorta and let him and Antonio feud over the US title. Even though that's out of his league it would be cool for them both to be put in a program together.
Good job. When I saw the title of this thread I predicted 5 heels. You only have 4. I'm surprised. Granted, that's calling DB neutral because he acts heel, but is still cheered more as a face. That's why I hate threads like these because they're so biased in one direction.

Damien Sandow - I enjoy Sandow. He's very good with his character and he's good in the ring. They've done a great job with him since he debuted. He's even the better of the two in Rhodes Scholars even though Rhodes is more the veteran. That said, his character is too gimmicky to stay the way it is for the very long term. But for 2013, yeah he could "dominate" as you say. Agree

Dolph Ziggler - While I'm not up his ass like most everyone on here, he's got his moments. He sells really well in the ring. His finisher is awful, but movesets, to include finishers, change from time to time. See Wade Barrett. That said, sometimes he can be abysmal on the mic. Sometimes he can be good. He's not consistent and that's why he's been with Vickie so long. Remember when he changed his hair color? People didn't even know who he was. I've been saying for a long time now, drop Vickie and give him the ball and see how far he can run with it. Shit or get off the pot with this guy because he's been stagnant for years until recently. It seems with Vickie staying on Raw now though, they're finally going to give him his chance though. Good luck. I think he can do it. Agree

Antonio Cesaro - The foreign language gimmick is tired and stale. See Jinder Mahal. Cesaro is good in the ring though. Other than that... Disagree. Substitute the Miz. If they're really high on him he can go far. He's very charismatic, especially in real life if you've ever seen him do talk shows while he was on top.

Daniel Bryan - DB really has impressed me this year. There's no doubt he can go in the ring. He's gotten much better on the mic as well. My only concern is his size possibly getting in the way of pushing him too far. Plus, eventually, his bickering with Kane will grow tiring and I predict he'll fade back into the midcard. Disagree. Hopefully they give Kofi a shot. I'm sort of in the same spot with him as I am with Ziggler. Give him the ball and let him run with it. Sink or swim.

Ryback - Agree. Period. Unless they totally screw up the rest of this year with him, I don't see how they aren't already invested enough. Agree.

Wade Barrett - A lot of people love this guy. I think he's ok. The problem is, every time he builds up steam it gets screwed up. After Nexus came Corre. After his feud with Orton came an injury. After his return recently, they dropped his "open for business" angle. He's got potential but just some bad luck. And don't forget his consistently bad entrance music.I will agree assuming something else doesn't go wrong. Otherwise, I'm inclined to see what they do with Sin Cara after he splits from Mysterio. If only he could talk...
They're gonna turn Dolph Face and Cody or The Miz will feud with him. I'd prefer Rhodes feuding with him so that way Cody can win the title :). Then have Miz and Ryback feud over the WWE title. Yes, I know Ryback has destroyed Miz over and over but have Miz get a body guard or someone to back him up. Hell I'd like to see Mark Henry and Ryback feud as I think it would be interesting lol. Have Damien eventually feud with Kofi over the IC title. It would be cool to have DB as a tweener kinda sorta and let him and Antonio feud over the US title. Even though that's out of his league it would be cool for them both to be put in a program together.

^That guy missed the point of this topic completely.

My six to swim in 2013 are pretty "huh" superstars. But as always I'll give out great reason. But first, I'd like to state that your list seems pretty well respectable but I don't think Sandow will amount to much. I just can't see it. As for my picks...

Ryback - If he doesn't win Sunday, then he WILL win the Rumble. That much I can assure you. Someone once mentioned how having Kofi become WWE champion at Mania would give that "boyhood dream" feel in a post not too long ago. And I completely agree on that, but having Ryback get screwed at HIAC, wait all the way until WM29 and then finally capture that title... THAT would be a money maker right there. WWE would have then made themselves a star. And if you're counting, then yes, that means CM Punk should be champion right around that time. Does he have to hold it all the way until then? No. But it would be nice.

Heath Slater - A while ago (last year), I begged the question. Why was Heath Slater not in the main event? Others agreed that he had potential to be a star, and it looks like WWE is headed in that same direction. This new group 3MB is a great way to get Slater into the main event. He's been on a roll since his run ins with the Legends, and he's even got some great exposure since then. The way that the WWE is putting effort in Slater, I would say that he may become US or IC champion by next Summer. And honestly, I'd be ok with that. Something about him just screams Owen Hart, and I'm a huge Owen fan.

Justin Gabriel - He's been my "breakout" pick since NXT season 1. In Nexus and the Corre, he was the guy they used to injure people... and it worked for him. Since separating, Gabriel hasn't done much to be a solid main eventer, and that's fine. There shouldn't be too many main eventers. But I don't think that hope is lost for Gabriel. I would love to see how well he could do if put into a feud against someone like Del Rio or even The Miz. Give him some TV time and let him work a program or two.

Jack Swagger - Get on your knees and prepare for a great Main Event style push. Swagger has been absent for months. He missed his face return at OKC, and he hasn't been seen in WWE for a while. Ziggler has been gaining tons of momentum lately, and if he doesn't cash in at HIAC, there's only one person who could oppose him that makes sense to me at this moment in time, and that's the All American American himself. Swagger has it in him to be a great athletic world champion. He had a great run in the past, and I thought he made Smackdown more watchable before they fed him to Mysterio. I really think that Swagger could become a great asset to the main event, if not on Raw then definitely on Smackdown.

Darren Young - He was the reverse affect of Justin Gabriel for me. He had no flavor, no spunk, and didn't belong... or so I felt. Soon, they had him in Nexus for all of eight weeks. That was a miss opportunity for sure. But now, with PTP, WWE has recreated this guy. There's just something about the way he carries himself as a heel that makes me think he'd be a great singles' star. Don't get me wrong, I want PTP to capture those titles sometime soon. But I also want to see Young branch off and get some good singles feuds too. I could see him vs. Truth doing some good for him.

