Silva-Belfort off for UFC 112

Via Armbar

Has a pretty good dick.

Vitor Belfort has withdrawn from a headlining title bout against middleweight champion Anderson Silva at UFC 112 on April 10 in Abu Dhabi. was the first to report that Belfort, a former UFC light heavyweight champion, had sustained a shoulder injury that jeopardized his participation in the bout. UFC President Dana White has since confirmed Belfort’s withdrawal with Yahoo Sports.

Fucking great. One of the fights I was looking forward to the most and has been talked about up the ass. On the bright side the card still has Penn-Edgar on it which should be pretty good. But then again the undercard looks very mediocre witht he saving grace being Hughes-Gracie. When the biggest name on an undercard is Kendal Grove don't expect much. He's praying to god that Penn or Edgar don't injure themselves, we don't need another 108.

Now what does this mean for Chael Sonnen. His minimum 30 day no contact clause will be up by the time 112 rolls around, so there's hope he could fight Silva there. Then again, it would be incredibly foolish of him. He'd have a little more than a month to prepare for arguably the pound for pound fighter in the world. Nobody should rush a fight anywway, but it's naive to think that this could be a decent enough amount of time to prepare for Silva. Sonnen may be bat shit crazy but he's not stupid. I don't think he'll step in and call in his shot then, I think Silva-Belfort will still happen. If it does I can see it being at 115 and co-headline with Liddell-Ortiz.
Though an injury will keep Vitor Belfort from competing during the UFC's maiden voyage to Abu Dhabi, middleweight champion Anderson Silva is still expected to fight at UFC 112, UFC President Dana White told MMA Fighting early Friday morning.

Belfort injured his shoulder in training and will require surgery.

White gave no indication as to who Silva might face, but said the fight will be in the middleweight division, indicating that "the Spider" will indeed defend his belt. At last Saturday's UFC 109, Chael Sonnen soundly defeated Nate Marquardt and was promised a title shot after Belfort and Silva squared off. Now, with Silva out, Sonnen seems the most likely possibility, but no sure thing.

During the three-round fight, Sonnen suffered lacerations on his forehead and nose, and is not allowed contact until March 9 under the Nevada State Athletic Commission's post-fight medical suspensions. He could be cleared to fight by UFC 112's April 10 date, though it would only allow him an abbreviated camp. Given the opportunity to fight for a belt, however, he may still be interested. Interestingly, in the wake of UFC 109, he mentioned he would continue training just in case this exact scenario played out.

Sonnen is crazy and brave enough to go for it on a short camp, but it would be a shame if he wound up fighting not at 100%. I think that if he has a guaranteed title shot, which is what he should have after beating Marquardt, he needs to take time getting to 100% for this. Of course, with him mentioning that he would continue to train in case Vitor wouldn't be set to go makes you wonder if Sonnen knew something.

I do find it curious that Dana wouldn't indicate who Silva would fight. Of course, Sonnen is the surest thing, but again, it wouldn't be smart for him to attempt this on a short camp. Maybe Patrick Cote, who has finally been cleared to fight, will get another shot at Silva if Dana's being mysterious about this.

But with Dana guaranteeing Silva will fight at UFC 112, it should be interesting to see who winds up getting the shot.
Well, if he's fighting a Middleweight, then it has to be Chael Sonnen, end of fucking story. The only way I would settle for anything different is if the UFC brought in Kazushi Sakuraba or Nick Diaz to fight Anderson Silva, and of course we all know neither option is happening.

The fact of the matter is that Chael Sonnen is literally the ONLY Middleweight the UFC has right now with any steam going for himself. Maia got knocked out in just a couple of seconds against Marquardt the fight before his last, Marquardt got dominated by Sonnen just two weeks ago, Yushin Okami loss to Sonnen in his last fight, Sexyama hasn't done anything recently, Dan Henderson's not in the company anymore (wonder if he's regretting that now), etc.

