Since WWE is supposedly addressing controversy....

Is this "Addressing Controversy" show a good idea

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That N Word

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WWE is supposedly addressing alot controversy lately. So I was thinking there is two more controversial things they have yet to address. Those two things are the Owen Hart situation and the Chris Beniot situation. I was basically thinking since they are addressing controversy why not do a special on the WWE Network addressing the Beniot situation and do one for the Hart situation. On the Beniot show I would have them show a video package on Raw that would lead to alot of buzz and boost Network subscriptions and ratings. The video package would basically show the same warning from the Network and then say next week, we address the most controversial topic in WWE history....then we hear Beniot's music with it showing the reports. In the exclusive WWE can explain what happened from both sides of the story. The Sullivan story and what was told. They could have Chavo tell what he heard on the phone. They can then explain why they don't mention him (even though it's self-explanatory.) They can then address why he may never be in the WWE HOF. I would then have Vince say Beniot may be mentioned on WWE television but from a historical perspective and not a promotional perspective. I would then have fans vote on whether or not he get's in the WWE Hall of Fame. This would be next year of course and not this year since the class is set. As for Owen I would just address his situation since neither was wrong in the situation and it was an accident. At the end I would have him announced for the HOF. This should even be a mini-project show called "Addressing Controversy." I also do specials on Chyna,CM Punk,and more and even invite them to tell there sides of the story.
Yeah, no fucking way. If they ever tried to capitalize on the Benoit situation like that they would be CRUSHED for it and rightfully so. The company would likely be done as a result. The sponsors would pull out and Raw would likely be canceled.

What a fucking sickening thing to even suggest. Moron.
Yeah, no fucking way. If they ever tried to capitalize on the Benoit situation like that they would be CRUSHED for it and rightfully so. The company would likely be done as a result. The sponsors would pull out and Raw would likely be canceled.

What a fucking sickening thing to even suggest. Moron.

It isn't sickening. The suggestion would be to address it and move on and have the fans decide his fate for HOF or/and ever being acknowledge. I never thought about the sponsors part,so you do have a good point there.
It isn't sickening. The suggestion would be to address it and move on and have the fans decide his fate for HOF or/and ever being acknowledge. I never thought about the sponsors part,so you do have a good point there.

The Benoit situation nearly ended the WWE. It would be crazy to revisit anything to do with him far less, highlight it and build entire programming around it.
Benoit isn't going into the HoF, and he really shouldn't. End of.
WWE is supposedly addressing alot controversy lately. So I was thinking there is two more controversial things they have yet to address. Those two things are the Owen Hart situation and the Chris Beniot situation. I was basically thinking since they are addressing controversy why not do a special on the WWE Network addressing the Beniot situation and do one for the Hart situation. On the Beniot show I would have them show a video package on Raw that would lead to alot of buzz and boost Network subscriptions and ratings. The video package would basically show the same warning from the Network and then say next week, we address the most controversial topic in WWE history....then we hear Beniot's music with it showing the reports. In the exclusive WWE can explain what happened from both sides of the story. The Sullivan story and what was told. They could have Chavo tell what he heard on the phone. They can then explain why they don't mention him (even though it's self-explanatory.) They can then address why he may never be in the WWE HOF. I would then have Vince say Beniot may be mentioned on WWE television but from a historical perspective and not a promotional perspective. I would then have fans vote on whether or not he get's in the WWE Hall of Fame. This would be next year of course and not this year since the class is set. As for Owen I would just address his situation since neither was wrong in the situation and it was an accident. At the end I would have him announced for the HOF. This should even be a mini-project show called "Addressing Controversy." I also do specials on Chyna,CM Punk,and more and even invite them to tell there sides of the story.

Why on Earth would the WWE find it in their best interest to do something as tasteless as that? They addressed it in a brief paragraph in the WWE 50 book and that's about as much as one can say on the subject before it comes off as exploitation.
The problem is they can't address either without legal ramifications... just like they can't address Randy and Steph or Superfly and his dead missus.

All of these are HOT button subjects with court cases involved or legalities. They can't talk about Owen cos the settlement with Martha says they can't... if the deal was different it'd have cost more. Same for Snuka, they can't say anything cos on paper at least the grand jury is still looking at it... Benoit is just gonna go wrong... the best possible "line" is out there, that guys who were his closest friends struggle to reconcile what happened but don't deny it or eulogise him... guys like Jericho... nothing on a WWE show could make the picture any brighter, it's a shit filled toilet for WWE and they're not gonna dive in.

