ShowMiz the modern day team of Diesel & HBK?


Dark Match Winner
When they first got paired together, I started thinking it. Now, as their run as Unified Tag Champions continues, I can see it even more. This team reminds me of the Shawn Michaels and Diesel team of the mid 90's. You have The Miz portraying the role of Shawn Michaels, who is the self proclaimed "star" of the team. He's the mouthpiece of the team for the most part, and is also a mid card singles champion (HBK was IC Champ).

I have a feeling that the WWE is using the former team as a blueprint for this pairing. I think in the near future, there will be a rift (possibly started tonight on RAW?) and eventually a split where Miz kind of gets bumped up to the main event.

Any one else have any thoughts on this?
Are you seriously comparing the miz to Shawn Michaels maybe the greatest wrestler of the past 50 years. What in the high hell are you smoking? The only reason miz has held any title is because vinny mac likes his personality john cena is a better technical wrestler than the miz. I don't mind if you are a fan of the miz, but don't you EVER EVER EVER compare him to The Showstopper, The Icon, The Main Event SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!!!!
I know what you think, the miz isn't comparible to HBK, and he difinitely isn't, your right. But who knows, in the future, The Miz can be one of the best in WWE. WWE is pushing a lot of young faces right now.
hmmm idk i see how u can compare the two teams The Miz is cocky & stuff & so was HBK in his day HBK had Charisma & The Miz eh... well hes gettin there he has something cause to be honest u kinda love to hate the guy or hate to hate the guy whatever lol & the big show is the powerhouse the "Big Guy" of the group & so was Diesel PLUS both members have a unique character about them... both the teams of ShoMiz & HBK & Diesel. so yeah, i can see how u can make comparisons
Are you seriously comparing the miz to Shawn Michaels maybe the greatest wrestler of the past 50 years. What in the high hell are you smoking? The only reason miz has held any title is because vinny mac likes his personality john cena is a better technical wrestler than the miz. I don't mind if you are a fan of the miz, but don't you EVER EVER EVER compare him to The Showstopper, The Icon, The Main Event SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!!!!

i agree with you on that dude, HBK and Big Kev were awesome they had the it factor to tag teams. Kevin and Shawn were just like there name 2 dudes with attitudes. back in the day people Kevin Nashes size you were afraid of. It took an experienced wrestler or a bigger guy to beat them. Now nobody is afraid of somebody like the big show. Also i know this is off topic but Miz is awesome on the mike and is a great wrestler but i think he could out wrestle John Cena any day and besides i said it before and i will say it again the next shawn michaels is the Guru of Greatness John Morrission Miz is just another Jannetty who got lucky
As far as mic skills and flat out being entertaining goes miz could never even hold shawns jockstrap. Watching shawn do the sumo dance while in a match with yokozuna is priceless,Making fun of tatanka's indian heritage, His promo where he stated that he did not sleep with that young intern he was up all night. Hell even when he was doing commentary and someone mentioned bret hart and he stated"who the hell is that? some mid-carder",Miz has never or will never say or do anything that entertaing. One more thing before I go would you honestly pay 54.95 to watch Miz vs The Undertaker? Really Really
When they first got paired together, I started thinking it. Now, as their run as Unified Tag Champions continues, I can see it even more. This team reminds me of the Shawn Michaels and Diesel team of the mid 90's. You have The Miz portraying the role of Shawn Michaels, who is the self proclaimed "star" of the team. He's the mouthpiece of the team for the most part, and is also a mid card singles champion (HBK was IC Champ).

I have a feeling that the WWE is using the former team as a blueprint for this pairing. I think in the near future, there will be a rift (possibly started tonight on RAW?) and eventually a split where Miz kind of gets bumped up to the main event.

Any one else have any thoughts on this?

The Miz and Big Show remind you of HBK/Diesel? They are nothing alike. The only similarity I see is that Miz is the mouthpiece, as you said. Outside of that, no similarities.

First of all, Big Show is the veteran, and Miz is the up and comer. While Nash (the "big guy" of the group) had some experience in the business, HE was the rookie, not Michaels. And Michaels was not a REAL veteran, he was also on the way up.

Shawn Michaels and the Miz have nothing in common besides being cocky on the mic.... that's it. That's the only similarity. Michaels had unlimited potential for in ring ability back then, and I don't believe Miz has anywhere near as a high of ceiling as Michaels did. Michaels was a quick, fast guy, and Miz...well, I don't know what his style is yet really. Both Miz and HBK are talented on the mic, but that doesn't translate to them being anywhere NEAR equal inside the ring.

When Michaels and Diesel broke up, BOTH rose quickly. Diesel became World Champion before Michaels, and dominated the WWF for the better part of 1995. You seem to be saying Miz will get a push like Nash did, and then the Big Show will wait a year to get his? Not sure where that idea is going.