So, looking at it, how could anyone disagree that Chael Sonnen is the only option? I doubt even Dana White disagrees, and because of that... my hopes are kind of up hearing him say that it's going to be a Middleweight Anderson is fighting. There's nothing more that I want right now than to see Anderson Silva crush this guy's fucking face, or choke his homophobic ass out with a triangle, and FINALLY shutthis moron up for good. As the Smiths song goes.... Please, Please, Please let me get what I want.
FUCK!!!!!!! I am so pissed about this fight getting called off. I really hope Vitor gets healthy and is still given a title shot and not passed over like Karo Parisyan was a couple years ago. I still believe he would put on one hell of a show with Silva.

On to Silva's next challenger. Like you all have said Sonnen makes the most sense but coming off of his last fight and the time table between now and the supposed title shot it would be a stretch. Sonnen is a warrior and it would not surprise me if he took the fight, however, he won't be 100% if he does. I feel as though they should push the title fight back a month or so to give Sonnen a little more time to prepare. I want to see a two title fight show but not if one of the competitors is not 100%. It would make for a lesser fight and possible another slaughter like Leites and Cote, and they were 100% going in.
According to Sonnen, it won't be him fighting Silva at 112.,219404

Sonnen said Friday he had a discussion with UFC matchmaker Joe Silva and will not be offered the fight. UFC president Dana White said Friday that Silva will remain on the card, but said he still does not have an opponent. There aren't a lot of viable options, particularly if Silva defends his middleweight title rather than taking a non-title bout as a light heavyweight.

Cliffnotes version: Iole is naming the following as possible replacements:

Wanderlei/Bisping winner, provided the winner doesn't get hurt
Alan Belcher
Yushin Okami

The most viable option would be the UFC to hedge their bets on the winner of Wanderlei/Bisping not getting hurt. Anderson Silva vs. either Wanderlei or Bisping would at the very least be a major draw. Alan Belcher actually getting the shot would be a hilarious fight, and I couldn't see it happening, especially when Sexyama is an alternative and he beat Belcher. Also, at least Silva vs. Sexyama would be a draw for the UFC. I can't see Yushin Okami getting the shot. Sure he's the last fighter to technically beat Anderson Silva, but he had a decisive loss to Chael Sonnen, has negative name value, and isn't even a headliner for the next fight card he's on... which is a UFN.

The fact that Iole is coming out with these names means that these are the only options Dana and Joe Silva are looking at. Iole is the only writer who Dana has a positive rapport with.
That really sucks i mean i was looking forward to that fight its a real shame hopefully belfort will heal up fast and get another fight against Silva in the near future. This really irritates me because i wont to see silva get beat and Belfort probably had a good shot to beat him don't get me wrong he's a great fighter but for some reason i can't stand him.

No on to who should fight silva for the title right now and in my opinion it comes down to two fighters and those two are Yushin Okami and Michael Bisping. I'm not a big Bisping fan myself but i feel that he has been a good fighter and the only fight he looked really bad in was the fight with Hendo and Hendo is an amazing fighter nothing to feel ashamed of there. Yushin Okami i feel has been overdue a title shot for awhile and i hope he will get that shot now that Belfort is out. Okami has lost two fights in the UFC and those were to Rich Franklin a former champion by decision and to Chael Sonnen a top contender for the Middleweight title by decision all his other fights he has looked really good.
Well, Bisping has to get past Wanderlei Silva first. Given how Bisping's standup game is pretty brutal, I give the edge to Wanderlei in this matchup, truthfully. We saw how Henderson showed how Bisping's standup game is terrible, and we also saw DENIS KANG knock down Bisping in his last fight, and for a few seconds in that fight, Bisping was in major trouble. Wanderlei is going to look to stand with him, and he's probably going to knock him out.

Yushin Okami, at this point, is irrelevant. His last real significant win was over Tanner, he's had a real hard time staying healthy, and he didn't look good against Sonnen. Okami is not deserving of anything close to a title shot at this point.