Randy Orton - I may be alone on this, but Randy Orton not gunning for the WWE title on Monday Nights makes me absolutely sick. Randy had possibly the best reign as a heel back when he was champion, and he brought life to two future world champions... I still have hopes for Teddy... and to be honest, it makes me sick that WWE doesn't push him. Some people are going to say that he shouldn't be pushed because he was suspended, and to that I say go fuck yourself. Randy did nothing but smoke a plant that grows in the ground... big fucking deal. It's not like he punched a fan in the face on live television... even if it WAS funny... like a current 340 day WWE champion has done. Randy should switch shows soon and become more prominent on Raw, turn heel once more, and get himself back into the main event spot. At the very least, it would give him more to do if he were to go heel. Rumor has it that Orton's never been keen on being face, and having him go heel should definitely improve his work ethic.
Cody Rhodes - Vince needs to let Cody at least have a feud for the WHC, because everyone seems to think he can do something special, but I'm getting the feeling Vince may be a little unsure.

Ryback - As said earlier, I think if he loses this Sunday, he will win the Rumble as the #1 entrant. But I have a gut feeling Ryback will win Sunday, it seems too obvious for him to lose. But either way, he'll have a huge 2013

Kofi Kingston - It seems Vince is finally pulling the trigger on a true Kofi singles run. I think after a good IC run, a WHC feud is in order for the summer if he does well.

Dolph Ziggler - We've heard everything great about him. GIVE HIM THE BALL AND LET HIM RUN WITH IT!!

Wade Barrett - Same story as Ziggler. We know the upside. If Vince wants to be ready for Punk and Cena to step away, Wade is a guy he needs to invest in for the future.

The Miz - This guy is a star that they have already made, and i'm not sure why he had his slip this past year. But it's time to get him back on top of the mountain!

Tensai - I wouldn't be suprised to see Tensai repackaged after the new year. With the right gimmick, Tensai could be something to watch.
Ryback - I think it's obvious to everyone that this guy is going to be an enormous star. Although I'm not a fan of the marching while setting up for Shellshock, and I think he needs a better finisher for bigger guys.

Kofi Kingston - I've always been a fan of Kofi. I've always hoped that he would get a solid singles run, and I thought he would for sure after his program with Randy Orton.

Dolph Ziggler - I wasn't always a fan of Dolph, but he does well. He vaguely reminds me of "The One" Billy Gunn, but it seems like the gimmick is going to work for him.

Damien Sandow - He's very in tune with his character. Much like Dolph, seems they took a gimmick that failed with someone else, and gave it to someone that is making it work. Sandow reminds me of the Triple H's gimmick before D-X.

Wade Barrett - I've always enjoyed Wade, but I think they need to take his new thing and amplify it. But all of the destruction from The Nexus into one man. Random beat downs, showing why he is dominant.

Sin Cara - It's apparent that Sin Cara has improved a lot, even though he doesn't talk. I think that if they have him and Rey feud, Rey can put him over and make him look good. He may not be World Champ this year, but I would like to see it soon. Make him heel, align him with ADR(so he can talk for him), and I think you got something good.

Honorable Mentions

The Miz - I like Miz, I think that a solid program between him and Kofi could give both men a boost that they both need. I would like to see him step it up this year.
Ok im going in...

Wade barett.... Seriously the guys boring, so is sheamus, del rio and hell even ziggles too. Why dont WWE and the true wrestling fans want REAL stars anymore??? Why do you put up with 2nd best. Where is the next SCSA or the next Rock? Without punk and cena there is no WWE which is quite sad.... The company would fall

Just poor talent, no one has star power anymore.

And before you say it, No. Even in the attitude era if you took SCSA away and the Rock away, you still had people like HHH, the undertaker etc hell even kurt angle in his prime ...other TALENTS which had real character. Todays product is poor compared.

So to conclude, maybe this thread shouldnt be what its titled, maybe it should read " which # superstars do you wish to be a bit less mild and a tad more entertaining in 2013"
My 6:

1.) Justin Gabriel - This guy needs to be put into the WWE full-time. He's highly entertaining, very athletic, and a hard worker. He always has that OHHHH factor. Meaning he can awe the crowd with his skillset. He's very talented and I do expect big things for him in 2013.

Ryback - Honestly, The WWE isn't going to stop pushing him after Sunday's HIAC. Regardless of the result of that match, I expect Ryback in the main event scene. Maybe not a World Title picture, but this guy's on a roll and i think (and hope) he has big plans for 2013.

PrimeTime Players - They're too talented not to dominate 2013. Titus O'Neal is actually very skilled on the mic, but Darren Young isn't on his level in terms of mic ability but like Ryback, these two are dominant. I'd like these 2 to dominate the tag-team division in 2013. I don't think many teams will return in 2013. I can't see Team Hell No dominating into the next year. The PrimeTime Players should be the blueprint for the Tag-Team division next year.

Dolph Zigger - Can't stand the guy, he's athletic as heck though and he's talented. I think once (but if he champs) he champs i can honestly see him with a lengthy title reign in the course of the WHC. He's slowly moved back in the main event picture, and when he cashes in, he'll be main event status.

The Miz - He needed to lose the IC championship to Kofi Kingston in order to move up into the Title discussion. I can't stand him, he's arrogant, cocky...blah blah blah... But Im pretty sure he'll dominate next year.

Honestly, I have a tie for the 6th man... Antonio Caesaro, Damien Sandow are expected to recieve pushes. I think the WWE has high hopes for these two. They're both talented, but Sandow is much better and talented on the mic than Caesaro is, which ultimately i believe Sandow will be dominating the WWE in 2013.
Jack Swager- He needs another shot at it. I dont think they even gave him a chance last time. Hopefully when he comes back its with a push. Probably one of if not best wrestlers they have. Mic skills are at least good and he has a lisp.