But the biggest problem I see with your logic has to do with the Big Show. Nash and HBK were together so BOTH would be pushed into the main event, not just one. Big Show has main evented for years, and is slowing down. His holding of a heavyweight championship days are over. I think the Big Show is being used to help put Miz over. This has no real upside for the Big Show, except for the fact that he actually has something to do (so he won't become Kane).

So, I guess I agree with you that Miz is the mouthpiece and Big Show is the muscle. But outside of that, I see no connection to HBK/Diesel.
The only thing I would say in Miz's defence here is, unlike HBK, he's come through in the era where every single move of every single match is worked out in advance so everyone can have a basic WWE style match with anyone else (except for people like Koslov, they suck beyond belief) where as HBK was brought up in the age of working on the fly with only the finish, the time and a few high spots known in advance. HBK is one of the best ever, no question, I just think it's quite scary that, if he'd come through now instead of back in the 80s-early 90s then there's a very good chance, with his size, he would be a mid-card wrestler who wasn't allowed to pull off half the stuff he can and deffo not be able to show the undeniable charisma that he has in the current product. I'm not saying Miz would ever be able to reach the levels that HBK has in the ring or character-wise, I just think, with his level of experience and clear locker room hatred when he first started, I find it amazing he's so far along and deffo deserves massive credit for being one of the few "upwardly mobile" wrestlers who seems to improve and get a genuine reaction from the crowd (kind of like a circe 1992-93 HBK when he had duff feuds with "The Model" or "Tatanka" that people reacted to for him but the matches were so f'n drab!)

That said I don't think ShowMiz is the new Two Dudes as, like has been said, Show isn't Diesel, he isn't new, he isn't cool, he's too fat to be a believable monster, he is just the Raw version of Kane, where he's there to kind of move along a up and coming talent and give them the rub towards the main event.

I'd personally love Miz to win the Money In The Bank shot at the MITB PPV (with help from the Big Show) and capture the title (even for an hour). Character-wise, could you imagine the heat that could draw from the fans?
Are you seriously comparing the miz to Shawn Michaels maybe the greatest wrestler of the past 50 years. What in the high hell are you smoking? The only reason miz has held any title is because vinny mac likes his personality john cena is a better technical wrestler than the miz. I don't mind if you are a fan of the miz, but don't you EVER EVER EVER compare him to The Showstopper, The Icon, The Main Event SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!!!!

This is one of the main problems I have with certain fans of today's business.

The more you guys continue to idealize past legends and generations of the business, the harder it is for guys like The Miz and Sheamus to come up and be huge stars, in order to pass the torch to the next generation of stars. Some of you act like the WWE ended last night.

It's a different era, and we're witnessing a new style of entertainment. We have guys like John Cena, HHH, Batista, and Randy Orton who are the current generation, faces of the industry. Then we have The Miz, Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, and all the guys on NXT who are the future.

The WWE finally understood that they need to be focusing on the future of the business. If they don't, they'll just turn into TNA, where their main focus is the '70s, '80s generation, and it makes for boring television. We don't need to see Ric Flair or Hulk Hogan wrestling anymore.

On that note, I think the Miz is being built to be the next major star of the business. They're doing everything right with him. He could very well be the "next" Shawn Michaels, or John Cena could be the "next" Hulk Hogan. These guys come out every single night and work their asses off, and last night, they finally got their effort's worth.

I really would compare The Miz' career with an early Shawn Michael's career.
Are you seriously comparing the miz to Shawn Michaels maybe the greatest wrestler of the past 50 years. What in the high hell are you smoking? The only reason miz has held any title is because vinny mac likes his personality john cena is a better technical wrestler than the miz. I don't mind if you are a fan of the miz, but don't you EVER EVER EVER compare him to The Showstopper, The Icon, The Main Event SHAWN MICHAELS!!!!!!!

I don't think he's comparing The Miz to HBK what I think he means is as a tag team they kind of compare. Look at the similarity's Nash is close to 7 feet tall Big Show is 7 feet tall, both The Miz and HBK are around the same height. Both Miz and HBK were the mouthpeice of both teams and were apart of another successful tag team before the joined Desiel and Show. HBK was the I.C champ while he was 1/2 of the tag team champs with Desiel, the Miz is the U.S. champ while he is 1/2 of the Unified tag team champs with Show.
I'm not saying that this team is a carbon copy of HBK and Diesel, I'm saying that this team is based on it. Instead of using the tag team to propell two guys, it's being used to propell one, The Miz. But if you look at the make up of the team, it resembles HBK and Diesel.

You have a loud mouth, cocky, arrogant guy and a giant enforcer who backs up all of the cocky guy's words.

The Miz has the US Title and is seen as the focal point of the team, as was HBK.

More often than not, the big man has to use his size to save his smaller partner who bites off more than he can chew.

Last night on RAW, we saw Big Show upset with Miz wanting to face the Hart Dynasty.

I think that the end result of this team, will do the same that the end result of the HBK and Diesel team did. It'll push the loud mouth to be a top dog in the company.

And I'm not comparing Miz to HBK. I'm comparing what seems to be their rise to the top.

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