It's a shame. If Henderson stuck to his gameplan throughout the entire fight with Silva, I really wonder how different the Middleweight Division would be. Henderson was on his way to victory by wrestling Silva and controlling him on the ground. It was classic Decision Dan, but the gameplan worked, and he stupidly tried to bang with him in the second round. Silva is susceptible to being wrestled, and that's why I think Chael Sonnen, when the time comes, can actually have a decent chance at pulling off a victory.

EDIT: Demian Maia is confirmed to fight Anderson Silva.
Man, nothing against Damien Maia, but this sucks ass.

Seriously, Chael Sonnen is a little fucking bitch. Talking all that shit about how easy of an opponent Anderson Silva would be, and then doesn't put up a fight to actually get in the cage against thw guy for a Title shot? Give me a fucking break. I don't care if he would have had only a month to train... this is for a title shot. A real fucking Champion would have taking that fight, end of story. Sonnen's a fucking punk. Fuck him.

Anyway, I just hope Damien Maia shows up to fight and doesn't pull a Thales Leites. Though, I'm super worried that's exactly what he's going to do. I think they should have gone with Sexyama instead. That would have been a guaranteed fun fight and build-up. This here has potential to be a real snooze fest and another waste of Anderson's time (his fights are precious, since it's possible he only has a couple of left in his MMA career).
JMT summed my thoughts up pretty much to a T. I believe Silva needs to fight someone regardless of if it is a title fight or not at the show he is supposed to fight on, which escapes my mind right now. My personal opinion is he should fight Sexyama. Considering Okami just got his ass kicked, Marquardt got spanked, and Belcher lost to Sexyama, Sexyama makes the most sense.

Then again the winner of Bisping/Wandy would make sense as well, sorta. I don't really think any of the above deserve a title shot at all, but the most exciting fight would be against Wandy. Hopefully, Wanderlei Silva can knock Bisping's punk ass out without getting hurt and then get offered the much undeserving title shot. I think he would give Anderson a run for his money, not that he would beat him but that he is a terrific striker. Other then that Sexyama is my favorite to fight Anderson.
Demian Maia is confirmed to fight Anderson Silva.

And...Rizza just creamed himself, I know, I know I was totally downplaying this fight in the MMA News and Tidbits thread, but goddamn if its in Ink, and Silva is most defintly going to be on the card, then fuck a LHW and let my boy get a try, and if worse come to worse(R1 KO from Silva) thens its not like a massive disappointment for most people, hell Silva's the best of the best and IMO the number 2 P4P fighter in the world and even I can accept my favorite fighter wont win the belt this time. Even with his loss to Silva(if he loses, stranger things have happend)he would still remain a top name in the divison, and a few more of his sub wins should be more then enough to get him another one. Lets just say for hypothetical reasons what if Maia gets Silva to the ground. Now I don't necessarily see Maia slapping on a Jaw dropping sub, but I do see Maia being able to control him there better then most, and if he is coming into that fight as focused as he was in the Dan Miller fight, along with enough stand up to avoid get Mardquarted till he gets it to the ground, then this could be closer then alot of people think.
Man, nothing against Damien Maia, but this sucks ass.

Seriously, Chael Sonnen is a little fucking bitch. Talking all that shit about how easy of an opponent Anderson Silva would be, and then doesn't put up a fight to actually get in the cage against thw guy for a Title shot? Give me a fucking break. I don't care if he would have had only a month to train... this is for a title shot. A real fucking Champion would have taking that fight, end of story. Sonnen's a fucking punk. Fuck him.

Anyway, I just hope Damien Maia shows up to fight and doesn't pull a Thales Leites. Though, I'm super worried that's exactly what he's going to do. I think they should have gone with Sexyama instead. That would have been a guaranteed fun fight and build-up. This here has potential to be a real snooze fest and another waste of Anderson's time (his fights are precious, since it's possible he only has a couple of left in his MMA career).

I totally agree with you Jmt this sucks ass big time i have no interest in seeing Maia fight i have a feeling that Silva is going to beat down Maia and i can think of three or four fighters that deserve a title shot over Maia horrible matchmaking by the usual good Joe Silva.

