Sin Cara Returns Next Week


Pre-Show Stalwart
i don't know about anyone else, but when i saw the promo for sin cara to return to smackdown next week, i got excited. Im very happy that they decided to let cara return after his suspension. The point of this thread is to discuss what you think is going to happen. I would like to see sin cara put into a good fued. i just hope they don't put him into random matches every week, i want to see a good fued build up. I also think that they need to push sin cara for a title shot, like tag team or intercontinental (maybe when jackson loses it)

What are your thoughts?
What would you like to see?
I wonder why they lifted his suspension and if it's right they lifted his suspension and not someone elses. I'm suprised we see no statement from the WWE saying why they did so because giving a break tio someone who's taken steriods is not good business. Anyways, I'm actually kind of glad he's back. I never really cared for him until his absence from Smackdown and the WWE. Too bad Sheamus is in the middle of a face push because Sin Cara coming back and attacking him would leave a hell of a statement. I too am tired of random matches every week but hopefully he'll get back into the Daniel Bryan, Ted Dibiase and Cody Rhodes picture as I liked what I was seeing before he left. Glad he's back.
I don't know but this kinda feels like trips handiwork to me. But you never know, come to think of it what if it was actual steroids. I remember listing to NPR a few weeks back (yeah I'm old leave me alone lol) that in mexico they were having a problem with tainted beef. Basically the farmers were giving cows roids to make them bigger, the roids got into the meat and when athletes would have beef that was tainted would pop positive. Ok now that I went way off topic. I see cody winning the ic from zeke at summer slam, so after the slam cody and sin cara fuel with cody dropping the title to cara at survivor series to launch cody to the ME. But next friday somehow they will start laying the ground work for the cara cody fued, easy way to do this is have cara make the save for whoever cody and ted are beating down.
Color me extremely disappointed. They lift his suspension after he gets caught taking steroids, after he has consistently botched in the majority of his matches, supposedly because no one else can work his style, whilst getting to choose opponents or have them selected based on their ability to work his style, as well as being moved to the taped show and having the lights dimmed so that they can make his matches look better. Someone remind me why I should be excited about this?

I was excited for his debut and for the next several matches. Since then, he's done a bunch of arm drags and heavily assisted huricanranas whilst otherwise being led around the ring. I hear he's great in Mexico, but it's not working for him here. He's been tagged as HHH's guy, and I guess that's all that matters. Lots of guys could have shown up here, worked botch-filled matches and been released months ago, even without being caught taking steroids, and they would never have been shown so many liberties. He gets to come back early?

Maybe it's Gail Kim in a mask. Fingers crossed.
I don't believe this is in any way confirmed.

All I read was that he was advertised for the show, but WWE haven't said that his suspension was lifted or that he was coming back. This could just be a case of an old advert for the event airing, where Sin Cara WAS scheduled to appear before being suspended.

There were reports that CM Punk was advertised for the RAW after MITB, but he didn't show up.
Gotta file this under "who cares" too. I mean he hasn't been much to start with. Sure he has had some high spots but is nothing more than a Rey V2. If it was up to me I'd have Sin vs Rey with Rey the heel. It would be a good twist.
im glad to see that he is returning, er, i hope he returns next week, he is a great wrestler, despite the people who say he "botchs", and that people carry him through matches which is bs, though, his lighting is annoying. if he does return i expect to see a great match (as always), if not hope he is back soon. i would say that i hope he goes after sheamus but im hoping that sheamus goes after a title.
Honestly, I completely forgot about Sin Cara and it hasn't even been that long since he was suspended. Like someone said before me, I was excited when he debuted, but then grew bored after a few matches.

If the WWE had a legitimate cruiserweight division, then I could see myself more interested in his matches. Needless to say, they don't and the whole David vs. Goliath matches, are beyond old and played out.
If he is not coming back, why would they advertise him on TV during tonight smackdown show? Anyway im glad he is back. He is the best thing that happened to WWE.
If he wasn't going to return eventually then WWE wouldn't have made him new attire and done an injury storyline at Money In The Bank. He would've been jobbed out quickly and then fired, much like Kozlov this week on Smackdown.

A feud with Daniel Bryan seems the way to go. Along with Kidd & Christian he's the only one who's gelled with Cara so far.
How unfair.. But nepotism and favoritism are as much part of fake fighting as being almost naked. :p

Honestly, there isn't much for him to work with. How many Sin Cara vs Tyson Kidd matches do we need? Or are they gonna set up a DB/Sin Cara vs Wade Barrett/Kidd match; boy, someone is going to stand out in that match. haha

I also think Justin Gabriel could be a much better person for Sin Cara's spot.
I'm no math wizard or anything, but isn't 25 days less than 30 days?

