Sister Abigail


According to the main page and other sites, there's serious talk about bringing in Sister Abigail, the matriarch of the Wyatt Family, to TV as a character. Apparently, the talks have been going on for about a year, but have grown to become much more serious as time has gone on. There's no word on who she'll be or exactly what sort of role she'll be having, i.e. leading the Family with Bray, becoming the new leader/co-mouthpiece, being a competitor, etc.

If she is introduced at some point, she could potentially be interesting and bring about the most intriguing female persona WWE's ever had. As I said, potentially, as it depends on who would portray Sister Abigail, how strong she'd be in the role and what her ultimate purpose would be.
I feel like Sister Abigail's debut has been teased so many times that at this point, it wouldn't have nearly the same impact that it should. Also, I think it would be strange to debut her 3 years after the original debut of the Wyatt's. Where has she been all of this time? And why has Bray not mentioned her in a year?

My smarkiness aside, the debut of Sister Abigail has the potential to be pretty cool depending on who plays the part. But would that mean Bray gives up leadership? What exactly would it do for the current members of the Wyatts? To me it just seems like another person that would overshadow 4 guys (or 3) who desperately need the spotlight. Overall I believe if done right this can benefit the whole Wyatt clan, but I think a few things need to happen if this is to work:

1. Sister Abigail must be a dominating presence. A large, strong, intimidating woman that actually looks like the matriarch of a backwoods, satanic cult.

2. It should be somebody that we've never seen on the main roster before, meaning it should be an NXT rookie or a new signing.

3. I need a legitimate reason for why she has shown up all of the sudden, and I need to know what her relationship with Bray and the Wyatts are. A huge problem with Bray Wyatt has been character development. WWE can't just debut Sister Abigail and not go into depth about her past.

4. She needs to have a defined role. If she's the leader of the group, make sure people know it. If she's a monster who dominates people in the ring, make that clear.

Personally, I would have chosen Awesome Kong if she was still around. She debuted around much the same time as The Wyatt's and her character completely fit the dark, twisted persona that was described for Sister Abigail. I have no faith in Nia Jax in this role... maybe ODB... really no faith in her either. Who knows, I'm still convinced she'll never debut.
I kind of like the mystery behind Sister Abigail and would like it to continue that way. But at this point, anything thatll ignite some momentum behind him. I just don't know how I feel about more characters coming into the fold and he's feuding with the likes of Ryback and fighting with Social Outcast.
....and what her ultimate purpose would be.

That's the key. If they want her to physically flatten people, they could bring back Kharma, especially since one could see Sister Abigail being an oversized 'horror to look at but dangerous to cross' matriarch.

The worst choice, imo? Maria Kanellis, in which the company tries to make Abigail into a beautiful, graceful model. Do you see the character that way? I sure don't.

But since we don't know what function she is to portray and can only guess based on what we want her to be, I'd like to bring back Serena Deeb, CM Punk's former valet, as a mysterious voodoo woman.....sometimes bald, sometimes wearing Jheri curls......and not being afraid to put people under her spell.

Serena is earthy enough to pull it off.
That's the key. If they want her to physically flatten people, they could bring back Kharma, especially since one could see Sister Abigail being an oversized 'horror to look at but dangerous to cross' matriarch.

The worst choice, imo? Maria Kanellis, in which the company tries to make Abigail into a beautiful, graceful model. Do you see the character that way? I sure don't.

But since we don't know what function she is to portray and can only guess based on what we want her to be, I'd like to bring back Serena Deeb, CM Punk's former valet, as a mysterious voodoo woman.....sometimes bald, sometimes wearing Jheri curls......and not being afraid to put people under her spell.

Serena is earthy enough to pull it off.

Exactly who I was thinking could pull it off perfectly. That said, she's already had the sort of cult follower role with SES, so it would be too similar. Not to mention the stupid "Serena" chants that are bound to happen if it were her. That's also the reason a brand new wrestler debuting as her would help a lot.
I can only think of one person off the top of my head to play Sister Abigail


Daffney has the look and personality to pull off Sister Abigail and she's still attractive as well.