Chael Sonnen is a total punk i cannot agree more i mean you get a title shot against one of the top 5 fighters in world and you turn it down that is ridiculous. I don't care if you only have a month to train you get your ass in the gym and train like you have never trained before. I'm actually glad Sonnen doesn't get to fight Silva because it's obvious he doesn't have the heart. This fight went from one my most anticipated fights of the year to one of the biggest let downs of the year this is total crap.
I totally agree with you Jmt this sucks ass big time i have no interest in seeing Maia fight i have a feeling that Silva is going to beat down Maia and i can think of three or four fighters that deserve a title shot over Maia horrible matchmaking by the usual good Joe Silva.

Chael Sonnen is a total punk i cannot agree more i mean you get a title shot against one of the top 5 fighters in world and you turn it down that is ridiculous. I don't care if you only have a month to train you get your ass in the gym and train like you have never trained before. I'm actually glad Sonnen doesn't get to fight Silva because it's obvious he doesn't have the heart. This fight went from one my most anticipated fights of the year to one of the biggest let downs of the year this is total crap.

Considering were only two months into 2010 how can you say it is one of the biggest let downs of the year? We haven't even seen how the rest of the year will play out yet. Biggest let down of the first two months, yes, of the year, no.

And as far as questioning Sonnen's heart that is horseshit. The dude is a warrior, plain and simple. He just fought against one of the best in the world and won, now he is expected to turn right around to fight the best in a months time? Fuck that noise, I would have turned it down as well. If they had given him some time to heal and have a decent camp then this would be a non-factor but you guys are asking to much here.

Maia will get disgraced by Silva, simple as that, no offense Rizza. He simply is not in Silva's league not that Sonnen is but I think Sonnen would fair better then Maia. Like I said before the challenger needs to be the winner of Bisping/Wandy or Sexyama, preferable Sexyama.
Considering were only two months into 2010 how can you say it is one of the biggest let downs of the year? We haven't even seen how the rest of the year will play out yet. Biggest let down of the first two months, yes, of the year, no.

And as far as questioning Sonnen's heart that is horseshit. The dude is a warrior, plain and simple. He just fought against one of the best in the world and won, now he is expected to turn right around to fight the best in a months time? Fuck that noise, I would have turned it down as well. If they had given him some time to heal and have a decent camp then this would be a non-factor but you guys are asking to much here.

Maia will get disgraced by Silva, simple as that, no offense Rizza. He simply is not in Silva's league not that Sonnen is but I think Sonnen would fair better then Maia. Like I said before the challenger needs to be the winner of Bisping/Wandy or Sexyama, preferable Sexyama.

Yes we are only two months in to the year but in those two months it is the biggest disappointment so far but that could change in the next 10 months so that means its the biggest disappointment of the year so far. I will question his heart there are a lot of other fighters out there that would take this fight on short notice and view it as a challenge not everything in life is going to be the perfect set up. I mean who knows this could be Sonnen's only chance for a title shot you never know he really should seize the opportunity and take the fight. But at least we agree that Maia is going to get crushed.
Yes we are only two months in to the year but in those two months it is the biggest disappointment so far but that could change in the next 10 months so that means its the biggest disappointment of the year so far. I will question his heart there are a lot of other fighters out there that would take this fight on short notice and view it as a challenge not everything in life is going to be the perfect set up. I mean who knows this could be Sonnen's only chance for a title shot you never know he really should seize the opportunity and take the fight. But at least we agree that Maia is going to get crushed.

He earned a title fight by beating Marquardt, that along gives him the reason to wait until he is healthy and has time to have a proper camp. This is your biggest disappointment of the year, I think Gegard Mousasi possible leaving Strikeforce is much more troubling. Sure I would love to see him in a UFC ring and believe he would excel but that will pretty much destroy all credibility the Strickforce Light Heavyweight division has built up.