Kofi- Another one that got the spot but not the chance. Not sure what happened there with Orton but it was like they forgot what they were going to do. He has shown us what he can do in the ring. Too bad he doesn’t get the time on the mic.

Tyson Kidd- another great wrestler. He gets pushed and then he doesn’t. Then he gets pushed and then he doesn’t. I don’t know. They need to do something with him.

Justin Gabriel- He is in the same boat with Kidd, but at least he got a win the other day over a champion. But I like him as well. How come Sin Cara botches and still gets pushed but people like Justin and Kidd don’t get the time of day.

D. Bryan- I know he was there and kind of is now with Kane. But I would like to see him pushed eventually in singles and have a better reign

CM Punk- again I know he already is. But I am thinking they either are or have to do something big. He been talking a lot of shit about respect and the older generation. Sounds like hype building for future great matches to me. At least I hope so, because now I think its just getting a little stale.

Honorable Mentions
Antonio- Another great wrestler. Don’t really care for the character though. Gabriel going over was a big surprise.
Randy Orton- Just make him heel and unleash him on people.
Ziggler- without a doubt he is going to win the WHC and be in the spot. Needs to lose Vikie though. She does nothing for him.
Kane- I wouldn’t mind him having another run. Plus him and Bryan going for the WWE belt. "I’m the WWE Champion""No I’m the WWE Champion" Would be great.
Ryback- not really sure, he suppose to be a beast, but has a hard time pulling off his finisher. If not, wont be to surprised or disappointed
Sandow- I thought he was going to be pushed more for the singles. Another great wrestler and can talk. With or without Cody he is an impact player.

Non-Honorable mention
Wade Barrett- very disappointed on how he came back and the lack of creativeness with him and his finisher.
Miz-I still don’t get him. Really Really Really, Awsome. That’s about all he brings to the table.
Brodous Clay-what are they doing. Is he a monster or just another guy they get squashed by a lot smaller wrestlers.
Cena- Not a hater, I like Cena. But take some time off.
Alberto Sel Rio- Why is he still there. He is extremely boring in and out of the ring. Time to go.
Sin Cara-another one I don’t get. But I rather watch Cara botch then Alberto do anything.
The Miz I have seen a lot of people say The Miz which does not surprise me. I had The Miz on my list, but took him off and replaced him with Wade Barrett. I am a BIG fan of The Miz, but his return thusfar has not impressed me. Yes, he won the Intercontinental Championship, but his reign was lackluster. He was thrown into a random match against Mysterio at SummerSlam, a Fatal Four Way at Night of Champions, he's had a still to be determined whether it's a good or bad addition to his resume talk show, and now he is in a legitimate feud with Kofi Kingston to regain the title. If the rumors are true I really hope we do get more of The Miz in the main event in 2013. I enjoyed his WWE Championship run and I believe he embraced it. He did not look like a sore thumb in the feud with The Rock and John Cena around WrestleMania XXVII time. The Miz is a great star when he is given something to work with and give him big stars and matches and we will see The Miz we got in 2010/2011.

Kofi Kingston Another name I have been seeing is, Kofi Kingston. Now, I am a fan of Kofi Kingston and it does frustrate me that WWE have not given Kingston anymore opportunities other than his feud with Randy Orton a few years ago. Some people say that Kingston suffers from the, "Shelton Benjamin Effect" which means he will get big pushes, win big matches, but never go all the way. He will be the guy who has the best match on the card, but still does not get the chance to main event. I agree, Kingston is a great performer possibly one of the most underrated in WWE today. I hope WWE eventually gives Kingston the ball and see how far he goes with it. I did not put him on the list for the simple fact that he is cursed with the SB Effect. I hope I am wrong though and 2013 is a big year for Kingston.
He is getting pushed to the stars at the moment and I don't see WWE stopping anytime soon. While he is still lacking in some areas and needs to really start using the mic, Next year is looking very promising for Ryback.

As long as you see a face turn by the end of the year, then I would say that 2013 will be the year of Ziggler. He has all the tools to be a true great and as long as WWE have him feud with the right people then the sky's the limit.

It is starting to look as if wwe are ready to give Kofi the ball and let him run with it and its about time too. Kofi is one of the most entertain guys you will find wrestling wise in the WWE and providing he keeps working on his mic skills then Kofi can also have a very good 2013.

I have really enjoyed watching Bryan the last few months and team Hell No are the Main Reason why I watch Raw and smackdown every week. I'm not sure if you would call him a face or a heel at the moment but it really seems to work and as long as WWE keep it that way then he will quickly become one of the biggest stars that WWE have ever had.
1. Daniel Bryan
For someone who was once viewed as unable to achieve success in WWE, Bryan has reached main event status faster than most and is currently enjoying huge reactions from live crowds, loads of sold merchandise and multiple championship matches. There's no question that Daniel Bryan is a breakout star and deserves to be a force throughout 2013. I expect Bryan to be a big part of WrestleMania next year and will most likely go over whoever he's facing to make up for his loss at WM28.

2. Damien Sandow
He's a great talker, a forceful grappler and has loads of heel charisma. His snooty intellectual gimmick seems perfect against any main event babyface, although Cena in particular could use a new adversary as capable and humorous as Sandow appears. I could see him securing the Money in the Bank briefcase in 2013.

3. Dolph Ziggler
I predict Ziggler's rise into the main event will go a lot like Daniel Bryan's did last year. Although, Ziggler may remain a heel despite Bryan's turn from face to heel in 2011. Ziggler can play either side of the coin, and will surely become a new main event player.