It would be nice to see Abigail be an older sibling to Wyatt bossing him around the way he does to the rest of the family and seeing Wyatt react to the situation. I'd like her debut to be her berating Bray for being a shit leader and showing how it's done (getting the family to attack a loved wrestler/celebrity and decimating them). Make her a manager and allow her to flirt with other wrestler's (similar to AJ's crazy schtick but crazy redneck) allowing the Wyatt's to attack and defeat the wrestler's.
Didn't Bray say in a promo that she was dead? I definitely remember seeing this not too long after his debut. I am sure it has been mentioned other times but I definitely recall at least once. Unless this is going to be one of those Kane debut moments. I don't know how I feel about that, I don't know if they should show Sister Abigail as a person. If they did it would lose all effect. It being a person we never see gives it the aura that she needs. Kharma or Dana Brooke come to mind.
It would have been awesome if Asuka hadnot debuted at NxT and came to main roster as Sister Abigail! Now as she and Nia Jaxx have debuted at NxT, I wouldnot want either of these to be part of Wyatts. I hope She is a dominant wrestler like other Wyatts.
Isn't his and Bo's actual sister getting into wrestling ? I read that sometime last year.

Yeah. I too read it last year. I also read a report saying that Bray's actual sister got a WWE tryout last year around June. But i dont think She would be Sister Abigail as it would be too soon for her.
Not to mention the stupid "Serena" chants that are bound to happen if it were her.

That's a good point, remembering how Lord Tensai's entire new persona was destroyed by the 'Albert' chants. Still, Serena might work out because while Tensai was alone in the ring, Serena would have plenty of company, and her act would be totally different than what she did for Punk.

I suppose my main thinking was that Abigail shouldn't be played by one of the women currently on the roster because that would be picked apart by the fans. Imagine if the company decided to turn Alicia Fox or Natalya into the new character. We've known them for too long to make the transition realistic.

I still vote for Serena. Was it actually true that Punk had her fired because she wasn't living a straight-arrow life style? (the S.O.B.) Well, she wouldn't have to live that way playing Sister Abigail, that's for sure. :devil:
I'd rather they brought in someone like Jessika Havok, if we're fantasy booking who Sister Abigail should be.

I like the idea of Sister Abigail, but really, once she comes around, it's time to get rid of the dead weight on the team. Strowman and Erick Rowan need to go.
It's Paige. Paige will return done over in thicker eye make up and run the Wyatt Family as a scary manager type. Thus ending her - This is my house!! - screams six times a match. Bray Wyatt can further the sickness by being romantically involved with his sister Abagail.
Sara Del Rey has never been used on WWE television, and she reportedly travels and works with the main roster now, as opposed to working out of the Performance Center. Crafting a very mysterious look for her and using her sparingly but smartly in the Sister Abigail role could be an option.
Honestly the closest I can visualise is someone like Vickie Guerrero. Not in terms of character but appearance/age. Character is presumably cultist-like and closer to Bray.

It's all conjecture at this point but I think it'd be nice to have a group headed by a creepy woman for a change. Looking forward to seeing what they come up with
I wouldn't use an adult female at all, I would use a child or a teenager. They don't even have to appear in the ring, just in vignettes every once in awhile. Kids can be creepier than adults if used properly and as the Wyatts are this backwoods cult, nothing would be spookier than that.

Remember the Ring and the Grudge, both used kids and they scared the crap out of me.
Sister Abigail should not be introduced as an actual character. She should remain a device used within Bray's own mind to feed his frustrations towards society. The talk of "bringing her to life" sounds like creative falling flat on their asses again and using it as a scapegoat.
I personally dislike the idea of an actual Sister Abigail and always have. I just don't see many people pulling off the role without it being stupid. Besides that - Bray is one of the best talkers in the business, if not the best current promo. What female could play his matriarch?
Sister Abigail has been labeled dead by Bray and Michael Cole on many occasions, bringing her in as a ghost-like entity isn't out of the question though, with Bray following in Undertaker's footsteps, and ya, Daffney was the first person I thought of for a sister Abigail character.

Keeping her as an idea rather than a person allows Bray to Feed off it, especially if the person flops, it ruins Bray's entire persona and the Wyatts, you'd be investing a lot of the idea, and I don't think the payoffs worth the reward. Plus knowing WWE they'll do something batshit crazy like make Bayley Sister Abigail.
I feel bringing in someone in that has control over Wyatt kinda defeats the whole purpose of his cult leader persona. Plus it's undermining the fans as Azane basically pointed out. I don't see this being a good idea on those terms alone. It's bad that the Wyatt's only been on the winning side in feuds when it came to going over on some guys whose better days stretches out over a decade and a half ago.
Wish Isis the Amazon was still wrestling, she'd have been perfect for the role, someone her size and the fact that she's as big if not bigger than the other guys would have been some sight to see coming to the ring.

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