Sonnen will get his title shot, and if he doesn't, well lets say I won't stay up crying over it at night. he is the hottest Middleweight in the UFC right now, outside of Anderson and Belfort. I think he will be just fine. If he were to fight Silva so soon it would just be the UFC feeding Anderson a tired, worn out, opponent and not a challenge and I think Sonnen realizes that.

He earned his shot at Silva already which also intitles him to be healthy and a have a camp. No need for him to rush into it. None of this says anything about his heart, if anything it shows he is smart by not being fed to the big bad wolf known as Anderson Silva.
And as far as questioning Sonnen's heart that is horseshit. The dude is a warrior, plain and simple. He just fought against one of the best in the world and won, now he is expected to turn right around to fight the best in a months time? Fuck that noise, I would have turned it down as well.

I disagree, man.

The fact of the matter is Damien Maia fought on the same card, and did so for 15 minutes just like Sonnen did. When asked if he wanted to fight Anderson Silva next month, Maia jumped right at the opportunity. THAT is a warrior. Chael Sonnen, on the other hand, is a little bitch, IMO.

You cannot talk all this trash, and then when the fight's offered to you, decline it. Sonnen claims he barely trains as it is, and that Anderson Silva would be an easy victory for him... so why would a month be too short of notice? The guy is simply a clown who runs his mouth, but doesn't back it up. Also, in doing this, he's letting the fans down. Fans want to see Chael Sonnen vs. Anderson Silva, and now it won't happen because Chael's acting like a chump.

Dana White has to be disappointed. Real fighters, real champions, take fights no matter what. I guarantee BJ Penn would fight Anderson Silva if asked to, because he's a true warrior. Chael Sonnen is nothing more than a sleazeball politician, and if he's going to decline opportunities like this, then he should not be in the sport, plain and simple.
He earned a title fight by beating Marquardt, that along gives him the reason to wait until he is healthy and has time to have a proper camp. This is your biggest disappointment of the year, I think Gegard Mousasi possible leaving Strikeforce is much more troubling. Sure I would love to see him in a UFC ring and believe he would excel but that will pretty much destroy all credibility the Strickforce Light Heavyweight division has built up.

Sonnen will get his title shot, and if he doesn't, well lets say I won't stay up crying over it at night. he is the hottest Middleweight in the UFC right now, outside of Anderson and Belfort. I think he will be just fine. If he were to fight Silva so soon it would just be the UFC feeding Anderson a tired, worn out, opponent and not a challenge and I think Sonnen realizes that.

He earned his shot at Silva already which also intitles him to be healthy and a have a camp. No need for him to rush into it. None of this says anything about his heart, if anything it shows he is smart by not being fed to the big bad wolf known as Anderson Silva.

Yes this is a much bigger disappointment then Mousasi leaving Strikeforce because Belfort vs. Silva was fight i have been looking forward to for months and know that is ruined and they pass up the three or four fighters that should have the fight against Silva and give it to Maia who doesn't deserve the shot and know this a fight that i don't give a fuck about. Mousasi going to UFC isn't a disappointment i actually like it because that means better fights for me to watch because the UFC has the best talent.
I disagree, man.

The fact of the matter is Damien Maia fought on the same card, and did so for 15 minutes just like Sonnen did. When asked if he wanted to fight Anderson Silva next month, Maia jumped right at the opportunity. THAT is a warrior. Chael Sonnen, on the other hand, is a little bitch, IMO.

You cannot talk all this trash, and then when the fight's offered to you, decline it. Sonnen claims he barely trains as it is, and that Anderson Silva would be an easy victory for him... so why would a month be too short of notice? The guy is simply a clown who runs his mouth, but doesn't back it up. Also, in doing this, he's letting the fans down. Fans want to see Chael Sonnen vs. Anderson Silva, and now it won't happen because Chael's acting like a chump.

Dana White has to be disappointed. Real fighters, real champions, take fights no matter what. I guarantee BJ Penn would fight Anderson Silva if asked to, because he's a true warrior. Chael Sonnen is nothing more than a sleazeball politician, and if he's going to decline opportunities like this, then he should not be in the sport, plain and simple.

