Sin Cara Negro Unmasked; What Does The Future Hold For Hunico?


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How the motherfuck isn't there a thread on this already?

As reported on FW4online.
- On last night’s episode of WWE Friday Night SmackDown the original Sin Cara defeated the black Sin Cara in a Mask vs Mask match, unmasking the former Hunico. WWE hasn’t made it clear yet where the Sin Cara storyline will go from here but there was talk of continuing the feud between the two for several months.

Dirt Sheets, Dirt Sheets, you lie to me a lot, but could this be true? You're telling me the Mask vs. Mask match was just the start of things to come?

I have a few issues with this. Mask vs. Mask Matches in Mexico usually mean the end of the feud and not the beginning. This feud between the two can only go so far. The only bit of background story we have to go on here is what the announcers are telling us; that Sin Cara Azul stole Negro's Character when he left Mexico to go compete in the states. They can only go so far here with the lack of mic time and english speaking abilities. Will a match between two different Masked Wrestlers be any different in the WWE unless one of them is named Mysterio? I honestly can't see Sin Cara doing anything relevant with Cody Rhodes occupied with Orton unless someone else comes in. But what will Sin Cara Negro (Hunico) do? Is it possible to rebrand him as another Superstar; perhaps Hunico and have him compete against Sin Cara again? Or would the fans see right thrrough that? I would love for Hunico to remain on the active roster. Hunico is damn sure deserving of that and he's proved it with his feud with Mistico.

What will happen to Hunico if he doesn't continue to feud with Sin Cara?

Do you think the WWE could possibly repackage Hunico under a different mask and make it look as if someone else is feuding with Sin Cara?

What will Sin Cara do now?

Who will the WWE feed to Sin Cara next?

Averno anyone?

What will happen to Hunico if he doesn't continue to feud with Sin Cara? I don't actually know. Although I agree and am under the impression that a Mask vs. Mask match is the end of feuds in Mexico, that isn't always the case, Hector Garza and Super Parka is a rivalry I know of which had two Hair vs. Hair matches in a six month feud - hair, not a mask, but same thing. Also La Mascara and Averno are still feuding, and Averno unmasked a couple months back after losing to Mascara.

In reality without Mistico to feud with, unless Hunico turns on someone and unleashes his anger I don't see any other way to stop him slipping back, possibly back to development.

Do you think the WWE could possibly repackage Hunico under a different mask and make it look as if someone else is feuding with Sin Cara?
I think It'd be too obvious. WWE need to hold back on all the masked wrestlers for a bit, and having them all feud with Sin Cara like he is some big magnet to other hispanic wrestlers looks stupid too. Have him come back, possibly as Hunico and wrestle without the mask. If they proceed using him that is.

What will Sin Cara do now?
Hopefully get a good feud with someone in the mid-card. I'd still like to see a Christian vs. Sin Cara feud, as the match they had on Smackdown is probably still the best Mistico has had since his jump to WWE. Another would be Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes, maybe for the IC Championship.

Who will the WWE feed to Sin Cara next?
A clammer of mid-card flops, Jindar Mahal and co. as I like to refer to them as. Maybe even, if WWE really want to go big, Wade Barrett. A Barrett vs. Cara feud wouldn't be the worst idea.

Averno anyone?
Doubt it. He was supposedly signed last April or May and he is still performing for CMLL, still in the Main Event, still even holding a Championship I believe. Chances are the deal either fell through or WWE are being very generous in allowing Averno to stick around CMLL a while longer.
What will happen to Hunico if he doesn't continue to feud with Sin Cara?

I was honestly hoping that they'd keep him on board and use him as a solid midcard heel. I've liked what I've seen from him so far, and honestly, I think I'd go so far as to say I prefer him to the real Sin Cara. If they want to end the 2 Cara's feud now, he can move on and maybe help re-build DBD or Zeke Jackson

Do you think the WWE could possibly repackage Hunico under a different mask and make it look as if someone else is feuding with Sin Cara?:

They could, but that'd defeat the whole purpose of having the Cara feud in the first place. I kinda liked the black Cara outfit anyway, so I hope not

What will Sin Cara do now?

Well Mark Henry is tied up with Big Show, Cody is with Randy and might move on to Booker T, and I doubt they want him in a tag team, so I'd say he's not at the point of getting a title shot yet. He'll probably get one more upper midcard feud before getting a shot at the IC title

Who will the WWE feed to Sin Cara next?

My best guess would be either DBD or Wade Barrett if they wanna end the Hunico thing. Or they'll bring in Averno, which brings us to the next question...

Averno anyone?

I always wondered if they were still going to use Averno. Maybe he'll come in soon.
What will happen to Hunico if he doesn't continue to feud with Sin Cara?

I was wondering this while watching SmackDown, too. I suppose he will just fade back into FCW to prepare him for the big time. It's a shame though, I really like his in-ring work, it's not a typical Mexican moveset as he has the perfect combination between high-flying moves and slower-paced moves. Will he be a big player in the future? I don't see why not, but, we have to remember his call-up to WWE was a rushed decision, an improvisation if you like, showing that WWE maybe didn't want him called up in the first place.

Do you think the WWE could possibly repackage Hunico under a different mask and make it look as if someone else is feuding with Sin Cara?

