Site problems?

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Staff member
Hi guys, I was just wondering if you could help me out.

I am trying to create a thread in the E-Fed Creative Control forum but things are messing up all over the place. I created the thread and put in the first post. I tried to post the thread but it told me that no thread had been specified and to contact you guys. After a few efforts though, I managed to get it working and then added the next posts by quick reply. That seemed to work fine but as I checked it again, it said that it only had 2 replies, when it should have had 5. I clicked on the thread and there was only 2 replies as stated. However, when I tried to add the other posts on once more, it told me that no thread had been specified again. I tried to edit one of the posts and it saved it however, the edit doesn't show up when I am viewing the thread. When I edit the post again though, the original edit does. It also not showing all off the posts that I added on.

Here is the thread:

Any help is appreciated greatly.

EDIT: What else is strange is that all of the attempts at posting the posts are there when you follow the latest posts link the first unread. However, if you go in through the Creative Control and click the thread, only 4 are there.
My recommendation would be go to your thread through the link, copy all of your posts, create a new thread, and then delete the old.

Obviously there was some kind of server hiccup when you posted the thread which caused the problem.
I just had the exact problem Dave, trying to create a thread.
Plus when you press "new posts" it comes up with an error atleast 2 out of 3 times.

Edit: just noticed the thread was actually created, but still messaged about the error.
I have been having a problem with posting as well. It says that the post has been posted but then it does not appear.

I think it has been happening to others too as for example I posted another post in Tastycles Newsletter in the Town Square. I know for certain that Tasty himself had posted regarding him touring the Board Room and I replied with a picture of the Spanish Inquisition. Neither post is there now

Basically, every post I have posted since about 11am GMT has become something of a ghost, appearing sometimes but not always
I've been having some minor issues too. Had to log in twice (not on my home computer) and a PM i had said it was read long after I had read it. Nothing major obviously.
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