I can agree to an extent, I am sure Maia jumped at the oppurtunity considering it may be his only shot at the belt. He got Ko'd my Marquardt has no real reason to be in a fight with the champ at this stage. He got lucky that Sonnen didn't take the fight and jumped all over it because he may never get another shot if gets knocked out so easily.

Sonnen endured a lot of shit with Marquardt and do we really know what kind of state he is in right now? Honest question. Regardless his fight deemed him the number 1 contender and that does allow him the freedom to pass on a fight that is so soon, considering he has a shot that will be later in the year after he is healthy and has had a proper camp. It isn't his fault Belfort got hurt so why should it be his responsibility to step in?

I really am indifferent to this anyways. Sonnen stands only a moderately better chance then Maia in my mind. I could care less if he did fight next month or not, I am just arguing on behalf that everyone seems to be jumping down his throat. If anything I see a fight between Sonnen and Belfort happening mid summer. At worst we see the above average Sonnen get knocked out by the vastly superior Belfort.
Yes this is a much bigger disappointment then Mousasi leaving Strikeforce because Belfort vs. Silva was fight i have been looking forward to for months and know that is ruined and they pass up the three or four fighters that should have the fight against Silva and give it to Maia who doesn't deserve the shot and know this a fight that i don't give a fuck about. Mousasi going to UFC isn't a disappointment i actually like it because that means better fights for me to watch because the UFC has the best talent.

How the fuck is Mousasi possible leaving not more disappointing? Don't you want to see Strikeforce compete with the UFC? I sure as fuck do and Mousasi is a big part of that.

I want to see Belfort fight Silva as much as any of you but honestly if he can't go they should have offered the fight to Sexyama. Why did they go to Maia so fast. It does suck that Sonnen backed out but he has a genuine gripe. He has his number one contenders spot and will get his fight mid summer. You should be blaming the UFC at not putting a better fighter like Sexyama in the fight then condemning the guy who has a shot already.
I disagree, man.

The fact of the matter is Damien Maia fought on the same card, and did so for 15 minutes just like Sonnen did. When asked if he wanted to fight Anderson Silva next month, Maia jumped right at the opportunity. THAT is a warrior. Chael Sonnen, on the other hand, is a little bitch, IMO.

You cannot talk all this trash, and then when the fight's offered to you, decline it. Sonnen claims he barely trains as it is, and that Anderson Silva would be an easy victory for him... so why would a month be too short of notice? The guy is simply a clown who runs his mouth, but doesn't back it up. Also, in doing this, he's letting the fans down. Fans want to see Chael Sonnen vs. Anderson Silva, and now it won't happen because Chael's acting like a chump.

Dana White has to be disappointed. Real fighters, real champions, take fights no matter what. I guarantee BJ Penn would fight Anderson Silva if asked to, because he's a true warrior. Chael Sonnen is nothing more than a sleazeball politician, and if he's going to decline opportunities like this, then he should not be in the sport, plain and simple.

Amen Jmt keep preaching the truth. I don't like Maia but at least he has heart and is a true fighter because a true fighter will take any fight any where and not bitch about i love how Maia seized this opportunity and i agree with Jmt Sonnen is a bitch don't talk shit unless you are going to back it up in the octagon I don't care if you have a week to train if you get a title shot you take it because they are far and few between the real losers in all of this are the fans.

Dana White get rid of Sonnen i want to see fighters in the UFC who have heart and will fight when asked to. There are alot of fighters in the UFC who talk shit like Sonnen does but they will fight and back up there words and i can respect that i have no respect for Sonnen now.
Amen Jmt keep preaching the truth. I don't like Maia but at least he has heart and is a true fighter because a true fighter will take any fight any where and not bitch about i love how Maia seized this opportunity and i agree with Jmt Sonnen is a bitch don't talk shit unless you are going to back it up in the octagon I don't care if you have a week to train if you get a title shot you take it because they are far and few between the real losers in all of this are the fans.