The idea of the show itself isn't bad but with REAL controversy, not the stuff that legally they can't talk about... like Shawn and Marty in 1993 and Shawn being a cnut, getting him fired and directly causing his dependence issues... or Cena and Alex Riley, or Orton and Mr. Kennedy... a show exploring those episodes/stories/myths would probably do WWE a lot of good... The Rivals show on the Network was good at this, painting guys as scum where needed but keeping the right line, particularly the Matt Hardy/Edge episode... a little more acknowledgement of the dirty secrets we all know about isn't bad... that's what has blown this Trips/Chyna thing open... I am sure it's only news to us... they ALL knew 10 years ago it happened... and just kept a lid on it/her until now... to Paul, that's probably a win.

And Benoit DID NOT NEARLY END THE WWE... It's a joke to say that. The company would have survived, just as any other one does where an employee goes nuts... they would and did suffer bad, bad, BADLY for it, but no one would have seen the WWE end for it except the feds who lost Vince's case in 94 and Linda's political rivals.
This idea is god damned ridiculous. Seriously. Was Chris Benoit a great wrestler? Sure he was. But what he did is nothing short of deplorable, and he does not deserve nor should he ever be placed into the WWE HOF by ANY means... regardless of sponsors and stockholder opinions or any other factor. Nor should that situation be "addressed" by the company in any way. Moneitizing Benoit in any way is a horrible idea.

As for Chyna, CM Punk and other controversial figures, they've got plenty of soapboxes out there. Podcasts and so forth. WWE isn't in the business of giving disgruntled former employees a forum to express their hurt feelings.

They're already compromising enough by allowing Benoit footage on the network. That's plenty of recognition for a child murderer.
It's one thing to have someone briefly address Benoit (the portions that they legally can) on a Stone Cold podcast or something but to have an actual special about Benoit, is probably pushing it. So is having people vote on if he's in the HOF. As it stands WWE don't or can't just announce anyone for the HOF and have them in it unless that person or their family agrees. It's already beyond doubtful that WWE will ever want him in and it has been made clear for years that it won't happen with Owen either unless Martha Hart changes her stance.
Holy shit that is the worst idea I've ever fucking seen on this site and I've seen someone suggest that Earl Hebner should have a Hugh Heffner gimmick.

"The video package would basically show the same warning from the Network and then say next week, we address the most controversial topic in WWE history....then we hear Beniot's music"

What the fuck are you thinking? Have them have a promo video about a guy who murdered his family? Providing a different and completely batshit crazy theory to counter argue that he did kill his family

Do you have any idea how fucking bad this will look for WWE on a corporate level its near fucking suicidal.

You're idea is bad, you are bad, you should feel bad.
This thread really doesn't make much sense. WWE already addressed both incidents in one form or another at the time they happened. They have more than moved on & made up their minds regarding Benoit & the HOF without any needed input from some fake fan vote (Owen is a whole different issue with the HOF, as I believe he is now legally allowed to be inducted into the HOF but WWE is holding off due to personal issues with Owen's widow). Also the OP clearly states that it's self-explanatory why Benoit is completely forgotten & not even mentioned unless it's in a historical context, so why would this purposed show even exist? For WWE to dig up old skeletons out of the closet? WWE may reference real world events or opinions somewhat frequently now & they sometimes use a superstars real life to propel their character on screen like with Total Divas, but creating a show to do nothing but bring up sensitive subjects from the past is literally the least likely show WWE would ever create.
Just an extremely bad idea. Exploiting one of your wrestlers killed in the ring and another one that killed his family is beyond distasteful. Owen should be in the HOF but I don't really know what the deal with that is but Benoit will never be. There are some things in life you can be forgiven for, what Benoit did is not one of them. I think Owen's family and the Harts would like to move on and not to open wounds again and as far as Benoit, I think lawyers would be involved and anyone with a possible link like Sullivan that would comment on a show would be getting a visit from law inforcement.
As for being "family entertainment", USA, the sponsors and the shareholders would be livid. I think doing a move like that is seriously putting the future of your company in jeopardy.
I don't know guys - this idea isn't that bad. Just needs a little tweaking.

What if we add a few things to it? WWE could have Michael Cole break out a Ouija board and do an in-ring interview with Benoit - while they are at it, they could get permission from his family (through the Ouija board, because remember, he killed them) to allow Benoit into the Hall of Fame.

They could even have a special stipulation added to the Taker vs Wyatt match - make it a reverse coffin match. Whoever digs up Benoit's corpse first wins. While they are at it, they could have a Money in the Bank match, but instead of having a briefcase hanging from the rafters, have Owen Hart's corpse. Whoever wins has to carry it around all year until they cash it in for a shot at the title.

Finally, they could cap it all off by having OJ Simpson induct Benoit posthumously into the Hall of Fame.