4. The Miz
Miz has shown a keen ability to adapt in the WWE, and is constantly evolving and improving. He's one of the top talkers in the company and is at the point where you could turn him face at the main event level. I have a feeling that Miz will earn himself another "awesome" WrestleMania moment in 2013.

5. Ryback
The Goldberg chants will have ended by 2013 and Ryback will be the new monster adversary to every main event heel in WWE. I expect a WWE championship reign in Ryback's near future, possibly at WrestleMania or right after. Intense promos, power moves, and the mystique possessed only by the most intimidating competitors will gain Ryback all the crowd support he will need to dominate 2013.

6. Antonio Cesaro
Cesaro will catapult into the main event once he wraps up his United States title reign. Whoever takes the US title from him will surely look great for doing so, but Cesaro will come out on top by getting involved in the WHC or WWE title scenes. Definitely a pick to secure the MITB briefcase for Raw or SD in 2013.

Honorable Mentions: CM Punk, Wade Barrett, Kane, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston

Who to forget in 2013:
Zack Ryder - The "Broski Era" ended, and Ryder whines more than he trains.
Tyson Kidd - Great wrestler, doomed to job thanks to no charisma
Ted Dibiase - I just don't see him making it out of the rut he's in
Brodus Clay - The kids may love it, but not for much longer. Little steam left.
I honestly don't get why some people keep insisting that Cody Rhodes is the future, or a main event waiting to happen, is it because he's the son of the legendary Dusty Rhodes? i honestly don't know, i see this guy no more than a mid card wrestler with an ocational WHC title shot on Smackdown, that's about it for him, that's why the WWE put him with Damien Sandow in a tag team, to keep Cody relevant, because of Sandow, now back to the point, there are some great choices here, some of the superstars mentioned here are now in the break out point of their career, but here are my choices:

*Damien Sandow.- I said it before, this guy is amazing with the mic, and that's like 50% of what makes a superstar, he's also good in the ring, and the guy has the "it" factor.

*Wade Barret.- He's the next Triple H, a methodical, sadistic, evil genius, and is just a matter of time before they give him a big angle with someone big in the WWE.

*Jack Swagger.- I somehow got the feeling that as soon as he come's back, he will pick up a feud with Cesaro defending America, at this time Cesaro want's to wrestle an American that is good, and i get the feeling that Swagger will call him up on that.

*Antonio Cesaro.- He also has a bright future with the WWE, i only heard or read about him when he was Claudio Castagnoly on ROH, but now that i got to see him in the WWE, i see that this guy has a lot of talent, and he definitly has the making of a World champion.

*Justin Gabriel.- This guy looks like he's becoming a singles superstar again, and that victory over Cesaro is indication of that, i don't know if he's WHC or WWE championship material yet, but he's definitly up for a push......
Jack Swagger Seeing a lot of Jack Swagger mentions as well. I feel like Jack Swagger needs to return to the WWE and needs to be a FACE the only mid-card face you have now is basically Kingston. The mid-card could use another top babyface. I will admit BEFORE Swagger won the World Heavyweight Championship in 2010 I was a huge fan of his because he had exactly what his name says, "Swagger". He's not bad in the ring either one match that sticks out in my mind is when he faced John Cena on RAW. WWE took his Swagger away when he won the World Title and he became stale FAST and eventually got lost in the shuffle, but Swagger if he comes back as a face star and is built as an American Hero then he will get over big and could even feud with Antonio Cesaro for the title. Some people disagree and says he should not be a face and should just come in kicking ass and taking names. We have our opinions, but the point I'm trying to make is if he does not have a MAJOR change in character and gets involved fast when he returns then he will not be have a dominant 2013.
Cody Rhodes - Vince needs to let Cody at least have a feud for the WHC, because everyone seems to think he can do something special, but I'm getting the feeling Vince may be a little unsure.

Ryback - As said earlier, I think if he loses this Sunday, he will win the Rumble as the #1 entrant. But I have a gut feeling Ryback will win Sunday, it seems too obvious for him to lose. But either way, he'll have a huge 2013

Tensai - I wouldn't be suprised to see Tensai repackaged after the new year. With the right gimmick, Tensai could be something to watch.

That idea for Ryback to enter and win at no.1 is awesome, if Cena hadn't gotten injured that would have been the perfect way to build Ryback in the first place. Depending on who's side you take on the recent sandbagging whether it's a huge conspiracy with two veteran workers Heyman and Tensai screwing over Ryback or Ryback's finisher is just unnecessarily difficult when considering the unsatisfying finish, I say if they decide that Tensai sandbagged Ryback then that could hurt Tensai's chances for next year a lot as a veteran guy he's essentially back to put people over and potentially hold a world title, it's hard to imagine him doing either if they decide he sandbagged one of the companies top rising stars. I'm obviously leaned more towards Ryback getting a finisher the doesn't rely on the recipient's ability to hop in perfect time with Ryback, get considerable height and then position themselves perfectly whilst being dead-lifted by Ryback. (Or at least finding a new position to start from for heavier guys for example a Fireman's Carry/Using the Meat Hook clothesline for bigger guys.)
1. Randy Orton- I know, I know. He's already a HUGE superstar. Randy Orton will become a heel again in 2013. It's what he's naturally good at. 2012 has been awful year for the Apex Predator, but look for a big rebound in 2013. I'm looking at the end of 2013 to be the beginning of what I predict to be one of the biggest Wrestlemania bad blood feuds in years: John Cena vs Randy Orton. They are arguably the two biggest stars of the PG era, and what better place for these two to face off than on the 30th anniversary of the biggest showcase in Sport Entertainment.