Dana White get rid of Sonnen i want to see fighters in the UFC who have heart and will fight when asked to. There are alot of fighters in the UFC who talk shit like Sonnen does but they will fight and back up there words and i can respect that i have no respect for Sonnen now.

Yeah, get rid of our hottest Middleweight outside of Anderson and Belfort. That makes a whole lot of sense buddy. That's why you aren't in charge of the match making. Also, as much as I don't agree with the shit talk Sonnen did that does create great drama and intrigue for when the fight actually does happen. Is that not what Tito or Penn or Lesnar do before every fucking fight? They all talk shit so settle the fuck down. It isn't like he is pulling a Kalib Starnes and running around the Octagon for 15 minutes.

You guys are really getting bent of shape over nothing. None of those guys anyone has listed are truly deserving of a title fight so don't even use that argument. What the fuck has Wandy done lately? Please tell me. Belcher is an overrated can at best. Maia has no chin and just lost to Marquardt. Marquardt got beat. Okami got beat. Bisping is two fights removed from getting knocked the fuck out by Hendo. Sexyama is the only deserving person for a title shot and he doesn't deserve one either.

Sonnen earned his title fight and earned his break from fighting. He is allowed to get healthy and have a good camp. Just chill the fuck out and watch as Anderson beats the living hell out of Maia or anyone else the UFC throws at him, because my money is that either Anderson gets hurt or Maia gets hurt before this fight anyways.
Yeah, get rid of our hottest Middleweight outside of Anderson and Belfort. That makes a whole lot of sense buddy. That's why you aren't in charge of the match making. Also, as much as I don't agree with the shit talk Sonnen did that does create great drama and intrigue for when the fight actually does happen. Is that not what Tito or Penn or Lesnar do before every fucking fight? They all talk shit so settle the fuck down. It isn't like he is pulling a Kalib Starnes and running around the Octagon for 15 minutes.

You guys are really getting bent of shape over nothing. None of those guys anyone has listed are truly deserving of a title fight so don't even use that argument. What the fuck has Wandy done lately? Please tell me. Belcher is an overrated can at best. Maia has no chin and just lost to Marquardt. Marquardt got beat. Okami got beat. Bisping is two fights removed from getting knocked the fuck out by Hendo. Sexyama is the only deserving person for a title shot and he doesn't deserve one either.

Sonnen earned his title fight and earned his break from fighting. He is allowed to get healthy and have a good camp. Just chill the fuck out and watch as Anderson beats the living hell out of Maia or anyone else the UFC throws at him, because my money is that either Anderson gets hurt or Maia gets hurt before this fight anyways.

I don't know about calling Sonnen one of the hottest middleweights thats a little delusional he's barely a top 10 middleweight even if he's in the top 10 at all the UFC can lose Sonnen and not one person will shed a tear the UFC can find a good middleweight to replace Sonnen. I might not be in charge of matchmaking but i could of picked a much better and more deserving fighter to fight Silva then Maia. Those other people you named do talk shit but they back it up and when they are asked to fight they fight not like Sonnen guys like Penn and Brock will fight anyone and not think twice about it.
Maia will get disgraced by Silva, simple as that, no offense Rizza.
None taken :), sadly I think he will too, this is me from a different thread but I felt it was approiate here
I'm a big as Demian Maia fan you can find, and while a part of me would love to see him get his shot at Silva, the realistic part of me doesn't want to see Maia get destroyed when he can't get the fight to the ground.
I just have to be optomistcic though, I mean besides the legends, (Nog, Couture, Franklin, the Gracies) he really is my favorite fighter, so I try to stay on the positive side, you know what I'm saying?

JMT said:
The fact of the matter is Damien Maia fought on the same card, and did so for 15 minutes just like Sonnen did. When asked if he wanted to fight Anderson Silva next month, Maia jumped right at the opportunity. THAT is a warrior. Chael Sonnen, on the other hand, is a little bitch, IMO.

Hit the nail on the head there man. Sonnen in a punkass.