Now we're cooking...:rolleyes:
WWE is supposedly addressing alot controversy lately. So I was thinking there is two more controversial things they have yet to address. Those two things are the Owen Hart situation and the Chris Beniot situation. I was basically thinking since they are addressing controversy why not do a special on the WWE Network addressing the Beniot situation and do one for the Hart situation. On the Beniot show I would have them show a video package on Raw that would lead to alot of buzz and boost Network subscriptions and ratings. The video package would basically show the same warning from the Network and then say next week, we address the most controversial topic in WWE history....then we hear Beniot's music with it showing the reports. In the exclusive WWE can explain what happened from both sides of the story. The Sullivan story and what was told. They could have Chavo tell what he heard on the phone. They can then explain why they don't mention him (even though it's self-explanatory.) They can then address why he may never be in the WWE HOF. I would then have Vince say Beniot may be mentioned on WWE television but from a historical perspective and not a promotional perspective. I would then have fans vote on whether or not he get's in the WWE Hall of Fame. This would be next year of course and not this year since the class is set. As for Owen I would just address his situation since neither was wrong in the situation and it was an accident. At the end I would have him announced for the HOF. This should even be a mini-project show called "Addressing Controversy." I also do specials on Chyna,CM Punk,and more and even invite them to tell there sides of the story.

Where the hell do you get your idea's from? I mean seriously you don't think the WWE has enough crap to handle without digging up the past.

Any mention of Benoit or Hart is liable to create a shitstorm unlike one we haven't never seen before. And to do it in a PG rated era, oh sure let's bring up the guy who killed his wife and child. Okay that will go over well.

And I think we all know that Owen Hart's death was an accident. The reason he's not in the HOF is because his wife wants to have nothing to do with the WWE. So yea, let's have a special on him as well. We'll even get the fans to vote and put him in there anyway. Cue another huge lawsuit.

The stockholders will roast Vince McMahon on a spit. Not to mention what the sponsors and fans will do. This is the single worst idea I've read on this forum, and there have been some doozies.

Oh and CM Punk has already had his say, and so has Chyna, and I'm sure the WWE doesn't want to hear anymore from them either.

EDIT: I think you also have it backwards here. The idea you've come up with is too address controversy, but I'm afraid you would be starting it up by bringing all these things up. Sometimes it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.
It isn't sickening. The suggestion would be to address it and move on and have the fans decide his fate for HOF or/and ever being acknowledge. I never thought about the sponsors part,so you do have a good point there.

They have addressed the Benoit situation, after it happen they were addressing it constantly in an attempt to control the damage that result from it, & it nearly killed the company then, why the fuck would they willingly re-open that Pandora's box again?!

As for Owen, from what I understand the reason he's hasn't been put in the HOF yet, is largely due to his widow not allowing them to do so as she wants NOTHING to do with WWE after they killed his husband. There is nothing to really address there, if WWE comes out & says "Hey, we want Owen Hart in the HOF but Martha is still a bit upset over that little mistake we made which killed her husband & won't allow us to put him in, so it's all her fault he's not in" they just paint the widow of a guy they were responsible for killing as the ad guy in this situation. Unless they're massive pieces of shit that seems like a stupid & disrespectful route to take.
The thing about Chris Benoit is this: the guy killed his wife & son before taking his own life. Now I know that people are supposed to separate Benoit's personal life from his professional one, but this is a situation that trumps any attempt to do that. This isn't a case of wrestler screwing other guys over by playing politics or any of the other usual stuff that certain wrestlers get singled out & condemned over in the eyes of internet fans. Benoit killed is wife & son, he was jacked on steroids since he had in excess of 10 times the normal amount of testosterone in his body autopsy results show that he had significant brain damage and the specialist that examined his brain stating that Benoit's brain was analogous to that of an 85 year old man suffering from Alzheimer's. This is a controversy too controversial for WWE to try to take on and make any sort of gain from; hell, it opened up a can of worms that actually had members of congress considering regulating WWE.

As for Owen Hart, it's definitely topic that could open up a lot of old wounds that's probably best to remain closed. His widow is still pretty bitter, understandably so to some degree, but she tries to sue WWE over anything concerning Owen Hart at the drop of a hat. A few years back, she tried to sue because they used Owen's likeness in some sort of promotion, it might've been for a video game but I can't be completely sure. At any rate, she filed suit even though WWE owned the footage that was used, which got her case thrown out. From what I understand, she doesn't want Owen to be in the HOF. In fact, she basically wants any association between Owen Hart & WWE to be nonexistent, or at least as close to it as she can get.

As for Chyna & CM Punk, why would WWE want to give them a platform from which to bash them? Chyna's latest accusation towards Triple H is that he hit her at one time, which Triple H responded immediately with his own statement saying that she's lying. As for CM Punk, Punk's already said all he wants to say about WWE in the podcast shoot interviews he gave. Besides that, you have to remember he's under contract with the UFC, which means there's a strong possibility he wouldn't be allowed to appear on such a show hosted by WWE even if he wanted to.