2. Damien Sandow- Honestly, he's one of the best things going on in the WWE right now. His gimmick is over, he's part of the rejuvenation of the Tag Team title picture, he got a rub from DX on the Raw 1000 episode, and he's getting television time on both shows almost every week. If Sandow/Rhodes don't capture the Tag Team titles this Sunday, I'm almost certain within the next couple months they will get their hands on them when the Kane/Daniel Bryan tag team has run it's inevitable course. I'm looking for Sandow to possibly hold a Mid-Card title and a Tag Team title early next year, possibly by April, and hold onto it for months to follow.

3.Kofi Kingston- I'm finally on board the Kofi train. He has his small moments of brilliance, and his feud with The Miz is one that has captured the attention of others (finally). WWE is thin on main event level faces, and Kofi is on his way to be getting even more over now that he's more than likely going to have a decent push with the IC title.

4.Ryback- A very cliché answer on here so far, but it seems that he'll be huge next year. He could definitely take off as a major player if he stays on the route he's on right now. A win over CM Punk would solidify him as a major player and top face for a while. However, Ryback SHOULD take a different route. The Ryback vs CM Punk match at Hell in a Cell should be a major turning point for the Ryback character. Ryback should join forces with Paul Heyman and CM Punk. He's simply an ass kicking machine with no conscience, or at least that's how he's been portrayed. He should join up not in a bodyguard capacity, but as a hungry monster who will be advised on what to "feed" on by Paul Heyman. Heyman, being the sly, witted guy he is could convince Ryback to join forces with them for various bigger "feasts" such as matches against John Cena, The Rock, and possibly even a match against The Undertaker at Wrestlemania that would pit Streak vs Streak. If a Streak vs Streak match would happen, I believe Ryback should be given a definitive victory. That way when a face does "slay the beast" that is Ryback, he's given a huge rub and instantly creates a Main Event face, much like ending The Undertaker's Streak would make a huge Main Event level heel out of Ryback.

5.Heath Slater- Not quite a Main Event level break out year, but I could see this guy getting a run with a singles title or his group getting the Tag Team titles at some point during 2013. The fact that he's been in a storyline working with former legends, and been given a group to run with means they definitely want to keep him around for something. He has value to WWE in some form or else he would have been let go by now. Truth is, he's growing on us, the IWC, and it's only a matter of time (and some television time each week) that this goofy, red haired faux-rocker grows on the rest of the WWE Universe.

6. Mark Henry- He's still got time left in his career to capture another major title, and have a big run with it. He's been a team player for the company for a number of years, fought through injury, after injury, after injury, and he's remained loyal to the WWE. He proved he can be a Main Event level guy, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see him return at the Royal Rumble, win, and go on to face a Sheamus who has held the title for nearly a year.
Before you continue to read know that this is a list that I got together of stars who I would like to see more of in 2013 or even make 2013 their break out year. I will most likely have a lot of people asking why I left out one superstar in particular, Cody Rhodes. I am a fan of Cody Rhodes and at one point he was one of my favorite stars and many people were wondering who would main event first Rhodes or Ziggler, but since losing the Intercontinental Championship he hasn't done anything of relevance since he teamed up with Damien Sandow. I would love to see Cody Rhodes get another BIG push eventually. He is a great performer and he's a good talker, but nothing as of late, has impressed me with Rhodes to make me believe he will be a big star in 2013. Now onto the rest of the list.

Damien Sandow: Since Damien Sandow has debuted he has impressed me. Everything about Sandow says, “Main Event” or “Big Star”. I can appreciate anyone who understands their character and Sandow understands his character everything from the way he moves in the ring to the way he speaks onto the microphone. Right now, Sandow is in the tag division with Cody Rhodes, but as soon as he splits from Rhodes he needs to face some upper-mid card or main event talent who are not currently associated with big storylines. His best outing was against Sheamus on RAW recently and we could see some more of those type of matches with someone like Sandow who would go above and beyond in main events and perform at the highest level possible. He brings an aggressive aspect to his offense, but at the same time everything he does is so elegant which makes his matches so entertaining. I have faith that Sandow can deliver. I know from what I have seen so far from Sandow he will be a BIG player in WWE eventually. You’re Welcome.

Dolph Ziggler: I don’t think I need to go into specifics about Dolph Ziggler because, jeez, everyone has said about everything about him. He’s a fantastic in-ring performer. He’s been compared to plenty of stars from Mr. Perfect, Shawn Michaels, and etc. He is THE BEST seller in the business. A move you thought could cripple, Ziggler, would make it look like a move that could kill. Many people say that Ziggler needs to ditch Vickie Guerrero and I agree. Dolph Ziggler is a great entertainer. He’s witty and doesn’t need much assistance on the microphone. Dolph Ziggler should dominate the World Heavyweight Championship picture and become the face of SmackDown. He has what it takes to lead a brand and lead a company. He has the backing, he has the talent, he just needs to be given the thumbs up for this star to break out. He will be a big time player in 2013.

Antonio Cesaro: Cesaro’s debut into the WWE wasn’t as smooth as it could’ve been. He debuted with Aksana, but soon he stayed off of television for a LONG time until around SummerSlam when he defeated Santino Marella for the United States Championship. Ever since then Cesaro has had a fantastic match against Zack Ryder at Night of Champions, dumped Aksana (which in ways I believe was a bad move) and already cemented a memorable moment in his career lifting up the 300+ pound Brodus Clay for a Neutralizer. Antonio Cesaro has become a big part into why I watch WWE television each week. He’s talented in the ring, no denying that, he has a very unique move set everything from the way he punches, the side walk toss slam, and his vicious uppercut, but his character needs more work. On RAW I heard a few, “USA” chants, but those chants need to be louder and his foreign character needs to be BIGGER. The foreign character is easy to sale, but you HAVE to go big with it. If you want to know how big… Check out Muhammad Hassan. Thank me later.