I don't know, part of me really isn't too interested. There's only so many times I can watch Sin Cara just come out and have a meaningless match. Put him in a fucking feud or cut the cord. I do see why it would be difficult though. What would anyone feud with a guy who doesn't talk about? ... That was a poorly worded sentence, and I'm leaving it that way.

I have this hunch that he'll be fed to Mark Henry and let go after. Kozlov style.

Well apparently the "sin cara" returning next week will be Hunico who looks and wrestles nothing like the real Sin Cara. I intend to laugh my arse off if that really happens. NOBODY is stupid enough to confuse those two

The only way it would work is if they made it into a plot point.
Well apparently the "sin cara" returning next week will be Hunico who looks and wrestles nothing like the real Sin Cara. I intend to laugh my arse off if that really happens. NOBODY is stupid enough to confuse those two

The only way it would work is if they made it into a plot point.

I read this same report. Are you kidding me? Is this guy that important to them where they would bring a guy up from the minors to take his place for a few days? This is ridiculous.

He's not that big of a deal. Sorry Hunter, but he's not. I thought it was ridiculous last night when they attempted to fool people by giving a storyline reason for his absence. I'm sorry, but I fail to see how this guy deserves this kind of treatment. I don't know... whatever, this whole ordeal pisses me off.
I don't know about that Nick, depending how they play it Sin Cara either gets a guy to wrestle who can work his style or an interesting backstory and a partner who can speak English. Either's better than doing shit all like he has since he signed.
Currently watching Smackdown and they played a promo for the return of Sin Cara next week. Hunico is working dark matches so it could coincide with Sin Cara's return, WWE failed in their attempts to bring Averno to the company so I imagine this was their next thought.

I'm happy he'll be returning - also to those who mention that he'll be back five days early, you need to remember that according to Mistico he didn't intentionally take steroids and that it was an additive in a pain injection he took for his knee, which he has a history of problems with. Although the drug may have been in his system it could have been a small dose, steroids can be found in many things, throat losanges for one contains a small amount.

Mistico is doing what he was brought in to do. Chicago was behind him all the way at Money in The Bank and that could be one of the reasons he's being brought back. They ate up every movement he made, he's over and that's what he's supposed to do. Hes been slowly apadting to the style WWE want him to use and the same style that the fans are complaining about everytime he makes a wrong move.

And look back into history. Jeff Hardy was suspended by the WWE, returned and three months later won the WWE Championship. Mistico has been suspended and during his time off he may have tried to use it, as a way to train further or even take language classes.
Everybody should probably take a few steps back - I'm about to drop a questionable information bomb in here and I wouldn't want anybody to get hurt. KABOOM:

Meltzer is saying on last night's Observer radio show that Mistico is most likely going to be fired and a new guy is going to take over the role from this point forward. Otherwise it makes no sense for a fake one to come back for one week before a ppv and then be replaced by the real one a week later.

The "new guy", it's said, is going to be some chap called Hunico, who's chunkier and taller than Mistico but, apparently, just as Mexican. Probably. Here's a picture:


There you have it, folks - Sin Cara; WWE's version of Suicide. At least they haven't put Christopher Daniels under that thing yet.
Ahh, the old switch-a-roo. I thought WWE had decided that wasn't a good idea after Razor & Diesel, considering I made the suggestion they switch Lashley with Paul Burchall for Battle Of The Billionaires and they didn't use it.

Considering Sin Cara hasn't given anything character wise it won't make any difference.
So Sin Cara is returning - but its not actually Mistico? Well that right there is bullshit.

Hunico oddly enough - is Mistico. For those that don't know what I'm talking about...

Incognito originally wrestled under the name "Místico", making his debut under that name around the same time as the much more well known Místico of Mexico City. At times he is billed as either "Mystico" or "Mistico de Juarez".

So WWE have replaced Mistico as Sin Cara with the other Mistico, planning to fire the actual Mistico replacing him with this Mistico whose actually Hunico whose not going to be as good as Mistico but yet WWE hope that this Mistico can play the role of Sin Cara as well as the other Mistico.

Quite the conundrum.
Lets be honest here the WWE policy is a joke. You can be on roids and smoke dope if a doctor is monitoring your use.

Sin Cara coming back is all about money. The E is returning to Mexico next month to tape Raw and SD, I would expect him to show up on both programs. The guy rakes in cash in for the E in South America and the Southwestern USA, people know its Mistico under the blue mask.

