Sidious doesn't enjoy stuff.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I sent him a olive branch shaped PM to ask what he enjoys (wrestling wise). I intend to take the lack of reply as an insult. I even confessed to him my love for Amy Winehouse. I put myself out there in the name of peace between us and he's spit in my face. If things keep going this way, I may need to bust out my spaghetti western-inspired trash talk.

Anywho, since Sid won't answer my attempt to be positive with him, I think we should be positive for him. No reason to dwell on negativity. I'm sure nobody can be a downer 100% of the time. He has to have said something positive during his time here. Does he like AJ Styles, Amy Winehouse, or coffee? I don't know and I need your help. Use this thread to tell me what Sidious enjoys.

I'll start:
-Bobby Heenan
-Jesse Ventura
-Adult content
-Ted Dibiase vignettes
-Having to pay to see quality wrestling and the blowoff to feuds

Now it's your turn to show what you know about the Dark Lord of the WWE Section!
I don't recall getting any such PM. Not sure, but maybe it's because I have you set to Ignore. I still thought the messages were delivered, but maybe not. I clicked on the thread though, since obviously I could see it was about me. But no, I actually didn't get your PM, in all honesty.

That prevents me from getting in conflicts with you. Probably for the best to not have any arguments either between you and I, so I'll probably keep you on Ignore. No offense or anything, but it's the best way not to have any drama come out of it if I don't see what you have to say.

Honestly, though, I am not sure why you are so fascinated by me and you can't just go about your business on the site.
I feel the need to close this chapter in my posting career with make-up sex. You're the Vince to my Bret, and I've decided to finally do the right thing (Read: close my eyes and pretend you're Melina). Be gentle. Only good things will happen.
So I went into my sent PMs and clicked on your name. I got the following message:

This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view.
I'm not sure what's up with this, but I definately send it to the correct Lord Sidious.

I hope I'm not trying to befriend another figment of my imagination.
Also, would someone care to explain to me why mods can ignore people? How the heck is a mod supposed to do his job properly if he can't read all the posts in his section?
So I went into my sent PMs and clicked on your name. I got the following message:

I'm not sure what's up with this, but I definately send it to the correct Lord Sidious.

I hope I'm not trying to befriend another figment of my imagination.

I can only assume that is what comes up when someone has you on Ignore and you try to read the profile.

Also, would someone care to explain to me why mods can ignore people? How the heck is a mod supposed to do his job properly if he can't read all the posts in his section?

I do read your posts. I simply have you on Ignore so it keeps it fresh in my mind that I shouldn't respond to you. I click on "View Post" from you being on Ignore, but having you actually on Ignore makes me stop myself before I am tempted to respond to you. I appreciate your concern for trying to ensure I do my job properly, though, but I think I have that base covered.
I can only assume that is what comes up when someone has you on Ignore and you try to read the profile.
Not even close. I just clicked your profile from... here, and I saw it without any error message.

Methinks the forum may have yet another problem.

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