Daniel Bryan: Daniel Bryan since winning the World Heavyweight Championship back at TLC has been on fire. The rising of his career began the night of WrestleMania 28 when he lost the title in 18 seconds and the, “YES” chants began. Months later he’s involved in one of the hottest feuds of the summer with AJ and CM Punk, had some CLASSIC matches with Punk, and is now involved in the best tag team in a while with Kane pumping life into the tag division. He gets the loudest pops, he’s the most entertaining character on WWE television, he’s a fantastic in-ring performer. He’s the whole package. When he is out of the tag division WWE needs to put the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP on this man. 2013 needs to be the year of Bryan.

Ryback: When Ryback was Skip Sheffield back in Nexus I knew that he was going to be a big player in the WWE. Ryback is a very intense specimen. He’s a very muscular, massive man. He may not be able to handle himself on the microphone well, but he’s gotten over with only three words, “Feed Me More” and has went on to demonstrate incredible strength picking up TWO guys with his shellshock move and on one occasion, Tensai. Some things in my opinion makes it difficult for Ryback now. First, the fact he’s getting a WWE Championship shot so early in his career, second how he IS NOT able to pick up certain people for his finisher, and third he has not had a match that lasted longer than ten minutes. Ryback has one thing on his side and that’s the fact he has the backing of management and the fans are buying into him. Ryback’s time may not be now, but soon enough he will be the WWE Champion and he will be an unstoppable force in the WWE. In 2013 I want to see Ryback compete against upper mid-card to Main Event talent before going for the title at SummerSlam or hell, even a future Money in the Bank briefcase holder. I think we’re going to be hearing, “Feed Me More” for a while.

Wade Barrett: Wade Barrett has been promise since his NXT days and he won the season. Ever since he’s gone on to be the leader of the group Nexus which he did a fantastic job at and also ran the spin-off group of, Corre. Since running the two groups he’s won the Intercontinental Championship and has competed against top stars like; John Cena, Randy Orton, and most recently, Sheamus. It is destiny for Barrett to be a World Champion and Main Event. He is one of the best speakers in the WWE and his in-ring is good. He was sidelined with an injury and now he’s come back repackaged, sort of, and has made his intentions known that he wants a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. Wade Barrett should run 2013. They need to stop stalling and WWE needs to put the saddle on his back and he needs to carry the company or give him the ball and have him run with it, whatever phrase you want to use. In 2013 I would like to see Wade Barrett move to RAW and then really break out.

So what do you think? Who will have a BIG break out year in 2013? Create your own list and give specifics in why you believe they will be successful.

I pretty much agree with all these listed. I'm a fan of all these wrestlers and think there's massive potential for most if not all of them.

Sandow has really only been on the seen for a few months but is already drawing great heat. His match with Sheamus on Raw a few months back shows that he's got it inside the ring and he's flat out comfortable with his current character & he does it well.

Dolph Ziggler is ready in my opinion. All he really needs is for the WWE to solidify him by ultimately booking him to look like he's on the same level as Orton or Punk or Sheamus. In his matches against them, he's looked fantastic but has ultimately come out on the short end of things. Fix that, and he's there.

Antonio Cesaro is someone that can also go far if WWE gets behind him. He's impressive in the ring with a great, physical style somewhat similar to that of Sheamus or Wade Barrett. He's also doing well as the heel United States Champion that puts down America every chance he gets. There's work that can be done but the potential is there.

Daniel Bryan is someone that I think has proven a ton of people wrong. Since he won the WHC this past December, the man's been solid gold in everything he does. I don't think anybody can seriously say that Bryan has no charisma or personality. As a character, nobody has come farther in 2012 in all of wrestling than Daniel Bryan. I'd love to see him get a strong singles push after his time in the tag team picture is over. Bryan's got the ability and proved that during his WHC run. A guy that can have great matches with guys like Big Show & Mark Henry can pull the best out of pretty much anybody.

As far as Ryback goes, I'm still not sold on Ryback in the long term. Like I've said for a little while now, Ryback hasn't been majorly tested. I think we'll get a lot of info this Sunday. Ryback is something different, however, and he's starting to get over. I'm ultimately unsure on him right now.

Wade Barrett is someone I've been a fan of since the first season of NXT. As the leader of Nexus, Barrett shined. He is the only reason that Nexus was as successful as it was and I think WWE could've done a lot more with Nexus had they not just focused entirely on Barrett. Barrett has shown time and time again that he's got the stuff. He has a great look, he talks well on the mic and he has a roughouse, physical style that perfectly suits him.

Some other names have been mentioned like The Miz, Jack Swagger and a few others. I like Miz and I have no problem with him getting another push. I'd love to see Swagger come back and for WWE to do something with him. Swagger is a great talent in the ring and he's just too good to be the highest profile jobber in WWE. I'd love very much if Kofi Kingston was really given a chance to shine this time as Intercontinental Champion. As with his brief feud with Miz, just as with Randy Orton, we've seen glimpses of brilliance from Kofi.
Here goes with my two cents:

1. Damien Sandow - Has been brilliant thus far, both on the mic and in the ring. His Raw match with Seamus was one of my favourite of the year and surely must have proved he can work with the big boys. I'd keep him with Cody until wrestlemania for a match against Cara and Mysterio and then give him a big singles push afterwards.

2. Wade Barrett - Time to pull the trigger - he needs the feud that is going to be his making - I don't think Seamus is that feud - maybe Cena when Punk is busy with Rocky, maybe Ryback even - but pull the trigger.

3. D. Bryan - Yes I know he is already over - but here is a guy you can build your roster around. Probably the best in ring storyteller currently in WWE - he is simply incapable of having a bad match. Want a fresh feud for Cena? - We've not really seen this pairing. Maybe a best of seven series with Barrett to figure out number 1 contender for title a Wrestlemania could be the feud I was looking for in point 2. Of course him and punk should always be a recurring rivalary as well.