Who cares if they cut him slack, if you had an employee who made you money wouldnt you cut him some slack if it meant your business would prosper? The other thing is roids and drug abuse is not a hot topic anymore MLB and the NFL took care of that spotlight and now its gone.

JUICE em ALL UP is what I say, there is no gambling attached to wrestling and thats why they dont care. MLB, NBA, NFL all have money riding on outcomes and roids affect the score. When you piss off the gambling community your pissing off the US Gov.
Fans should take this as a slap in the face by the E if they decide to use someone other than the original Sin Cara at Smack Down this week.

This is no different than the Fake Razor and Diesel crap they pulled a decade ago. Im for bringing the guy back since the Drug Policy is a joke, but dont bring back someone else under the mask. Its bait and switch, and I hope people ask for refunds after the show (might as well stay:)) for promoting a wrestler who is not there.
This could either be VERY bad for Sin Cara or VERY good..

If Hunico can pull off the Sin Cara character better then Sin Cara himself it might call for a permanent replacement

Or if he does a horrible job, a "Fake" Sting storyline can be created having the "Fake" Sin Cara turn heel and the real Sin Cara can return claiming someone's been imposter him and build a nice first storyline
I say this with all due respect, but I take it as a slap in the face for you to tell me that (according to the title of your thread) as a wrestling fan I have a responsibility to do what you say and boo someone. As a fan, I can cheer and boo who I like, and while I understand where you are coming from, I do not feel that it is my duty to respond to it a specific way.

As far as asking for money back, if the only reason someone bought a ticket was to see Sin Cara, yeah sure, but that person should probably get a refund before going to see the show. But then you bring up fan responsibility, and suggest that everyone going to the show should afterwards demand a refund, or in other words, try to see a show for free and them come up with some silly excuse to try to get your money back? How is that being a "responsible" fan?

All that aside, I do understand your point, and I agree it is lame to put someone else in a sin cara mask. But in the end, if you are entertained, what's the big deal? is reporting that one way WWE might be getting around its own rule is by having developmental wrestler Hunico portray the Sin Cara character until Cara has actually served the 30 day suspension.

So according to Meltzer, Mistico is soon to be gone. According to other sites I've read, Hunico is either being handed a trial as Sin Cara or is simply replacing Mistico for a one night thing so WWE can push forward Sin Cara's return ahead of their tour of Mexico in a possible attempt to get him on the SummerSlam card to also push his name.

Personally, if this is all about WWE attempting to draw money, the obvious route is to have the actual Mistico portray Sin Cara because the biggest draw over the last decade in the country may draw a bit more than a guy who wrestled their for four years and never achieved all that much.
There are some crazy ideas floating around here. First of all, the "I didn't know I was taking steroids" excuse is bullshit and been used countless times. A low-level steroid can exist in lots of things, but it's not necessarily the same kind of anabolic, performance-enhancing steroid. Steroids in cough drops do not show up on drug screens. That's like telling a cop you aren't drunk, you just took some NyQuil. There's also the famous poppy seed bagel joke. If we're going that route, let's believe Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds. Poor them. Him being Mexican is not an excuse, either. It doesn't matter where he is from, or how they do things there. He should fucking know better. He signed a contract, and I will be absolutely shocked if he was not informed of the wellness policy and had to sign off on that either separately, or within his talent contract. He knew the risks, was an idiot and got caught.

To the guy saying that it's different than "competitive" sports and that wrestlers should be encouraged to take steroids... Whatever it is that you happen to be on, put it down, back away and just say no. Please and thank you.

On to a more legitimate point of discussion, the Razor/Diesel comparison is valid, but it's more akin to some of the other stuff we've seen, like when three or four different people wrestled as Doink throughout the character's existence. Because of the face paint, it was harder to tell and a lot of people didn't know. The same logic can be applied to someone wearing a mask, on a purely surface level.

In the case of fake Diesel/Razor, it was really quite apparent that Glenn Jacobs was not Kevin Nash and whoever the other guy was (I forget his name) was not Scott Hall. If an actor and did a stand-in for Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, a high profile film, replacing him in a scene with his face on camera, speaking dialogue, people would think it was bullshit and throw popcorn at the screen, but if someone did a stand-in when he was wearing a mask, people probably wouldn't question it or know the difference. There is a difference between smoke and mirrors and just blatantly insulting peoples' intelligence.

That said, I'd prefer that Sin Cara just stopped existing, regardless of whoever they want to wear the mask. I'm annoyed by the special treatment, his inability to deliver and the complete lack of direction for the character.

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