Sick and tired of the spam warnings


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seriously sick of this and dont care what hapens to my account on here after this,. i am getting messages all the time for absolutely no reason, i comment on someones post, good or bad, and i get spammed cuz i dont put a reason behind it, or if i say one thing that gets off topic i get spammed, isnt this a discussion forum?? and another thing i cant stand is the guys that spam you, for " me apparently getting off topic" is ******ed because the things they have on their names, like for their taglines of people commenting on them or giving them compliments, WHAT THE FUCK does that have to do with the topic at hand? thats called SPAMMING! fuck i hate this place, i try to discuss things with other fans and i get spammed, for nothing, I see tons of people doing the same, wats the problem.. anyways.. pretty sure that sealed the deal for my career here,, till i make a new account.. go blow a goat
Dude relax, they are just warnings. Now I read through some of your posts and from what I saw, somw are spam, some are borderline and some are ok. So what you need to do is chill out, you are not in trouble yet, warnings are just that. Then you need to hone your posting skills a bit more and expound on the topic at hand. Give your posts some depth, they need some meat to them bro. Do those simple things I you'll see the warnings stop. Don't freak out man, this place is the best on the internet in its field, so the spam rules are a little stricter than other places, but they are not unreasonable, so just calm down and happy posting bro.
I got a spam warning once and I wound up being an online wrestling forum administrator.

Don't you want to be an online wrestling forum administrator?
Senior Angel's got the idea.

But seriously, if you can't follow rules then hit the bricks.
EVERYONE'S gotten a spam warning or infraction. EV-ERY-ONE. Including Slyfox. We all make mistakes. It's how you correct them that's important.

Face facts... this forum is neat, organized, and the best on the internet. Why? Because we have RULES. If everyone reads those rules and follows them, everyone wins.

Obviously, the rest of you lose... or we just call you losers ;)
EVERYONE'S gotten a spam warning or infraction. EV-ERY-ONE. Including Slyfox. We all make mistakes. It's how you correct them that's important.

This, so much of this. Oh and that, no just this.

Having the ability to see the amount of warnings and infractions given to people, some had me seriously surprised to see that they are moderators, or former moderators and have quite a bunch of warnings or infractions.

Hell I got 3 warnings for spamming, 1 infraction for spamming, and a duplicate topic warning.
I think I gave you all of those... right, Ferbs?? :lmao:

You never once warned or infracted me.

Xfear gave me all the warnings, on my first 2 weeks on the forum (2 on the first day, left annoyed for 2 weeks to return and get the 3rd). Then Lee infracted me for spamming in the Digitals and Graphics section, because I thought it was a Spam zone due to the Request section and it actually saying "Post-count off"

And Norcal gave me the warning for duplicate topic.
man i feel you pain i got baned twice but you just gota pick a post where u know exactly what you want to say i learned that the hardway.
Lee just infracted me today for posting a thread in the wrong forum but it was my bad. I admit that was my bad and it won't happen again (hopefully). You just have to learn how to improve and not make the same mistakes.

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