INDYjon22 said:
I really am indifferent to this anyways. Sonnen stands only a moderately better chance then Maia in my mind.
Whats funny is I actually disagree, Maia is such a bad much up for A Silva its actually kinda crazy.After thinking about it I'm worried that Maia will pull a Thales Leites and but scoot his way to a 5 round loss, but lets hope not. Sonnen on the other hand I could really see laying on Silva and pounding him for five rounds, seriously after his last fights he looks like a very physically strong guy, and I wouldn't put it past me for a decorated wrestler to hold down a striker for five rounds.
I don't know about calling Sonnen one of the hottest middleweights thats a little delusional he's barely a top 10 middleweight even if he's in the top 10 at all the UFC can lose Sonnen and not one person will shed a tear the UFC can find a good middleweight to replace Sonnen. I might not be in charge of matchmaking but i could of picked a much better and more deserving fighter to fight Silva then Maia. Those other people you named do talk shit but they back it up and when they are asked to fight they fight not like Sonnen guys like Penn and Brock will fight anyone and not think twice about it.

Thats bullshit. Penn and Lesnar are smart enough not to take a fight against a top guy on a months time. Your the one who is delusional if you think that. And the fact of the matter is that Sonnen IS then hottest Middleweight in the UFC right now outside of who I have listed. Lets look at his 3 fight win streak shall we. Dan Miller is an up and comer and got beat by Sonnen. Yushin Okami is a highly regarded MW who is the last person to beat Silva and got destroyed by Sonnen. Marquardt has competed for the MW title and got manhandled by Sonnen outside of a few flurries. You delusional if you can't see he is the hottest MW around in the UFC right now. That does not mean I think he deserves a title shot I am just pointing out the facts that you have so diligently looked past.
Thats bullshit. Penn and Lesnar are smart enough not to take a fight against a top guy on a months time. Your the one who is delusional if you think that. And the fact of the matter is that Sonnen IS then hottest Middleweight in the UFC right now outside of who I have listed. Lets look at his 3 fight win streak shall we. Dan Miller is an up and comer and got beat by Sonnen. Yushin Okami is a highly regarded MW who is the last person to beat Silva and got destroyed by Sonnen. Marquardt has competed for the MW title and got manhandled by Sonnen outside of a few flurries. You delusional if you can't see he is the hottest MW around in the UFC right now. That does not mean I think he deserves a title shot I am just pointing out the facts that you have so diligently looked past.

Trust me Penn and Lesnar would take a fight against a top guy in one months time. Lesnar would fight a Mir or Nogueria on a short camp if it meant him getting the belt around his waist. And saying Sonnen is the hottest middleweight is very debateable i mean the only person on that list he has impressed me by beating is Okami. Sonnen is not that good of a middleweight trust me if he fought Bisping he would get destroyed and when Bisping beats Wanderli he should get the title shot not garbage ass Sonnen and i can name at least three other fighters outside of the UFC who would destroy Sonnen because he is a punk and his bark is way worst then his bite.
Trust me Penn and Lesnar would take a fight against a top guy in one months time. Lesnar would fight a Mir or Nogueria on a short camp if it meant him getting the belt around his waist. And saying Sonnen is the hottest middleweight is very debateable i mean the only person on that list he has impressed me by beating is Okami. Sonnen is not that good of a middleweight trust me if he fought Bisping he would get destroyed and when Bisping beats Wanderli he should get the title shot not garbage ass Sonnen and i can name at least three other fighters outside of the UFC who would destroy Sonnen because he is a punk and his bark is way worst then his bite.

I will give you Lesnar because Lesnar is not the smartest guy, but Penn most certainly would not and it is ludacrous to think he would. Name me one MW that is hotter then Sonnen right now, please. Are you sure he would get destroyed by Bisping? Sonnen and Hendo are very similar in style and Hendo made Bisping his little bitch. We aren't talking about outside of the UFC, I have made that abundantly clear throughout this debate. Now if you chose to read those is not my posts then that is your problem. However, if you wanna talk outside the UFC then you are right, there are better opponents then Sonnen.

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