Could they? Yes, but wouldn't everyone see through it? Maybe they could keep the angle going through a promo explaining the re-packaging ala Festus/Luke Gallows in 2010. It keeps him relevant and interesting. He could also possibly be repackaged without a mask, it might give him a different look.

What will Sin Cara do now?

He will probably go on to a little feud with Daniel Bryan or someone along those lines. After all, he was in the middle of the Cara vs Cara feud for a while so they could write him into a storyline with him relatively easily. He could also go for the Intercontinental Title, if Cody's future is set for better things. I wouldn't really support this decision as Rhodes is thriving in his role and Sin Cara needs to learn English before competing for a championship. A feud with Christian would be neat, although a massive step-down for Captain Charisma. I'd like to see him in a few more matches with people like Trent Baretta, Yoshi Tatsu, Justin Gabriel, etc... A tag-team with one of these men would work too.

Averno anyone?

God, I wish. Averno is an absolute beats in the ring, he's better than Mistico, in my opinion. The sooner he debuts the better, if you ask me. I hope he isn't just used to be buried by Sin cara, though.
There are cases when feuds continue after a wrestler loses a betting match. It works for establishing them as heels especially if they just turned.

As for the Negro?Azul feud, I hope it keeps going. I really dig how they built the feud around their real life trademarking issues. Made the match feel extra special in from of the Mexico City fans. A new mask and name are most likely for Hunico/Negro. It's definably the way to go. It would be a shame to just toss him back to FCW after he was drawing some heat. And in my eyes, they can work better matches. And under better lighting.
Oh god I hope Averno is still coming. He is a master of heel ring psychology. Watch any of his matches with Mistico or La Masacara. Until the year is out, I'm holding out that maybe there's some technicality or something in the way, for the good of my hope!

As for Hunico, I too have been impressed with his run as Sin Cara negro. I'm hoping he stays around the midcard, sort of like Cody Rhodes did before the whole undashing thing, until Rhodes eventually drops the IC title. On the blue brand, he's already outshone (in my eyes) Jinder Mahal...the only other midcard heel (Who's not exclusive to Superstars) on Smackdown.

As to the guy who said he should come back with a new mask, I don't think they're going to do that for a few reasons. Although Mysterio has done it (not a new mask, but being unmasked and put it back on), he is an exception due to his popularity and his merch sales. I see Hunico going to the route of Del Rio, adopting a full name (maybe) and going on from there. Superstars for a few months/a few Smackdown and Raw appearances until whenever Rhodes' drops the title to a face.

That or they unfortuantly send him back to FCW. I think he has earned his spot, but when you think about it...not really too much for him to do outside feuding with Cara. Unless a Daniel Bryan/Ezekiel Jackson/Ted DiBiase feud is in the making...none of which sound too appealing. I think it would be acceptable for him to do FCW until the draft, then come back re-packaged, especially if Averno is in the mix by then.
I believe that Hunico will come back under a new mask in 2 weeks.Another thing that can happen is Sin Cara going back to the same thing before he got suspended and that is just doing flashy moves or okay matches.One thing for sure is that he'll still have a that special light effect during matches.
First thing I'm gonna say is that I LOVED that Cara Azul won with La Mistica. Nice little nod to the Mexicans in attendance.

They can do lots of stuff. Negro seemed to be able to work the americn style a lot better and speaks pretty decent english.

Really you can now branch out wherever you want really. Face paint, another mask, try to unmask Azul, etc. All sorts of shit. My guess is they keep with the Sin Cara v. Sin Cara feud. Although the feud isn't all that over in the US from the sounds of the audience. Maybe you can add more players.

I think the problem with Cara and the US audience is that it's hard for them to gauge him. the obvious thing is to have Mysterio give him the rub.

With Negro it's really easy, he's foreign, speaks english, and knows the American style. Being foreign is one of the easiest ways to get heat. have him win the US title and rename it the Mexican title or some shit. Have him join ADR. have ADR/Negro vs Mysterio/Azul eventually.

If anything, dropping the mask and the "negro" was the best thing for his career.
Well the night that Hunico was unmasked I would have been doubtful as to whether he would be able to find success after being unmasked but now it's obvious that his unmasking was the start of something bigger and better. As soon as he was unmasked I instantly though of guys like Juventud Geurrera, after he lost his mask to Chris Jericho he was never the same, sure he still had success and was still good but it hurt his character bad. So when such a talented wrestler as Hunico was unmasked so early into his time in the company I was very upset and worried, but now that he has teamed up with a hot young prospect in Epico and his cousin Primo it looks like there is still a bright future for Hunico in the WWE and I am very excited for what he does next.

Now I'm pretty damn sure that Hunico and his new friends are going to be looking for revenge against Mistico for embarrassing him. My guess, and I really hope this happens is Mistico teams up with Air Boom and feuds with these guys. It makes sense and I think that not only the teams would mesh well but they would put on great matches. Probably wrong here but now that I've thought of it I think that it's a brilliant idea and would be a blast to watch.
i personally was very happy seeing hunico, epico, and primo together on smackdown. the finishing combo was pretty exciting (apart from the fact epico stole the codebreaker) and im interested to see what the supposed stable do next. hopefully they can become quite strong, maybe give hunico the IC with epico and primo being a force to be reckoned with as well.

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