Since when was edge in wwe for 17 in a half years. Yet another Michael Cole botch.


The Corre
Another botch by Michael Cole :banghead:

I was just watching edge vs r-rtuth and then I hear Cole say edge has been in wwe for 17 in a half years? What the hell ? Edge would have to be in wwe since 1993 to be thier in 17 in a half years. Yet he debuted in 1998 ?
Another botch my Mr.Cole :wtf:

Now we heard this from many people before but serisley how many botches do we hear from him during raw on commentary ?
Is wwe going to ever pull the Trigger on this guy. Or at least move him away from Commentary ?:confused:
I don't think it's that big of a deal as your making it out to be. But hey that is stretching it out their a little bit but like I said, its not that big of a deal. I could see if he said someones name wrong or a summerfest name but really to me it's not that big of a deal.

Cole does a good job as he is bringing in good heat against him self and I think it's a matter of time before they do more with him then just a commentator.
At the top of the show when he was announcing that he had received an Email. He said; ' Excuse me, i have received ANOTHER email from the general manager. Even though it was the first email of the night.

I know that this RAW was taped last week. But Cole should have still been more careful about his wording over the subject.
I noticed Cole's 17.5 years of Edge statement too...I'd say Cole is just being told to be EVEN MORE over-the-top with his "commentary" and general aura of stupidity, to raise the level of heat he gets more and more every week.

"I watch women's golf!"
-Michael Cole
i'm in no doubt cole is being lined up for a much bigger role than commentator, he's been getting behind the heel's more and more over recent weeks which is not typical tweener cole at all! not sure if the general manager role would be too big or too obvious for him though?? we will see...
I think he was talking about how Raw has been around for 17 and a half years. He said how many times in the last 17 and a half years of Raw have we seen someone like Edge take opportunity. (Don't quote me but it was something to that affect)

It was worded very awkwardly but I think he was talking about Raw and not Edge since they seem to be focusing one Raw's history with the 900 episode coming up.
He was obviously referencing the upcoming 900th episode, but he specifically said something to the extent of "how many times have we seen this from Edge over the past 17 1/2 years"
Did this really need it's own thread? You could have easily put this in the Raw aftermath thread, if you needed to ask the question at all. Whether this is Cole making yet another mistake or if it was just poorly worded, it really isn't that big a deal.
he probably ment something along the lines of in the 17 and a half years since raw began, it is very rare to see something like what edge does. worded weird, but not too big a deal.
I don't think a lot of people realize that Vince is at the Gorilla position telling him pretty much what to say the entire night. I hate Michael Cole with a passion, but he acts the way he does because that's what Vince is telling him to do.
He said Raw's been on tfor 17 andf a half years.

listen for fucka sake.

here;s some *********ory material for you though:

At the top of the show when he was announcing that he had received an Email. He said; ' Excuse me, i have received ANOTHER email from the general manager. Even though it was the first email of the night.

I know that this RAW was taped last week. But Cole should have still been more careful about his wording over the subject.

WWE Revisionist history doesn't mean you forget he's received emails in the past

All of the standard ladders are 8 feet tal, and no one bitches when they're called 15 foot ladders
Not only did he botch the Edge in the WWE for 17 and a half years, he also did a botch in the triple threat match.

He always says "Vintage Orton" and then says "Classic Dibiasie"
I actually cannot believe the goddamn scrutiny people on these forums put Cole under. It's so obvious that they are building him into a heel, whether it be as a heel announcer alone, or something bigger (can you say the mastermind and backstage leader of Nexus?). Every freakin' syllable that he utters gets criticized and over-analyzed, it's beyond ridiculous.

So he said he received "another" e-mail. Big deal, he's been receiving them for weeks, what's so hard to grasp about this concept? And he didn't say Edge has been on RAW for 17 years as I recall it, I thought he said something along the lines that we've seen a lot of him over the 17 years that RAW's been on the air, which is true.

I say lighten the hell up. If you didn't think good ol' JR was botching regularly in his later days as announcer on RAW, you must have been watching another show. Sure JR was fabulous in his heyday, no doubt about it, but those days were YEARS ago. Cut Cole some slack. And wait for his vintage heel turn.
I don't think a lot of people realize that Vince is at the Gorilla position telling him pretty much what to say the entire night. I hate Michael Cole with a passion, but he acts the way he does because that's what Vince is telling him to do.

Cole's commentary for the most part sounds just like VKM on commentary back in the late 80's early 90's. Just the way he words things sounds the same.
he probably meant he has been wrestling for 17 years...You know he doesn't say whats on his mind, half the shit they say is bullsh*t anyway!

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