4. The Ascension - If wwe is serious about rebuilding the tag division (and they have made an excellent start recently) then a few more dedicated teams are needed to add to the mix instead of placing a few singles together for short term feuds. I've seen these guys on NXT and they have a ton of potential, and a look and gimmick that could really get over quickly. Would be an excellent contrast to PTP to start a long feud. Add in a couple more teams and you have the makings of a new era to harken back to Dudley's/ Hardy's/ Edge&Christian.

5. Dolph Ziggler - Vince has to realise most of the best wrestlers he currently has(in ring and on mic) are mid size athletic guys and he needs to run with that. And sometimes the IWC are 100% right in who they champion - Ziggler just has it - the act, the in ring skills, the attitude. He, like Barratt just needs that final push that will allow him to join the top of the roster spot - again an excellent contender to face D. Bryan in a memorable feud - and interestingly either could switch to face for it. Personally I'd like to see him with the WHC feuding Barret, D. Bryan and Seamus.

6. William Regal - Strange choice when we are talking about possible younger guys to step up and become the future - but every era needs an experienced, but still able wrestler to help guys in their final push - Think Ric Flair in Evolution, Hogan in NWO etc. Now I'm not saying that Regal is on a level with those two (on a money drawing kind of way), but he is one of the most severly under-utilized superstars wwe has. He could really be massively beneficial to any group of wrestlers in a manager/older mentor capacity. He can still put on an amazing match, is brilliant on the mic (both funny or intense) and is a true student of the game that understands how to build a story over a short or long term. I know this final choice is wish fulfillment - but I would love to see a Regal headed faction - just imagine the verbal confrontations with someone like Heyman, Punk, Cena - it has to be better than Vickie, right?
Here's my 6:

Dolph Ziggler- If Dolph is to have a truly great 2013 he needs to cash in at HITC and have a good run until at least Wrestlemania with the WHC. He's got the ability, he maybe needs more mic time.

Kofi Kingston- I see Kofi being a major face in 2013, would love it if he got in the title picture. I'd love to see him have a rivalry with Daniel Bryan, they would have some epic matches I think.

Seth Rollins- I know he's not even on the main roster yet but everything about him screams 'superstar'. His look, his in ring ability, his promo work, everything about him suggests he'll have a massive 2013.

Ryback- He'll be the main man in 2013, no question. He has the right people investing in him, the fans love him and he is entertaining to watch in the ring.

Antonio Cessaro- I love this guy. His in-ring ability is fantastic, that uppercut is beautiful. He should hold onto the US Title until 'Mania and build up some major heat.

Daniel Bryan- He should spend 2013 in and around the title picture, his character has been developed brilliantly and his team with Kane has been one of the most entertaining things in WWE this year. YES!!!

Other contenders- Wade Barrett, Damien Sandow, Cody Rhodes, The Miz, Jack Swagger, Sin Cara and one or two others could have a big year. As long as creative find the right storylines they should fair well in 2013.
Randy Orton It's surprising to me to see a lot of people saying, Randy Orton. If WWE actually go through with turning Orton heel then I have to agree. It's no secret that Randy Orton wants to turn heel and that he is a better performer as a heel. Randy Orton recent career has consisted of a feud against Christian, Mark Henry, Kane, Wade Barrett, and most recently Alberto Del Rio. Orton has been sidelined because of injuries, drug violations, and movies, but once he is full time WWE needs to turn Orton heel and go on the hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship and if he does that he could dominate SmackDown.

Sin Cara I have to also say Sin Cara is a big surprise. I thought most people have given up on him after the botches, the long road to nowhere, and etc. Sin Cara has not really done anything of relevance in the WWE. He had a feud with the impostor Sin Cara, but that's about it. I never doubted Sin Cara and I never hated him. Even though he does botch Sin Cara is one of the smoothest high fliers I have seen in a very long time. I like to say he's an exhibitionist. People just don't understand he did not go to to FCW, he got pulled straight from Mexico and was placed onto the main roster. Yes, he can't speak English, but I think that's why I have been able to appreciate Sin Cara because I understand his situation. Now, he's teaming with Mysterio and from recent reports is getting mentored heavily by him. That's fantastic news. Rumors say these two will have a match at WrestleMania 29 and hopefully once Sin Cara is a singles competitor he shows improvements. Sin Cara has the potential, but how much time WWE puts into him and how hard he is willing to work will be a BIG factor leading into his 2013 year.
My 6:-

Wade Barrett - Sorry to those who say "boring" but he clearly isn't, he wasn't in Nexus and he is the best "natural" to come down the pike in many years... If WWE are not presenting him correctly that is one thing, but the man has a lot of talent AND a money making face turn in him when the time is right - the UK fans will go mental for him eventually, especially if Sheamus is in his right role as heel. The key to Barrett and making it work is giving him that "edge" he had in Nexus. As hated as the new finisher is, it works for that purpose, it's vicious, unusual and could catch on as a face move if needed to. Best thing they could do is put him with Heyman and Punk and have him be the one who turns face.

Jack Swagger - He is gonna be repackaged, made new and sent out to conquer the world. I see them going with his real name, Jake Hagar and making him a total anti-hero. Doing what he does in spite of America, inspite of the fans... he's the closest they have to a pre-broken neck Steve Austin.

Bray Wyatt - This guy will be huge - his gimmick is top notch and he has found something that could make him a top heel quickly. I hear he is in better shape since he got hurt and they have a ready made furnace in that his dad is an agent... have him or his stable beat the crap out of IRS...and Ted DiBiase Sr. Much as I want Ted Jr. to succeed, he'll be the first convert.

