Former five-time WCW tag champ Buff Bagwell visited my aunts' holiday "Burger and Bean Blast" and chatted with King Gremlin.
He commented on the rampant rumors about him coming to TNA. "I don't know who started them, but (the rumors) are totally false. I have not been contacted by TNA. If they did call, I'd answer (even if it was collect) and listen."
Bagwell was last on the big stage in 2001 in the WCW. Since then he's done some independent circuit work but admits he wants to get back on the big stage.
When asked if not TNA what about the WWE, his face lit up. "I'd love to join them so much I'd work for free!"
Check out the full article here.
So, the question is, would you like to see him back, and would he be successful? I started a thread awhile back, about what could of been if he hadn't been released from WWE back in '01. The best years of his life, he's been out of Wrestling, he was only 30 back then. But would I like to see him back? Hell yeah. Even just for nostalgia effect. Theres very few WCW guys left, so it would be refreshing to see him there. And the surprising thing is he'd rather go to WWE than TNA where all the WCW guys are. But anyways, he was always different, I would assume he'd be a little humble for being out of main stream, I believe it would work. If he did sign and won any title, it would be one hell of a comeback. Thoughts?