WWE has nothing to gain from a show like this when you get right down to it. All it'd be, for the most part, would be people who have a grudge coming forward to complain about one thing or another. The rest of the time would consist of stuff like Benoit or Owen Hart and all that'd do cause problems for WWE in the press and with sponsors. When all is said & done, the result of such a show would be little more than damaged reputations, even if none of the accusations made towards WWE don't hold water the damage would already be done just by making the claims, and a lot of pissed off people.
There are something that you can make money off (Warrior Self Destruction) and then there are incidents that will yield nothing good. WWE is a business company that wants to make money, not lose face and rep.

With the network and in these recent years they have addressed a lot of controversies of the past. Bret came back and that DVD with Micheals, if you watch closely, is both of them sticking to their guns but still, good money was made. Benoit, Owen are just bad bad bad things to remember and something that would not cause nothing but harm.

A controversy they can address, is Nailz and that debacle. Maybe the countdown of the stupidest mistakes in pro wrestling.
Now that I read all your responses,reasoning and opinions it would be an EXTREMELY dumb ass move if they did that. I didn't even think of all the repercussions. I just thought about putting the whole Beniot thing to an end once and for all,where they would address it and move on and shut up everyone who bitches about him not being mentioned.
Some of you people need to take a pill to chill. So it's a bad idea... No need to call someone a moron or a terrible person or what not. Just fookin sayin.

Anyway, it really just comes off as exploitation at this point and making money off of the two most tragic incidents in WWE history. WWE has stated their opinions on the issues and everything has settled down better than could be expected. There's also the fact that they don't want to expose how little prepping was done for Owen's entrance on that night. If they expose how the staff barely even secured or double checked the harness, and how Owen admitted that he didn't feel comfortable coming down on a wire to Vince, it comes off REALLY bad and opens WWE up to heavy criticism.

Just let the dead lie.
The issue with Owen isn't even the whys and wherefores... it remains a hugely tragic accident, but as with the Bruno, Warrior and Savage situation for many years, if one party REALLY doesn't want any involvment in WWE then it's nigh on impossible to get round.

In Owen's case the issue is Martha Hart, who even in Bret's book is described as hating WWE before all this happened. She hated Owen being on the road, put pressure on him to retire and by Bret's admission divided the family from the day her and Owen got together. Once the accident had occured the divisions were riven, with her lawsuits however justified damaging and threatening the careers of other family members who were more WWE friendly/forgiving. Even Bret made his piece but we will likely NEVER know what Martha really thinks, she took her kids and went into recluse. Being honest, the ONLY way Owen ever gets into the HOF is if the kids themselves demand it.

Look at Lanny Poffo, for years he "towed the line" then changed his tune and basically went against Randy's wishes, vetoing them in effect. He has openly admitted that it's not entirely for the fans but that he is now in a position to decide as the "man of the family", even going so far as to imply he was never consulted on things in the past and this is "evening up". It's noble and also a little selfish at the same time, but Randy's mom backed him and it's happening. Perhaps all it ever needed was Lanny to step up.

It's not impossible Oje Hart will come to the same conclusion at some point and simply tell his mother enough is enough...that he's now the man of that family and believes his father would want the situation resolved for the benefit of everyone who loved him. Sadly it's literally gonna take that because rightly or wrongly, the lady is NOT for turning. I can see why, she has spent 15 years fighting her corner, in court, in the press so for her to accede to it all now would perhaps make her seem weak or as a hypocrite and no one wants that, but if her kids are the ones saying "This must happen" then that might be the deciding factor. Maybe if it did happen she wouldn't attend but the kids would, perhaps someone like Natalya who is now somewhat of an elder stateswoman in the WWE set up can broker it.

I hope it does happen, but we don't know Oje and Athena's thoughts either, they might be just as anti as she is... It's a shame all round cos the last thing WWE would EVER do is sensationalise or trivialise the accident if he went in... I am sure Vince would love the chance to get on that stage and apologise for it happening in front of his family and the world, but it would not be right... so induct the Harts as the 5 man unit from 97... that way it's not just about Owen, ALL the kids, Davey's, Pillman's AND Owen's can collect the award for them... THEN if they want nothing more to do with it, fine... but at least it's over.
It was a bad thread to begin with but everyone on this forum has the right to start or comment on a thread to express their opinion. It may be liked or it may not, no need to roast.

As far as it all goes, the WWE would cease to exist if any special program was created to explain the situations of both Benoit & Owens. The WWE has put it behind them and left the door closed for too many years to open it again.
Are you serious here? There's no reason for them to talk about Benoit, none at all.. From reading the title i thought this thread would be more intelligent than this. It happened 8 year's ago, move on already.

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