Daniel Bryan - Who knew American Dragon would end up the best Sports Entertainer in the world? But he is... he can work, his character is golden and the guy has a genuine knack for getting the fans involved, Yes/No? Not just anyone could get that over. His biggest issue is opponents and I really think this Kane story could see DB v Taker at Mania. I'd prefer the streak to go to Barrett, but DB is a very close 2nd.

Damien Sandow - He's got the look and gimmick and seemingly the talent. I don't think there will be much competition between he and Cody when the team splits. Cody lost his momentum and his edge when he lost the mask... that gimmick was perfect for him to be a main event player. Sandow is the kind of guy it will drive fans crazy when he wins MITB and cashes it in so logically (like straight away) so the "superfluous debate of when" isn't even part of the equation.

Kofi Kingston - Ready for the top a long time ago but still needs the heel turn to make it work. If Flair is a manager, it's perfect for him, even over Ziggler. Everyone expects Dolph to be Flair's pick and the next big thing. But with a proper plan, Kofi could steal all that thunder and be the player that Ziggler won't be.
Kofi Kingstonis gonna get that shot for sure this time, no ifs, ands or buts. I predict he'll carry the midcard with that IC title for a while, but by the end of 2013, he will have been in a major title feud, maybe even a world champ. Kofi's career had a real classic feel up to now, and by that I mean it reminds me of simpler times when you didn't have to win the big one a year after debuting to keep him from "losing steam" in the eyes of the IWC. But now is his time. He'll definitely shine next year.

Prime Time Players are going to dominate the tag team scene in the near future, and by 2013, they'll either keep holding down the tag scene as champs or WWE might try a breakup angle and give them singles runs. Either way, I see big things from both of them. Titus has some serious charisma that's just waiting to be tapped into, and Darren is a solid in-ring competitor who has greatly improved since the Nexus days.

Damien Sandow is the best new heel I've seen in a good minute. He's got a real old-school feel to him, and even though his ego is a part of his character, he manages to supersede the common cocky, arrogant, wannabe '08 Jericho character that infects a lot of WWE's heels these days (Miz, Ziggler, Del Rio, Cesaro)

Cody Rhodes is another one I see rising over the horizon in 2013. He's been through sort of a steady rut since losing the IC title, but once the Rhodes Scholars thing wraps up, I can see management putting faith in him to do something big. Cody's always managed to make whatever he's doing interesting, like the Dashing and UnDashing gimmicks.

The Miz is reportedly getting another push too. Bout time...
The Miz - He has the potential to make it big. i think hes being under used and just used to put people over but not a jobber. Why bring him back, say that he has a new attitude, and give him the IC belt a\just to take it from him.

Dolph Ziggler - hes a good wrestler and hasnt been pushed as much as he needs to be. He has the skill but hasnt been pushed yet. He has the mic skills an talent but the showing off isnt helping him.

Damien - hard to explain it

Randy orton - he needs to turn heel fast and get his title shot

wade barrett - Hes a great brawler and beats the crap outta shaemus he deserves it

Justin Gabriel- i like the way this guy fights. he has the looks, agility, crowd support, and moves than could make him the next RVD lyk how Daniel in trying to be the new Chris Benoit
My 6:
Wade Barrett-He's been impressive since NXT and being leader of the Nexus since his return from injury he has improved even more and I think it is finally time for him to have a world title reign
Antonio Cesaro-Cesaro has plenty of potential shown with a u.s title already during his brief tenure with wwe and personally I feel he could do better than Ryback he's more exciting has a better set of moves in the ring
The Miz His previous push made him into a superstar and I feel he can be one of the companies best heels
Randy Orton-Needs to be let loose as a heel he could rival CM Punk as best heel in the business if he gets the right booking and a heel turn.
Dolph Ziggler- Money in the Bank briefcase holder it is just a matter of time before he becomes world champion and a face turn looks likely in the new year
Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow- These 2 are most likely to become singles competitors and sucessful ones at that and I wouldnt be suprised to see them in the main event picture at some stage in 2013
Kofi Kingston- Although his ringwork impresses me it is clear he will not get into a ppv main event
Tensai- His current gimmick just isn't working and another case of WWE wasting a talented wrestler
Christian- When he returns from injury WWE need to book Christian in Ladder matches or TLC matches and possibly find him a suitable tag team partner like Justin Gabriel or Kofi Kingston and relive the Triangle tag Tlc matches of edge and christian vs hardy boyz vs dudley boyz with Gabriel and Christian vs Prime Time Players vs Primo and Epico
Randy Orton - The guy seriously wants to turn heel, and I think they should allow him to do so, whether SmackDown has a proper top face or not.

The Miz - I've been waiting for The Miz to turn face for quite some time now. Some may not think that Miz is main event material, but even if he isn't, it doesn't matter. Even though Miz has been a jobber this entire year, he still managed to carry himself like a top star. Even if he doesn't win a World Title in 2013, he's going to be a guy to watch.

Damien Sandow - He is great on the mic, and has potential to be a big star. However, I'd like to see how far he can go when he doesn't have the Intellectual Savior gimmick to use as a crutch.

Wade Barrett - This guy's push was long over due. He should be a World Champion, or at least regularly in high profile feuds by now.

Dolph Ziggler - He is a future World Heavyweight Champion. However, the World Title's diminished status as a glorified midcard title may hold him back a bit. I'd like to see how strongly he's booked once he's dropped the belt.

Alex Riley - I think that this injury may be a blessing in disguise for him, as he could possibly get a decent push and a few key victories upon his return. Maybe if he's back before the Royal Rumble, let him put on a few good efforts in the Rumble match, and put him in the Elimination Chamber match as a possible dark horse similar to Santino Marella last year. He should be a premier midcard face, similar to Kofi Kingston. Now that Miz is a face, I wouldn't be against Miz & Riley having an on and off alliance.

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